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<br /> W Borrowa Not R�t�aavJ.Enten4lon of tMo time tor payment ot modifloatlon ot the aume sacured by thte Oead of T�uat arantod o _
<br /> � by lsnder to any aucaotsot in Intarest o!Bonower ahall not opotete to relonao,in any mnnnor,the IfablNty of the otipinal 9nrrower ,
<br /> and Bonowa's suaastso»&�intere�t.Landm nh`U not bo required to commenoe Proeeedinp�apeinet suah eucccssor or roWse to `.�^.: .
<br /> ° extend tb►+e fo� payment or otherwlse modify cmortizeth�n o!tho euma eeaured by thia Ceed of Yruet by mason ot eny demends ,
<br /> „ m�de by th�odbk�ai Borrowes artd Bonawer'e suceeaaoro in Intere�t. - . . - -
<br /> — - p����'a��wc�a,ylkhout�}seting tha tlebUity ot arn other penon Itsble for the payment of eny obOpetkon he�eln rt�entloned,
<br /> -" ..- snd Nohhout atfaothp the Itat ot oharpe of tMte Dsed of Tru�t upon eny poRlon of the PropertY not then ot th�staiaro tc.''x�n 6 - , . - _-
<br /> Qeoutity tor ths tu0 amount of e!1 unpald oblipatlons,Londer may,irorn time to time end vdthout notiee t0 reiense any petc ---
<br /> tlabia, (if1�cta+d the metutity or ehar eny of the terms of anY auoh oblinetions,IM prant other indutpenees.tiv)rdssse a�reaonvey, _
<br /> or aeuss to be►eleased ar reconveyed et ony time et L�dor'o option anY percei,poKion or atl ot the Propery.tv)teko or�otoase eny
<br /> otha additlonat seaudty tor eny oblieation herein mentloned, or tv3l mnke compo�itlons c►ott►cr nrronpemente with debtoro in _'
<br /> roletlon thmeto. � � t o ��*emd7[ta��u�dar,or otherwiso ..
<br /> lo�Fotbwr�ao�by t.�tdw Not�Waivar.A�+y 4oreboa►ence by Londor En�lnera&it�G�Y� �ar ��. .�o p���t of � =--
<br /> o4forded by apptloeble lew. shap not ba o vva+ver o4 or �r�udo tleo o�carmise•otc�q dtldl��•
<br /> � Emwrance ar tha P�llme�►t o4 tmnoa or othc+s fi�o ce�mcBos f�y tic�t�'a�n'.i no4 Eto t+mrulvat'of Lander's tc¢M4 co ��oto the --
<br /> . cmetutity ot the indabtedness ecaurod tov�b�oa�04 Tncm�. ,. _—
<br /> tdlBueeMw»a�d/ltd�+o @a�ec9:.DeienA aeecB�xv�a9 t8da`1F11I:��+m TAo emaeame4o end eyrahmente iterein eecs4m•zTed r�ee+�] �w �rr.
<br /> bind, end the �iphte heraunder alsail invro no,the reapeat�ve successcre+�md oosEgns of Lender cnd Tntetor. Ait covcrton8o e� ,�
<br /> eproementa of Ttustor ahelt be joht and aevere6 The oepttons and hvadirn�s ot tho pereprephs of this Oeed of Trus3 oro 4oc .
<br /> � a:anvantonoe only end sro no4 to be used to intcrpret or dafine the provteions hmeot. :.��c'"!—
<br /> (e)RpuKt to►Notiwt.The parties hereby tequest that e copy of eny notice of do4ovft fiereunder and e copv ot eny noti�a o9 . ��-.,,
<br /> aab heroundsr be meiled to ueh party to thie Deed of Tmcst et the addrese set fort�a'b�ve in the menner preseriba�6►Y evPliea�la �,;,,.:
<br /> law. Fxeopt for any other nottee required under eppliaoble!�w to be given in another mannet,any notieo provlded tor in 8hts Doed of ^�•. _
<br /> -��us�s�ep ye oiven yy me;Iinp suoh notice by oeRified maii addressos!8m the other Pertfes, at tha eddrese set forth above. Anti .
<br /> �odae provldod tor in thia Deed of T�ust shotl be effeotive upom m�ilinp im 4�ha menner deeiQnated herein.lf Truetor ia more than cne • ,,,,-;
<br /> puson,notiae eant to the eddteae set forth obove shall be notloe to all au¢tn pc+reone• ��"�"'`
<br /> '�`r; ::.';_,
<br /> (�lnsp�atton.Lender may meke or oause to be made reasonabla entria9 upore and inepeotions of tha Property,provtded thcY ,.,y . : ..�^�,i:"
<br /> ,f Lendet shaA 9fve Truetot�o4'rcm pteor to any auch inspeatiort apeaNYiny reaeonebla ceus0 R'J+etefor reletod to Lender's intereat in the r.:°,i;;':;:;: �.,.,:i' �
<br /> Proparc�►. �;�,;�,.:�<'�� ..�. �
<br /> . '•j (9)R�oonv���n�t. Upon pa�m+ent ot mU suma eecurod by thie Omad o^ ?eust. Lender ehall �equeat Truetee to reaonvay the � `� _
<br /> �••,; property end sfietl sunmder thie Caa�ot Qrust and eQ notes evidmncinfl indebtednesa sea+rod by this Deed of Truet to Truetee. ,��,� f �
<br /> aa
<br /> • T�uotee ei��ll reoonvey the Property witfio�et wnrronty end without d+m�m to the peteo�or pereone toyally enthied thereto.Twetor ���
<br /> ��a;eA aoate�f twrrnrdmtan,N eny. ent of the Nuie,Ttusiar hsrab•f Orents!!v►�er under " 'w, ' .�f�,-. -
<br /> th)P�►soaal PropKty:8rwrity A��«mnt.Ae eddkioreai seeuritY for the PaYm ��?i'::;?�'. : �
<br /> tiro NebroaMe UnHortei Commmioa!Code a soeuritY 6+terest in eU fixtures,equipment,and other pereonal property used in aonneation „.�,41;:.,�I, .. ';'1�
<br /> wah the rent estece or improveme�te locat¢d thereon,end�ot otherwis�deaiared or doemed to be a part of the real eetete secured ,i1,��,• ,; �.� .,'
<br /> heraby.Thb inatrument ehell be conetnaedl m a Security Agreement undfer asid Code,end the Lender shall heve ail the dphts and ;, •:�,.� . .
