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<br /> t periadx that I.onder requires. 1'he inriurnnce cnrrler pmvlding the insurance shall t►e chosen by Aormwer+ubject ta Lender4 :,.,:;,rs-;
<br /> " nppmval which�hnll not bo unroahonably wUhheld. !f Bormwsr fails to mnimnin coveruge dexcri�Cd ubave,Lender may,ut
<br /> � � l.ender'�apNao,obtnin coveruse ta pmtect Lenderk righta in the Propcny in uccardcmce wittn purugraph 7. �.' ,. . _
<br /> �• � ' , All inyurnnco palicios nnd renewalx�hull tm ucceptuble ro L.ender imct Khul!include u standurd mortg+o�*e clnu�e. Lender � -_
<br /> nhnll huvc ihe rlght to hc�W th�:pnlictcx and mncwi►Ix. !f l.cndcr rcyuircx.Barrc►wcr�hi�li prc�mptly Bivc to I.cndcr uU rccciptx , ?
<br /> � �� of pnid pmmiums und renawul notices. [n�he event Uf loss.Burn►wer r:hull give prompt noiicc to ihe intiuri�nre carricr und �
<br /> l.endcr. l.ender may muke proof af loss 1f not mude promptly by Burr��wer. • ., �.
<br /> Unlc�,s Lendcr�uid Barrowcr otherwi�.e n�ree in writing,insunmcc prcuced�xhnll bc upplied to restorutian ar rcpuir of
<br /> �� � the Pmperty dnmagcd. if the rextaratian or repair is cconamicully feu.giblc und l.cndcr� u�:urity is not icx�encd. If the W- .,
<br /> �-- - - restar.it�on or repav iK not economianlly fen�ihie or I.endcr:c sccuruy wouid be Icsxened, the insuruncc pmrcedx shaU be � _
<br /> . upplied to the sums sccumd by this Secu�ity Instrumcnt, whether ar not thcn due,with ctny exccs� paid to kinrrawcr. If
<br /> �� � � Borrower ubandons the Property,or does nat unswer wlthin 30 dayF a notice fmm Ixrtder thut the insucance cunier has _
<br /> • offered to settle n ctaim,then Lender may collect the insurance proceeds. Lender muy u�;e ihe proceeds to repuir or restare
<br /> the Property or to pay sums secured by this Security Instcument,whether or not then due. The 30-duy period will begin when
<br /> the notice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othecwise ag�e in writing,any application of proceadti to principal shalt not extend or � '�
<br /> postpone the duc dete of the monthly payments referred to in pacagraphs 1 and 2 or change ihe amount of the paymeuts. lf .
<br /> under parngraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender.Borrower's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resuleeng ,. • .
<br /> .. from dumage to the Property prior to the acquisiuon shall pass to Lender to the extens of the sums secured by this Secueity :
<br /> Instrument immedintely prior to the acquisition. �
<br /> • 6. Occupancy, Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Borrower's Lmra�e Ap�Q6ca4nw+, , •
<br /> LeaseEeolds. Borrower shal!occupy.estublish,and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence wit�nin sixey days after .
<br /> � r:.. .
<br /> . � the execution of this Securiry lnsenaanent and shati continue w occupy the Property a.s Bor�oLVe��princiqra!residence for at
<br /> least one year after the da¢e ofr o�ccup�artcy, unless Lertder �therwise agrees in writimg, which consent shalD not be �
<br /> . "'••� •�, unreasonably withhald,or ureless ex¢enua¢ing circucnsCances exist which are beyond Borrowert conteol. �oaower shall not � � .` -.
<br /> destroy,damage or impair the Property,allow the Properiy to detereorate,or commit waste on the Pcoperty. Borrower shall
<br /> •; ' • • be in default if any forfeiture action or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,i�begun that in Lender:,•gocxi faith judgment , „
<br /> ' � �, could result in forfeiture of the Property or otherwise materially impair vhe �.i:n created by this Security Instrument or .
<br /> Lendert security interest. Borrower may cure such a default and mi�state,as pruvided in paragraph I8,by causing the action
<br /> or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that,in Lender's gaost fa9th determination.precludes forfeimre of the Borrowrrk
<br /> . interest in the Property or other material impairment of the lien cr�eated by this Securiry Instcument or Lender:s secw�ity , -'_
<br /> interest. Borrowar shall also be in default if 6oecW�ver, during the loan application process,gave materially false or r�
<br /> inaccurate information or statements to Lender(or fai�ed to provide Lender with any material information)in connection with •..�.J.�f�.
