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<br /> • . � TOOETHER WITH uU the improvements now ar hec�after erected on the property,Md ull�asement�,appurtenancea,iu►d °'';`"'"-�
<br /> , ;•,4 ! fixtures naa oe hercattcr u par� of she property. All replucements and additions shail QI50 l+c crn�e�ed by this Security . � .��r�T� ___
<br /> . � „� � Instrument.All of the f�tegoing is n:fcrred to in this Security Instrument as the"Property." �
<br /> BORROWER COVENANTS thut Bonower is Inwfully seised of the estate hereby canveyed unJ t�a+the�ight to grant an d a;,J"�f�..�,;
<br /> � oonvey the Praperty and thnt the Property is unencumbemd,except for encumbrunce� of �ecord. Bormwer w�irrantti :md wlll ° .«�'+"`
<br /> `��a ' defend genemlly the title to the Property ugufnst ull daims und demands,subject to any encumbrunces of record. . �
<br /> '"�" • THIS SECURI'fY INSTRUMBNT c��mbines uniform covenants for national use und non-uniform covenants with ljmited .. _
<br /> y. variutions by jurir,�iiction to camtitute a uniforni secunry instrument covering reul propcny. , - �- .. _
<br /> �+' ., „ UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bormwcr and L.ender cavenant and agree as foUows: m
<br /> � _ _ 1. P�nyment of Princtpal and Interest; Prepuyment and I.ate Char�es. Borrower shaU pr�,mptly pay when due the ,�
<br /> ~ ; principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late chargc�+duc u��der the Nate. " =
<br /> I 2.Funds for Taxes and iasurs�nce. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by l.ender,Barrower shall pay to �r
<br /> � L.ender an the day monthly payments are duc under the Note,until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Fund,")for:ta)yearly taxes �_
<br /> ! and assessments which may attain priority over this Security Instrument as a iien an the Properiy: Ib► yra�ly lea,ehold payments , '
<br /> � or geound rents on the Property, if any:(c)yearly hazard or pmpeny 'c.ns�rance premiums;(d)yearly ticwd insurance premiu�ns. �'�'i
<br /> �.� if ac�y:(e)yeariy mortgage insurance premiums, if any: und(fl any �ums payable by �orrawer eo l.ender, in accor�attce with �,,"'
<br /> �,� the�rrovisions of paragrapl�8.in;lieu of the payment of mortgage insurarrce�reiniums. These items�re called "Escrow Itc�ns." ;�.
<br /> . l.ender may, at any time. coltect and hold Funds in an acx�ount noc to exceed the n�aximum amount a tertder for a federally �y:. . . . ��y,,'�
<br /> � rePated mortgage loan may requnre for Barrorr+er's escrow accaunt uctder. the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of � . �.;Z�,,
<br /> � i974 as amended from time to time, 12 U.S.�. Section 2601 et seq. t'��PA"),unless another lav,r that applies to the Funds
<br /> sets a lesser amount. If so. L.ender may, at any time, rnllect and hold Funds in an amount nat to exceed the lesser amount. �� �r�;
<br /> f,•� ; ' ' I.ender may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable estimates of expenditures of future 'r`�
<br /> Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance with applicable law. P
<br /> • The Funds snal! be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agen��y�. instrumcntnlity, or entity � �";'—
<br /> ' (including I.ender,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. l.erxfer shali upply the Funds u�pap the •
<br /> ' Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and applyin�the Funds,annually analyr.ing the escrow•account,or �
<br /> ;;�'?•�; , verifying die Escrow Items,unless L.ender pays Borrower interest an the �unds and applicabie law permits Lender to mal:e such
<br /> ��%��;' a charge. However,I.ender may require Bonower to pay a one-time churge for an independent real estate tax reponing service " .:., ' • ��
<br /> ���;e:'��;,j:, used by L.ender in connectian with this loan, unless applicabte IaW provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made or "'::�'" ^'
<br /> ''�� � '� applicabte law requires interest ta be paid.I.ender sfiall not be required to pay Borcower anv interest or eaming�on the Funds. , ;=�'__
<br /> . •";i:r�,
<br /> � Borrower and I.ender may agree in writing, however, that interest shail be paid on the Funds. Ixnder xhall give to Borrower. _.:���r "�
<br /> ::�:`;'��� , ' � without charge,an annual accounting of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funcia and ieie pur}x�x fi„ wi�i�t-�ea�� - —'-=------n,�: - --
<br /> �' � debit io the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as additional security for ali sums secured by thiti Securit��lnstrument. :�?;:r�. ' ,
<br /> � ti
<br /> � If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law. Lender shall account to Borrower , .
