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<br /> __"___._—___._..n�.�.. eWa�wr�n.�✓t�.oiaiw�uws��r�sn.s.�.aM.YM��t.rt.lr�.�._1.:.�:.,.:��'.��C�.I.�•.n. �_w-.._..�..-w.-.f '_._�. . ., "-
<br /> ____� - . • j��p �• —
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<br /> 4- - - � cmnckmnnticx�or oth�r taking of any part of tha�tty.or for conveymxx in lieu af ccxxlemnxtta�,ure herctsy assf��ed a�zd.
<br /> �..,�..�`��"�� eha11 be pn[d to Lender.
<br /> `-=--_-=-_-- - !n the evsnt a£ ai ta�al takin� of the P�uperty, the praceeds siiaU �o applied to th�e4�n9¢esurcd by this Securiry
<br /> _=I� Inseru�ntnt.whethct c►7 nn1 tl►e�due.with nny cxcess�SaEd tv Eiarrawer. In the e+wer��of a�ra�t ial taki�ng oF the Froperty In =_.
<br /> :°"'��ia°°•� w6icU the fftir maske� vatue of thx Pr�opeaty immediutely before thx talcing is e�ua�oo�r gc�nter then th�amount�of the rr�ms ---_
<br /> -- - seeuted by this Securety L�strument immediate{y hefarc the tuking,unlwss Bonower und Lende�otEs2ptv'asc agtec in w�tis�g,
<br /> -��-;:.:�.�,�
<br /> --_---�— th�sums 6ecured by thts Security lnstnunent sha!!be�rduced by thE amount of the procads multipl�ed by the foflowllt� -
<br />-.ir�ae:-:—su—
<br /> '`""`�'�'°� fi:cdon: (a)the tutal amaunt of�he�»mv secuned immediately before the tulcing.divIded by(ts)the fuir market value o4'ti►�:
<br /> --
<br /> -��-� Property inunedt�ttly befom the wlcing. Any 6alanoe shall be paid to �otrcower. In the event uf u parttnl ta�cing of the
<br /> __-:��:�'�'� Pnaperty in�shich the fiur market vnlue of the Pcoperty immediately ixCi�t�i,'�e tctklnb I�i��,`�+�r+ th�a�staunt at the sumr
<br /> _=-.v�•,�� secured im�nedintely before the wking.unless Borrow�r and Lende�oShenvjsE ngree in writ�ng ot unless upplira6le !aw
<br /> ---;p�;�;-��- otherwise pravldes.the proceeds shall be apQ9ied to the sums secuced by this Security�nswmenY whetiu:r or not the sum5 are
<br /> -.,.,.,:;�„�>>�,,r� then due.
<br /> ;�ti= �..::,;•;1;�•.
<br /> '.:�.,...:.•,.�� it the 1'toperty is nbandaned by Bomnwer.or if.after notice by l.ender to Borrower thnt th$condernnor offeis to make
<br /> ;,; ' � an award ar settle a cLaim for damuges,Bormwer fails to r�;pond ro Lender within 30 duys aRer the date the notice is given, �_ _
<br /> - , ;`t' Lender is uuthorized to collect and apply the pmceeds.ut its optIon,elther to restoration or repair of the Property or to the
<br /> � sums secured by this Sccurity Insttumen��vhether or rtat then due.
<br /> ` � Unless L.ender and Borrower ath�sv�ise agree tn�vritin�.any applicadon of praceeds co priuciPal shall noi extend or
<br /> - postpane the dice dan�of ub�e monthly pay�a:�nts neferred to in pararagra�s�rs 1 and 2 or change the arnau,�t of sac6 payments.
<br /> 11. �a�nca�r I�¢� LBeb:asac0; 1Pa�ASe I�p ILeade� t�afi a Waiver. Bxtension of�iar �isme f.ac payment or �_-
<br /> '% modtfication of amortir�io�z af ttte sums secvred by ttr.i.s Sc�rricy Ins�ent ganted by Lernde�w��Y'�uccessar in interes3 : .
<br /> of Bomower st�ati noi operate to ce[case the ifabiGty af dte ori,giaal Y3orrower or Bormwer�suc�ces.s�rs iim•inte�+¢s3.Lersder
<br /> shall not tre r.equired to commence pmrcedings ugau►st any successor in intenst or cefusE tQ eatend ttme for payment or ..-.,_
<br /> otherwise modify amortization of�he sur�ts secured by this Security�s-�ument by c�eason of any de�x►and made by the original
<br /> Borro�ver or Bomnwer8 successois in ueteres�. Any forbearartce by Il.ertder in exer�cising any unghe or remEdy shalt not be a
<br /> ' waiver af or preclude the exercise of nny right or remedgr.
