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<br /> ` '�" " '•'iw period.g that l.ender requires. 7he insurartce carrier provlding the insumnce shall be chogen by Hamnwer xubject to l.ertderb � ,'�' �'" ' '-
<br /> ;-� upproval which shall not be unreuxanabiy withheld. If Aorrower fni1K to mnintain covomgo deacribed obave,Lender mtry,at •:�`� '•i;���.�=_�
<br /> -' ' Lender's o tion.obwin covern e ta rotect Lend�r�ri hts in the Ptro R in naosdance wlth arn h?. '' {'�''�"_"_-°
<br /> . . •• . P 8 P 8 P� Y P S�P ,."•�„•�r7..:�;;,.__.-- -
<br /> ^ All insurnnce policiss and renewals shull be acceptuble to Lender and shall include u stnndurd martgage claufie. Lender • ''�'� ���•°�;
<br /> ` �� shaU have the ri t to hold the olicles und rertewnla. If[.ender utres.Borrower shall rom tl Ivo to Lender ull rccei tx '"'� •'' ����"'` `'�`'"
<br /> . , Sh P �9 P P Y 8 A r;:�•�-�`--
<br /> � � of paid premtwns an8 renewctl not�ces. In the event of loas,Borrower shWl give prompt not(ce to the ineurance currler and �'������-�=-;=,��
<br /> I.ender. I.ender may make proof of loss if not made prorr�pdy by Barrower. •� .:' ' ``- -
<br /> ' " Unless Lender und Bornnwer otherwise a in writi�g.Insurance roceeds shall be a Iled to restorntion or re air of �;:K`="='`'�"�--
<br /> 0o i�;s•-:
<br /> � the Property dsuna�ed, if the restoratton or repai�'r is economicelly feas�ble and I.enderk sec urlty is not lexsened. If tt�e ' .. �#�===_=
<br /> �- re�scoruiiun u, ie atr is not accnor.ifcait fcusible or Lender's secur:s•� ivould be lessened,the insurence proceeds ahnli he � ,,��r��-.__
<br /> � y J ` ,4a.�i:irM.hu.-._-:
<br /> -�, ' applied ro the sums secured by this Securlty Instrument, whether or na then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. If z :��:�,�'i�,;,�,;..;_.-.�-:
<br /> • Borrower abendons the Prope�ty,or dces not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insumnce carrier has �";;��•��;-'.��'.r�c:;':
<br /> �� offered to settle a claim,then Lender may collect the insurnnce proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or reswre ` . ,
<br /> , • th�Pro�erty or to pay sutms secured by this Securiry Inswment,whethec or not then due. The 30•day per�od will begin when , �- �`���
<br /> m .,:,�.:
<br /> the not6ce is given. �t��
<br /> : .,af�.�;�L:[�:'•'':
<br /> � • � Umless I.ender and�orrower oBherwise agree in writing,any application of proceeds to principat shalt not extend or -::-� r••...
<br /> postpone the due date of t6�e monthly paymerets referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of th�payenents. If "•��_�µ.zr.>.,: ':'
<br /> ••r�. under paragraph 21 the Pe+operty is acquirec! by Lender, Borrower's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting _..,.•..vx� -
<br /> . `"� fram damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shaU pass to Lender to the extent of the sum�secured by this SecuriYy �•. —
<br /> "?+t„ lnstrument immediately prior to the acquisition. '`';«�,1 t���'; °.4:
<br /> ,,, , ;_� . . t., ,
<br /> yt �; ' -'� 6. Occupancy, Ppa��cvation, Ma3ntenance ae�� Pro4ection ot tOne Property; Borrow�r's I.oan Applicadoan; � �{: ,�z �
<br /> +t y �,1, 'fit f; �.�ueh�lds. Borrower s4�all occupy.eatablish,and�e�:the PiroperQy as Borrower's pr�nc�pal residence within sixty days afte� t` ,, ., s��r�� 1
<br /> l;t,�,sjt�;,�< <' `.,�:: . the exe�u.i-or.+�f tl�i�Security lnste�umen2 and sha11 cominua to accu�y �e Propert}•as BonuKer's:�eincipal res�dence for at '�'.�1�ft�,� ..',y�`Ff.;�'�'`n��-
<br /> ���,�'� `�s�,r '�' �� ',, least �me veaF af�er the date of mccuEancy, untess LendYr ot6�erve,e a grees ir� writing, which consent shall not he J���hF SS��fst�1�2�
<br /> .t�.� �,?t`,,'':'�; s.i}.,�.+� unreascenuaVy ���ithheld,or unless ext�enua:in,circumstances ex�st�v�i�M are beyond Bor�otiver's conuol. Horrower shall nc�t �i` ,� �., r,r;'. ' ,; -
<br /> f�� , }��5� Y. g P Fe Y• �, Y p� i�;;:.,�,.�1�,�.:.•�a°�',5{�t�
<br /> dPStro dama e or im ai�the Pro rt ailow the Pa,o �rt to deterioraze,os coa�m3t waste on the Pro m. ���rower shall
<br /> `� •,�";f� , '`1'�•� he in default if an forFeiture actir�n or receedin�.whetfier civil or crim�ninal,is he�;am thac ie�Lensler's oocb faith 'ud ent �'°�''��•if'��' ''in,;�1y' ��?tiR,1,.�
<br /> � .,.;,:;;s��l�r:.,.'.:�';;.; Y P r R J Sm y'� �r n:.
