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'h[�c . � ..-- - <br /> � ..,,. : " - � . <br /> ; .: � .._... - ' �. ....,._... _........................ . , ..._... ...._....._. ...._..__._ _._..... v__.. <br /> • • <br /> •� G:UAteas a�plloeb!e tew ptovl�o�oth�rwiso,si psymant�rsoeivsd by londer ur�der th�Note enst pe�epre.yhs 1 ond 4 hauof ohdl M eppfied by INnd�t � • . <br /> fltslln psymant o}amounq ptytbf9 to Ler�1t by p��ro►v�t und�r psnat�yb 4 her�of,th�n to Inte��tt paysbfe on tho Noto,thsn to ths prinalytl of �� <br /> ' tn�Nom,�nd tMn to int�tat om!pdnatpal on sny turther�vanao9 0�othar i�dobtodnosa�eaurod horeby. , .. _� <br /> 8. 6aaowe�{�I�t�ib.tA�toyorty In pood repair end aha11 not oommit we9te or po►mit tmpalrmo�t or deteriorntion of tha Property. . . " " , � '"- <br /> . , �, .._ . <br /> 7. If the Botrowor failo ta:al mnintaln or poy the premfuma(or the re�uirod inaurqrtao of the Property,or b1 pay mxo�betore EoDrtqwr+t,or o)pay any „ .. � -- <br /> . �r�cunt due under a pdor mor�pepe or tntet doed bofote dslfnQuent,or d)melntein tha Property in 0ood ropair,or o)padorm nny of the aovan�nta or , =-,- <br /> , �8reem�M�ot tfiia Truet Oeed,than lende�mry�t Ita opdon pay cuoh tosurancs prerNume,tare�,mortgoQe or uust deed paymtet�,or m�k�nyain , <br /> snd disburse euoh auma cnd teko auoh eotion aa it dooma neooanery to proteot ita intereat without woivinp or ulloatlnp Ite�ieht to Geelete ot dofouit . �:-- <br /> � end aaootereto the debt aocu�ad horeby Deaeuoe of eny suoh telWre of the 8orrowor. Any nmounte eo dinburead by the Lsndar �1u{I constltut� � - d_- <br /> add(Uond[nd�bwdneso o!8oitower secured by thia Trutt Deed end ehe!I boer tnterott from the dote of di�bureement at tho�ate payable unde�th� <br /> �NoU. NotNnp eonteined in this pnreproph shdl roquire Lendor to meks any suoh disbweemeoto or teke eay oetio�whttwaver. ' ;tv;,� <br /> , �A. t enAe•may mako or om�aa to be mcxle roe000ublo eM�les upon ond inspeotton of the Propercy. '`s `''� <br /> �:�' <br /> •�fl. The prooeede ot ony ewnt�d or cldm for dernepeo,direot or oonsoquentfal.1�oonnection with ony aondomnot�on or othot tekinp of tAo Ptoperiy, � �����- <br /> 0 or p�rt Neroot,or fot oorvoyenoe io ilou aS!condemnedon,are hereby eesipnad end shell bo paid to Lender to the oxtent ot the futl amou�t ot tho � <br /> �romv�trtp unpeid IrtdebtedneQe toc�rod b�r r3-ia'Srust Dsed. • <br /> i <br /> 0 �f tAe Ptoperty te ebat�oreod PsY Barr.ouror,cr if,uftoi rrotica by LerxJet to Bottowar thet the oondemnor otters to make en ewetd or setUe a etaim fo� � <br /> �. ¢�'damspea,Borrowor teil3 Lo�o:pored�o I�o�or�rir.f�n 7L9doys ohor tho date sueh noGce re tneded,ler►der ie authon:ed to aolleot and apply the proeoodo I <br /> ; � to the 9uma aecured Dy SQws Teust�s�. � <br /> I <br /> . '� Condemnation proeeed9 er nwards sh�l Do cra�ited to the toat metv.