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<br /> �+a'� �AI�M Mri6�!!(t�erlMelrt�we��! RMrw....•,-• _ �.,.. .-. - -
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<br /> . ______�_� 9�,�
<br /> -_-----�_�W�...,� i�3;��18.
<br /> •�;�.^�;-� NON-UNIFORM COVBNANTS. aotrower and I.cnder iunher covenunt and agi+ea na followR: •
<br /> � �� 17. Foreclosure Procedure. !f Lender rcquireR immediatc payment in full under pnragraph 9.l.cnder mny Invoke tho �•-
<br /> ����� power of snle and nny�other remedics permitted by applicuble taw. l.ender shnit be entilled to coltect nll cxpcnses inrurrcd
<br /> ---- ,y�,�„ in pursuing the rcmedies provided in thia puragmph 17.including,but not limited to,rear,onuble nttomcyx'fees artQ costH of
<br /> , �;-_,,,,��,y�;� title evidence.
<br /> =--"�tn�`csaf.�:;y�� if the power of sate tg tnv�ked,7Yustee shali record a notice of desautt In cuch sounty in w�itch ony purt of the
<br /> Property is locsted and shall meU copies ot such noUce in the manner p�eserl(bed by npyflca6te Isw to 0orrower And.
<br /> ��._��.:;�u'-'���;;,, to the other persona prescribed by applicnble law. Aflter tice ttme required by Applicabla taw,llrustee ahall gtve
<br /> -:.�sn,v��T�•,,� nbUc aotice o?satc¢o the p.esnns nnd ta tht mneemer �►rescribed by eppticable Ipw 9Yue4ee,withoat de�r►uncl an _
<br /> - "�� �orroNer,s4n11 sell the Property at public uuctton to the hf�est bidder at the ttnie and ptwce end under the tenns
<br /> - r-•==�"— deslganted in the not[ce of sale in one or more pa�rcels und io nny order 7Yuatee determines. 'Iirustee may postpone
<br /> -'�•����st;��%{ ;� sale of uii or any puf�ei o�the Peopeeiy by�public eYU►oancer.te�!�t the!lns�as�d plACe o!Pny�►�pvinn.�ly scheduled _,_
<br /> '���•�s��� sule. Lender or ita deslgnee mny purcha�e the Property At any sute.
<br /> "�'�'�;,;'� �rf ' ''� Upon receipt ofp uyment oC tbe�rice btd,Tiustee shul[deftver to the purchaser 1lrnsiee's decd conveying the
<br /> �?�'�����'j`��t'�"' Property. The recita1s in the 71rustee s deeil sha11 he prtma tocie evtdence of truth o!the atatements made therefn.
<br /> `=_'-���-;^=•?�•--��'� 'ilrustee shall spply the proceeds of lhe sale ite BDte fo9lowtng ordee: (a) to ali costs ead expcnses of exercising tlie .
<br /> �r��°'�:;' � �.� � owes�8sale,a�d the sale,IrtctixdlB k�a2��r�e¢c►t�f�the'i�'msleee's fees actnal{y inturred,not to exceed �ive �,6
<br /> :�a•: ,-.�'�:=;::'.. P
<br /> A�:,°•�•�'>=:� �-.»-d Q�Q(� sEmsf@ai amtm�nt crf 6�¢aa�¢�9 Rme Qfi�z cnR iEa¢m¢ePtarat(on of dePault,und seaso�auble nttorneys'!'e�s�s
<br /> i;�-:r,,,.:. ....,f mra��¢d Rey O�as+r:Q(�3�!o�IL scnc�.s sn�nuecD(�y 4Q�ts Srac�rr6Qq Dms¢aaee�ent;and(c)nmy ex�¢ss Cm�4h¢p�e�so�a c�e�O2��m�s
<br /> i3:;• . _ �. _- I��IlC ¢�4�CUcv�d 4�1+E¢.
<br /> . ,.
<br /> •1:�+..: � ,:�� ��t. �cu�nnar¢puac� OJpen p�yme�tt of all sums secttt�at9 by iR►es Secitri:c�t Eatst�u�tten�Il.ertd.¢r shali eeq�a�s¢'QG'usc0a C�
<br /> -JI•Al`�'..��..,
<br /> � .. .. .: .. .'}�.I.
<br /> �, :r . , , '� ,•r.� reranvey d�e i°ro�arIlty and,shalk sucsender this�acurity Instrument anc!all reates evcdenzu�d2Fr1 s�aeed by¢inia xcaaney
<br /> -�r��,�i��su.r�. .�-.;:�" ` Instrument to'Itustce. 7tustee sfrasl reconvey the Propecty without wamanty attd without charge to the�S;v�ar pau�soras =
<br /> `'" le ally enUded to ix Such person or persons shell pay any recordation costs.
