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<br /> --�-M��9� �i»Property ie ao taken or denR�asl,Lericier thatl 9�avo tiie opt[on,tn Ite�to nn��f�§41u��dl�oretlon.to apply Nt euch PraaMde, �
<br /> ___ •,; �y��T -- ait�►4eduattnptheretrom a�t eoaU and ox�enxos Ucurred by tt ln�camzeotton wtth such Proce�d�.upon Any Ind�btsdn�so recurrd
<br /> * ��� herYby and tn suah arder ae Lender may det��mine,or ta appfy ail�u�rh'.Ptaceede,after�uah deduotlona,to th�rwmration oi t�tt+
<br /> - -�--�^� PropeAy ugeon suah condiUons as Lender m�y determine.Any applloRtiRn.of Procesda to indabtedne�a ahall not extend or postpone ;
<br /> r'��, � �„�. :, .
<br /> �J,,�, the 9ue dn4�ot any paymsate un6or i�Q Nota,ar oure ae►y detauit th�tpurtdsr or hvreurtder.Any unappNed furtds aheil be ptld to
<br /> _ 1ius4or.
<br /> _.'�;.;��,,;.,;"'a"�'s^";� 8. PaAom�sne�by L�nmar.tlpon the oecurrenee of en Evsnt of Oefautthereunder.or it any aot le teken a le{pi pr�sedEny
<br /> -..n:�::: commenced�htaij ma4eriaity afiec�a LsndsP'o I�tcrcaY fr�fha Pro�s;Ry,l.cnd�r may tn t:�orm diccrctlon,hUt rrithn»t oblln±!�t4en to do
<br /> -=�=��! ao,and without noHce m ar demnnd u(ton 7rustor and without relesatnp trustar(rom any obtipntlon,do any act which Trurto�h�u
<br /> �;�rt��� �''_ ':.,:r
<br /> .,�•�. egreed but faNe to do and rt�ay aiao do any other eat it deems neceasary to proteat the eeourity hereat Tniator ahail,immedlstely
<br /> -` _- -�-'. :rypst;dar�and tRs�lcr by I�ndsr,�.sy a L..-ndsr e!!ca�t�snd expenses lncUr!ed and eu�ne expended by!snder tn cannecUon with —_
<br /> ��"':.` ' �*"'= the exerolse by Lender ot tAe Mregotnp rlghte,togeUt�r,wF�h.Utareet thereon�at the dOfOUit rate provtded in tha NotB,whiCh ehai!4� -
<br /> ; • added to 4Fte Indebtednese secured hereby.Lender:ehAii not Incur any itabilfry because of anythtnp it may do or omlt to do =-
<br /> ' , hereunder. °
<br /> � 8. Hmaardoua Hefs�lsle.Yn�stor shafl.keep the P�qpsRy in corr�pilance with alt eppltoabie Iaws,ordtnances and regula8ons _ _
<br /> - relaUng to induatrta!hygiene or envirqnrttantel protsatton(coitect(qely roter►ed to heretn as"Environmental Lswa'�.Trustor ahatl ,
<br /> _ , keep the Property iree trom ali substenaes deemed to be hezardaua or:taxf�under any Environmenmt Lawe(coltectively refened to _
<br /> � heteln es"Hewrdoua MBtedals"}.Trustor hereby warrante and roprasQnta to Lender that there are no Hazardou8 Mate�iala on or
<br /> under the Property.Trustor hareby agrees to Indemnity attd hold harm�ass Lender,it4 dlrectora,oilicera,employees artde�ente,and
<br /> ,'r �ny successors to Lender's interest,from and aga(ns4 mny and ali clafms,damages.tasses and ifabitides arlsirtg In connectton with
<br /> � the presence,use,disposal or tranapoK ot any Hasardous Matertata on,under,from or about 1t►e Property.THH FOREDOtNO
<br /> ,:�;;.�, . � :_'Yt` ' 10.As�tynmen!of ReMs.Trustor hereby asaigns to lender the rente,iasuea and proflta of the Property;provided that Ycuutor _
<br /> ;;.�;���'`... '" �• shall,untll the occurrence of an Event of Detauit hereund�r,heve the Hght to coliect end retain such rento,isaues and proflts t�s they --
<br /> become due and payebie.Upon the occurrence of an Event of Defauit,Lender may,ef4her in poreon or by agent,w11h or wlMout
<br /> ' " ' 'y' bdngMg any acUon or proceeding,or by a receiver appointed by a court and without regsrd to the adequacy af its security,enter ,G����
<br /> ' ' ``�n��'�3 upon and take possessbn ot the Properly,or any part thereof,in Its own name or in the name of the Trustee,and do any acts whtah it _
<br /> °�f si�.ti• r,,,_
<br /> ',�;t�;i;�, d e e m s n e c e s s a ry o r d e a i r a b i e t o p r e s e rv e t h a v ai ue,marketablli t y or rontabili t y oithe Pro pe r l y,or any paR thereot or intereettherotn, —
<br /> '"l�"°'•� fncrease tP�e income therafrom or protect the aecurity hvreof and,with or without mking possessfon o4 tha P�ope�pr. suo for or
<br /> ,t.�.�.J.
