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<br /> 17.Transfet of tlte Proparty or a Benciicial Interest tn Barrower.If uU �r riny pnrt i�f thc Property�tt uny intcrrtit i�i it • �;.;,,
<br /> ��' � is sald or transferred(ar if a beneficial interest in Barrower is sald ar trunsfcrred nnd 8orrawcr i�nut u nutun�l perc,on)wilhnut �•��.•�;:-,��.„-„
<br /> '.,�,::• .
<br /> " s� � Lender's prior wdtten consent. L.ender may, at its aptian, require immediute pnymcnt in fuD of�dl tium� �+ccumQ hy tlii�+ .,,•.:•�,,,..�-�;-'
<br /> . „ � Secudty Iastrument.However.this option shall not be exercised by I.ender if excrciyc is prohihited by Icdcrul li►w+��.ut ihc dnU: ,:,,,,�::--
<br /> � of thls Securty Instrument. � �
<br /> ° " If Lender exercises this option,Lender shall give Borrowcr natice of uccclerution.Thc noticc tihaii Qruvidc u periud ul'nu� "�?{ � .
<br /> --• � • iess than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered ar mailed within which Aorrower mur,t puy ull tiUlll��l'l'Ufl'�I Iiy (IIIb . `, udLf
<br /> Securttv Instrument.If Bonower fails to pay these sums prior to Nic cxpirutinn of thf�period,f.endc�m+�y itwokc utty rrmedicn "":�"'�"r„�" _
<br /> $��"" ;; � pernutted by this Security Instrument without further notice or demand an Botmwer. .., . --
<br /> „ _ �_,� 18. Borrower's Right to Relustate. If Bornower meets certain conditions, Hor�uwer nhuli I�uve thr rigi�t t�► huvc - -- --J;,`'��-•- �
<br /> ...___ .. � enforcement of this Security Instrument discantinued at any time prior tu the rarlicr uf; (u) S duyh(��r yurh ather �mriud n+ -
<br /> applicable law may specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Property pursuunt t�� uny puwer��f�ulr cuntuumd w ii�in �:'�• .
<br /> - , ' � Security Instrumenr or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Securiry Instrument,Those cunditiim�+ure tlmt Hurn�wcr:lal pny� .---
<br /> � L.ender all sums which then wouid be due under this Security Instrument and thc Nute a+ if n��arrcicruUmi had orcurrcd; Ihl
<br /> cures any default of any other covenants or agreements: (c) pays atl expenses iacurred in ent'ixcing thf� Security In.rtrument, , ..
<br /> ' � inctuding,but not limited to, reasanable attorneys' fees; and (d) takes�urh action us l.cndcr tnay rcasunnbly requirc tn ns�urc "� ` _
<br /> � that the lien of this Security Instrument, Lender's rights in the Property nnd Horrower',ab?igudnn tu pay thr+um.�ccur��l by , , ,, -1
<br /> '. this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Aorrower, this Securiry ln�trument und the
<br /> oblisations secured hereby shall remain fufly effective as if no acceleration had occurred. Huwever,thi,right te�rrinstate�hull _
<br /> , not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17. . �
<br /> � 19. 5ate of Note; Change af Loan Servlcer. The Note or a partial interest in the Nute (tagethcr with thi�Sccurity
<br /> � ' Instrument)may be sold one or more times withaut prior notice to Borrower. A sule tnuy re+ult in u chunge in thc entlty(knnwn .
<br /> as the"l.oan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrwncnt.7'hero uho may he�me ��- �,'
<br /> � ar mare changes of the Loan Servicer unrelateci ta a sale of the Notc. If there is t►change of the t.�nn 5�rvicer. Borrower will be . . •• :' :_et.,::�
<br /> ' •,��{ given written notice of the change in accordnnce with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The notice wlil stute the n.�me und
<br /> ��s •� address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should bc madc. Thc nutire wiil ultio rontuin uny uthcr -� ,,��:� ``
<br /> 93f:��� - ,.
<br /> information required by applicable law.
<br /> 20. Hazardous Substances. Borrower shall not cause or pemiit the prescnce, u�c, di.pcnul, sturugr, ur rciciisc of any ,� .
