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<br /> " � • applicnble law may specify far reinstatement)before sale of the Property pursuunt tn any power of sale contuined in this .;' :. . "�y',"
<br /> '. ' , Securlty Insm�ment:or(b)entry af a Judgment enforcing thls Security Instrument. 'fhose conditions are that Borrower: (u) +- • • �•�* -
<br /> , . puya Lender all sums which then would be due under thls Secur3ty Inswment and the Note as if no acceleration hnd • , • � . .
<br /> occurreA:(b)cures any default of any ather covenants or agreements;(c)pays all expenses incurned in enforcinb thla Securfty ' �`;�•j •�
<br /> ' � Instrument,lncluding, but not limlted to,reasonabte Attomeys'fees;nnd(d) tskes such actlan as I.ender mny reasonably ' � -
<br /> require to assure that the lien of this Securlry Instrument,Lender�s rights in the Property and 8orrowerh obligution to pay the ° ,
<br /> snms secuced by this Securlty Instrument sh�il coa�tinue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borra�ver. this Security _ � �-'
<br /> y,. � �
<br /> TnstrumenY and the obligatlons secured hereby shall remain fully effecdve as If no acceleratlon had occurrad. However.this � __
<br /> right to reinstute shaii not apply In the case of acceleratIon under pRragrnrnph 17. ._.. _ �r
<br /> • 19. �ule af Note;Change of Loan Setwtcer. 'It�e Note or a partial interest in the Nute (together wlth this Secudty +"
<br /> _,, ,, ,, ,,, ,,;, � [n�wment)m�y be�►Id one or more ttmes without prior notice to Bormwer. A sale may result in a chanse In tho entity � ___-
<br /> (known ac the"Loan ServIcer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument. There also ���
<br /> . may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unr�elated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer, ' ��
<br /> Borrower will be given written notice of the change in accordance with para�raph 14 above and applicable law. 'Rae notice •
<br /> will state the name and addr+ess of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments shauld be made. The notice will • �
<br /> also contain any other information required by Applicable law. ; . • .
<br /> 20. Hazardous SabsQare�,c�. Borrower shall not cause or�¢rmit the presence,use,disposal,storage,or release of any � ,
<br /> � Hezardous Substarcces on or eua t4�e�t+�r�efty. BoYCOV+rer st�att r�ot do.nor allow anyone else to do,anything affecting the �
<br /> �toperty that is in viola�¢ion of any�nvoroiunentallLa«v. 71te preceding two sentences shall not apply to the�resence,use,or
<br /> storage oae the Ptoperty of smal!q�nantities of tiaza¢do�us SuQ�scartces that are generally recognized to be ag��?ronriate to noaxnal
<br /> resid¢ntiaQ uses nnd to cnaintena�rtce of the Praperry. '
<br /> . 1Barcrwer shell prompily give E.eaeder written notice of any investisation,claim,deinae�d,t�wsuit or other actioz�by any
<br /> • goveratmemtxl or regulatory agenc;r 4�r�►rivate parEy involving the�Uoperty and any Hazardvus 5ubstance or EnvironmemcaE �' �`.�
<br /> � � �� Law of which Borrovrer hac actaa�l �nowledge. If Borrower leams, or is nvtified by any govemmental or regulasory r �
<br /> suthority.that any rerrnoval or otheQ cemediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary,Borrower �,�
<br /> � � shall prompdy teke uii necessary remrdial actions i�accordance with Envimnmental Law. • e�
<br /> • � ; As used in this paragraph 2P,"t9zaa.►dous Substances"are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by �
<br /> ,,; Environmental Law and the feUaKi�C substances: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or Qvxic petroleum produrts,toxic
<br /> � pesticides and herbicides, volatile s�ivenls,inaterials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive maternals. As �'� ,,� ,
<br /> used in this paragraph 20,"Environmenta3 Law"means federal laws and Iaws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located .
