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<br /> f• .�', � ' r J'Y d�u r 7�.,:>'I t . ,`r.'., s r� '.'s•yylt ;,�. .e.,.. .� ,. .'1. -i�t:r.r�k,.•r::t.`� ,�! � x''ir,..�,":.",��
<br /> . �- '.1: . � 'A. 7 � 'N' .. / :fi h �' . il i�ts�;�'n�},h�'+''' '�'13 �. � it/ a :� ��,.,� ,f... ...=..:, r `�`'
<br /> ..+:•`,:'�f�. .} .. . \.�- �to , ��l`. � ,_55i-��f. .. rT } ,��1. 't�r��j�,r 4-. � ' , . .�a - �� �t115,•y ft r �� �`.�;�i;:`n" �-,- rm.�vsi!� .
<br /> :
<br /> V �g.�,���{� , .. :r F�y, �,r����2J$tp��ti t;'r, �`` �� �• r�S�S�P ��1� ` �Ikr��(.' } x
<br /> .. '; . ' . !�•. ,rr4 -.,�Yyi';'P,�s:e� , . ' ��:��'itt - - °�..� `Yt - � ,r � V -��;fli. ,;tu±JJ f • .r _ � ^-.
<br /> ;i:�. •*� .,.,,. �,,y��iE:hn , :a��:'s��. � � . .�.t , . , r,t,di_
<br /> • - . . -s. .ry�if�►..HeMr.u,i,�.r . . -c.-,i' . .. ....�.� -_
<br /> . -•._• - c -..._.. �t,;. ._ -- -'----' .-- . - � - � � . . ' - `- -.��� { --_-
<br /> �'� - .� . , f =...._
<br /> , ��dAak • _ . . -. . .
<br /> i.....,��. � . .. _....._�_.._�..r _ .
<br /> • . i.
<br /> • • • 8onowa mcy ouro ouah a detAUft and reinetate, as provlrlad In pampmph 18, by enusing the actlon or procoeding to be ���
<br /> � � ' dlamioaod wlth a mlln�that,in Lender's good fa1lA determinaQon,ptoaludeo foAoAure of the Bo►rower's interest In the Proporty or " ,'�
<br /> ; � , ' othor matnrinl impelrment of the Ilen created by thts Becurtly Inatrumont or Lander'n seeurity Intereat 8onower shnN also bo in , .; —
<br /> :;,. detuult if Bottowcu,dudng tha�oan appUcation process,Qave materlally talse or Inaaaurato Informatlon or atntem�nts to Lender(ar �
<br /> •�,r ,. faYod to provido lender with any materiui IntormaUon) ln conneotlon wlth ihe lonn evldenced by the Note, inctuding,but oot ' .
<br /> Umfted to, reprasentutlons conoeming Borrower's occupanay of the Property as a prinaipni residenee. It this Seeurtly
<br /> ��,,��_
<br /> Inahument is on a toaoohold, Borrower ehali compry with aq !he provisions ot the iassa If 8orrower acquires tee Ude to the s;� ,• .
<br /> Ptoperty,the loasehold and the tee dUe snaA not magd uniess Lender agreos to the merger In wr�fling. ,`T,.r:.;,
<br /> • 7. Protectlon of Lender's Rlghta in tNe �ropeHy.If eorrower teils to pertortn the covenunte ond agreemenis ., .�..�1'�"„-• •:-:�'�
<br /> ' ��• •• contelned tn thle 3eourlty inetrument, or there lo u legal proceoding thnt may algnNicantly atlect lender's dghts in the Properiy , ' ` • ,
<br /> .. .
<br /> ' , , (euch sa a proceeding in banlwptay,probate,(or condemnnUon or foAeiture ar to eMorce Iawo or regu�atlone),then Lender mey ' ' : - -
<br /> � • do end pay for whatever la neeeseary to proteat the volue of the Property and Lender's dghts in the Propeety. Lendere aetlons ; .
<br /> ' may include paying any sums aecured by e tien which hes pdorfly over this Security Inswment, eppearing in court, pnying �'
<br /> _..__ _ r . „ .
<br /> reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to meke repairs.Aithough Lender mey take acdon under thla paragraph �' � � __
<br /> � � 7.Lender does not have to do so. ` ' ' ,,• ..
