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�... y_...,�.. — - _ — ° - --- - <br /> .�� ^c '�,l^r»�i�J,� F:`-�+�n��l;wklF�' ., . - ,_�vrrr.tr2r -rr�_w. :✓� �Y¢;,�r�FdJ'Nti,.. Y _ <br /> --- ., . �T"`'^�,'�:. . . <br /> -: -.. , � t • n . <br /> ;^ ;i.< �'� �, s 'i.;���'F: <br /> n � � -ir p ,. i - � - . . � - �7 . 4 `• ��-- <br /> � ' s_.• <br /> � - .it.t...- ' ,. f <br /> t <br /> . . n .,� ... . � . � - <br /> �� . .��� , .; <br /> . . . _ __ <br /> - , . „y�,r ' _-•-- <br /> . --- <br /> �. - . . . _ . _ "--'--."-----..._'--_. __ -- -`-- <br /> . . ._.._... .�.._.. . . . . _..._.._........................... . _.."-..._. . .._.....__.. ...'.. ---- <br /> �—"v:.:.�.5-r <br /> i _— <br /> Inaurence premluma,ground rents,end e!f othor aharpps whatsoava►lovlod upan or assoasod,pincod or made agcNnat tho Tivat e�`:r�-_ <br /> Pro�rty. Tiustor fuRhor agraes,upon wrltten iequvst by 6onollclary,to promplty dollvor to Bonollclnry nR rocolpts!or tho paymont ol g;'°'_�F:-::_���_._ ... <br /> • � ,auch cho�ges. Tiustor llfrowlso ngraos�o pay nll taxos,�ssosamonts and othor cho�goa lnvlod upon or assvasod,pincod a mado <br /> Qgalnat,a measurod by,thls Oood o�Trust or tho recordt�tlon horouL �~'?^"�- .��-�--���� <br /> .�•,n.aM=:;= <br /> ApplJCation ol Paymonte.Al!pnymonte►osolvod by BenoflclAry t+s ro Any dobt,llablliry or otrllg�tlon owed to 8enoflclavy by Tiustw . :.:�;��"�'-- <br /> � may bo appil�0 by Bonopclory to tho pn ymont ot tho/ndubfodnoss o►to c+ny auch other dobt!lablliry Or ob!lgAtfon.ln�trty o�do�or � - , . =_T_ <br /> •� � � manner of appJlcaUon whlch Bonol/clary,In!ta absolufG dlscrotlon,decma approp�t�rto.UnlQSa othonvlse etmCtmd by Bortollclury,eny �� ��' ���..�;�.___ <br /> d such paymeat shal!be deomod epplied/irst to the payment ol eny debt,deb11lty o�oblJpadon other thon tho Note. �• �';'� -»���-"�LL� <br /> - , " "8. Charges;Uens.Tr�rstor wlll koop the Trust Propeify 1�oB/rom el!11ens and oncumbra»ces whlch irr eny w�y mAy,ln tho JudgmOnt oi �``""��-_ <br /> Beneflclary,have p�/o►!ry ove�,or Impalr ihe secunry of,thls Deed ol Tiust but Tiusto►nead nof dlscha�ge any suoh llo»so lang as . �� �^ - <br /> � � � T i u stor ahall a gree,!n wddn g,ro pa y Iha obJl gaGon secared b y such Ilen/n a manner ecce/!table to Bene//clary and ahalU»good la1tN , .,_?,,;�;�,:--�._ <br /> , �- contest such!!en by spprop►late lagat praceedings eflecBve to prevent the enlorcement a t the llen and 1he loss of t�ny interest in o� - ; � - • • :- � — <br /> (� paK o�the Tiust Properry. � . Y��; <br /> °7. Haza�d Msvrance.Tiustor shall keep the buildings and other improvementa now exlating or herea�ter erected on the Tiust Property -� :�-n:- <br /> ir�aured by Inaurance carders satlsJectory ro BeneBclsry agelnat losa by 1lre,hazs�ds lncluded!n the ferm"extended covo�age"aad � =� <br /> sacb other hsrerds,casualdes and canUngencfes as may 6e reqolred by Beneflclary,in auch smounfs a»d!or suah pedods es may ba �' <br /> requ/rad by BeneNcJary.The pollcy o�lnsurance shalJ be In lorm accepteble ta Qeneflcfary,provlda thAt tho same mey not tro „ �", <br /> �arr�e.".e�cf or modlNed wJthout 1Hteen(1 bJ days pdor wrltten nodce to BeneNclary,and shell heve loss psyable provlslons in f�ror of�rrd • - <br /> tnln�r.r,accepYa�le ro BeneBclary.A11 premlums on lnsurance poAcies shall be patd!n the msnner provlded under parogra�l��l:c��of . <br /> �i7 moY[Daid fn suCP�rnarteor,by Tiustor maklr+g