�ire�irtscnlnants oi the iadebtoQre3rsa se¢ured srd�hati not excoo4 or�fltpeno . <br /> , tha due date of the ins4aS:mamte retorced to i�pg:aprapAn t end 4 Aaroo4 ar cR,aago Ehe omaa�t o4 aucL��nnta:imenu. <br /> 10. If the Lender issu3s u pr,atid ra9sase of tkc Truet Qeod,the proceods rocoived ithom4or sBea'1 bo croQi4od to tho lest motunnp mate2rrwecYO op tRo , „ <br /> i�dobtednesa eocured heee0y_ � �' <br /> 11. (t Londer oither voluntarily or invo'wnta�vity becomes e�orty to ony uuit or to¢al procood,mp re�otir�ia 4Ra Propoay.Noto or tQus Tvust FZoed,than � <br /> Borrowet wi.�Qo�mbursa tha Lender tor dl cnsto and, to ttca ertont�ermitted t�,•r bw,teosonable attornoy 400s�ncamrod by RE�a loerdoc vaSdL'i.nq to swt ' �' �'K <br /> or b8et procomdings ertd 3ad auma ahell conadtute sddit+ooat mdebtad�aes svcured by t3eis Ttuet Deed and Qear mtorest et IIU+s rete peya'o!�waider the .' - ": r;j% � <br /> Noto,un81 pe�id. � �'' <br /> p � ' ,� <br /> 12. Ao a�ts'ttional seaor+ty 8orrower does hereby assign,tcaaster and aet over to Lender,in cese ot deiault in the perlormav+ce ot eny ot tt►e terms oe ( 'r't ' � <br /> conditiorts o4 Rd�'se T�uet�eed,the Note,or the terms of any IndebtaQneea secured Mteby, all of the �ente, reva�uos end eny incoma ot e�y typa f • ��:.�: . ' • � <br /> :. whetsoove�i��a derived trom tho Property,includiny lend oontreet po�mante. Lender,m pe►son,by epent or by recalver,without rogerd to the �!•� � <br /> solveney oc i�asafrency ot ffie Borrower or tho vatue of the Proparty,aha7l ba en6Ued to teke posaeaeion of,repa�r, rent end menepe the Proporty and �• '., �{' ,��N. <br /> to collect 2Q�a venis,rovan�oef 6td inCOme tFwrofrom arnd it emay pay out of eaid ineane ell expensea of ropair end coets caecurrad in rontlnp and ma�ayrtp � � -- <br /> the Property and collect:n�rtsaftels oM for peymant ot msurence promiums with nny romaninp balanoe to be epp0ied 9a ri�e tnst metudnp peymonts � --=,;°Y�.��, <br /> t et thw dal+*awaured Fwrol,y lDpon QresenHng e eopy c4 tAis Trust Deed end demend to any lesaee,tenent or contract uau�.•neeer ot the Propertv.such _ _ �.y_; '_ <br /> � porson ahelt pay elf tents,payments end profits accruad or thereeher eccruiny to the lender unnl tunNer notice frcim;:re Lender. ' � <br /> 13. If oil�e or. Y j ,:. r� i <br /> y part of the t�ropetty oa q:x��tereat therefn fa deeded,sold by Iand cont�act or othenuav co�va o�7,al�aneted or furthet enaumbered <br /> �• eiMer vd�cr.Wrly ar irna:unterily wi�hout i.ander's p�ior wRtten oonaent,or if the Trustor ie e oorpo�at.on o�9a;er�a�a e ehe�pe irt ownenhip of 5096 �'���� <br /> � or moro of the co. a.o�an'� etook,or it the Trvetor is a artnerefii end thero ia a chan e!n the mac-�as:ais� ov e dia�¢tuUon ot the eKaeroh3 , � '�• �. ' t <br /> � "� ' P P 0 A P P r.. ;.;, <br /> excludlnp(e)e transter E}y c�etatlo�of lave upon the death of s joint tanant or tb) the grant of eny leasehotd intereat rtot cont�tniny an option to �I:�,`��,'�, ' !',.��;�• � <br /> � purchaae wlth e Ieese tetm o4 two y�nre or leta,or(o)the o�eadon of the purahase money eeourity i�terest in houaeshoW appllences,then Lender may. . }�;; , '''''j. <br /> � et its option,deolere eSl aums eacured by tfii*Truet Deed to be immadietely due end payable. In the event tM Lender eonsenta to a�y euoh eher►Qo � •;"�i•<';, ' .