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<br /> ,fxn�:>���r,.iw a licable law ma s !f Por oeinstatement)before salc of the Pro rt � � � '-=--�°
<br /> PP Y P� Y P� Y Pursuent to any power oi suie conteined in this �.�:«`,,.-:�-T—.;
<br /> ,,,�.,,iT .,,.;�y,�� Security In�trument;ar(b)en of a judgment enforcing thia Securlty InsqvmenG Those conditions ere ttnat�arrower: (a) ,�i;�;:,,-�.;:,::°��'�N---
<br /> -- ���,
<br /> , pays Lender al! sums �vhich en would be due under this Secur�ty Irestrument and the Note a� if no acceleration had � '`, a�
<br /> ' occurred;(b)cures any dafault of any other covenants or agreements;(c)pays all expenses inca�red in enforring this Security '•�'�''"_
<br /> Inatrument, ittcluding,�ut not Ilmited ta. ceusonable attornays'fees; and(d) taEces such action as Lender may rensonably ;� � '`. �
<br /> requir+e to assure that the��en of this Security InstrumenG Lender�s rightR In the Property and Batrower's obligation to pay tho � „��
<br /> -=���''�•°' sums socured by this 3ecudry Insaument shall condnue unchanged. U4wn reinstatement by Borrower, this Secudty �'` '�" ^
<br /> w , '
<br /> i Insuument and the obligatians secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration had arcurteci. However,this '
<br /> � dght tu reinsiate shali not apply in the case of acceleratian under paragraph 17. � � , -
<br /> , Y9 5aie oY Note; Ctiange ot Lo�n 3ervlcp.T 7lta Note or a partlal interest in the Note(together with this Sec:uriry �
<br /> • Instiuument) may�e sotd on�or more times withaut prlos Ratice to Bonower. A sale may result in a change in the entity
<br /> ° (known es the"Loan Servlcer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and thls Security Insuurnent. There also �'
<br /> may be orte or more changes of the Loaa ServIcer unrelated ta a sale af the Note. If thec+e is a change af th�Loan Servicer. ;
<br /> ., . Borrower wlll be given wrltten nottce of the change in accordance with paragaph 14 above and applicable law. The notice
<br /> . :�'��1. will state the name and address af the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments shauld be made. '!he notice will ,�, �
<br /> also cantatn any other informadon requued by applicable law. ��i;'y., ° •C.,:.� ,'%' ' k
<br /> -� 1F. ,,r.r;�'
<br /> , �; Zll. MAZnMous Substane�s. Honower shatl not cause or permit the pnsence,use,disposal,storage,or release of any y�i.,;q,�f�};�,;��;;.y�::;,;,��; ;, fi,
<br /> � �' �� Property that is in v ala�on of any Enviranmental La�v.eTh plreced ng two sent nces shall not apply to the�p e encetjus�e or :�::r•;:r 1�4����S��?`:"''^ "
<br /> �7,�
<br /> � .�•"`' stonse on the Propeny of smell quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generully recognized to be appropriate to normal i� �� '�" �'� �
<br /> , ,;�.;;, residential uses and to mAintenance of tiie Praperry. `
<br /> Harrower sha11 promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation,claim,demand.lawsuit or other action by any . �� ;�
<br /> � - �''�� govemmentat or r+egulatory agency or prlvate party invofving the Propecty and aay Hazardous Substance pr Environmental , �
<br /> L,aw of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is nat�ed by any govemmental or regulatory � • �.;�•
<br /> authority,that any removal or other remediatian of any Hazardous Substance affcetfng the Property is necessary,Borrower
<br /> shail promptly take all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmentel Law. � . �t
<br /> As used In this paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substances"are those substances defined as toxic or hazaMous substances by