pa�rment at Jeast RReen(1 b)days prio�to the du9 date,dlieL�C'�tr�fhv 1n�suvsnCe = <br /> � �ar�i�r.L�ertaffciary srtaf/Prava the rtgM t'�ho!d ioro�ticic�c snd renewals thereoi sfrd Trustor shal!promp8y hrrrtisf�ib Q�3e�rct�ry all � . _- <br /> oena�val orcD'ces and a(►�aid�rerrsum rt�ei,�Ps re�eiac�*d 0ylt.!n no event shall G�e�rt�fciary or�rust¢e�te hetd res�aarrsl0ta Pav F�!lure to , --- <br /> �ay instcvertco pr8miums cr for eny IASS Qr dameg��►FStng out ol a defect In any�uticy or arising cut o!any farlura ol any Ursrtv�nce ,�� �_�' <br /> � � . campany to pay lor any luss or daenage insu�ed agaia�st a tor fallure by Tiustcr to�f�ct tha irtsurarrco requl�d he�eunder.Pn Pha event , ��'�{._ <br /> olloss,d'sustor shaJ)g;v��rampt nodce by mai!to the insurance carrter and Bsaaffciary.eorsaficiary�ay mek@ proo�of loss p not . �'-1�_'��'-�"-`�- <br /> enade promptly or Jn proper iorm by Trustor.A!I paltcies ollnsurance and any and ail relunds ot u»aamed p�sniums are hereby ^ �••��="!';;�-- <br /> asslgned to 8eneflclary as additlonef secarlty tor the�ayment of the lnde6tedness.In the event of Beneflclary's exerclse of the power ;;.x� "�•; <br /> of sa/e c�nt�;ned hereln,or ln the eveni of lorealosuca.Ali dghi,6t1�and Interest of Tiustor!n artd to any lnsu�ance pollcy then in lorce _ <br /> . sha!/pass to the purChaser at the tiusiev's sale or fm�eCfosure sale./n case ol any lass,the lnsurence prxeeds may,at th�opdan of ��•:�:� ' - <br /> Beneflclary,be applled by Beneflclery�e���on the Ind�btednesa,or any part thereof,and/n such order and amount as Beneflci�ry may <br /> � � determine;or said lnswance prxeeds,et the optlon o1 BeneBclary,may elther be used In replacing or restoring the Tiust Property , - _ <br /> pa�tJelly or rotslly desdoyed to a condlUon saeaf�crory ro BeneNclary,•or said lnsmance proceeds,or any potilon thereof,may be ��;;,� <br /> released ro Tiustor. Unless BeneBclary snd Tiustor otderwlse agree in writing,any such spplicadon oflnsarance proceeds shefl not „� <br /> , extend or pastpone the due dste of tha Note,or eny Instal/ments called for thereln,or change the amount o/such Instellments.l/the y�„� <br /> � . Tiust Piivperty!s ecqulred by BeneBcian�pursuant to the exe�clse o/the power o/sele or other fo�eclosure,aJl r(ght,tlde and Inte�est ol •,. j.�-- <br /> � Trostor M and to enylnsurance proceeds peyable as a result ol damage to the Tiust Properly p�ioi ro the sale a acqalsltlon shal►pass r�_;� <br /> �� to Beneficlary and she/f be sppl/ed flist to the costs and expenses,lncluding attomey lees,lncaiied!n collectlng such p►oceeds,then ��:, <br /> in the r»enner and Jn the order provided hereln. �;,>��;<•.,_. _:,�'_;;s <br /> � 8. Preserva0on and Mal»lenance o/Tiust Propeily. 7rustor wll!keep the buildings an�1 olherlmprovemenis now or herea/le�erected ore ':I"�- ". '—' '.; :; <br /> ' the Tieat Property!n good repair and condldon and wil!not commit or permlt wasie, will not elter the deslgn or stnicturaJ character 'xr�1" � � ' r i:':� <br /> constituting any 6uJlding now or herea/ter erected on and constltutin�the Tiusi PropeRy wlthout the pdor wdtten consent v! �` <br /> BeneRclary,wlll not do eny act or thing �uhich would andu/ylmpair or depreciete ihe value of the Tiust Properry and wlp nat abandon <br /> the Tiust Property. Trustor wlll not remove any flxtures constltuUng the Tiust Properry an/ess the same are lmmed�afely replaceu with ; �? ;,,s�;_ <br /> !!ke