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<br /> , . • TOOETHER WITH uti thc itt�provemente now or hereufter erected on the property.a�ll easements.appurtennnccs.und
<br /> , „ -. �xtures now or hereatter u purt af the property. All replacements and additions shall nlno he coverod by this Seturity
<br /> • , InstNment.AU of the faregoing ix mferrod to in thig Security Instru�nent as the"Property.'
<br /> , . � BORROWBR COVENAFITS thut Rarrawer is tewfully Feised c�P the c.gtate hereby conveyed und hAS the dght to g�nnt and
<br /> � ,. � cvnvey the Property and that thr, Pruperty !s uncncumbered,exapt for encumbrances af record. Borrower wnrrnnG9 and wlll
<br /> �
<br /> ' " '� defend�enert{py the Ntle to thc Property egainst ull cluims and demands,subject to any encumbrances of c+ccord. ---
<br /> ,, ' THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT can�bines uniform cavenants for nationa!usc and non-untform oovenw�ts wlth lianitod -�
<br /> ° . varladons by jur�sdlctlon to canstitute n unifarm s�xurity lnstrument covedng r�eul property. _—
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Anrrowcr and Lend�r covenans nnd ngree us follo�vs: _-- -
<br /> ., 1. Fayment of Pclncipal and Interest; PrepaymenS end I.ste Chm�es. Borrower sh�ll pmmptly pay when due the
<br /> . � principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note a�d any prcpayment und late chatges due under the Note. -
<br /> ° -- -- 1. �un�ix for Taxc.s und Insurance. Subject ro applicabte law or ta a wrttten waiver by I.ender. Boaower shall pay to
<br /> Lender on the dny mnnthly paymenu ane due under the Note.unti�the Nate is paid in full.a sum("Funds")for:ta)yearly toucs
<br /> artd assessments which may attain prlority aver this Serudty Instrument sic a lien an the Properry;�b)yearly leusehold paymenta
<br /> or ground rents on the Propeny,if any;(c)yzarly hazard or pmperty insurance pretN.wz�s;(d)yearly flaud lnsurwtsa prcmiums. �- • -
<br /> , ,, if any; (e)yeady mortgage lneurance premiums, !f any:and(�any sums payable by 1Borrower to I.ertder, ln accordance with
<br /> �' the provisions of paragraph 8.in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance�premiums.Thcse itemms a.�called'Escrow Items."
<br /> Lender may, at any time, rnitect and hold Funds In an umount not to excc�d aLte tnaximum anw�n�n2�lender for a federal!��r
<br /> related rnortgabe loan may require for Borrower's escrow account under tRe fodernl Real Estate Senlement Proa��anes qcv og
<br /> 1974 as ame�ded from time ta time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA").unlc�s anoWer law that applies eo�e�aetKCs
<br /> sess a lescer amount. If so, [.ender may. at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount �ot to exceed the[esses�au¢�2,
<br /> � . . Lemder anay esteenatc the amount af Funds due an thc baais of current data and reawnabie estimates of expendituces u#g�emzr.� —
<br /> • • Fscrow Items oc otherwise in accordance with applicable lew. •
<br /> •• � The Funds shalt be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency. instQUmentaliry, or etttity
<br /> (ir�cluding Lertder,if L.ertder is such an insdtution)or in any Federal Nome Loan Bank.L.ender ahall apply the Funds W pay the
<br /> Escrow Items.Lender may not charge 8orrower for holding and applying the Funds,armually analyzing the escro�v accaunt.or
<br /> veuifying the Escrow Iterns,unless L.ender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law pemiits L,ender to mnke such �'���
<br /> a charge. However, Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time cha�ge for an independent real estate ta�c reportin�setvioe
<br /> '� used by Lender in connection with this loan, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made or
<br /> <:.,, ��.; appliable law requims interest to be paid,Lender shali not be r�eyui:ed to pay Borrower any intemst or eamings on the Funds.
<br /> Boarower and Lender may agree in writing, however,that interest shail be paid on the Funds. [.ertder shall�ive to Borrower.
