,�;.zp ,`„5i.',h �t�ri�,�f �:a9i� .3"°;"r'F'_T'-=m�3Y+r?.;„i�?�' I ti� t :n�� - � , ,�,a S�r:�,i � ��.... - �
<br /> �t ` ,.'�a.7a� ,i t { �`�� 1 } .tl�� !� t , .,,. � t�r: ,��`s Pi.,N•; '•'•=. � - . `.�`iu� v�3
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<br /> ' ' } ���� . . < . s�+E i,
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<br /> � • � �� ,. .
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<br /> . . ,
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<br /> �.� ..w:,�.r.z.�. . .....----.��...�.��' � _
<br /> � ... • 18. Berrowe�'e Rleht to Rainstate. M Borrower meet�ceAaln conditione,Borrower shall heve the right to hava entorcement � , , . � —
<br /> . dtscontlnued at any time p►for to the caarifer of: (a)& days (or euch other period as app�cabie iaw may specity tor retnstatement)baforo eata . ..
<br /> n
<br /> , , of the Properly pursuent to eny power af saie contalned In thia Secudty Inatrumont; or (b) enUy ot a Judgment eniordng thio 8ecurity .
<br /> insWment.�Thoae eondlUons are that Bormwor. (a)pays Lender ell suma which then would be due under this 3ecurity Inatrument and tho � �
<br /> " ,Note as It no eccel¢ratlon had occurred; (b) curea any defautt ot any other covenant or agreements; (o) pays atl expenaea UouRed in ,. . � _
<br /> - eniorefng thia Socurity Ins2rument, inciuding. but not Itmited to, reasonable atlomeys' feea; and (d) takes euch aoUon as Lender may ° ° -
<br /> 5'
<br /> � reasonaby requfre to essuro that the Ilan ot this Secudty Instrument. 4ender's dghto in the Properly and Borrower's obligeGon to pay the , _
<br /> oums secured by this Seeudty Instrument shall continue unehanged. Upon relnstatemESnt by BoROwer, thia 8ecurity inatrument anA the , � . ,�
<br /> � " obNgaUons secured hereby shali remain fuliy ef(eative as It no accaleroUon had oceurred. However, thi, dght to rc�instnte shatl no!appy in _
<br /> the case ot acce]eraUon under paregraph 17. �
<br /> � -.. 19.38!8 �MOt9; Cheage of Loan Servicer. The Note or a partlal Intereat b the Note (together with thfs 3eauity
<br /> ineWment) may be soid one ar more Umes wRhout prior noUce to Borrower. A sele may result in a change in the endty (known as the .
<br /> � � •Loen 9ervicer') that coleata monthry payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument. Thera also may he one or more ohanges
<br /> ot the Loan Servtcer unrelated to a saie of the Note. It therv is a change of the Loan 9ervker,Borrower will be gNen w�itten notice ot the
<br /> chenge tn accordance wfth paragraph 14 nbove and appliceble law. The noUce w1U stete the name and addresa of the neter Loan 3ervlaer
<br /> and the address to whkh payments should be made. The noUce wili also cantaln any other hformatlon required by appllcabie law.
<br /> 20. Hazardous Substances. Bortower ahall not ceuse or pertnft the presence, use, dlsposai, ato►age, or release of any
<br /> • Hazardous Substancea on or in the Property. BoROwer sheil not do,nor sltow anyone etse to do, anything aNectfng the Property ihat is In
<br /> � � vidadon of any Envtronmantal Law. The preceding two sentences shalt not apply to the presenca, use, or storage on the Property of smeG
<br /> quanlfUea of Hezardous 8ubstances that are genereiy recognized to be appropdate to narmai residentia► usea and to malntenance of the •?
<br /> . , Properiy. �,
<br /> Qorrower shaN prompty gNe Lender wdtten notice ot any InvesUgaUon. dalm, demand,lawsult or other aotlon by any govemmental a : '�. :._,
<br /> � regulatory agency or private parry InvoNing the Praperty and eny Hezardoua Subatance or Environmentai Law ot which Bortower fias actual ,
<br /> � fmowledge. If Borrower leems, or Is noUfled by any govemmental or regu�atory aulhority. that any removal or other remedlatton o( any 'r<"`
<br /> , '� Hamrdous 3ubstence a8ectlng the Property is necessary, Borrower shel prompty take ali necessary remediat actlona In accordence wNh � , `'����
<br /> .,�iil
<br /> O Environme�tai Law. �;��i, ,�
<br /> � As used in this paragreph 20, "Hazardoua Substences' are those substances de8ned as toxic or hazerdoua substances by ;�, r.