property subject to the Ifen and securiry lnterest of thls Deed o/Trust and ol at lesst equal value and udlity.Trvsta wll!compty with �...s, <br /> all piesent and�uture ordfnances, regulaBons and requirements o/any govemmental body which are appliceble to the Trost PropeRy � �� � , , ;;,�_.: <br /> 3-:, �, . <br /> and to the occupsncy and use thereof. /f ihls Deed of Tiust!s on s unit in e condomJnlum or a pfanned unit development,Tiustor sha/f � Jr ;;;;;�,+; <br /> �'�:� per/orm all o/Tiusto►'s obllgaBons unda�the declaratlons or covenants c►eadng or goveming the condominluir+or the planned unit ;�;���' <br /> '� development,the bylaws end regufatbns of the condominium or planned unit development,and the consNtuent documents. • � �;'� � <br /> �' '• 9. fnspec0ion.BeneNciary or ks agents may,at ail reasoneb/e times,enter upon the Trust Property/or the purpose ol lnspacdon. � "'�?�•��•t,l <br /> " � � ' BeneBclary shell have no duty to make such lnspection and shall not be Ilable to Trustor or to eny pe�son!n possesslon i/!f makes or ;r , ;!_ 1��`'.�� <br /> laifs io make any such inspection. � . �� ��,•:1 <br /> 10. Proi�ction of Secud fJ Tiusior lails to erlo►m an o!the covenants and a reements contained in this Deed oi Tiust,or if any actlon i �V�� '��!�- <br /> � <br /> �'",, a proceed�ng!s com enced which does or may adversely affect the Tiust Property or the interest of Tiustor o�Bene/iclary thereln or , �;�_ <br /> , ffie title ol T�ustor thereto,then Beneficiary,st!ts opfion,may perlorm such convenants and egreements,make such appearances, ;���._ = <br /> ` � detend against and invesGgate such action or proceeding and take such other actfon as Beneficiary deems necessary fo protect its • 1�., ,;!�,�__ <br /> � lnterest!ncluding,but not limited to,disbursement ol reasonab/e attorney fees snd entry upon the Tiust Pioperry to make repalrs.My ���r" <br /> ., bi... <br /> amounts disbmsed by 8eneflclery pa�suant to this parag�aph 10,with fnterest thereon,shall constitute Indebtedness o/Tiustor � '"'" <br /> �,.,$1,; <br /> secured by this Deed ol Trust Unless Trustor and Beneliciary agres to other terms ot payment,such amounts shall be payable upon 4;;: <br /> noUce from BeneNclary to Trustor iepuesting peyment thereof,and shall bear interest liom the date of disbursement at the default rate. •. r�.t. <br /> !lany,set/o►th!n the Note,or otherwise at ihe hlghest rate permitted by law.Nothing contained in this parag�aph shall require , '• � ;.•=' <br /> 8ene8cJary to incui any expense or�ake any action hereundec Trustorlrrevocabty authorizes and empoweis Beneilciary to enter upon s� <br /> the Trust Properry as Trusto�'s agent and,�n Trustor's name or othenvise to pe�lam any and all covenarns and agreements to be ',�:;`ir <br /> , :r <br /> peAormed by Trustor as he�eM proNded.Beneficisry shall,at its option,be subrogated ta any encumbrance.6en,claim o�demand ,;� <br /> � end to elf rights and securifies 1or the payment thereol paid or discharged by Benaficiary under the p�ovisions hereof and any such . {,�. . <br /> subrogatton rlghts shal!be addiGonal and cumuls6ve security lor thls Deed of Tiyst. , ^'' <br /> 1 L Conder�ana6on.The p�oceeds of any award or claim for damages,direci or consequontial,m connection with any condemnation or ; - <br /> other taking of the Trust Arope►ty, or any part thereo/,o�for conveyance in lieu o!or m an6cipation o/condemnabon,aie he�eby � _-. <br /> ess/gned to and shall be pald to Beneficiary. 