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<br /> • not to excesed the me�tlmum amount e tender tot a tedernJty retnted mortgage loan may roquUo tor earrawar•o aaarow aacount undar tha •., � ��
<br /> „ f�danJ tieal Eetato BettlameM Proaedurea Aat of 1974 as amendad from Umo to Ume, 12 11.8.0,2801 et seq.('RBBPA'),uMa$s another tmv �' ,� ,
<br /> that appiles to tho Funds 3cta a tosecr amoun� N so, Lender may,nt any Ume,coitoat end hotd Funda in an nmaunt nat ta uxnaad tha '` ''., �,
<br /> , � , tssaer amaunt. Lander may eaUmate tho emount of tunds duo on the bnals of current detn and roasortRbtv ootlmates of m�efldYurea af C` + . '-`
<br /> ° future Escrow Itofia or otherwise In eccordence with epplicable law. � " •—
<br /> ^ ° The Furtds shell be hetd in an InatituUon whose depostts aro Insured by a tede�l aganay.Instn�mantniiry, ar onttly (Inaludinfl Londar,M ?
<br /> �• Lender is ouch er9 InotftWon)or in any Fedora� Homo Lonn Bttnk Lendor ahail appy iha Funds 4o pny tho Escrow itomo. Londar may not r •� .. �
<br /> � " ofisrge Borrower tor holding end applylnfl the Funds, annuoiry analydng the escrow axount,or verftyfig tho Escrow itmne, un�aaa tsnder ,�
<br /> ; � �aya BOrtovler lrttarettt on the Funda end appitcabte Isw per►nits Lendsr to make sueh a chargo. Howwo�r,Londer muy roquUo 8orrawrrr ta � a.
<br /> pay a onatlme ohargv tor en independem real estate tax ropoRing service used by Lender tn conneeilon with this toan,unless eppl!aab�l�nv 'T
<br /> provides otherwise. Un►ess an apreement ia made or appUcabta law roqutrea interoat to be peld, Lendar ahaA not be mqulead ta pay ".�• , -_
<br /> Borrov�er any interoat or eamings on the Funda. 9ortower and Lender may agree in writhg, howe+err.that Inte�est shnil bo pald on the Funde. •::� �.
<br /> Lender shafi give to Borrower,wfthout aharge,en annuai acoounUng of the Funds,showing cred�ts and debfta to tha Fundo and tha pwpotw ., • -
<br /> • ' tor whtch eaeh debit to tha Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as addittonai securriy for eil suma secured by this 3ecuttty Inatrum�mt.
<br /> If tha Funds heid by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be hed by appUeable Iaw, Lender sfiall account to Borrawnr tor the ,
<br /> mccess Funds tn eaordence wilh tha requBements of appUcabt�law. If the amount oi tha Funds hefd by Lender at any tima ta nat suifldent .
<br /> to pey the Esaow fteme when due, Lender m�y so noUty Bormwer in wrtting,and, in suaA case Borrower shall pay ta Lender the arrtour�t 't
<br /> necessery to maEce up tha deffxienay. Bomower shait make up the defldency in no more than tweNe monthiy payrnante, et Le�dets soie +
<br /> disuetlon. �
<br /> Upon payment in tufl ot all sums secured by Utis Secutity InsUument, lend� shatt promptiy retund to Bormwer any Funds held by •
<br /> •�.,,. Lender. tf, under paragreph 2ti, Lender sh�1l eaquire or aeil the Propartyr,i.ender,Prior to the acquisiNan or sale of the Property, sh�il apply
<br /> `y,�`-;��•;� anp Funds held by Lender at the Ume of acqubtUon o�salrt as a credlt against the surna secured by this Security inatrumem. ... , ..,
<br /> .:�,:;::.�`.�:• 3. Application ot Paym�Mo. Uniesa appiiaeble law provides othe►wise,aI{paymenis raceived by Lender under pAragraphs 1 and � �
<br /> :;;�<<�` �:• 'i;it����;: 2 shall be appCed:ftrst,to eny prepeyment chargea due under the Note; second,to emounta payabta under ara reph 2; thiM to iMerest +�� -
<br /> P 9 � +,.. �:
<br /> , ^ ,. ...�,;-.:.:.; � , . + .�;;;.�;^�
<br /> '�•• , i..,., � due:touRh.to RrSneipet due:and last,to ar���itfce cherges due under the ISote. . .��;,'Y�; `
<br /> �����' 4. Ch�1r Uem6. Borrower sha!1 pay aN taxes, assessments, ct+arges,flnes and MposiUons attributeb�e to the Properry which � .,. .�•-
<br /> .:i., I,`
<br /> t,,..,� � 0��+ , .. ��""; -
<br /> ;; ..:, • � may atfsin pdority over thia Secutily Instrument, and leasehold paymenta or ground renis, if azry. Borrower shall pay these obllgaUons b the �.