<br /> for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirem_nts of applicable law. lf the amount of the Funds held by l.ender dt any � ,t
<br /> :':�:<i time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow(tems when due.Lender may xo notify Borrower in w•riting,and. in,uch ca�e Borrower
<br /> ''��%;:,� shall pay to [.ender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrow•er shalt make up the deficiency in no more than ' "';•
<br /> . �:;. .:',;,, c'� `
<br /> � twelve monthly payments,at[.ender's u+le discretion. ✓
<br /> ,�.�`y`r��' ', � • Upon paymen[ in fuU of all �um� secured by this Security Instn►ment. C.cmder shall promptly refund to Aormwer any ��y� j. ' �d`
<br /> �� ;�. , I :. �.s��
<br /> � ' ;�•'t���.; Funds held by L.ender. If,under paragraph 21.Lender shAll acquire or sell the Propeny.Lender,prior to the acqui,ition or sale .
<br /> � <��'� of the Property, shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acyuisition or sale as a credit a�;anst the sumti secured by I ��I ' ,
<br /> . `•,�;sfy;�:o ��s Securiry Instrument.
<br /> � ���. ;,:s��:,�
<br /> � 3.Appltcation of Payments.Unless applicuble luw provides otherwise.all payments received by Lender under paragraphs i , ,. :',j.f��`
<br /> .. 1 and 2 shall be applied: fint, to any prepayment charges due under the Note: tierond,to amounts pa��ablc under paragraph 2; ! .-��-� !�_
<br /> third.to interest due:fourth.to principal due:and last, to any late charges due under the Note. ' � " '
<br /> /tr.'' �
<br /> , � �� 4. Charges; Ltens. Bortower shall pay all taxes, a��essmentti, churgeti, fineti:�nd impo�itions attributable to the Property l
<br /> , � which may attain priority over this Security In�trument, and Icas�hold payment�ar ground rents. if an}•. Bc�now•er ,hall pay � ��
<br /> '�,•.��� �
<br /> �•,5.• �
<br /> •.:j�'��'�. these obligations in the mannrr prm ided in psragraph 2.or if not paid in that manncr. &�rrow•cr shat I pay them on timc directly ,�.
<br /> •,.�;� to the person owed payment. Borrower tihall pramptl� furnitih to LenJer aU nutic:r�uf annwnt�to t�e paid under this paragraph. a
<br /> � .,,�;,� If Borro�ver makes the�e payments directl��.Borrow�er shall promptly furni�h to Lender rereipts e�•idencing the puyuients. ; .t;` , `'•'�
<br /> '.- .�:; Borroa�er shall promptly discharge am• lien which ha.pri�irit} �»er thi�Serurit} Imtrument unle�+Bnrrc����er:la)agrees in � . . '•''<. . 'j._
<br /> • �:�:� writing to the payment of the obtigaticm tiecurcd b� the lien in a rnanner arreptable tu I.ender: (h�cornect�in gcxxi f�ith the lien , �'::��:��1'
<br /> by, or defends against enfi�rcc:ment o( the lirn in. Iegal prekceding. Whirh �n th� i.ender'� upininn uperate tu pre�•ent the � ��°:%<:����
<br /> enforcement of the lien:or tr� .crure+fr�m the h��1Jer��f the lirn an rgrcement vui+fara�n t.� lAnder.uhurdinating the lien to r•�
<br /> this Security Intitrument. If LenJer determineti that any part of the Propem• i.whje�t t� a lien �chich m:�} �ttain pri��rit} a�'er �
<br /> � this Security Instrument. Lender ma� gi�'e&�rz����er a natirc fdcntifcini thc licn. E3urroHCr,haU.ati�l� the licn ar tal.e one or �
<br /> more of the actions set fonh above N ithin 10 d:�},uf thc gh ing��f nutice. � "
<br /> �
<br /> ' Form 3028 8/80 � ,
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