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<br /> U�
<br /> � • ]7H/�C886 NO. ,
<br /> ° " . , 321s1621034-734
<br /> !-J .
<br /> � -. , .. . ., q ., n =
<br /> , COI�DOMINIUM RIDEFt �j��, 10��.l�� ; � �:
<br /> nC-FtrCOR�E,� . . "� �=:-
<br /> . 29th day of =
<br /> - " - THIS CON�MIMUM RtnER is made tbis rated into and she11 be deemCd to awend and --' �
<br /> '. June ,19 93 ,and is incorpo N �' ��` T;:
<br /> supplemeat the Mortga e, Deed af Trust��s Noto to Deed �'Security Instrument)of the same date given by the ;,
<br /> � undersi�ed(�Bonawer'�tosccureBon a Delaware Corporation "'�
<br /> Knuteon �tortgage Corporation. �;� �►
<br /> .`�, �•;: ' �,
<br /> � � losbnim.eat and located at: ;.>>•�,:.;�, .���.
<br /> ("Lender")of the same date and cuver'rn�the Ero rt descm'bed in the ScxuxilY � t:.:�. • � ; '
<br /> � , 302T W. CapitaL Avexeu�. Uait 4Z3, Grand �sland� i�ebraeT.ca G8801 �. :'��.. , ;.;, . : ., •
<br /> „�. ,.. ,�.
<br /> ,S�`; ,., :•:�s
<br /> .: Ip�opetty pddras� . �•�'. 1 �. ti
<br /> � �i:<:., . . :�"'.
<br /> The Property Address includes a w►it in, together with an undivided interest in the common elem�ats ok, a 41`;. . ' �,
<br /> ' caac�aminium project known as: �;_�_
<br /> R
<br /> , Siisnd,sor Square Condomin£um - ;,.�`� ���
<br /> N ;r��}';s..,;��:�; r�:
<br /> ::;�::� � ameotCoadominiumPmject� �. , • , �.s';.�
<br /> riN'v:b x..,�. �u(;'::;t`-`
<br /> ,:,;:�., ,. ;�i,:t.. ��
<br /> �;�!• "Condominium Pcojeet").If the Owaers Assoc�ation or other entity wluch acts for the Condominium Project("Owneas � � '.;�• ���
<br /> P Y t'. ;,,:" � �,,.:y;,.
<br /> ( ' .,,�;, }'
<br /> , Association")holds titie to property for the beaefit of use oi ���dibenefits a Bod aw��'s 1°�eT� ����u�s i`���. ' f�`�' --: ` _•°
<br /> Bortower's interest in ihe Owners Association and the uses,p , S4�'„�r.�-;" -,---
<br /> � 'E>;�?i� �d ents made ia the Securl4y �` , `��r'+?;-��7
<br /> � �•'•'``�`� CONDOMINIUM COVEtVAN1'S• Iu addiUon to We covenants �m ' �:' � .
<br /> ";`,�., _� �,.�n�;.r� r,;l, . �
<br /> . , .. , iustcumeni� �o�iu:.zr ss�d Fxn�er t�urthPr covenant and ug�`ee as followe:
<br /> ,�-��� . . . . aerally accepted insuraace carrier.a"mester" ,�!'. ---_—" 1 ,
<br /> .: :i . .' A. So lon as th�Owners Assoaation maintains,with a Se , + ,
<br /> � "'�' ' ar 'bla kct" policy ias�uing aU properiy subject to the �rta�d����en�,��fa�to ( ..' , � ' ' '
<br /> • �i�''�� t thc ha2ards 4.
<br /> , ���,..�•:' im p r o v e m e n t s now existin g or hereafter erected un the prop Y p° �' • I , . ����;�:��.i� • �
<br /> :�i��:
<br /> L,ender and�rrovides insurance coverage in the amoun ts fo r t h e p e ri o d s� an a 8 a t n s „ ; ;;,,,,.., ,
<br /> .t�.: ,.. '•';
<br /> '.'t.:;;;, i�,,,,,�:;r, .,
<br /> Lendcr requues.including fire and other hazards iaclude�withai Qie term Extended Covcra�c� and r,�
<br /> :. ''���;, loss by flood, to the extent reqaired by the Secretary, �'ent to1�Lendereof one twelfth of the yearly ( ,�.�,j���
<br /> r'�� �" Paragraph 2 of this Secwity lnstrument for the monthly paym �d�u� gorrower's obligation under ;� �<
<br /> • '�'��'�� p d insurance coverage on the Property is � �"�r ri
<br /> : :�<, reuuum u►stallments for hazard insurance on the prope ,
<br /> � � ''���''' rovided b the Owners Associahon ���;'',; � ,
<br /> , Paragcaph 4 of ihis securiry instrument to maiatain haxat '
<br /> r'���' �5' deemed satisGed to the extent that the required coverage �s,p �rd insurance roceeds
<br /> , ,/,.,_ '.•.. ,;y.
<br /> ;;� Po)icy.Borrower shall give Lendcr prompt notice of any lapse w eh��o the condominium upnit or to � �T �
<br /> ��i���'�� �n lveu of restoration or repair followu�g a loss to the Property, '•'�` ;:�:.� . ��
<br /> ';'. the common elements, any proceeds payable to Boaower are hereby assigned and shssll be Paid to i • , " L.;,
<br /> • •'�;' I,.e n d e r f o r a p p l i c ation to the sums secured by this Securlty Inserument,anth any excess Paid to ihe ;�;� t�
<br /> ';:i:;�. entity legally enUUed thereto.
<br /> /,•ti".-
<br /> .I�`��" �• g, Borrower prornises to pay Borrower's allacated share of the common expenses or assessments and , 1
<br /> . ,E, '.n
<br /> c hasges im posed by the Owners Association,as provided in the wndorninium documents. �•
<br /> ,.�;ti,;,, (', fd Borrower docs not pay condominium dues anJ assessments when due.then I.ender may ay them.
<br /> : ���
<br /> An amounts disbursed by lender under this paragraph C shaU become additioaal debt of
<br /> orrower
<br /> �,;�;:;�.�, secured by ihe Security Instrumcnt.Unlcss Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of�ayment, „ ;:. ..
<br /> • � these amounts shall be cr�if���S�nder to Borrowcr r qurest ng paymeucNote rate and shall b�pavamle, `
<br /> with intcrest,upoa not ,,
<br /> . . BY SIGNING BELOW, Borruwer accepts and agrecs to thc tcrms and provisions contained in the ;f
<br /> Condomiaium Rider. �
<br /> , (Scal4 (Seal)
<br /> ,",�;.'.:` -Hoirower .
<br /> . ,;
<br /> enn R. a son. Jr. .Bora�er
<br /> •'��` ; . .
<br /> /� (Seal)
<br /> d..« `j �(/Sa-�.� (Scal) .',,
<br /> . W son ���T
<br /> Constance •[��rn+�e* ��
<br /> -- . ;S�ace Beiow 7his 1.ine Resenzd for Ackn�wlcdqeent
<br /> � �
<br /> ,
<br /> ' IIIC1401
<br /> ,,'� 1ctwC•4ulRL'vbNt IIIIIIIII'I�IIII'�I'IIII�'��II�III�IIIIII�III FHA Multistate Coadomininm Rtder
<br /> � 1091453 401
<br /> ; _I -- - - - --�-_
<br />