<br /> wi¢hout charge, an a�muul accounting of the Funds, showing credits and debiu to the Funds and the purposc far which each
<br /> _ ___� debit to the Funds was made.The Fund�are�+te�igai$����itl4na!�ec�rst�fos s!1 sams:xcurrd by ttsi�Sccurii3;insirarrtent. -
<br /> If the F�nnci�neld by Ixnder exceed the amounts permitted to 6e held by applicable law,Lender shall account to Borrower
<br /> „ , for the excea;c Fi�ncJs in accordance with the r+eqnirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> .;���. . cicrn�is not su�'6icient to pay tfie'E.acrow items when due. I.ender may so notify Born►we�in writing, and, in such case Borrower --
<br /> >f,:�_;;; afia91 pay to I.ender the amoua�t ne��ersary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the defic[ency in no mor�e than �tW�-
<br /> `'''�!" , tw�h•e monthly payments.at l.enclrr'c so;e ciiscretion.
<br /> . '•r,; ��-�---
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall promptty refund to Borrower any -':=+W;ia:--
<br /> ,;y:a�+
<br /> F�atds held by Lender. If, under paragraph 21, i.ender shall acquim or sell ihe Property,Lender,prior to the acquisidon or sale ����";�i,=
<br /> oi uhe Property,shall apply any Fund�held h} lxndcr at the time of acyuisition or cale as a credit against the sums secured by �ry ���
<br /> th�s Securiry Instrument. ' '• °''
<br /> 3.Application of Paymentc. Unletis applicable lu�ti�pmvides o�hc:rwixe,aU payments reccived by L,ender under paragraphs '
<br /> 1 and 2 shall tx upplied: first, to any prepayment charges due uncier zhe Note; second, to�mounts payable under paragraph 2;
<br /> third,to interest due;fourth,to principal due;anci last,to any late char;=rs due under the Note.
<br /> ;.,. 4.Charges; Liens. Bnrrower shall pay aIl taxc�, ati.c>�ment�,char�,es, fincr and impo.itions attributable to thc Property
<br /> �;,:_r �rhirh may attain prioriry rner�',ix Security� Instrument, an�! Ieasehold �ayments or gr��und rent�, if any. Borrower shall pay ;;.:;t ,
<br /> th�seobligations in the manner provided in paragruph 2,i�r it'nut paic� in that manner. Eorrower.hull pay thcm on timr directly
<br /> , �j�� to the penon ua�rd payment. &�rrower.halt prampdy furni+h to l.endrr all nntice,��(amountti to be ,aid under thi�paragraph.
<br /> � •; If�arrower maF.c.these payments dirertly, B��rruwcr shall pramptl�fumitih t��I.rndcr rereiph cviJra-+�m_Ihe payments.
<br /> �� Borrexver shall promptl��diuhargr an��!i�»uhirh ha,priurit�•u�•cr thi�Srrurit� imtrument unl�.,Borroarr: ;:u agrees in
<br /> •. H�p(II:1�to the p•ayment of thc ohligatiun.crured b��thr lirn in a manncr arrrptable ta Lrndrr, (h►rontetit+in;w.���d�taiih the lien
<br /> b�. ��r detend: u�ain�t enfi�rcement ot' the lirn in. Iegal prurecding� ti•liirh in thr I.encler'� i,pin��m ��}kratc a� pre�ent the
<br /> , enfc�rcement of ch;:ien:ur lr1 xrum,frum thc holdrr ut'thc licn an:a�re:nient tiati,factury t<� Lend�r,uhord�natin�thr lien ta
<br /> this Security Im:cuaient. IP[.rnJrr drtermin�,that am pan of th�Pr•.�prrt� i� whjert tu a lirn ��hirh n��� an.�in �nurity over
<br /> this Stturit��Imtrumtnt. LrnJcr may gi��e&urua�r a niuirc idcntil�i n;� tL•:lirn. Rc,rr��wcr.hall,ati.lj th�lien��r cakr�mr or
<br /> mnre o(the artion.,et ti�nh atx��•c w ithin 10�a}+ut�th<<_i�ing uf tH�ti�r
<br /> Farm 3028 9/90 �
<br /> . ..,. ,, .
<br /> �
<br /> " � .
<br />