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<br /> ��411rr mxm�t�"� ��5� r r • � ,�f� . i- �1F �, '����.r� •�`�i ���'t' � 4' ^Yy Jx — —
<br /> ...,.�.�.e. , . - .•'' ` � •�'(j• � �44: a.l'��
<br /> 1[. - — — '�i�r.1'�,� ��'H;e.�•R 4ilJ$ �'� Ni .
<br /> ,-.r�.�'-�"� �...''i--c�i,V:=,:".�.� i - .�rr ,/,-: r!},., ... e.°;_ _ :L ..... ---
<br /> � ���
<br /> - - --- . -- .._.......
<br /> . :.Y�Jn.��'--, r-., I - .. '� -� �_r�L:�u�..0.,.
<br /> 'r �i'���� .�1!lr:a-ne.a�
<br /> .{'� . 's-' s..:" r -r�t+^ F� .a.. _
<br /> �: • . �... . '. .�:i.'ii�.f'i�� •� n . _ _ - .._�__�..
<br /> � __.
<br /> �'- -��. - .. .- _.
<br /> --_-_—
<br /> � :���4f+6. +dr1�NMW�M�IWNUr.wrrrm:�=. ..h_.............._....:.._.:__-'_ _.��_.--.--_
<br /> . . -" , va�r.'��....-•--- '
<br /> . ..............yu..r ��v._�—
<br /> . _. ��r�M'L�M�i� � � . _ " . . .. ' i — __—_-_'
<br /> � . - -�V������ _
<br /> �-�;::�;�;F�;;�� (c�� da3.ivc�� tdq Truetee d writ�en � - __
<br /> __ __YW,r7...._ ..
<br /> �+ d�eL.��atii.on o� dQEa�i� and demanfl Por aale, _
<br /> �;,�t.����.:� x
<br /> - h a�l� � cv�iti4:Qa rao�:3.a� o� dof�uZt and eleatiie�n
<br /> '=-•fa±:._��.�::._• +
<br /> t� aaupa �suo�car'a i.ntBra�� in the psap��ty ����
<br /> _- ':,-.'''�': u to be oald, �bich notiae �rugt�o athall a�.u�a ----_- _
<br /> ,.5-
<br /> to �e 8uly xileQ fiar reaoral ix� t3ne a��Cic�fal `—,` - -
<br /> —_-�F,;.��y;' —
<br /> rc�aorde o� the aountiy in whiaY► �he pr�Pertiy �_ ______
<br /> `-,u,.;.= �����_�' i.g locate�. -
<br /> A
<br /> .•\i:.'J:
<br /> - . ;;. ,{�;-�.� 12 e Fozeclosure b Power o� Sale. 9hould Henefic�.ary eleat
<br /> �°�-{•- = ���;��= to forealase y exerc ae a t e power o� sale her�in contained, �s;��.�-
<br /> r �?���u:r;��� Benefi.aiary shall aoti£y T�tuetes and eh�ll de�aoai� w3.�h T�ustes �y''- �_
<br /> '�"��'�;;'°�'-�;�;i; this DeeEl of Trust �nd the �ctote aad auch receip�s and evidenae af __ .___
<br /> -' `� �''��� expenditurea made and sacured herelay as Trustee may require, and _____ - -
<br /> ;`�:�.,: �. . upoa request of tt►e Bensficiary, tch� TzusL•ee sha13. file for �=�-='�'='',_
<br /> reaoxd, in the Register of peeds of�3ce in the Coun�y where the �'°--'�"
<br /> _ ; praparty is locatcrd, a notic�s o� default, setting forth the name ����:_�
<br /> '�• �' of the Trustor, the Book and Page o� Document No. of this Daed of --
<br /> �����:`�{�.'.��> �� Truet as recorded in said Register of Deeds offiae, the 1eqa1 `"�'
<br /> � • � desaription of the above-described reai estate and that a breach �_�
<br /> of an obligatfon, for which said real estate ��as conveyed ae � ''"
<br /> :i';�.� . � � ,., _—
<br /> �'�� `� security, has occurxed, and settinq fosth the na�ure of such
<br /> �: r:;� . . . ,,e.,:;;�
<br /> '�'�� . breach and the Trustee's election to sell the real estate to ���::�'��-:,�---
<br /> � ��..�
<br /> '• . , satisfy the obligationf and after the lapse of not less than one ..'-;���•��=- --
<br /> • . . (1) month, the Truate� shall give written notiae of the time and � � -�_ _
<br /> , ': " place of sale �ahich may be between 9:00 a.m. and 5 p.m. at the �r �;��;�
<br /> premises, or at the Courthouse in the Coua��r e�herein such praperty �;„'�t�•.��
<br /> �.`�-":?;',;,�� is lxated, desaribing the property to b� sold by its leqal ":'_
<br /> ' �'� � ' � .___. desaription, said notice to be pulbZished in a neevspaper of ' �
<br /> ?� - ,
<br /> .