<br /> ;;:�:�`:�ist;.�.,�,_;';';;.?:i:;�.�. could result in forfeiture of the Propen}� or othenLi;e materisilly impair IIhe lien created by this Security Inswment or .�'."; ���;'�'�""
<br /> :,,r.:;�,;,��..�.•. .::,.:��-;;, �.�fy ,.t�,.�:;�::-.
<br /> � • Lender's security interest. Borrowec rna::cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing!he acpon }�:::�y�
<br /> . �,'`r>;
<br /> � , ur proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that,in Lender's good faith detern►ination,precludes fodeiture of the�orrower� ..�{:;_�
<br /> interest in the Propecty or other material impairment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security
<br /> interest. Borrower shall also be in default if Borrower, during the loan application process, gnve materially false or � ?' �__
<br /> � inaccurate informut9an or statements to Lender(or fai(ed to rovide Lender with any material information)in connection with .. '�� .
<br /> ._:_.___—.___ f}iP Mt'!11 PV}/IPtICP(I I1V 1MP. Note. inctuding. but not limited to. representations concernin� Borrower's occupancy of the . �
<br /> ' �' Property as a principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a Ieasehold,Borrower shall comply wtth all the provisions " , �� -
<br /> of the lease. lf Borrower s�cquires fce title to thc Property,the lea�ehald and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees ` " � �
<br /> to thc mcrgcr in writing. ^ `���
<br /> 7. PrntecNon oP Lender's Rights in the Property. If Borrowcr fails to pertbrm thc covenants and ugreements �L�' �
<br /> contained in thix Security In.trument,or there is u Iegul proceeding that muy .ignific:u�tly nffect Lender� rights in the ,�q,.,,�*,
<br /> . Property(such ar u proceeding in bwnkniptcy,probute,for candemnation or farfeiture ar to enforce luws ar regulutions),then ,.;; r j„
<br /> Lender may do und pay fnr whatever is necestinry to protect the value ot the Praperty s�nd Lender's rishts in the Property. �• "r-�M
<br /> Lender ti artions muy include paying uny sums�ecured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument,appearing t.-�"
<br /> " in court,paying reasonnble attumeys'fees and entering on the Property to rnake repairs.Although Lender may take action �',�
<br /> ' under this paragraph 7,Lender does not huvc to do�o. '9
<br /> Any amounts disbuned by Lender under this paragraph 7 shull become additional debt of Botrower secured by this '
<br /> Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms af payment,these amounts shall beaz interest from the ' !
<br /> dateof disbursement ut the Note rnte and shall be payable,with interest,upon natice from Lender to Borrower requesting • ; �,'.;',:'��
<br /> payment. . ,,�;.;-:' ,�.
<br /> � � 8. Mortgage Insutance. If Lender required martgage insurance as a condition of making the Ioan secured by this ;� i��'�7' -
<br /> �'�`��"� Security Instrument,Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maimain the mortguge insurance in effect. If,for any '��`� , .' �
<br /> %�".:._.:, ,
<br /> reason, the mortgage insurance coverage requined by Lender Inpses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the ,� ,
<br /> � •'�'• premiums required to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effeet, at a cost �•�"•��•�,.• :
<br /> ' . �'.�� substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect,from an altemate mongage ���it;�:���`� '
<br /> insurer a roved b Lender. if sulxtantiall e uivalent mort a e insurance co�•era e is not available.Borrower shall a to � �"��� '
<br /> .; Pp Y Y Q B S € P Y , :f�'6'.
<br /> � Lender each month a sum eyual to one-tw•elfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the '1
<br /> �';;; intiurance rovera e Ia �ed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will acce t,use and retain these a ments as a loss reserve in lieu •
<br /> - € P P P Y F;
<br /> • of mortgage insurance. Luss reserve payments may no longer be reyuimd,at the option of Lender.if mortgage insurance
<br /> ' coverage(in the:unount and for the period that Lender requireti)provided by an irourer approved by Lender again becomes �'
<br /> availahle and is obtuined. Borrower tihull pay the premium.reyuired to maintain monguge imurance in effect,or to provide a f
<br /> `�' lo��reserve,until the reyuirement for mongage imurance end.in accordance K•ith any written agreement beiween Borrower i
<br /> �.�• andLender or applicable law. ( •
<br /> ''�.�� 9. Inspection. Lender c�r its agent may make masonable entrieti upcm and in+pection.of the P�opert�•. Lender shall i
<br /> give Bormwer notice at the time of c►r prior to an inspection�pecif}•ing reasc�nable cau,e for the im�ection.
<br /> ' 10. Condemnation. The pmceeds of any:�ward ur daim for damaFe�.Jircct or romeyuentiat,in connection u�ith an�
<br /> Smgle Famil}••F'annle�1ae�FreGdlt�1ac l'\IF'UR►1 1\STRI'�tE\T -l'mh�rm C���enant. 9%90 ����e�/n�ucc�i
<br /> Grtat I.urw Ru.anrx+Fame.Inc�
<br /> To thdR C�II 1811O�71FY393'.:Y1!l RI��41�1131
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