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<br /> _°�;�_,�� . , � ,� (d) Benef/Clary mRy ofeCt t0 o�'�se the Tiust PropeRy or en�p&R thereof to ba sold under the povier ot 8ale,and/n such evont. �__--- —
<br /> �' Banoflclary o�Tiustao shall gtve aeCh noNce ol dofauh end naUco 01 s�fo as mr�y be then requlred by law.Theloalter.u n the �� �
<br /> r�
<br /> expiradon af serch Umo�rrd the�IlvinB of suoh notice otssle as may thon bo ro�ulred Dy lew,Tivateo,at tbe dmo and p�ce speclpod �--_:�--
<br /> - ` � P; �'=
<br /> by Iha nodco oi$�t�,si�ef!sell sueh Trust Property,a any pa�t thereotspociflod by BoneRclary,st pub!!o nuction to rhe hlghast �;,,v;_;�_=-�-..�,___.____
<br /> , � '.�,, bidder for cash!n lawlul money of tho United Statas o1 Amedca.!lpon recEipt of payment ol tha p�lce bid,Tn�stee she►1 appty Nre � ��_ _
<br /> - Q praaesda!n the b0owing ord�r.(1)to tha ccst and expenses o!exerclsing fho powo�01 sale end of the sale,Incfuding buf nat liMted $,
<br /> � � ta,trustea's tess or not mo�e thar�SS00•00 plus one�helf of one pe�cont of the g�oss sata pdce,end reasonabto Atfomoy feas,(!1)to ,��.r -
<br /> �� ° � ; tb�tndebiednesa,and(!!1)the excesa,tl any,to the pe►son or persons legalty enddad th�reta ����°���-- -
<br /> n.
<br /> � •" ' ' AI!costs end expenses lncuriad by Bene/IClary!n enb�cing any dght ande�this Osed ot Trust,Including wJthaut Umltatlon,abstract or�da �-•° ---
<br /> �
<br /> ' ' ; �,r��s,t�ppv�Isn!/ess,p�em►ems fo�tltle insurence,attomoy lees and conR costs,shall be and cortstituto tndebtedness seaured heroby. ��{ �,��r _ --
<br /> 2Y. Audes o/Tiestee.Tiustoregees that: `q��r--
<br /> � ���� � (a) Audes anii of�llgeflo�s of Trustee shall be�starminer!solely by the ex�ress proytslons ot thls Deed of Tiust end Trustee shall nof be � ���„ _ _�__
<br /> Ilable except tor the perb�mence of such duNes and obligatlana as e►e apeciNcally set b�ib hareln,and»o lmplled covenants or r `����y iy,��
<br /> pbtlgatJons shail be/mposed upon Tiustee, " �``_`--
<br /> <<-.==:::�.---
<br /> (Ls} No provlslon of thls Deed of Trust shalt requfro Tiustee ro expend or Bsk!ts own lunds,o�othenvise lnaar eny Nnanclaf abJlgaUon fn ;,i,;_t,;f_�.;,;:_=-_----
<br /> the perlormance of eny ol lts dutles hsreunder,oNrt the exercise o!any of ita Nghts o�potivers. � ,;•t ;� :_--
<br /> (c) Tiustee may consult wtth cbunsel of!ts own choosing and Nte udvlse of such courtsel ahsll ba luti ar►d complefe authoNiutfan and S_ ;��___ _,___: ._
<br /> proteodon in the respect of any acUon tsken or suftered by!t he�aunder!n gnod falth and relianca thsraon,end }`•. -_
<br /> � . • (d) Tiustes shaq not ba 1leble for any acdon teken by it in goad/al�+and reasonabty trelteved by!t�be suUsv�zed a withln Its , ,��y,,,�.
<br /> dlscreslon or dghta oi powers con/ened upon it by th/s Deed ot Trr�st N,;"1°`,-.
<br /> 2�. Secudt�ldgreement and Fixture Flling.fi!s Deed oi Tiust sha11 corrstltuir�a securlty ag�eemsnt arraF fixturo l3ling under the provlslorts ol 1� `�,�,�� �
<br /> � �IYotrrask�Urtlltirrm G.mmerclel Cade with respeCt tn tltoso frxturc�rs dascrlt�¢d!n flte Ps�ar►1lsfes Rereot as Constltut/np a pan ol dte ���
<br /> �+j�� S\-
<br /> . " • �t prp,p�.�t+�r�;'!�wlth all other prope►ty of 7nrslcr,e�lUrer sim/Iar or disstmitar ro�he samo.rrovi or Rsre�aft�rlocated at o�on tlte ��d��?��---
<br /> n c -P•-�-•-_--::� .