<br /> dl
<br /> a� romedles ot e seourod party under eaid Code in eddRio�to the dghte an�t vernedies areatad under end eoaorded tha Lendor puts�oe.nc " t',�b,�f":�'�•
<br /> ,��;ir'...;,� ,. .
<br /> to this Deed of T�uet; provided thet Lendet's rlghts end temedies under this parograph shail ba cumuiativa with,end in no way a ±''y t, 1 � ,•
<br /> 1
<br /> pmitatiw�on,Lander's�iQhYS and romediea under any other security ep►eement eigned by Borcower or Truator. ,
<br /> (q Wn� and Eneumbranas. Ttuator hereby warrante and represente that there i9 no default under tke provlaione of eny . ,.:_, : �/1�'�t ,. .
<br /> mortpege,deed of truat, tease or purchese contraot desoribing atl or enY Port of th0 PropeRy, or other contraat, inatrument or .,�,._ :,,,'
<br /> �`t, epteemmt cot�stRUtiny e lien ot encumbrence apainet ail or any part of the Property lcolteotive, "Liens"1,existinp as of tha date o9 '�'•�F'� ,J,%� :
<br /> }�.� thb Daed of Tntat, and that ony and ell existiny Liene remein unmodified exaept as dieclosed to Lendet in Truetor'e wtitten � •�
<br /> diadosuro of pens end er�oumbrancea provtded for herein. 7rustor ehail timehr peeform atl of Truator's obtipations, covenanta, .
<br /> � ,)�'�:•, `� :,��
<br /> ropreaentetions end wanentiea u�dm eny end eil exietin9 and tuture Liene,ehnll Oromptiy forwerd to Lender copies of eil�oticae of :..
<br /> ' defeuk eent in conneation wkh eny and ell existinq or futuro Li�me, end shall�ox without Lendet's prior written ccoaent in eny I• '�t�,'��,i '+�+-_,
<br /> � manner modtfy the provisione ot or ellow any future edvances under anY exiating ot tuture Uene. .. �--.
<br /> �'��'�_
<br /> � �'��� (j�Apppcu�t�on of Paym�nt�. Untess otherwise tequired by law, suma peid to Lender hereunder, inciudinp rvithout limitation ; ,^,,, . ,: , ,�_
<br /> ���.� ' 4 .��,�4•.,��� i
<br /> peyments o?�7inaipet end interest,ineurenoe proceeds. condemnetion proceeda end renta and protits,sAatl be applied by Lender to � ,�'
<br /> the amounta due snd owiny from Tnistor and borrower in euch order es Lender in its sole disoretion dooms daeiroble.
<br /> �K) S�w►a6�it�►, tf eny provision of thie Deed of Truet conflicte with applicabte Iaw or ie declared invafid or otherwise fy ; , :
<br /> �y�' unenforceable,such confliot or invatidity ehall not affect the other provisione of this Deed of Truet or the Note which cen be piven ; . •'�t�t'''' `�, :
<br /> •�' effcot whhout the conflioting ptovision, and to this end the provisions of thie Deed of Yrust and the Note aio declared to be i �
<br /> eeverobb. • , -'��,
<br /> p)T�rms.'VM tertns'Trustor'end"8orrower'shell includa both eingvlar and plurel,and when the 7niator and 8onower ere the ; i; • : �
<br /> ;�;<<, �''4+:;.t;,;` �2.a�:
<br /> . � • �. ume pe»ontal,tfioae tem+s as used'as ih�s Oeed of Trust ehall be i�teroh�ngeable. �
<br /> �'�'� ' !�'� (m)Oever�ninp L�w.T4�is Deed of Trust shell be govemed by the Iaws a!the Stats of Nobreska. .�, �. . f
<br /> , .'(,. -�r., , '��
<br /> ' � � 4mrotor hae executed this Deoc!of Trust ea of tfie de4e written above. __ r,r
<br /> � �
<br /> ''!„.. ':S f~�..+ A l.n�n -�J-l'sl�n..�»�-Q- " � ��} _�
<br /> _ ' i�i� .�.'� . . -
<br /> - :`y.:. �R�9^IEr RI`MMER JR Trustor ,` :
<br /> � l �' \ �C �/ UI>I' . . ,
<br /> .,_,�::�,� �� BBTSE PLUMMER Trustor ' �
<br /> :_ . ;�r� . - .
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<br /> i i
<br /> . � NBC 3�67 U'��a��►Qeed1 Rev.10/88
<br /> Q 1988Nstbnat Btnk of Cocrmerce Tmst en0 S�vEnpf Assoctation.Uncotn.NeMaske
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