<br /> =s�r ,' 12. Suocessors suid Asst�ns Bound;doint aocm�ecall.isbU�ty;Co-sfgnees. 'H4e covenants and agroee�n.^�,ts of this �=�
<br /> su
<br /> ';v�`�` " ° Security Inswment s�ald b�i.nd and benefit the succ�a�and assigns of I.ertder a�d�omnwer.subject to t14e p�cwis{ons of �u_
<br /> %;�;{,. p:uagraph 17. Boirower's rnvenants and agreements s14s1! be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-sig�s cCris Securicy -
<br /> ��..•-•-__-
<br /> " - Insuument tcae¢d�es�ot eaecute the Note: (a)is casigning this Secu�eity Instrument only to mortgag,e.gtant and eonvey eha�t __
<br /> �;,: " ' Boirower�ivace4est ire the Property under the tertns of this Securiry Im.�te�i►teenr. (b)is aot personally obligated to pay c�az sr�caxs
<br /> "���;" ' secured by ttens Secuv�my D�emument;and(c)agrees than�.emder art��on1 nther Borrower may agree to extend,mod'sfy.gm�ar
<br /> :;;r"`�. or make any accomrmad.aeions with regard to the ternRns�rnf this Security Insttument or the IVote without that �oiautLer�s
<br /> ;'•'i��f�' , consent
<br /> �`�'� '-%,r_ 13. Y�m�e Chacges. If the loan secur+ed by this S�rurity �nsYrument is subject to a law which seu murcu�um loaa
<br /> . � . . charges,aas!nLzat law�is finally interpreted w that the interext or other ioan charges wiia:tcJ v, tv t,�wtia.-i�ci in.�,'usc."'`...%.• °
<br /> , " with the loan exceed the pemutted limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the arrnau�nt necessary to reduae —__-
<br /> the charge to the perre�itt¢dl limit;and(b)any sums already collected from Borrnwer which exceededl�em»tted limits wiU be ��:
<br /> '�:'�� refurtded to Borrower. [.emfller may choose to make th6s refemd by reducing the prirecipal owed une+�r t�ee NoY¢or�r�y making a ;;;:-,"
<br /> direct ent to Borao�°er. If a refund reduces rincn ai,the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayme�s a'athout any �`.�
<br /> --''�i'� „ �� p � �;:��, -
<br /> prepayment charge under the Note. '�'{%4t':``'"':.
<br /> �..: )
<br /> • 14. Notices. Any notice to Bomower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by =_
<br /> • �� mailing it by fust class mail unless applicable law requires ust�'aetdt:f::r method.7'he notice shall be directed to ihe Property _�
<br /> y� , Address or any other address Borrower designates by nodce to Leea�er. My notice to Lender shall be given by first class
<br /> ;;�4 mail to Lender's addness stated herein or any other address Lender dtsignates by notir¢to Born�wer. Any notice�rovided for
<br /> in this Securit� Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lendcr ahen given as pro►ided in this
<br /> :��c��' ParaBraPh.
<br /> " 15. Governing I.aw;Severab[lity. This Security Inswment shall be govemed by fecAzral iaw and the law of the •.
<br /> . jurisdiction in which the Property is lacated. In the event that any provision or clause of this See���sty Insuument or the Note
<br /> ;5�,; conflicis with applicable law,such contlict shall not affect other provisions of this Security In�¢�::nent or the Note which can ,
<br /> `'�`�`�' �e given effect without tbe canflicting provision. To this end the provisions of thi. Securitv. Onstrument and the Note aze ;:�1r�r,;':;;
<br /> ,r.,..
<br /> declaced to be severable. �``�'; .'„� '
<br /> t.,,;::;,:.r:
<br /> , � 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Notc and uf eP���Securiry Insuument. ',f�,t:;�,,,;. ,.
<br /> , 17. 7t�anster of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in BorroweP If all or any parc oE q:h�Propeny or any interest in �t_�,{l}•f
<br /> it is sold or transfemed(or if a bertcficial intrre�t in Borrower iti tiold or transferred and $orc�vwer is not a natural person)
<br /> without L,ender's prior written consent.Lender may,at it�option.reyuire immed'eat�payment in full of all sums secu�d by ��:..'.
<br /> �� tfiis Security Instrument. However,this option�hall not be exercised by Lender iff er�trise is pmhibited by federal law as of f�:..�.1.
<br /> t0�e date of this Security dr�>�rument. �•��%'�' .
<br /> :li'J: !f fl.�e.��^r exercisr+c6��,option.Lender shall gicz 13anower rtRta�e of acceleration. The notice shall provide a period of �
<br /> � not less tlhan 3�aays from the date the notice is deli�•er�st or manl��1�.�:°hin whirh Borrower mu�t pay all sums secured by the. �
<br /> ' Security Gns:turc�znt. If Borrou�er failt to pa�• thr.e �ums prior w :`:e expirotion of thiti period. Lender may invoke arey
<br /> ;�° �entedies petenitted by this Security[n.trum�nt�+irthuLt �?ureher notice or demand on Barrower. ti
<br /> ,�f,..�? .: 18. Borrower's R6,gQ�t So Reinsta¢e. If P:E.:c���r.zr meets certain cunditiom. Borrower shall have the right ro have :�?j•
<br /> e�forcement of this Secu:rccc. lnstrument di.cc�a:iee�z�1 :::uz)'time priur to the earlier of: (a)5 dayti lor�uch ather period as (,�•..•,"
<br /> . ,,i.`;. ;�•�;• -
<br /> .i Singlr Frm�Iy--ff:mace 18ar ffredc➢�e lfac C\IF<)R\t[tiSTRC'\tIiVT••Cmfumi Co�enan�. 9/qp rp,rq�d nf n�u2�c�
<br /> � �fs% �
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