<br /> . _.. _ _ .. : Ti�rst Prq�erty. '�?�'t`:�i�:.',^.�::;•,�
<br /> 2�. Fuiu�e Advances.Upon requost o/Tnrstor,BeneflcfP.qr,ac L3enofrcf�ry's option,pdor to lufl recon�yance of bhe Trust Properiy by ����;;��a�,�t��,:? _
<br /> � Tiustee to Tiusto►,may make future edvances ta Tius•'.cr.�ucPr fuhcrm a�var+ces,wRh iMe�eat ihe►eon,shall be secured by thls Daod of �.���r.;,,,:
<br /> ,.. .,R.�,.,_ ...,.-
<br /> Tiust At ao Ume shall the pdnc►pal amoent of e/A e!tted'ness secee�ed by thfs t?eed ol Tiust,not Including suma advenced ro pmtect :;.���-,.,,�
<br /> !he secmlty,exceed the tota!sum of S 8-00�.tl� .Advances of dlsdursemants made by BeneNcfsry to piofect the securily, r °;s,r-,�:r=_--
<br /> ` under the teims hereot,while d/screUonary,shall not ba deemed to be opdonel�dr�rrces. � - _
<br /> ' �� 30. Reconveysnce.Upon pay�nent ol ell Indebfedness secured by thls Deed of Trust,BenellcJary sha/!requesP]frustae to reconvey the x,'ti�f���' i,��,x
<br /> .�.�..� Tiust Properry and shai►surrender thls Deed of 7rast and atl notes evldencing Indebtedneas sccurcd bY thTs Deed of 7'iust to Tiusteo. �������:� � '. .__ _
<br /> .� �,�.'i;.'_. . Tiustee sha!!►econvey the Tiest Prope�ty without wananry and wlthout cherge ro the person ce p�rsons legalty enNtled thereto.Such ��4`"�,{,_;;•,�.;,,:.�—-�
<br /> �''r����� person or persons she0 pay all cvsts of recordadon,!f any. �' "�1��S4 �-- -
<br /> :;,;�� � 31. Subs�tute Tiustee.BeneNclary,at!ts opBOn,may hom Nme to dme remove Trastee and eppoint e Successor Trostee to any Tivstee �+�f .;,�� _ _
<br /> �� 1 .�� �
<br /> _�; � .. , appolnted hereunder by an lnsbument recorded!n the couniy!n which thls Deed ol Tiust!a recorded.Wlthout conveyence of the Ti,ust /,�
<br /> 1:.,; PropeRy,the Successor Tiustee shell succeed to ell Ntle,power and duties con/eaed upvn Tiustee here�n end by appllcab/e faw. ���ylr�� ;Y�<F��� _
<br /> —`j�t, '��:- 32. MisceNaneous Righta ut 8an6flctary.Bstraflctsry mey e!eny Nme en�l y°m tfine to tlme.without nodce.consent to the making ot eny ��4��s s,,��`��,� �_,
<br /> ` �� �•�; plat of the Tiust Property o�the creatlon of any essement thereon or any covenants resMating ase o►occupancy thereoi a agree ro f � h;,`���l�,i�
<br /> " �r�'r.: alter or amend the terms of thls Deed ol Tiust.My personel property remalning upon the Trust Property eRer the Tiust Propeiiy hes �,� �,,,�n�? .
<br /> �,��,, . + : ,� N �
<br /> __,�:,,. ,, been possessed or occupled by Seneflclary,lts agent or any parchaser following Tiustee's sa/e,toreclosure,or under eny deed!n Ileu v tt . . 1
<br /> � • of Tiustee's sale or forectosare,ahall be conclusivey presumed ro have been abandoned by Tiustor. i.��,�,-����Y' �,�
<br /> � �'` ,',.���:,. • 33. Notice to Tiusror.Tiusror he►eby iequests thet e copy o/any notice of default and noilce of ssfe made or executed by Ti+ustee pu►suant �;;� '.. �_:•:
<br /> , i.� ':�
<br /> •.:;f`:.,:�. to the provlsions hereo/be sent to Tiusia at lts malAng add�eas set fo�t herelnabove. _: � .,,•�!� - �y
<br /> ..r„r, �.
<br /> , f�+;��;�f IN W►TNESS WHEREOF, thls Deed of 7rust has been duly execut and year Hrst above wntton. .,;'�����
<br /> .',; , `. W. Joh on � ' ,.:: .
<br /> -.d���7` ,'
<br /> ' �� STAT60FN�BRASKA ) y . Johnson ' '
<br /> �- �
<br /> , )ss. ..,�-
<br /> „ � COUNTYOF ) j'�'�
<br /> :�
<br /> On this.—day ol ,l9—,befo�e me,e not»ry publlc in and for safd counry,personafly can+e . � -
<br /> ,and ' •
<br /> a � known to me to be the Identical persons who . .
<br /> signed fhe/oregofig Deed ol Trust and acknowJedoad the execuHon thereo/to be thefr voluntary act and deed,and the voluntery act and :`::.1;`'1 i r f
<br /> ' desdotsaldcorpora8on. �; )��,.�;:;:-. �_•'•s�;:
<br /> � VYANESS my hand and notarfal sea!on lhis the day and yoar last above written. , .;.��,�„� „ .. ,
<br /> � ;`;�',.4�.`
<br /> i�
<br /> .. (SEAt� ;�;.. ..
<br /> . �` �'�
<br /> .. _ NctaNWN�c � .
<br /> ' My cammasan srproa �
<br /> ..j�.F.{�,,1` �_ i .
<br /> � STATf OF NEBRASKA 1 . � � � '
<br /> • ' )ss. . - ,
<br /> COd1NTY OF ) . ,.�
<br /> On this?� tlay ol�p�� 19 9_4. before me,a notary pubUC in and for seid coun*�.an�sonalty came 6r.egg-l���Tet�wson .
<br /> �d K�y K Johnson Husband anc� Wife ,known to me to be the idenhcat,persons who
<br /> slgned the fo�egoing Deed of Tiust a»d ecknowfedged the execuhon the�eo�to be the�r voluntary act end deed.
<br /> � WITNESS►t�y hand and noterisl sea/on mis tne oay aRO;�ra�ias�a�:aa�r�.°s.• •
<br /> (SEA� // /�!.!/.l��C.� f',c.r'
<br /> � naen aoa�c �—
<br /> � ' —� lisrl 1 /9g�/ _
<br /> �. ���� IUY Gom �s.vM erp
<br /> O �pe,y►�L�11a
<br /> R
<br /> � �1
<br /> t -- - -- --- - - - -
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