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<br /> .J � ADJ�JS'�ABI.E �lTE R�IpER �"�=-=��_
<br /> K.-�-.�.__
<br /> • (1 Xecr Treasury Index—Rute Gtps) 0020027003 `"""Y� -
<br /> ���:_ .,:�-=-=_-- --
<br /> � � � THIS ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER is madethla 20TH dayof APRI L � +1� 94 •�d� �,���y.-----
<br /> ' �;, incorporated into and shsll be dermed to amend and supplement the fNortgn�e.Deed of Trust or Securtty Aeec!(the ' •-_-'���_ � ..
<br /> ' "Security Instrumeat")of the same date gtven by the underslgned(the"Borrower")to secure Honower's Adjustable i".,x`===^
<br /> .,..,
<br /> _-- -� l�sce Noce(che•�Noce")co �ne Equita6le Building an0 locn �ssociatien of Orand Isiand,Nabraska� A `• Y�;.�:m.-_-_---
<br /> , FeEera 1 Savings Bank (the"Lender")of the same date and covering the property descrIbed �`����:-;�
<br /> ° � .,�'`�•�n.;=:�;'=;�=—M.
<br /> in the Secudty Instrument and located at: . �•i.._-
<br /> '�.�y�;?j•'."
<br /> � � 15160 1N BARROWS RD KENESAW� NEBRASKA 889g6 � �'�°;,-;�-,_
<br /> �.�>;t�==-- _. _ _
<br /> '� .��f- --
<br /> ' (Propeny AddressJ ., �,:„-.--
<br /> TH�0��4fE��GWPmO�a fA�1�V0�Q0�NS ALLOWlNti FOR GP�l,it1F���7�D TPfl�e o1'I�i��S1�Q�TG ,. ! `''�?�°
<br /> 4�U11��09�al`�I�RdY4flQ.Y�Al'Q�1�R7F.4F1E NOTE LIMITS TFi�AMOlJP17'�VO�➢g�OR6�lm4�f�W'S 'r.;. ,., �,>;;��;,�.�`is:,
<br /> VO➢ _i��=j4.�..-.,..
<br /> E�TEREST Rk���AA9�O�N���Qi�'��1X GbW�1rIM�AND THE MAXI[a7JN1L19 iiATE TF����A- .,:;s.;�,;,•�,�:,�,,•��
<br /> ��WER MUST PAl?. ,':',,,'��-
<br /> ;�•��,:��,,,,.,�.
<br /> . . . �,..-_--- -
<br /> '1 '_1,.{r��_--
<br /> .�i3):-�
<br /> . _ . . .; . ,. � .,._ _--- .
<br /> `I.,_
<br /> - . ADDITIONAL COVFN�NTS.In addidon to the caveaants and agreements�ade in the Security Instrument, .•�+k�;;�,��_---
<br /> ` �orrower and Lender further wvenant and agree as follows: � •,�+��;;;,'�k'`�;;+��_--
<br /> ��t,:-�.
<br /> , The Note provides for un initial interest rate of 4.7 50 %.The Notc provIdcs for changes in the interest rate and the +� "�
<br /> w��_
<br /> monthly payments, as foUows: o :�;;�
<br /> s��
<br /> (A)C6s�nge Dates � 1.�
<br /> ' The interest rate I wiU pay may change on the first day of MAY �tg 95 ,�d on that day �. ;'•'�" -
<br /> - - _ � �very 12th month thereafter. Each date ott whlch my interect rate c��ilc! ahnnge is called a "Change.natp." � ti�� �--.
<br /> -._�-": --- „.'iR"�'�t '
<br /> (B)The Iqdez� "
<br /> iBeginning with the�rst Changc Date,my interest rate will be based on an Index.The"Index"is the weekly ° ' .', �
<br /> average yield on United States Treasary securities adjusted to a constant maturity of 1 year,as made available by -�
<br /> the Federal Reserve Board.The most recent Index �gure available as o�the date 45 days before each Change Date �' ":.
<br /> Is called the "Cunent Index." • , �- , .�, „°
<br /> If the Index is no longer available,the Note Holder will choose a new index which is based upon comparable I �';°�.1 .
<br /> information.The Note Holder will give me notice of this choice. � l '
<br /> . (G�Catculation of Changes � .,�
<br /> Before each Change Date.the Note Holder will calculate my new interest rate by adding � -
<br /> ' percentage points( 2•�� %) to the Current Index. The Note Holdler�y:�ll then round ' ;;� �=---
<br /> �-•
<br /> . t�e result of this addition to the nearest one-eighth of one percentage point(0.125%). Subject to eC�e limits scated � � : ;,.,�—fi
<br /> �.;.�.� •, , ° �1M.