<br /> the loan evidenced by the Note. including, but noc limited to,nepresentations cancerning Borrower's occupancy af the
<br /> Proner�� as n principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a leasehold,Borrower shall comply with aU the provisions , .,�t j.
<br /> of the 1�;�.�e. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property,the Ieasehold and the fee titIc shali not mer�c w►te�s L.endcr a�;:zs � ��- ' '
<br /> � to the mzrger in writing. + �
<br /> �-__ ; ..�,..:;:
<br /> 7. Protectlon oY I.cnder•s Rights in the Property. If Borrower fails to perforrn the covenunts and agmaments { , i
<br /> contained in this Security InsUUment,or there is a legal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the . ;.. �
<br /> � Property(such as a proceeding in banktuptcy,probate,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforee laws or regulationsl,then r�"
<br /> Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property. ,
<br /> Lender's actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has prIority over this Security Instrument,appearing ��('
<br /> � � in court,paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Pro�erty to make repain.Although Lender may tnkc ar¢ion ,,.�% ,t
<br /> • under this paragraph 7,Lender dces not have to do<o.
<br /> .. . Any umounts disbursed by Lender under this paragruph 7 chaU bc:come additional debt of Borrower secured by this ;r
<br /> • - &:cariiv lnstrument. Unless Borrower artd Lender ngrer to other tcrms of pu}•meni,these arnounts shull bear interest from thr
<br /> date o f dis bursemen t a t t he No t e ra t e and shall be pa yable,with interest, u p on notice froan Lender to Borrower reyuesting , •• ..:-�s
<br /> ..,!';;:�,�•t: a ment. '
<br /> ,;•,�., , P'Y .�,,
<br /> 8. Mortgage lasurance. If Lender required mortgage insurance aa�a ronslitia�n o�making the loan secured by this I r;'_
<br /> ! , Security [nstrument, B�nower shall pay the premiums mquired to maim<iin �he mortgage insurartce in tffect. tf, for any �
<br /> re u so n, the mort ga ge in<urance covera�e re quited by Lender lapses or cra+ex to be in effect. Bon�wer shall pay the '
<br /> premiums required to obtain coveruge substantially equivalen� to the mort�age insurance previous l�� in e f fec t, a t t+ c o a t �
<br /> substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mongage insurance prev�ously in effect,from an nitematr mortgage
<br /> insurer approved by Lender. If+ubstantially equi�•alent mortgaee insurance coverage i.not uvuilable,Sorrower shall p:►y to
<br /> ' Lender each manth a sum eyual to one•twelfth��f the ye�rl��mongage intiurance premium being paid by �onower when the ,
<br /> imurance coverage lapsed or ceused to be in effe�t. Lender wili accept,use:md retain these payments a.a 1o+s reserve in lieu ,
<br /> of mortgnge insurance. Loss reserve payment�ma�� no longer be reyuired.at the option of LenJer,if mortgage insurance
<br /> . coverage(in the amount:u�d for the period that Lender requires�provided by an insurer approved by Lendrr again becomes ,
<br /> ,;�<<.:
<br /> r .��; availahle and is nhtained.Borm�cer shall p�y the premiums reqt�ired to maintain mortgage inxurance in effect,or to proL�i�it a
<br /> • loss re.erve,until the requirement formortgage imurance end.in accordance��•ith any wriuen agreernent between Borm��er �
<br /> � � and Lender or applicahle law. �
<br /> 9. Inspertion. Lender or itti•rgcnt ma�•make reasonahle entries upon and in�pcctions cif the Property. Lendrr shall ,
<br /> gi�•e Bortoa•er notice at the time of orpnorto an in�prction tipecif�•ing rrasunable cau,e f'orthc in�pertion. i
<br /> i�li. Q'ondemnation. The proceeds of am a��ard or rl.�im for damage�,Jirert ar ron.equrnti�l.in�onnectiort��iz:�any �
<br /> � SinEle Fam�l}••bannie 11ae F�rddir�tac L'\IFUR)t 1\tiTRI'�tE1T-�l'mt��rtn C'o�cnana 9 90 rp�c.•?•%^E��+er�i
<br /> Grcat La1M BuYirc.,�Fo�rma.�oc/
<br /> tolhdtrCall 1�&MYait}�:�,'_�p{%61M179�•tI3I ' .
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