<br /> �:�;;�_,.;,:.. `;:,,;�.
<br /> .�uli,;':.,�-.. � � .
<br /> , - � �,,=�-� Il9. Suh4titute'Alrustee. I,ender,at lts opilon,may from time to time remave'Austee und ap Int a Su�cessor tnlsri�
<br /> '�� � ��:r�. '' to any'I�ustee appointed heraunder by t►n fnsuument recarded in the county in which this Securit�in�t;ument is rccorded. ; �, -•
<br /> �``�`CO••���^� � Without comcyance of the Property,the successor trustee shall succeed to all the dtle.power and duties confemed upon . ; ,..
<br /> •. u;,,�d�.v.;:� ,....�:-:
<br /> ���„��� � 'Itustee herela and b a licable law. • •,+' ::,..::
<br /> -.•y Zr.;,.x�•:..; y p� ts•-
<br /> `1.., t•,•�(�l4j���t�•�, 20. IItequest farpNotices. Bo r r o w e r req u ests that copies of the notIces of default and sale be sent to 8arrowers , ;'i,�
<br /> :t a';�'';�;,;;���;t;•`�{'. address which fs the Property Address. --
<br /> ,. �,�:;
<br /> �:r..:>:�:�,'t"..
<br /> ;•.,
<br /> - ;�.,�;;;;;�!?;;; Riders to this Security I�strumen� lf one or more riders ure executed by Borrower and recorded together wlth this __
<br /> � '"'� Security Insqvment,ttie covenants of each such dder shall be incorpomted into and sball amend and supplement the
<br /> � covenants and agreements of this Security Insuument as if the rider(s)were in a part of this Securlty Instcumen�
<br /> . [Check applicabie box(es)�.
<br /> ' � n Condom3nium Ridcr �Graduated Payment Rtder �(lrowing Equity Rider
<br /> ...
<br />_.,_:.'..__;=.-j_-,. _--.._-;.-_ ._.
<br /> '' �•
<br /> � ,, �Planned Unit Developmcnt Rider �Other�Specify�MORTCiAtiE AbDBNDUM
<br /> u BY SIQNING BBLOW, Borrower uccepts suid ugrees to the terms consained in pageti I through 4 of this Security
<br /> Instrument and in any adeKs)executed by 8ormwer und recnrded with it. --_
<br /> �� Wifiesses: .
<br /> ' . � L, � � -�� (Seap ,.
<br /> CHARLIE M ANCHETA ao�wn
<br /> � 1 �VD�^7 0• ����'L� (Seal)
<br /> ' HOLLY J A 1CH TA BORO'"�
<br /> . � . (Seal)
<br /> . $ortower
<br /> .. (SCAI)
<br />- �• . BORilWCf �
<br /> , STATE OF NEBRASKA. HALL Cc>unty�s:
<br /> •��}i�. Qnthis 20th dayof ApCil, 1994 ,hcforc nu.thc undcnigned,u Notary
<br /> � Public duly commissioned and yualificd for�aid county,pcnonatl��camc
<br /> ,to mr known to tx thc
<br /> ' identical person(s)whose name(+)am�ubserihed to thc forcgoing imirumcnt and achnow�lyd�ed the cxcruti��n thercof to tx
<br /> ' " their volunturp act and dced. �
<br /> Witness my hund and notarial+cal at GRAtVD I SLAND in .aid county, thc ,
<br /> date aforesaid, j
<br /> P
<br /> �' l���� - I
<br /> . _ COtI1iI11S510[t CXPIf�S: Nolan Ynhhr !
<br /> ��,rn t ooa ��+�v RA RTA L REED
<br /> __—_ _ _ _ - -- - ��at ao�anr.s�au of d�aras�a � �
<br /> 1Y11I.�Amm-f;cA-Juty.ap..}9g� �
<br /> `�,' �'����:� ,� �'i�e undersigncd ic she 4colder of th�note ot noge<,ecund by thi,Ueed of Tru�t. Said nvte or noteti.together with all �
<br /> '°�;�;�.;•.'•��`'',:,:,';; �. ''
<br /> `�,.,;....��,;,;�.r,�� ,,, ,,;t olher iadebtedrtess secured 6ry this Cieed uf'�rust.h:�vr been p:�id in full. You �re hereby directeci to canrel said not�or
<br /> • ;., � . t:. m�ex and tMic Deed of Tcvst.which are detivered hereby,and to rewnvev,��ithout warranty.atl the estate now held hy you ;
<br /> ' ,;�v',r=` s:���r th�s[)e.ecl af Trtvst rto the person c�r persons lega�ly�entiUed thcretn. i
<br /> � kT����.. Date: ------ --— -- �.
<br /> u,.
<br /> � :.� • �
<br /> ipdt{.'d,+f J pu;�r�l �
<br /> �. '� �
<br /> i
<br />