<br /> � ;!;y�5 otherwisa collect the rents,isaues and proflts thareof,i�cluding those past due and unpatd,and appty the sema,tesa costs artd __
<br /> ,.:�... Ft�l�,,, -
<br /> ,:�:,:,
<br /> expenses of operatlon and collecUon including attomeys'teea,upon any indebtednesa secured heraby,ail in suah order as Lertder
<br /> � �i;:�?' may determine.The e�te�r(ng upon and taking posseasion of the Property,the co�lection of sucP+�ents,isaues and proflffi and the
<br /> '+-;�`�� applicatlon thereof as aforesaid,sheli not cure or waive any default or notice o}default hereunder or invattdate any act dons in
<br /> " �' , reaponse to such detault or purauant to such notice of detault and,notwithstanding the conUnuartce in posaession ot the PropeAy or
<br /> • •� the cailection,receipt and applicaUon ot►�nte,issu�s or proflts,and Trustee and Lender shatl tra enUtled to ezerctse every right
<br /> -,- ------- -- provtdetl for m a�y of tne Loan instrumenis or by inw up���uveui re��ca o!ar�y Cvar.t at t�aSauli,lrsaluding�1!lso:s!!!m!►�tl�nit±s rloht _
<br /> • . to exercise the power of sale.Further,Lender's rights and remedles under thia paragraph shal�be cumulative with,and i�no way a �.,
<br /> �ImitaUon on,Lender's rights and remedfes under any asslgnment of teases and rents recorded against the Praperty.Lender,Ttustee
<br /> • and the recelver shall b9 tiabte to account onty for those rents actually received. _
<br /> :;:�.�;.'��.• 11.Evenle ot OefauN.The foltowing shail consUtute an Ev�nt ot Detault under thia Deed of Truat
<br /> . (a) Faliure to pay any insteliment ot principal or Interest of any other sum secured heroby when due; —
<br /> • (b)A breach ot or default under any provisfon contained In the Note,this Oeed of Truat,any ot the Loan instruments,or any
<br /> other Ilen or encumbrance upon the Properry: ��,•
<br /> (c) A w�it of executlon or attachment or any similar process shail be entered agalnst Trustor which shall become a Ilen on �
<br /> the Property or any portion thereof or interest therein; ���
<br /> (d)There shall be flled by or against Trustor or Borrower an action under any present or tuture tederal,et�te or other P._�
<br /> atatute,taw or reguiation relating to bankruptcy,insolvency or other relief for debtors;or there shall be appointed any Vustee. �:z
<br /> receiver or liquidator of Trustor or Borrower or ot ali or any paR of the Property,or the rents,issues or proflta thereof.or Trustar
<br /> or Borrower shaii make any generat assfgnment for the benefit of creditors; �°
<br /> (e)The sa�e,transter,lease,assfgnment,conveyence or turther encumbrance of ail or any part ot or any interest Irs the ;`;-_
<br /> . Property,either voiuntarily or Involuntarily,without the express written consent of Lender,provided that Trustor shaU be �;,;
<br /> • permitted to execute a�ease ot the Property that doea not contain an option to purchase and the term ot which does not�xceed i
<br /> • one y6ar,
<br /> , . (f)Abandonment of the Property;or
<br /> (g) It Trustor is not an Individuai,the issuance,sala,transter,asslgnmen4 conveyance or encumbrance of more than a totaf
<br /> ot percent ot(if a corporation)its issued and outstanding stock or(if a partnership}a totai ot percent of
<br /> ' partnership interests during tho perfod this Deed of Trust remains a lien on the Property.
