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<br /> ABSI�NMENT UF RENYB F11DER ���'''
<br /> ' 14'I7i ��Y=,� _ �..;..
<br /> � � ` THIS A831tiNMENT OF RENTS RIDER Is made and executed thls day of APRY�' ,18 94 ,and io ��_�i :"-<="a.�.-a.-•
<br /> Nh�x-���.t��
<br /> �'•,� incorporatod Into and ah�ll bo daemed to arnend and supplement thu MoRgogo or Deatt of Yrust,herelnaftar retorrod to Aa tho ���___?•_'_"'., ,���,�,..,.;:
<br /> .
<br /> � _
<br /> "3eaurity Inatrument",of tn�eame date g�ven by the undersigned, heretnafter referrod to ae the"9orrower", to seoure �.•{""�� '��,,�r�s _
<br /> .. • " , r,��r;.
<br /> Borrower's indebtednssa.hereinaitor rete►red to as the"Note",to HOME FEDERAL SAVINaS AND LOAN AS80CIATION OF , .,���s...
<br /> ' QRAtdD ISLAND.hereirtaRer reterrod to as the"Lender",ot the same date and covering the prope�ty dosar{bed in the Securlty � � f, ,, ,�;
<br /> " Instrumerst and looated at: '�°'�'j "`""����
<br /> ' h_,�_ ..t�...�—----
<br /> - .�:�u�aw.�wee��.��
<br /> 4138 ARIZONA, GRAND ISi,ANA, NEBRASRA 68803 __ _ �;,j��� '
<br /> (Prqperty Addtess) ^ '�f;:"` - -
<br /> •�..0~tLIL'�.yr .m...T�t:
<br /> " • WITNE35ETM: ';:,Y��.�;--
<br /> , �.d�"'—
<br /> , . ...,�,�•..,..�.,
<br /> yyHEqEAg, gorrower and londer have agreed thet any renta and profits attributable to the proparty shouid conatitute ����:.;�',',;..�:;;��-�.:�__
<br /> � additional security to the Lende�tor the payme�t of the Note; .• '.y'•�{� I''�r�t` `
<br /> . -..•<._..i:`•rq'i:s✓�s
<br /> NOW,THEREFORE,it is agreed that the SocuNty Instr�cment shall be amended hereby and deemed to inctude ihe fotlotiving :`t�� • ,:,:'�.:' -
<br /> p�oviaions: .���'"�,�.'j.:-��'!. �
<br /> . '��:'
<br /> � 1. Qseianment of Renta aerd A.orr�r_R�e�ta��o�tr�cttmcn R��s ts.9oerowor Reroby m@so{uteiy and unconditlona�ly aeeigns all .;;;,,.,,:�f.•,'
<br /> .,,..� :�-,_�.
<br /> 'i`�'•` r�n4s, tssusa and profits af tPro p�QRo� 40 �ortm4tc�ary. �ender s�a1t havo 4RO rEght, powe�r and suthority during the , . ..,_
<br /> r,::::. � ��::.;�,},;�.,,:
<br /> .;��;`<<' �: ccntinuence of the Security Instrument 4o cotl�ct tQse r�rtts, �ssues and protits o4 tRe pro�artsr�rtQ ot a�y personal propetty • >.r,;�,_,.:i,,., ._
<br /> �"i•� loaated thereon with or without taking�ssoss�on of tP�a property attected hereby. Lentler, Ceo+ttover, hereby coneente to {,�:;-
<br /> ��4't'°� Borro�ror's coliectlon and retention of sucP►ror�48,lasues and profits as they accrue end become payahl8,so Iong as Borrowor b,�,_�^
<br /> „F:,..._., ;;;��,,,�L..=—'
<br /> _�7����:• is not,at su¢h time,In default with reapect to payment af any Indebtedness secured hereby,or In the p�r�ormance of any • �:y,�:�w�
<br /> 7.� i t �? ;!".`:�Y°�'��,..�
<br /> '��'• agreement hereunder. ;; ,', f�=^�"'
<br /> ti. •.