<br /> ���'�:;'• ''' , .:�` in Se�tion 4(D) below, this rcaamded amount will be my new interest rate until the next Change DAte.
<br /> � '� �S'�4�`•`� �'he Note Holder will tF�en decermine the amount of the monthly payment thac would be suf�cient to reg�ay � �'�
<br /> 'i..� ,••,:, �. ,, � ;1:i
<br /> ,r,Y��, ,.,:i;
<br /> the unpaid principal that I am expected to o�ve at the Change Date in full on the maturity date at my new interest � X•-
<br /> ' rate in subsiantially equal pay�ents.The r�sult of this calcuiation will be the new amount of my monthiy payment. �,�'
<br /> I �A� _
<br /> �.;��. . ' �'�:
<br /> ��f�-� (D)Limits on interest �tate Cdaages ""�
<br /> ,�,..li;._.�;�.• • -,�:?—
<br /> � � The interest rate I am required to pay at the first Change Date will not be gearer than 6.7 50 °'o or less than • i:��
<br /> '•' "•-�,:i,;.t1�,� �� ,_,�, r.
<br /> .,;?: ;•t•f 4.00 J1o.Thereafter,my interesc ra¢e will never be increased or decreased on any sin€3e Chan$e TDate by ,�� ' �,
<br /> , ��:.,�r,
<br /> ;.� ��;`�r•� 1.; pe g points(2.0%)from the rate of interest I have been paying for the preceding iHe�ve montPr�s.1�1y . '�'•�,':,"�:�
<br /> ,;....:., . more than two rcenta e
<br /> � '� ' , ,� interest rate will never be greACer than 9.750 mo. ; . a
<br /> � ,`����' . � (E)Effective Date of C�Anges ��
<br /> ,+�
<br /> .,:l� My new interest rate wiOG become effective on ea�h Chan�e��tr.i a•ill pay the amount of my new monthly �� :y
<br /> , , . ,
<br /> payment beginning on the f-s:monchh pap•ment date afteff chF Change Date until the amount c�:'my monthly pay- ' '
<br /> ` ment changes again. � ? ,s
<br /> , (F)Notice of Chang�s '?
<br /> The Note Holder will de9:�er or mail to me a nnc�cr c�f any changes in my incerest rate and the amouni of rr�y ' `
<br /> monthly payment before the effeetive dar.e of any change. The notice wiil include information requirea! b} ]a« ¢o _�:;�
<br /> be given me and also the title and telcpteor�number of a person who v�ill ansa�cr any question I rieat Gza�e re�carc�ir�$
<br /> the notice. �°��'
<br /> QTniform Cavenant 17 of the Security Instrument is�mended to read as follow5: f �
<br /> ... - . . Ir805II�PmII rtP7�r�op�scaq mie me�siarnai inieresi in o�orroc+�cr. ii aii ur auy pati vi ii�r�rvper�y v�aiq inicer�i ,
<br /> in it is sold or cransferred(or if a beneCciaT interest in Borrower is to!d or transferred and Borrovser is not a natural r:
<br /> person) without Lender's prior writcen ccznsen[. Lender may, at irs option, require immediate payment in full of
<br /> " � all sums secured by this Security Instrunten�. Ffowe�er,this optior►shall not be cxcrcised by Lender if exercise is ,t
<br /> prohibited by federal law as of the date of this Securi�y Instrument. l.ender also shall t�ot exercise this option if: �'
<br /> 4 � (a)Borrower causes to be submitted to Lender inl'orn�a�ion required by Lendcr to evaluate the intended transferee
<br /> as if a new loan were being made to the transferee;and (b)Lender reasonably determines that Lender's s��:urity
<br /> will not be impaired by the loan assumption and that the ri�k of a breach of any co�•enant or agreement in th�s Sec.uri- '
<br /> . � ty Instrument is acceptable to Lender. .•
<br /> � To the extent permitted by applicable law, Lender may charge a reasonable fee a�a�undition to Lender's�on- �
<br /> sent to the loan assumptton. [.ender may also rcqmrc thc transferee to sign an assumption agrecment that is arcept-
<br /> able to Lender and that obligates the transferee to keep all the promises and agrcemcnts madc in the Note and in '.' ,
<br /> this Seeurity Instrument. BorroNer will continue to be obligated under thr Note and thi�Securit}� Inetrument unles�
<br /> Lender releases Borro�tier in writing. '
<br /> MULTiBTATE ADJUSTABIE iiATE R10fR AR�t 6 2-S�ngio Fam�iy-Foru�e Mae ireddio 11�ac Untfam Instrumont Form 3111 3�85 4
<br /> �� BZYA�BCaa� vMO�tON�GAGF�Op��$ •�1�319)9tOp••d0057� �7d� '
<br /> -- ��_�
<br />