� :��� <br /> .:! in ownerahip,contrd or diswYutlon or trenater of ell or any part of the Proparty,then Londer may at its opdon edjust tha intotest rete to the preveilinp � �.'. ` ::.,+ <br /> rete of Interest thet is oharged on new securod loens of the type secured by this Trust Oead at tha time o4 ihe changa�n ownerehip,control,diasolution ���; '.� '- � �f ,�� <br /> ��';`._�:; of dansfer er�d may charge e tmnefer feo. , ti' � ' <br /> ., <br /> !;: .j <br /> 14. Upon 8onower'sbreech ot eny covenant or apreement of Borrower in this Trust Deod.�ncludmg the covenants to pay when due eny sume secured � ' ; <br /> , by this Ttust Oeed,Lendor et its opbon mey declare a�l of the sume secured by thie Trust Doed to be immadietely due end payable without further � 'G <br /> ;. demend and moy invoke the power ot sale andlor ony o[har�emediea permitted by applicebla law mctudmg tha nen� to foreclose this Truat Doed in ;. +��,. <br /> ,�;:�.'�.� tAe manner provided by law for the Iorocloaure of mortgeees on real eatate. lender sha4 bo ent�Ued ta cot�ect�M roesonable coete eM expenses ' • ``•�•� �,��.3� <br /> ,•,.. <br /> tncurred ln pursuing such rarrsedies inciudmg,but not Iimited to,end tu tM exteM penn�ttad by Iaw,reesonabta ettorney feos. ; :, . . V <br /> If the power of eale ie Invoked,Trustee shatt record e notice ot delault in eech county�n whict�the Property or soma pert thereoi�s located end provide • � � <br /> I notice tharoof in the menner presoriDed by apptioeble lew. A4tor the lepso of such ti�a es may be reqmred by epW�cebte lew,Trustee eha�l9ive puWic ��� <br /> no8ce of se�o to tho pereon9 snd in the menner prescnbed by appliceble�aw. Truateo,or tha ectorney for tho Trustae, without demend on Bonower. '_;•.• <br /> shell sell the Proparty et publfo euotion to the►tiBhest bfdder at the bma and place end under the terms des�gnetod��the notice of sete in one ot more � <br /> parcela ertd in auch ortler ea Trustee may detemnma. Trustee may postpone sele of ell or eny parcel of�he Propu�ty by publ�c en�ouncement et the ��• <br /> tlme nnd place of eny previously sahedu�ed sele. lender or Lender's desipnee may purchasa the property et eny sa1e. , <br /> ;` <br /> Upon reoeipt of peyme�t uf tho price bid,Trupue she11 deliver to the purchasor o Truetee's DaoA,withuut werrenry, conveyi�p the Property sold. Tha � <br /> recitels In tha Trustea'a Oaed sAall be prima fecio o+ndonce of the truth of tha statomsnte mede therem Trustee sh.,il supply the proceeda ot the sete ]_ <br /> I in Me following order: a)to all reasoneble coate end expenaes of the sale,includmg,but not lim�tod to, Trus�ee:�c>es ot not more then Five Hundred ' <br /> I and No/1Q0(8500.00)ptus 1/2 of 196 of the amouM secured horeby ortd romeining uroe�d.end�osts of bt�o erdo nce;bl to a1I sums secured by this <br /> Truat Deed;and o)the excoas,d eny, to the pe�son or poreons tapoliy enbtled thareco. <br /> 15. Any forabeatence by leridor in oxerc�sinp nny right or remedy hereundar,or otharw�se atfurded by eppl�ceL]o law,ahall rtot bo e we�ve�o!ot " <br /> predudo tho exorcise o!eny sueh right or temody in the event of cont�num0 