<br /> , p. �pointment of RACeiver. �f any event ot default in respect to tfie Security{nstrument shali have occurred and tro �=��r�•, :.�.'��,?� _
<br /> . '��; continuing,Lender, as a matter of right and without notice to 8orrcrtvor or anyone ciafming under Borrower,and without =_
<br /> �� regare!to the value of the trust estate or the i�►terest of the 9orrower 8fiereln,shatt have the right to appiy to any court hevieag ��'��:.-
<br /> '��'� j�uadsdictlon to appoint a receiver of the propeny. ° F�
<br /> � S. 81aht to Posseselon.in case of default in the p�y�mnan2 of the safd principal IV�te or Interest,or any pa�E thereof,as it • n . _
<br /> sha11 mature o�in the case of failura to keep�?gerber�rn any of the covenants or agreemnents contained in the Security lnstru• �`��
<br /> .�
<br /> ment� then the Lender, its successars or assS�ns, ah�ll be and is hereby suthorized and ermpowered to take Immedia4@ . ,�,,
<br /> poasession of the sald premises therefn descad�isd amd R¢�coliect the rents therefrom,and to apF9y�ne proceeds thereof to the � t ;�i:r•,
<br /> ---, _—__= p2ymwnt of the Note. • ....� �t, ,,, '�;�-�
<br /> . .._. .... _ .. � ' l�..
<br /> 6: :.}Yl��_
<br /> 4, }4pgticatipn of Re�ts Issues a�d Profits.All rent� collected by Lender or the receiver shall be apptied fi�st to payment r:�•,: �#,t.c
<br /> • � of the costs ot management of the propeny and coftecilon of renta,Inciuding,but not limited to,receive�'s fees,premiums on •-�,� ��:
<br /> :<<�! receiver's bonds and reasonable attorney's fe�s,and then to the su�rns secured by th�e Security Instrument.Lender and the , � ,� �.�i���f,
<br /> �!�:' receiver shal�be Ilabie to account only foe t�ose rents actuatly reamlved. � . r�.' 1c�;,...
<br /> ;�:j•; '
<br /> 5. C,�,onstructlon of Provisions.Each of!ha�provisions contained ara t�is Assignment af Rents�iider and the Security Instca• �4��''�'.
<br /> mon't $hali,unless otherwise specifically required, be �onstrued ice ac�ordance�v�4'h Nebraska law, a�d in the event as�y :•i�;:�.� :, > ��'
<br /> � provlslon herei�or thereln contained sha�l be ai�termined by a court of c�mpetent juvisdtction to be unenforceabte,the same .. , �
<br /> shalt be const�aed as though such unenforcea�le provislon were na:a part hereof or thereof. ,
<br /> 8. Effect of Fiider,Except as specitically modified by or inconsis8e�r:with this Assignment of Rent�Rider or by any oth�r . _. �
<br /> applicabla rlder,a1t of the terms and proviaions co�tained in the Securlty Instrument shall continue in fuli force and effec2. I „ , ;.�
<br /> " r
<br /> � !•� IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Borrower has executed this Ass n nt of Rents R d�r on the date first noted above. ��';�� � �.��.
<br /> ' . , �?�;ir'i�'; , • �I - .
<br /> . . � �.' . . ,. :��i.��.
<br /> t,�+`_ V . :'. .
<br /> �;�..�, Qi S L. WE ef � • :,��"`-'}`:��.
<br /> :',,+ � ,.-, � �''!;Y•S'r'.,r.-
<br /> _' ��.t�j�- F_� �'`� �
<br /> Borrow�: . . .
<br /> ;�:.i STATE OF NEBRASKA) ; ';�'�'
<br /> ;:.
<br /> (SS: ;;�� �,•
<br /> cour�rr oF Ha�� � I �
<br /> On thEs���day of„J►PRIL. _ 199�_.before me,the undersigned,a Notary Pubiic duiy commissioned and
<br /> . ���' qualified for safd county,personally careaa_1',HARI.E,G 1 t+�GNER ANn Rl1XANNF M �1E(;NER - ,
<br /> << (HUSBAND AND WIFE) .
<br /> ,to be the Ident�cai person(s)whose name;s)islare subscrdbe�
<br /> to the foregoing instrument,and he/shefthey acknow�edge the executlon therep�'to be hts►herltheir voiuntary act and deed. ,;•.
<br /> �f!'u4ness my hand and Notarial Seal at GRAND ISLAND, NEBl2aSKA _ — .
<br /> in sa� courr,,,th2 date afotesaid
<br /> �� . � �J—
<br /> ,� �9E�A!RbTMr,Stth d�elrt� .s.�-�.__.��"
<br /> .... � SNERRilO� N Pubitc / ,
<br /> p1y Gss.�n.Exp.9ed�28,1995 �
<br /> My Commisston expin3s.
<br /> NF t0.f0(�9Z1
<br /> i �
<br />