<br /> ' '' 12. Remedtes;Acooleratton Upon DafaulG In the event of any Event ot Oefault Lender may,without notice except as�equired by
<br /> ��r,,�,'� Iaw,dectare ali indebtednass secured hereby to be due and payabi9 and the same shatl thereupon become due and payabl�
<br /> without any presentment,demand,protest or notice of any kind.Thereatter Lender may:
<br /> (a)Demand that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted herein,and Trustee shall thereatter cause T�ustor's ;
<br /> interest In the Property to be soid and the proceeds to be distributed,ali in the manner provided in the Nebraska Trust Deeds
<br /> ' A� `.
<br /> � (b) Exercise any and aii nghts provided for in any of the Loan Instruments or by Iaw upon occurrence of any Event ot I
<br /> Defaulfi and �
<br /> ' (c) Commence an action to toreclose this Oeed of Trust as a mortgage,appoint a receiver,or specitically enforce any o4 the
<br /> covenanta hereof. ��
<br /> No remedy herein conterred upo�or reserved to Trustee or Lender is intended to be exclusive oi any other remedy herein,in the
<br /> Loan Instruments or by Iaw provided or permitted,but each shall be cumulative.shaii be in addition to every other rernedy given
<br /> � • hereunder,in ihe Loan Instruments or now or hereafter ex�sting at'aw or in eqwty or by statute,and may be exercised conCUrrently,
<br /> , independenQy or successiveiy. '
<br /> 13. T�uetee.The Trustee may resign at any time without cause,and Lender may at any time and without cause appoint a ;
<br /> successor or substitute Trustee.Trustee shall not be liable to any party.including withput Iimitation Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any
<br /> purChaser of the Ptoperty.for any�osa or damage unless due to reckless or will(ul misconduc�and sh811 not be required to tak�any
<br /> ' acdon in connection with the enforcement of this Oeed of Trust unless indemnified,in writing,tor all costs.compensation or
<br /> e.,..d,�Wn��►,R,a.,rua ar.anciatad therewith.In addition.Trustee mav become a purchaser at any sele ot the Property�udicial or
<br /> _ ....�.�"���.....�...._•
<br /> under the power of sate granted heroin);postpone the sale of oII or any portion ot the Property,as provided by Iaw:or seu tne
<br /> Property as a whote,or in separate parcels or iots at Trustee's discretion.
<br /> . 14. Fees and Expo�aes.In the event Trustee sells the Property by exercise of power ot sale.Trustee shall tse enHtled to apply
<br /> ` any sale proCeeds fi�st to payment ot aIl costs and expenses of exercising power of sale,including all Truatee's tees,and Lender's
<br /> , and Trustee's attomey's fees,actually incurred to extont permitted by applicable law.In the event Borrower or Trustor exercises any
<br /> . right provfded by tew to cure an Event of Oefault,Lender shall be entit�ed to recover from Trustor ell costs and expenses aCtually
<br /> incurred as a result of Truator s defaul�fnctuding w�thout lim�tation a11 Truatee's and attorney's teea,to the extont permltted by
<br /> 8pp�icable law.
<br /> 15. Futuro Advancot.Upon request of Borrower. Lender may,at its opuon,make additional and future advances and re-
<br /> { advanCes to Borrower.Such advances and readvances.with interest thereon,shalt be SecureC by this Deed ot Truat.At�o time shall
<br /> the prinCipal amount ot the indebtednees secured by this Oeed of 7rust not mclud�ng sums advanCed to protect the security of thfa
<br /> � Deed of Trus�exCeed the ongfnal principa�emount 8tated herein,or$ whichever is greater.
<br /> �1 �
<br /> . �
<br /> i
<br />