ur futura breaches by tM Borrowei <br /> 16. All temedies provided(nthieTrust Deed are disdnct end cumulat�va to any other npht or remedy under th�s Trust Oned or affordad by lew or eQu�ty, <br /> 8nd mey be exercised concurrently,inde,�endenUy or succeasive�y. If Bonower has g+van Lender e chattel murtdape, or seeurity apreement on pereonal <br /> � property as addiUOnal secunty for tho dobt seeu�ed herebv,in tho evont of Oefault he�eunde�or thereuredar.Loro1o�shdl have the ripht am!optio�to <br /> firet foroeloee a�setd patsonel property wiY6out prejudice to its rip!+t�c e�:+ -aher aell ur foreciose the Prope�ty or �o pursue etl secunty et the same <br /> time or to pursae the paraonaf property a+t?r Ih9 58�•` ' '�3�br.•r7 : . . :felly. <br /> � 17. Upon payment of e!s;,ms eacured by tr,-r.v, Wa9:: _enaer s�a.�tevue�t T•:.�:_c�:'acOnve�the P�uperty��d she11 surrandar tM�Trust Ocx,i • <br /> erd all notea evidencing nd��c3�ness secn��d C v•�,e°^.�r peed•o r�_c7•» ',r.;�„e s�_. -ec��.-.•�r pr;,�e�•. . N.�,t �va.renty to the persoR ar <br /> � perse:�s I��er.yr entiUed rharera. :u cr.�e-s:�:r;e�yo�s>�-e11 pey�� ..�. :� •e;cr_r.rc�,:t e*. <br /> � �O. I.CnS1;Nt.DY LBftd@f'9 GpCOtI,T..^•.y Pr;n•� C.TB to remove'•�s�e�- :�1 a:Da�nt e successa��•n:,Cmr to any rr„srrsn e�Qo�nrad haraundctr by a� . <br /> ' rerstfu.�rtarrt reCOtEeG m tn0 Caun.ryr:n ver..•n ms �•�5'�ia 3a.s recc..:�: r..rn:o'::r.ev�-ce��rr..P-�:erty. -+ ..�.:ess.;v rn�sres s�ea suacesrI ro <br /> d3 ts�o,paaer end�lrnts cert4ano�c�c�tAe T..,stse ner4 r an�ay sGF•�:er1e aw <br /> 19.Guce�at}or any na�a.:es.demanC s raquns:s c r orn�+ caa�r��•�:a' :�s roFw��d i'��a�•et:'�:a��e'_.*��:be q��e^�n 3�pthe�mennet.wheneret�ende�. <br /> @otrowar ot Trustee p�voa o� so:vas a.�y �•tco ,�.c�.:G��g. �•t�aa����+i�+at•c�, rcnce of aetea�r ,s•�� ^�t ra �f sa'e�,dernan�s. rogu0fte or otAer <br /> . COrtItrtYNCMfOn tYith roSp9Ct io tMs r�s[Laed. EBCh wct^not�c� �����snd. r.±;�,as� ar othe�eamf:•�:-�„ i•,c n snal ue�n anLnp and shall bo eNeebvo t <br /> , only if the same is delivo�edby porsone3 sa+vco c�me::ed ty c,e-r��•d mesl.p.:>t3�e F•ops•d.�estu-�-a •.rf.epi estea.cdd�essed to the o0dross es set <br /> tortA et tRe beginnin•;o!tla Tmat Ooad. A ec�y o° e�+v•�oc.:e�t fl?y nonc�ut eele •=,�rod or pe�m:irc�d to be p�ve�herevMer,sAe:I pe <br /> tnaled to eaeh peteon who n e porty heroto et�he ad,��m's ser�ortn tt tne ba�:+rnrg oP rh.;T•u>r�ee0 Any p�rry mev e:anY nme thartqe rts edd�ese <br /> tot suoh notieea bV aclivonne or ms:Iing to tne othor�;ut�ns heron, �+;e•n�es md,a�wrcu c�a,.c^ :ca�ao Any n�.i,ca herevnder sns:I De deemod to <br /> h&roe to baen given to Bottower or LenBs�. �vAe1+�ren n the mernnr acrs��netad ne:�am <br /> 20.Tha covenante and eQ�eoments horom conteinad shal b�nd,end�ha n�h[y hn�u�nder tih�nl��+�.,u�•�iha resp��hro nu,rr,rop�osentanves.succoacore <br /> , Cnd essigns of tlea peKios /tIl covonants aTi serocments ot tno Bonc,v.��shu�l bv io��+• end �•v.+•,: �v�.ene.e� �e�n�en,e�s medo to the e�n�ulm <br /> hersurder,it shal�n�l��e the plur¢1 end+�u purel sha'I�nctudo tno s�ngwd� <br /> � � <br />