<br /> ' Hazardous Substances an or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor ullow anyone cl�e tu dii. unything uffccting th� ,.a, • _
<br /> ' Propeny that is in violation of any Bnvironmental Law. The preceding twa sentence��hall not upply cu tlie presence, u+r, or T��. _
<br /> starage on the Propetty of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that arc�enerally rea�gnirxd tu tu upprapriute tc► nurmul ��
<br /> residential uses and to maintenance of the Propeny. ` - _
<br /> � Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigution,cluim, demund,luwtiuit ur uthcr urtion by uny -' ��r�-
<br /> � governmental or regulatory agency or private party invotving the Property and uny Huuirduu� Substunce ur F.nvirunnuntui l.uw �.y�..�'�
<br /> •• of which Bocrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns,or is nc�uficd hy uny �t<wernmentul ur rc�:ulatory uuthurity.thut f -
<br /> _r_ any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Propeny is ncressury. Borrc�wer shull pr��mptly tukc ••'.'�'.�'
<br /> �;?.`. . all necessary remediai actions in accordw,cC witli�nyicanmcnta! I.a:v. — ���'
<br /> �:�>s:. , As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substunces" are those substunccs def5ned u� ti�xic ur huzurdou+tiub�tanre+hy ". �
<br /> .:;�rr;f- j
<br /> •;�•.:;:.r. Environmental Law and the fallowing substances: gasoline, keroticnc, othcr (lummublc or toxic pctralrum product�. tux�r ,
<br /> "-•�� � pesticides and herhicides, volutile solvents,materials containing acbcsto�or f�irmaldehydc, und r:�ciivartivc muterial,. A.uud in � r�`•'
<br /> ` this paragraph 20, "Environmentai Law" means federal luws and laws of th�juriuiiction whcrc thc Pro�xny i� I�xuted thut ';
<br /> � relate to health,safety or environmental protection. , ,
<br /> NON-UNiFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further ravcnant und agrec ati follo�v�: ' �;
<br /> 21.Acceleratton; Remedies. I.ender shall give notice ta Borroµ•er prtor to aceelcrution foll��win�Borrower'�;brcuch , �°
<br /> � of uny covenant or agreement tn thts Security Instrument (but not prior to accelerution under pnru�rwph 17 unkws ���
<br /> applicable law provides otherwise). The nottce shall specity: (a) the default: (b) the actian rcyuired to cure the defualt:
<br /> (c)a date, not less than 30 days fr�m the date the notice iti�iven to Rnrruwer. by which the def'ault mutit be cured;and _ �
<br /> • (d) that faElure to cure the default on or before the date specifted in the notice muy rEhiilt in arccleration at the sum�
<br /> ' secured by this Securtty Instrument and sute��f the Property.The not[ce shalt further infurm 13orruwer oP the ri�;ht to
<br /> ��,-�. � . reinstate after accelerntiun and the ri�fit to bring a court actton to a�.+ert the non-existenre of u default or un� other . �d ��
<br /> '�°'�" defense oF Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the defautt is not cured on or Ixfore the dute sp�Yified in the notice. , , �'�y-
<br /> �'!�:St4: - � `
<br /> Lender,at its option, may reyuire immedinte payment in full of all sums.r•ecured by thi+ tiiruritv Inxtrw�►ent wtthout ,�
<br /> further demand and may invoke the po�ver nf wle and any other remedt�w permitted by uppliceblc law�. I.rndcr tihull ix �
<br /> ' to caileci all ex nses incurred in pursutnK thc remedies provided in this puru�;ruph 21,iacludiny�.but nnt Iimtted I �"
<br /> entitled Pe
<br /> to,reasonable uttorneys'fees and costs of title evidence. „ '
<br /> If thepo���er of sale is invnked. Truxtee shall record u ni�ttce of default in cuch count�� in �►•hicb �+ny part of the
<br /> Property is tocated and shuil mail copte.s of such notice in the�namier prr.uritx�d b} appltruble la�+•to Hnrrowrr und to � �� �yE.
<br /> the other persons pr�cribed by appitcable la�v.After ihe timr reyaired by uppliruMe lu��.Tru►t�Y�hull�!i�c public natice � #'�i
<br /> of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed bp appl[cable laµ�.7'ru+t�r. �clthout demund on Borro�ver, shall sel) �
<br /> • � the Properiy at puhiic auction to the hi�hest bidder ai the time and place und under thc tcrmti d�hi};nated in the notire of . :
<br /> sale in one or mnre parcels and in am•order TrustE�e dcterminc�.Truste�ma�• postpunc ssalc of all nr um• parcel of thc j $
<br /> � � Property by public announcemrnt at the timr and pluce o f any pre��inus l�� sc he d ul��i sule. l.ender i�� its desi�;n�ti ma� I �
<br /> �;;�;,'� , � purehase the Property at an}•sale.
<br /> r..' �
<br /> Form 3028 9190
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