<br /> , , : . Environmental Law and tha following substances: gasotine,kerosene,other flammabie or toxic petroleum products,toxic � '
<br /> "'��;� ' „ pesticides and herbicides,volatlle rolvents.mater�als containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and mdioactive materiats. As �, �
<br /> ,' used In this paragraph 20,"Environmental Law"meuns federal lAws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located „ � - ��
<br /> that rciate to heulth,sufety or envjronmcntal protection. -_- .. �
<br /> � . NON-UNIFORM COdENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covennnt und a�rec ati followti: ,
<br /> Zl. Aeceterattoni Remedies. Lertder shail give nedce to Borrower prtor to Bcceleration Pollowing Borrower•s ' ,t=�„' r__
<br /> . breuch ot any cavenant o�agreement in thls Securtty Instrument(but�ot prior to�acceleration under paragraph 17
<br /> � unless appitcmble 18w prnvides atherwtse). The hotice shall speciPy: (a)the default;(b)the action eequired to cure the 9�r�"�'
<br /> �� - dciauit;tcj a date.not_iess ti�an 30 days irom tt�e date the noUce is given to Borrnwer,by which the default must be ��'"T-T►
<br /> • cured;and(d)that failure to cure the default on or before the date specifietl in the notice may rcsult in ncceleratton of , .� ,
<br /> ,. the aums secured by this Secur[ty Instrument and sale ot the Property. The notice shall further intorm Borrower of �
<br /> the right to reinstate at�er acceleration and the rtght to bring a court action to assert the non-existenee of a default or
<br /> any other detense of Borrower to acceleratton and sale. If the default is not cured on or betore the date speclt�ed in ' ��
<br /> the notice,I.ender at its option may require immediate payment tn fuli of all sums secured by this Security I�strument �. ����j �
<br /> without further dema�md and may invoke t6ce g+�wer of sale and any other remedies permitted by appficable law, f��.�
<br /> L.ender shall be e�mRouU�co collect atl exQcerases cararred in pursuing the remedies provided in this par�graph 21. , ,,,�,j,��
<br /> • induding,but n�II tuonn9¢¢�to,reasona6le aIItPa�aaep^s'E'�es and costs of tiqe evidence.
<br /> ` : . . Eff Qhe poo�z•¢��,ff sq0e is invoked.7lraosIIee s4a43 record a not6ce of default in each county in which any part of the :.�4,,�;�•`l,.;:��.
<br /> - �u'oprn'Ry n���te�a�d shall mail cop3es�ff soncF�unmtice in the manner prescribed by appl(cable law to Borrower and to '�'•�;;�Y�:'�'..�:
<br /> ¢O�e oiRa�r�psas�ns�O�escribed by applira�0�9aioti. AtYer the time required by applicable law.'IYustee shall glve public ,`':�1d�:
<br /> . _ snodce of sape!o t�e pnra-sons and in tE�e aona��u¢r p:r�escribed by applicable law 7Yustee,wiQhout demancD on Borrower. ''`•� � � � -"�
<br /> shall sell the Pro�u�Rg•u:t�u61ic a�c8non¢�oCoe A��laest bidder at the time an�piace a�d under the terms designated in ;v��:�;�-
<br /> � the notice of sale In�me�nr�ore pa��els auad uue A�ny oeder'I�ustee determines. 'llrustee maq postpane saYe of all or any ��,;�' . `'
<br /> , � ;`j:,1 parcel of the Propert�m��publi�ae��oumc�mYnt at the time and place of any previous9q sc9�eduled sale. Lender or its ' ,i�,,�'
<br /> designee may purchase u�e Properiy at any�sBle. �`. . .,
<br /> " .��.�_•' ;'.'`;�.' Upon receipt off p�yment of the price trnsf,'ll�ustee shaD deliver t o t h e p u r c h a s e r 3 1�u s t e e's d e e d c o n v e y i n g t h e �':S �
<br /> . , Property. The reri¢snOs cn the'lrustee's deed slhaUU @e prima facte evldener oi'rthe truth of the statements made therein. �
<br /> „ � , 1lrustee shall ap�➢q IIlh��roceeds of the sale in rtI�ffa�9lawin�order: (a)to aG0 cvstx and expenses of exercising the power ��� ,.
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