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<br /> ��'''{��.. ., A881�NMHNT OF RENTB R1DER
<br /> � �' • ' - TH18 A88It�NMENT OF RENTS RIDER la made and executed thls 18TH day of APRIL ,�g 4 ,and Is " ��S-. '
<br /> • • ��� .' Inaorporetea into and shalt bedeemed to amend and aupplement the Mortgage or peed of Trust,herelnafter referred to as the �`-
<br /> "8eourity instrument", ot the same date given by the undereigned, herei�after referred to as the "Borrower", to aeaure � � � ` ����'_"=`
<br /> ,;.. , . . "
<br /> �
<br /> :�� ,.. . Borrower'o Irtdebtedness,herelnafter reterred to as the•'Note",to HAME FEDERAL 3AV1 N(iS AND LOAN A$30CIA710N OF � ' �'
<br /> " � � (�l{3AND 1.3LAND,horotnattov roferrod to as tho°Londer",of the sEtme dAte and covert ng the property desorlbed in the 3ecurity � • � .-����� -__
<br /> ��: ,
<br /> ., tnst►ument a�d tacated at: �
<br /> • 3612 CATFISH AUE., GRAND ISLANO, NE8RA5KA 68801 + • � _
<br /> ✓ (Ptoperty i►ddress) � .;-,. . : �
<br /> WITNE33ETH: " . - -
<br /> � , � ��r� � WNER�AS,�orrower and Lender F�ave agreed that any rents and protlts attributable to the property shouid constttute � ; �0_n
<br /> ' addittonal seaurity to the Lendet 4or the paymenQ of the Note; � � `
<br /> - a
<br /> � , � • .�''
<br /> • NOW,THEHEFOAE,it is agreed tha4 the Security Instrument ahall be amended hereby and daemed to include the fottowing �'�`�• �
<br /> . ^� .
<br /> .::r.t... proviaions: '. ,.,!',::J', . �,
<br /> :;.:',':ic;:`'. . ,.:! y,.
<br /> 1�r,;.,r;`,:��,,:;,,,.�•,, , 1. Aas�ppment ot Renta and Lender Rental tlection Riphts.Borrower hereby absoluteiy and unconditlonaliy assigns atl ��''�' ,
<br /> '����-'���'>::' � � � ' rents, issues and profits ot the property to Beneflclary. Lender shalt heve the right, pows► and authorfty during the . . .. I, �
<br /> _�1;���';ti�:.,;'S:,. •'• ' � continuance of the.Security Instrument to cotlect the rents,issues and proflta of the property and ot any personal property '` "
<br /> ':.! F •m
<br /> '`"r`�' • toaated thereon with or without taking possessfon of the property affected hereby. Lender, however, hereby consents to ,'?;:;�'�" �' `-'�
<br /> .. �;:: + �
<br /> � Borrower's colleotion and retentlon of such renta,issues and protits as they accrueand become payable,so Iong as Borrower �` .�"�:�,:'�'.,�� '. �
<br /> is not,at auch tlme,in default with respect to payment of any Indebtedness secured hereby, or in the performance of any `�'���" . `
<br /> � .' ,��•, � agreement bereunder. . • ,._--_
<br /> �, ,_ � � 2. ADDOI tment of Receiver. if any event of defauit in respect to the Security Instrument shati have occurred and be ,. �Q
<br /> �, • contf�uing,Lender,as a matter of right and without notice to Borrower or anyone cfeiming unde�Borrower,and without "•�
<br /> , � '. •� regard to the vatue of the trust estete or the interest of the Borrower therein,shail have the rlght to appty to any court having
<br /> �; +. '� )urisdiction to appolnt a recelver of the property. . �
<br /> � • � , 3. Riaht to Posaession. In case of defauit in the payment of the said principal Note or interest,or any part thereof,as it ;�r-
<br /> • ' ' shal�mature.or in the case of tailura to keep or pertorm any of the covenants or agreements contained fn the Security Instru• I �- �'��,
<br /> , ';•-��'�_- r t n shatt be and is hereb auti�orized and drnWuwbr6d to iflke Imit'�8tii�t8 `=-- --=--=�.•`���-
<br /> "''�° ment,then the LenQer, its auccessors o ass g s, Y
<br /> • ;;.�,,....�: , . `' possasafon of the said premises therein described and to collect the rents therefrom,and to appiy the proceeds thereof to the � ,#j,
<br /> � � paymen4 ot the Note. . , .�'i��`� ' �
<br /> • �. � 4. Aaallaatian of Rents. Isaues and Profits Ati rents collected by Lender or the recelver ahail be appiied first to payment , ';,,::���• ��
<br /> • ' of the costs of ma�agement of the property and coilection of rents,Inciuding,but not Iimited to,receiver's fees,premiums on -�•�i�
<br /> � . receiver's boads snd�easonable attorney's fees,and then to the sums secured by the Security Inatrument. Lender and the • �� ��' �
<br /> � � � , . receiver shall be Iiabte to account oniy for those rents actually recelved. � "'}
<br /> 5. Conat�uctfon of Provf sions.Each of the provislons contained in this Assignrnent of Rents Rider and the Security Instru- °��
<br /> ment shall, unless otherwlse apeclticaliy required,be construed in accordance wfth Nebraska law,and In the event any 4 j'�:
<br /> nt urisdlotion to be unenforceable the same i `... r •�
<br /> provislon he�ein or ther�in contained shati be determined by a court of compete J , � , �
<br /> . ahall be construed as though such unenforceable provisfon were not a part hereof or thereof. � ,
<br /> • 6. Effect of Rider.Except as speoiflcaily modNied by or Inconsistent with this Assignrnent of Rents Rider or by any other � `,
<br /> � applicab�e rider,ail of the terms and provisfons contained in the Security Instrument shali contlnue in full force and effect. I '�'�� ' �:�`�'�+;-
<br /> _ `ti. , , ;r.
<br /> . �
<br /> " IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Borrower has executed this Assfgn nt of Re�Ri er o he date ffrst noted above. ' '��:��'�, �_
<br /> • . �
<br /> �_ ; ,
<br /> :�=
<br /> �d.
<br /> WIL AP'1 R. HOLL r��er � ,7
<br /> ' �4.
<br /> ' � ::g,
<br /> '� Borrower
<br /> . , BETTY HOLLOWAY ; i.,
<br /> '�,<,:., .
<br /> •.. •; STATE 4aF 1�7EBRASKA)
<br /> :;`. (ss: ,
<br /> COUNTV pF HALL )
<br /> On this...�,B.TkLL_day of opR IL ,19_91�_,before me,the�ndersigned, a Notary Public duiy commfssioned and .
<br /> quatiflecJ for said county,personally came hlTt I TAm R HC11 I O��IFY 11� aFTTY Hf]I I fN�tAY, HIISRAN� ANQ_h1IEF °
<br /> .to be the ltlentical person(s►whose name(s)islare suDSCribed .
<br /> to the for�going inslrumen4,anc! nelshelthey acknowledge the execut�on thereof to be hislher/their votuntacy act and deed.
<br /> Witnessrr�y hac�d . otaria�Seat at G�.�°:�' I5LAN0, N=9�k�. __ _
<br /> ,\
<br /> _ in sajd courtty.. e a" e���: , � `
<br /> � .(///... :�-r //y / ���,�� ,�,
<br /> .. ?.�a .n..
<br /> , -_ .r... . .: y � nG.o:�..... .. _ _
<br /> My Comrnission expires. ~ S� —
<br /> . Hf 4030179� �� �
<br /> Q���
<br /> �fy� •,
<br /> 6
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