<br /> "�!'� � manner provided in patagraph 2, or H not paid M that manner. Borrower shali pay them on time direetly to the person owed pAymenA ���.
<br /> " � � � Borrowsr shall promptty lumfsh to Lender eU naUces ot amounts to be paW under this paregraph. If Borrower makes these payrtsenta ,. :�-��`_
<br /> direcdy,Rortotiver shafl prompty tumisfi ta Lender receipts evidendng the pAyments. t�%-
<br /> ; '' • Bomower st�a0 prompify d3scharge any flan whkh has pdority over this Security instrument untess BoTrower. (a) agress in wridng to the : _
<br /> ,5�..` ,
<br /> : .
<br /> ,.,� p4yment of the obiigation sacured by the Ilen in a msnner accepteble to lender, (b) coniests in good faith the ilen by, or defends against ;�•;-:
<br /> - ., ,.-- -_.-_ - i �nto►cemeni�}t�����ry����prorxedings which In the Lendeq's oQinion aeerate to prevent ths entorcement of the ilen;or(e)secures from !_� _ ' "
<br /> • . � � the hoider oi the Yen an agreement sadsfactory to Lender subordinadng the lien to thla Securily Instrument. it Lender detertninea that any �,�,.�":
<br /> � patt ot the Prop�rly�is subjsct to a I(en whtch mey attain pdorily over thls Securtty Ine7ument,Lender may give Borrower a notice identttying ;,;;•<<�;;;_���
<br /> � the Ilen. Borre�•c�r shAO satfb7y�the Usn ot taka one or more of the actfons set forth above wlthN 10 days af the glving of notiee. �� '. �
<br /> 5. Hazard or Pr�per�Jy iweuP�reco. Borrower shali keep the impmvemenTs now existing or hereafter erected on tfie Properly r, , �
<br /> insured against loss by ftre,htuards Inciuded within the tetm 'extended coverage' and any dhet hazards,Inciuding floods or flooding, tor ��;�.
<br /> whith Lender requVes in�uranae. Thls insurance shaU be malntained in ihe amounts and tor the pedods that Lendet requfres. The insurance r ��j�
<br /> qrti� pmvid'ng She insurnnce shal� bo chosen by Bwrower subJect to Lender's approval which shell not be urtreasonabiy wRhhoid. If �
<br /> 8artower fe�1�to maintain coverege described above, Lender may, at Lender's ogtbn, obteln coverage to protect Lender's rights in the �l
<br /> PropeRy In 8cco►dance with paragraph 7. { : `
<br /> � AU(nsurance poiides and renewals shell be acceptab�e to Lender and shail inctude a atandard mortgage clause. lender ahail have the �_° ,���
<br /> dght to hotd the poiides and renewals. It Lender requkes. Bonower ehall pcompUy ghe to Lender ali �eceipta of peld premfums and r�ewal i�,;• �'��'"
<br /> � noUces. In the �vent ot loss, Botrower shaU ghre prompt notice to the(nsurance cartier and Lender. Lender mey make proof of tosa H not �, • '��;"•'�.�•
<br /> �� ,. �,;•.
<br /> ,`:.�:�' made prompUy tay Bortower. '• ���`''�� �
<br /> '::,. ,. Uniess Lender and Sorrower otherwise agree in w�iting, (naurance p�aceeds shall be apptied to restoraUon or repair of the Property ��{ . .