7rustor wrll file and prosecute,in good faith and with due diligence,its claim/or any such ,;� <br /> award oi payment,and wlll cause the same to be collected and paid to Beneficisry,and,should it lail to do so,T�ustor inevocably � <br /> authorizes and empowers Seneficlary.In the name ol Trustor or otherwise,to 51e,prosecute,seKle or comprcm�se any such claim and <br /> to collect recelpt/or and retaln the proceeds.I/the Trust Properry is absndoned 6y Tiustor,or,a/ter notice Cy Bene/iciary to Trustor <br /> thst the condemnor oNers to make an award or seKle s cfaim lor demages,Tiustor/eils to respond to 8eneficiary within thirfy(30)dsys <br /> after the date such notice is mailed.8eneliciary is suthorized to collect and epply the proceeds�n the menner mdicafed herein. The �.; :, <br /> proceeds ol eny awa►d or claim may,aRer deduchng all reasonable costs and ezpenses,including attomey lees, which may have � , , <br /> been lncuned by Beneficiary in the coNection thereo%et ihe sole discre6on ol BeneLciary,be released to Trustor, appGed to �•`- <br /> restoration of Tiust Pnoperty,or applied to the payment of ti►e Indebtedness.Unless BeneJiciary snd 7rustor otherw�se agree�n wnti»g, • <br /> I eny such appllcaUon of proceeds to Indebtedness shal!not extend or postpone the due date of the Note or the payment of any <br /> i lnstallments celled lor thereunder. <br /> ..�...t 1...On n/.r�ani . - <br /> j 72. 11UStOr NOt H@f@8S@tl.txtenSlon oi me nme ior peymeni ar modmcarion oi nny arrrvii�cdir4i�vi ii�d ii�vobioC��6.;�a%�,....��,---^-••-•--�, <br /> I ro any successor in interest o/Tiustor shall not operete to relesse,m any manner,the liabd�ry oJ Trustor and Trustor's sucCessors m <br /> interesL Beneficia�•shall not be required to commence p�oceedings agamst such successor or refuse to extend time lo►payment or <br /> othenvise modify amortilation of the Indebtedness by�eason ol sny demand made by Trustor and Trustor's successo�s °• <br /> In lrrte►est. . <br /> 13. Flnencis!lNoimation.Upon request ol Beneficiary.Tiustor wif!provide to Benehciary,wrthin ninery(90)days o/the clase o/each 6sca1 <br /> year ol Tiastor,the consolidated balance sheet snd statement ot earnings of Trustor end sny snd sil gua►anr.ors ol the lndebtedness • <br /> secu►ed hereby,if any,and will provide and deliver to 8eneficiary such other frnancial inlormation and�n s:rn manner as Benef�ciary <br /> may reasonabty request hom Bme to 6me. � <br /> 14. flnancial Covenants.ln addlOon to sny other Hnanc�al covenants ol Trustor m�dQ m any other agreement.�nstrument or documenr, <br /> Trustor shall comply with and sha11 cause any and all guaranto�s�f the Ind��r�dness secure�A h.ereby to comply w�th.o�be�n , <br /> � Compliance with,the loJlowing finenCial covenants:(This paragrapn shali not appty d covenanl5 and�equvements a�e rtot set <br /> � � lonh hevein.) <br /> ' 15. Schedule ol Leases.Witirin ten(f 0)days aRe�demand. T�ustor shap lurmsh t�Berte6crary a schedute.cem!:2d to by Trustor,settmg <br /> � �� lorth a!l/eases ol the Tiust Properry.or any portron ihe�eo�mclud�ng in each case. the name cl the tenants��occupants.a descnphon <br /> .. �� ol the space occupied by such tenant or occupant,the rental payable lo►such space,and such othe�m►o�mrahon and documents with <br /> � � respect to such leases and tenar�e�es as 8eneliciary may reasonabfy�equest. � <br />