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<br /> , � i,
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<br /> The Gra�tee eh�ll� req��.ir¢ i�:s contractor tl� Any of hie aubcontrnctorw to
<br /> � ��rry regular C�ntractor•s F�.hJl�.r Llsbillty arad ProDerty f�amsga Zn�ur�nce t�o '
<br /> ' � apec���ed 3�� rcdaY�1�A9.4 Pal�e� tfiui�in. �� �FR �b6A pxavid�ng fex �. l.l�mit af not
<br /> -° - — � leas titsr� �'ive d:�m�lx2.d T�.amar�cd t�ol3Ars ($�Q0.0oo} for ail c1em�Aes arileAnB out -. __.
<br /> � of bodily injuries to or 8¢ath.a� ons peseon, en¢:s�bject to that limit for each �
<br /> � � pe�so�, a total limit of not less than One MdiX�.Aoa �ollare (S1.00A.000) for all ___ _
<br /> �
<br /> -°o— datnages arieing out og h�dilq in�uries t�.os death of two or more persona in sny
<br /> - --- accident and psoviditt� fos a 13mit af.not loss than.Five Hundrad Thouaand
<br /> --_= Dollars (�500.000� for all dainag�s to os d�s�truction of propsrt.y in any on�
<br /> ���=� accident and aubject to that 13m�t a totai (ox a$$regate) limit of nat less tht�n
<br /> _,.�;,,���r�` < .
<br /> ..�.��:�.,,•,,,,: ...
<br /> ---�--�Fm�"� pae Mi.11ion Bollars (31,000,000) fos all damage.s Co os deatauction of property
<br /> °���;;v,��"•�t during the golicy per�tod. A certified copy oE tL�a �olicy praviding said _
<br /> �f�s�4r�1
<br /> _.���G:1��J�ui`,.�.
<br /> ;��;��.'q�';�� Contractos•s Yublic Liabilitq an�d Property Damage Ineurance executed by a -
<br /> _:�,:•`�'sa.�;��j.,.
<br /> -';��}.;` ••' '•�''>� coa�gosation ualified to write the same ia� the State in which the work io to ba
<br /> ;:.,:,� ,��; q
<br /> - -'',::�;:�:_r'. ��` � �s, r �?hn7.1 be delivered
<br /> •�++-:=,tf�.,�:� ` pariormed, iri form ana su�,e�aac� aatisfacta ta � .sr�ntor, .
<br /> '�' �� '°''� " to and appso�ed by the Grantor psior to the eatry upon or use of the GranLOr's .
<br /> -��..,
<br /> :r:4 n<r)�i�t•�'
<br /> , -•i�.�`:�i�t5• - -
<br /> ;'lr•i};i•�.
<br /> �� `:;��;`,� ` paog�ertq bq the Contracio+�.
<br /> The Grantee shall re�uire its contractor or any of its subcontractvrs to
<br /> casry a Business Autoir�bile Insurance Policy or equivalent policq with miaimum _;�
<br /> limits of one m�[llion dollare ($1,000�000) for bodily in,�ury and property damage _
<br /> �� ger occurrence oa all vehicles which the contractor or subcontractors, their -:_
<br /> rc:-'
<br /> . !� -
<br /> �. � agents or employees mag use at any tfine in connection with the performance of ��-„
<br /> 7.'�'
<br /> � �•
<br /> � the work on this project. A �ertified copy of the policy providing said _
<br /> Business Automobile Insurance executed by a corporatian qualified to write the `
<br /> . ';;:,�: same in the state in whith the work is to be performed. ia form and substance �
<br /> ,. , satisfactary to the Company. shall be delivered �o and approved by tEie Companq
<br /> :.•�:,� ,
<br /> . ..,'.•;;.��. prior to the entry upon or use of the Company's property by the Contractor. . .
<br /> The Grantee shall require its contractor or any of its subcontractors to '
<br /> ' carry Worker's Compensation Insurance as required by State Law and Sections
<br /> .. ti_.
<br /> �;,�•"•; , 10i.12 and 107.13 of the "State of Nebraska, Department of Roads 1985 Standard
<br /> ' Specifications for Highway Construction" or any supplements or amendments I
<br /> �
<br /> -_- . - inereio. �
<br /> 6. Fiber optic cable systems may be buried on the Grantor•s property. �:
<br /> �..
<br /> The Grantee or its contractor(s) shall telephone the Grantor at 1-800-336-9193 „
<br /> (a 24 hour number) to determine if fiber optic cable is buried anywhere on the '
<br /> .. . -3-
<br /> t
<br />