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<br /> ._z_-��.._4`:?Z�A • B/���0{��ip0� ---
<br /> ��'�'���y�� applicabte taw may apecify for relnst�emcnt)I�fore sale of tha Property pursuont to any ppwer of a�e ccuttsitis�l in tl�ie "'`�'�----
<br /> Sccurity Instrutteent;or tb)enay of a judgatent cnfotcing ti8s Security Instrumcr��. Thoso condltfonR nro tl�S�in�ea�ver ta) !'=`—t"`-'-'�'�
<br /> �' `•"�- pays l.ender aU sums whlch then would bc duc under th{s Securlry Inswin.Pnt and the Nou+as if no �noalox�tins�haA ,��_,_�--_-_- _
<br /> n.�y:;�;�''�;�. , orcutre�l:(b)cures any defauit of any olher covenants or agreem.ents;(c)pays all expenses incurred ln enfor�inp this 3ecurity F� _`��_
<br /> , �; .£ • Instrmnent, including, but not limiteA tu,reusonable attomeys fees; and(d)takea such ncdon es Lender niay reRSOnably
<br /> �- .___,;;;�;�_ require to assur�that the lien of this Secudty Instrumen�.I.ender's dgbts in thc Property and Boirowers obUgatlo»ta pAy the ��,�.��:::��•—-_ _
<br /> --:;,;.ri.;��-;.�,;- sums r�ecured by thls Securlty Instrument ishall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Bormwer� this Security =—
<br /> � Instrument and the obiigadons secured hereby shap remain fully effective ss lf no accelerntiort had occurr�sl. Ha�v�var,thia �'�-�,�_•�_°-�°
<br /> . ."•��t>y rlght ton c�instate shaU aot apply in the cose of acceieradon under paragraph 17. . ..�'��'1::—=_
<br /> ,a:,.
<br /> �,��S!� �,,1,`�•t'.y4% �Y. Stile of A1ote;Change of Loan�ervtcer. The Note or a pardal iaterest in the Note(together with�his Security tr�;��___��.._ _
<br /> �� ` '--� Instrument) may be sold ona o:more times without priar notice ro aorrowet A sale may cesult in a chan�e in the entity ''������+*���-� �-
<br /> (known us tha"Loaa ServIcsr")that callects monthl a ents due under the Nate and this Security lnstrument. 17�ena also �`:'��2���"-'"�""�"
<br /> . .. . ... .. Y P Y� ;..s:�.,w��•o,�:.-
<br /> may be ane ot more chauges of the Loan Servicer unretated to a salo of the Note. If the�+e is a change of the Loa�t Sen+icer, : ;_�;:;�.,�:t;,�_�-;-_-�--:-
<br /> Botrower wlll be glven written natice of the changa in accot�dance wlth paragraph 14 above and appl[cable law. The notic8 ' �,{,� _=
<br /> '� wiil state tha name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the address[o which paymenta should be made. The notice wI!! '��r� ____ __
<br /> ��� }1. � �;� also contain any other iniotmation tequired by applicable law. �� ,�-� =
<br />