<br /> • Envkonmenta� Law and the foilowing substances: gasoltne, kerosene, other flammabie or to�dc petroleum products, toxlc pestlddes and '•:'��r,"'
<br /> herbicides, vdatlle soNents, materlais contelning asbestoa or fortnaldehyde, and radioadive mstedais. As used In this paragraph 20, . . '
<br /> •Envtronmentai Law° mea�s tederal Iews and lews of the judsdiction where the Propeity Is located that relate to heaph, sately a , = -
<br /> ;;.�; , ,�. environmental protect(on. r•::• ~'
<br /> 't,.i.? Iq�i�1 "i,'.�l�� i
<br /> ;., � NON-UNIFORM COVENANT3. Bortawer and Lender further covenant and agree as fotlows: � ,-;�,. i
<br /> •4'".:
<br /> •'��° 2!. P.�cs!$rs#lon. Rempdias. Lender shall �7ive notice to Borrower p�rtor to accelerakion foltowing �. ,�..�,_,.;fz� _.,_,, �
<br /> Borrower's breach�of any covenant or agreement i�this Security InstruQnee�B (but �ot prior to acceleration `�°'•-��. ` •—" ,
<br /> under paragrap6� 17 unless appliceble law provides otherwise). The notice shall apecify: (a) the defaul� � �
<br /> i.:
<br /> - (b) the actfon requ6red to cure the detauit; (c) a date, not less tha� 30 daya from the dete the notice is �` 't•
<br /> '����� • glven to Borrower, by which the default must tse cured; and (d) that failure to cure the dotault on or �'',;�i
<br /> ��`` 6efore the date specified in the notice may result in acceleration of the aums secured by thts Security
<br /> Inatrument and sale of the Property. The notice shalt further info�m 8o�rower of the rigM to reinatate afler �`,�:�!�.� ,
<br /> acceleration and the right to bring a court action to asse�t the non-exiatence of a default or any other � �`��
<br /> ,,,�:.
<br /> defense of Borrcwer to acceleration and sate. If the defautt is not cured on or be4ore the date apecffied _. ,�
<br /> ,,,. in the notice, Lender at i4s option may require immediete peyment in fall of all sums secured by this : ', '
<br /> SecuviHy InstrumoM witho�+@ 4uvther demand and may invoke the pow�� of sale and any other remediea � ,: ' ?�
<br /> �•'�:.',� permDQt�d b�► applicabte lav�. Lenaier ahall he entitled to collect atl mxpmnses incurred in �sursuing the • ';::';;• �, � =;''
<br /> , remedaes provl¢led io�this �►aragraph 21, Iu�ciud(ng, but not Itmitod to, �easonable attoen�ys' fees ancE costs � �
<br /> of ti41e evidence. � � `
<br /> :..��`:
<br /> If�the power o� sale is I�voked, 7rusiee shat! record a noti�e mt cY�tauit in each county in whiah any ,
<br /> part oT the Property ts loca4eal and shail maii aopi�s of such notice in the Qnanner prescrlbed by applicablo '
<br /> law to 9orrower and to 4hm other persons prascribed by appficabla taw. AR�r the time required by
<br /> appitcable law, Trustee shai� give pubiic notice of sale to tha persons a�d in the manner prescribed by �
<br /> appiicabte Iaw. Trustee. without demand on Borrower. shali sefi !he Property at pubtic auction to the
<br /> highest bitldor at the time and place and under the terms designeted in the notice of sale ie one or more
<br /> • parcets and in any order '0'rustee determines. Trustee may poatpone safe of all or any parcei of the
<br /> Property by public anrtounc�ment at the time and piace of any p�evi�us9y scheduled sate. Lender or its
<br /> � ,'�" '� designee may purchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> lDpon receipt af payment of the price bid, Trustee shail deliver to the purahaser Trustee's deed
<br /> conveying the Property. The recitats in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the t�uth of
<br /> the atatemeMs made theseiu�. Trustee shatt appiy the proceeds ot ghe sale in the Yollowing order: (a)tm all
<br /> , ,;". costs and expenses of ex��cising the power of sal�, and the sate, incEudi�g the payme�t of 4he Trustee's
<br /> � fees actuatty irncuv��d, 0�08 4o exceed 3 9'0 of the prin�ipal aeu�oua�t of t� nmte at the tirne of the
<br /> deciaration of �mfmal2, ana7 reasonable attorney's fees as p�rcrai�it�d by Oaw; (b) to all sums secured by this
<br /> Security Instrum�to$; and (c) any eucess to the person or p�rs�s tegalUy e�titl�d 4o i4.
<br /> 22. Reconveyance. Upon payment of all sums secured by ihis Securiry Instrumertt.Lender ahail request Trustee to reconvey the
<br /> Properly and sheli surtender this Security InstrumeM and ali nutes evidendng debt secured by this Secutity Instrument to TNStee. Trustee
<br /> shatl teconvey the Prope�iy wfthout warranty end wfthout charge to the person or persons Iegaily entided to ft. Such persan or persons shall
<br /> pay any recordatlon costs.
<br /> 23. Substitute Trustee. Lender, at its aption. mey hom time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee to eny
<br /> r_._.Y �......i..�..� ti�...ae. 1,v nn Inetnimant rnenrded in the counN in which this SecuriN Instrument is recorded. Wilhout conveyence of
<br /> ....o..,.. a�.�........... ..�.�..__. _, _.. . -' - -
<br /> the Propeny, successtx trustee shal�succeed to ail the Utle, pawer and duttes coniQrred upon Trustee herein and by applicabie law.
<br /> 24. Requeat tor Notiees. Bortower requests that cop;es of the noUces ol de(auit and saie be sent to Bortuwer's address whkh
<br /> is the F'roperty Address.
<br /> 25. Riders to thts Securfty Instrument. N one or more riders are executed by Borrower end recorded together with IMs
<br /> � 3ecurity Instrument, ihe covenants and agreements o1 each such �ider shaY be incorporated into and shall amend and supplement the
<br /> covenants and agreements of this Seauily Instrument as it ihe rider(s)were a part ot this Securily Instrument.
<br /> i
<br /> � Pagc 6 of 5 Form)029 9,90
<br /> F1029-1M6(4/94)
<br /> 117971•S-t8 -
<br /> �
<br />