<br /> . . " damaged, ff tha restoratton or repair is economkratly feasibie and Lender's searfty Is not lessened. It the restoraUon or repair Is not .
<br /> , • economicaiy teasible or Lender's security wouid be Iessened, the insurance proceeds shaii be applied to the sums secured by this SecurUy ��
<br /> Instrument,v�he4fier or not then due,wtth any excess paid to Bortower. H Borrower abandons the PropoAy, or does not enswer witfiin 30 ,�
<br /> . �. days a noUce ham Lender it�at the inaurance car�er hes oHered to settle a daim.then Lenda may roCect the Insurance proceeds. Lender ! �
<br /> may use the proceeds to repav or restore the Property or to pay sums secured by thfs Sacurity Inotrument,whether or not then due. The
<br /> � 30�day per(od wtti begin when the noUce is gNen. .
<br /> Unless Lpnder end Borrower otherwlse agree In writing, any applicat3on of proceeds to prindpal shell not extend or postpone the due �` �
<br /> date of the monthy payments refcKred to In paragraphs 1 end 2 or chenge the amount of the payments. H under paragraph 27 the Property
<br /> e;,��.,Y is acqutred by t¢nder.Borrowers tight to any insurance polldes and proceeds resuttlng from damage to the Property prior to the acqulsitlon
<br /> '�,,.:-
<br /> ����� shall pass to lender to the extent of the sums secured by thls Security InsWment immediatety prior to the acqulsi�on.
<br /> •`: • 6. Occupancy, Prsservation. MaiMenan�e ant9 Protection af the Proparty; Borrower's Loan
<br /> '�� IiCati0�1; Leeseholds.Borrower shall occu estebtish, and use the Pro as Borrowers �inci �residenoe withln slxry days
<br /> .5..,. �� py. P�h P Pa
<br /> � �'���� after the exeatEOn of thfs Sedirity Instrument and shall continue to occuay the Proper.,� as 8ortower s pdncipal residence tor at Ieast one
<br /> year after the date of occupancy, untess Lender othenvise agrees In wri4i�g, whlch consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or untess
<br /> extenuating arcumstances exist tivhich are beyond Bortower's controt. Bortower shaL not destroy,damage or impair the Property,allow the
<br /> Properly to deterlmate,or commR waste on the Roperly. 8otrower shall be in defauR it any forteiWre adfon or proceedfig,whether dvfl or
<br /> crim6sal,is tregun thet in Lender's good taith judgment could resuh in forfeiture ot the Property or otherwise materialiy tmpair the Ilen c�ted
<br /> by this SECUrity Instrument or lenders securfry int�est. Borrower may cure such a detauft and reinsmte.as provided in paragraph 18.by
<br /> caustng the actlon or prnceeding to be dismissed with a ruling tha� in Lender's good taith determtnaUon. predudes foAeiture ot the
<br /> .._ . n_�._.�.� • - t� .6� 6��r. � ..•6�.....��.:.� t.....at....n.N ..f M...Gn.....m�n.1 ►w tAfe Cur.uHv Inetn�monf nr I anrfaT'a rJlnRitv G1tR7e8t
<br /> - � '�' w���mm u ���wow wr ���o ..vpu.�� v. v...... .........� �.y...�........ ... .....�.._. �........� �� �...' ""...� .."" '_' ' ' "" _' ' ' • _
<br /> Bottoarer shaU also be in defauh if Bortower, during the loan appGp6on process.gave materiaay talse or fnaxurate ini.�mation or stetements
<br /> to lender (or faded to prodde Lender with any materia� information) in connectlon with the loan eridenced by ihQ Note. inGuding, but not
<br /> Iunited to, represEntetto�s eonceming Bortowcr s xapancy of the I'roperty as a principal residence. Ii this Securfty Instrument Is o� a
<br /> I�sehWd. Borro�ver shall compy with atl the provislons of the��se. It Borrower acquires tee tiUe to the Property,the Ieasehold and the
<br /> � tee tNte shall not merge unless the Lend�agrees to the merger in writing.
<br /> Pdgc 2 ot S Form 3028 9.90
<br /> • ft029.LM6(4/94)
<br /> ttig3t•1-18
<br />