<br /> that relate to health,safery or environmental protection. °
<br /> :,.. .,
<br /> . , ' NQ�Iv-UI+IIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: , ,;,ti•, .'y.�
<br /> .,v., �fl. :�cceleration; Remedies. Lender shall gtve notice to Borrower prior to acceleration follow[ng Borro�vmr's . ;�r,w,c,;"<r,;�l`'
<br /> •; �'° breac�e a�iP an covenant or a n�s�r�nent in this Securit Instrument(but not rlor to acceleration under aragra fi i7 � 's�'`:`` ;��''"'� +
<br /> ��� . Y g Y p P P .. �i�:.t•i.::�: �
<br /> � �'� ' � unless ppa�licable Iaw provIdes a¢�rwise). The notice shall specify: (a)the defauit;(b)the action requIred to cnre the `��:���t' ., �
<br /> '�°!`.��' default;(c)a date,not less than 30 days from the date the notice is giver�4o Borro�ver,by which t6ae a�PFault must be ' , .
<br /> " ;. � cured;and(d)that inl0ure to cure the default on or before the date sperB�e�l M the�atice may resulft i�acceleration of �'–'^-- –�- ;r • +
<br /> ' the sums secured by Q6is Security Instrument and sale of the Property, aQ�e natice shall further imffarm Borrower of �� ". '� ('}�
<br /> ,l.y!�5�,. 3�i�:
<br /> :"•;r�,�,�. . the ri ght to reinstate aQer uccel�a�ation and the ri ght to brt�g a court acQBon to assert the non-existence of a default or , s���{�,�;,,.• . c
<br /> • �i:��;::,.; , t„: .�,
<br /> , ,,.;,...,, any�eIlO�er defense of�orrowea�tm Acceteration and sale. If t6ee alefault is tnat cured ota ur mefore the date specifiee9 dn .�,j.�..';::;... 5:;
<br /> � ;�;:'�"+,��'� . the r�a�tice,Lender at i4s aptiom ms�z require immediate paymen�an full of ali sams secured�y lhis Secur[ty Instrume�i '^':����:�r � ,•,�
<br /> ' without further demAnd and may invoke the power of sale a�d any �nther remedies permitted �n} Applicable law•. 1 • ��, , '
<br /> Lender sheli be entitled to callect ati expenses incurred in pursuing s9�e remedies provided in t�ais }�nragraph 21. � ;. .
<br /> including,but not limited to.reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of titfe evidence. - , ,''!'
<br /> •�•� If the power of sale is invoked.11rustee shall record a no4ice of default in each county in which any part of the '
<br /> �• ' Property is located and shali mai0 capies of such notice in the manner prescribed by appl(cahle law to Bor�oxer anc!to ,�
<br /> �� the other persons prescribed by applicable law After the timP required bv applicabie lah.'IYustee sha11 give public , : ,;;��
<br /> notice of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable lati��. 1lrustee,without dem�nc!on Borrower, � • -.; .,•::.,:,:
<br /> shall sell the Property at publ[c auction to the highest btdder at the time And place and under the terms designated[n '•���' ':�,;..`._
<br /> '.n;;,� the notice of sale in one or more parcels and in any order 1lrustee determin�cs, 'Irustee may postpon�sule of all or any { , ..' ,'��i::;
<br /> ;'�'._:�:.1' parcel of the Property by pubfic nnnouncement at the time and place of aa�y previously scheduled sale. Lender o�its i ���":'<�:%"��� „-i,l:,;r;`-
<br /> % +�`�' desi nee rna urchase the Pro erty at an sale. r �''��� �'"
<br /> �'�'���•'��'' gU on recei t of inent of the rtce bid,Trustee shall deli�e� to the urchase�Trustee's deed conve in the ,+�������� .'���`,��;;°:"�
<br /> P p peY P P 3' g �...;..
<br /> Property. The recItals in the 1t�ustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence oP the truth of the statertnents made therein. °���s[t•;_•
<br /> 'IYastee shall apply the proceeds of the sale i�t4�e foltowin�;order: ea)ta all costs and expenses of ex�rcising the power I `�'���`�
<br /> �i`�.
<br /> i
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