<br /> � �� general circulation in the Count� �ffierein such pxoperty is
<br /> ;
<br /> located, once a week for five (5� cc�nsecutive we�hs, the last - � . ,:�
<br /> � ' .' publication to be at least ten (10) days, but no� more than ' ,
<br /> " ., thirty (30) days, prior to �he sale= and the Trust�e shall th�n •,
<br /> � sell said property at ttae time and place designs��d in the � .
<br /> notice, in the manner provaded by ].aw in effecti at the time of
<br /> � �a';; filinq safd notic�, a�t pszblic auction to the highest bidder for ,,.:;
<br /> . "���, cash and shall degi�rer t� such purchaser a deed to the property �, .:;�;.,
<br /> •��•`•'� Y';� „ sold, consistent wi�h the l�w in ef fect at the time. ��.a�q�
<br /> � ���n �:t'�� .; ' . �.' '��Y��
<br /> � � , �,r��::` Upon receipt rnf �ayment of �tne price bid� Trustee shall ��/
<br /> ,t�'�``"` del�vor �o the purclhaser, Trust�e°� �eed conveying the property •• ��°.`�
<br /> iCt:{ • . „
<br /> .'ll:�::. '
<br /> ;'��:;,' sold. Recitals in th� Truste�'s d�ec3 shall be prirna facie evi- ,
<br /> , , dence of the truth of the stta��ments made therein. TruRtee shall i . .
<br /> apply the proaeeds of the �a�� in the followin order: (a) to r'�N�'� , . �
<br /> g ����, ,
<br /> all reasonable costs and expenses of the sale, including but not i'>:�'�` �
<br /> limited to, Trustee°s fees of not more than 1 .5$ of the gross � ' •. •'"�'�� s-:
<br /> „ sal� price, reasonable attorney fees and costs of title evidencef i - �, =,�'�::��:��..
<br /> ,:����, . � (b) to all sums secured by this Deed of Trustj and (c) the f_,+;..:ti; "� ��'`�-'-:. .
<br /> ''<��.�'�� excess, if aay, to the person or persons l�g�lly entitled thereto. :�
<br /> �•�,.�' �4,'. .
<br /> Rrt�i person, including Benef aciary, r.:ay purchase said proper�y at i �.
<br /> �aic� sale. � '
<br /> l, ��:: .
<br /> The person conductirag �t'�se sale may, for any cause he or she �
<br /> deems expedient, postpon� tti�� sale from time to time untiZ it ; .
<br /> shall be completed anc�, in every such case, notice of pos�pone- ,
<br /> mea� shall be giv�n �;,r publiC declaration thereof by st��h person
<br /> at L.h� time and pla�e last appointed for the sale; r�a�ri.ded, if .
<br /> � the sale is postpon�d for lonqer than one (11 day Y��ypnd the date ',
<br /> designated .�n the notice of sale, notice tF�ereof sPnall be e yven �.
<br /> bn ithe s�ae manner as the a�riginal �►otice of sale.
<br /> i3. Remedies LZTot Exclusive. 2rustee and Sen�ficiary, a�zd
<br /> each of them, sha3ll be entitled ta enforce payment and perfarcnance
<br /> �- -�-- -�
<br /> --__- vi any indei�Ledne�� vz �i�iiyaiivii bCirYiC(1 11GLGfJ�/ aa�u i.�, cnci.�.ioc
<br /> all rights and poc�rers under this Deed of Trust or under any loan
<br /> . instrument or otY�er agreement or any laws now or hereafter
<br /> enforced, notwithstanding some or all of the indebt�dn�ss and
<br /> obliqations secured hereby which may now or hereafter he other-
<br /> " � wise secur�d, whether by mortgage, deed of trust, pledgeo lien,
<br /> assiqnment or otherwise. Neither the acc�ptance of this Deed of
<br /> Trust nor its enforcement, whether by court action or pursuant to
<br /> th� power of sale or other powers herein contained, shall preju-
<br /> � dice or in any manner affert Trustee•s or Beneficiary's riqht to
<br /> . � realize upon or enforce any other secur?ty naw or hereafter held
<br /> , f
<br /> -4- r
<br /> , � - -
<br />