<br /> My amoun4s disbursed by Lender under paragraph 7 shall become additlonat debt ot Bortower secured by tMs 3ecurity =
<br /> Instrument. Uml�ES 8ortower and Lender agree to other terms ot payment,these amounts sheN bear interest hom the dete of ' : . ' ___
<br /> • d�sbursemenl at 9Ae�1ote rate and ahe�be payabie,with interest,upon noUce trom lender to Borrower requeaUng payment. _
<br /> f�. {U�l���a�0 UUt96AP&1YA�43. it Lendet required mortgage insurance as a eoncEitton of making the toan s¢atred by this �,r
<br /> 3ecurity instncment, Boeroever sha�pay the premlums requlred to malnta[n tho rrtostg,�go insv,rance tn¢Sfect.tf,tnr rmy ceason,th� , �"���
<br /> moRgage insumnce covetAge required by lender tapses or c�ses to be in offect. Bortower aNaN pay She prx�:ums reRuEred 40 • , �^
<br /> obtaln coveraga substunUaOy equt�elent to th0 rnortgage tnsurance proviousiy in afteot, at a cost subatnntiAlly equivalent Yo tPeo � `����
<br /> � cost to Borrower oi ihe mortgage Insurance previousy in efiect, trom An aftemate modgage insurer approved by lendec tt � ,. .; n=-
<br /> substan8atty equivalent moKgAge)nsurence coverage is not armilab�e, BoROwer shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to �' ��
<br /> ;� � on�tweiilh o1 Ih�a yearly mortgage insurance premium being pald 6y Borrower when tho insurance coverage tapsed or ceased to {���:�,-
<br /> be in ettect. le�der wlil accep�use end retafn these payments es a loss reserve b Ileu of mortgage Insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> 0 payments may no longer be requ:red,et the option oi Lender, B mortgage insurance coverage (In the amount and for the period .
<br /> � that Lender��q�iresl provlded by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes availabte and is obteined. Bortower shall pay , _
<br /> the premiums requirad to meintaki mortgage insurance in eHect,or to provide e Ioss reserve, untll the requtrement tor mortgage . . , --
<br /> '' � insurance ends in accordance wflh any written agreement between Borrower and Lender or applicabie law. . ��'�•;.,. �' —_
<br /> ,��`�•:r,. ' ' • --
<br /> � � 9. (res 8641on. Lender or ils agent ma make reasonable entdes u on and ins ectlone ot the Pro e Lender shall give '�`°�� � ''
<br /> . ,,,��,;::°,;?�,.. Ia Y P P A nY. ��s�.:{,. .:.,;t• .. ,,.
<br /> BoROwer noUce at the tkne of or pdor to an inspectlon specHying reasonable cause 1or tha Inspecdon. ��'F:`�;'' ' �}-���
<br /> ' � ':, � 10. Con�3emnatlon.The proceeds of eny awerd or cialm for damages, direct or consequendet, in connecUon with any ������;;;�t+�x►'y
<br /> � eondemnaUon o�other taWng of any part of the Property, or tor conveyance in Ileu of condemnaUon, are hereby asslgned and ��*f% '�''�
<br /> �-,,
<br /> shail be paid to Lendec �'� "'—`
<br /> •,i, � . in the event of a totai taidng of the PropeAy, the proceeds ahali be applied to the sums secured by this Security �-.�� t�s
<br /> :.:
<br /> InsVument,whether or not then due,wfth eny excess paid to 8orrower. In the event of a paRial taking of the Properly In whtch .•��:�y
<br /> - '-"i�,;��' `- - the fair market value of the Property Immedatery belore tha taking ia equai to or greater than the amount uf titb suri�6 sacurad - _=-
<br /> � , by this Securfty InsUument immediatey before ihe taktng, unlesa Borrower and Lender othervvise agree fn wrftlng, the sums �
<br /> • secured by this Searily Instrument shali be reduced by the emount of the proceeds rtwldplled by the following fractlon: (a)the
<br /> � , totai amount of the sums secured immediately before the taking, dlWded by(b)the fatr marfcet value ot the f�operry immediatety � '
<br /> before the taking.My baiance shall be paid to Bortower.In the event ot a paNal taking of the Property in whiah the tek market ,�r'��t•'.f1�, " ,.
<br /> ,��:�.:� vatue of the Property immediatety betore the taWng Is less than the amount of the sums secured immediatery before lhe taking, '` .,��:��,i•, •�-� . ;,�:`
<br /> •- uniess Borrower and Lender othetwise agree in wridng or unless applicabie law othervvise provldes, the proceeds shaN be ;,,�'.;��.✓��' � ;.
<br /> . ' appiled to the sums secured by this Securiry InsWment whether or not the sums are then due. ��,� ;•� � ;i
<br /> Ii the Properly is ebandoned by Borrower, or Y,after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor otiers to make an �f � . � _
<br /> award or settle a daim for damages, Borrower taBS to respond to Lender within 30 days afte� the date the notfce Is gNen, , '�.
<br /> Lender is authoeized to coliect and appty the proceeds, at fts opUon,either to restoratlon or repalr of the Property or to the i °�
<br /> suma secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due. ' �;.�-
<br /> � Unless Lender and Bortower othervvise agree in wdting, any appliceUon of proceeds to pdndpai shalt not extend or -�Jf�--
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthty payments refwred to fn paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments. -�' %/ ��'
<br /> � , 11. Borrower No! Released; Forbearence By Lender No4 a Waiver.Extension oi the time tor payment or , '` �'.��
<br /> modiflcaUon of amortizatlon ot the sums secured by this Securfly �nsirument granted by Lender to any successor In Interest ot � �''��
<br /> � . Bortower shall not operete to release the Yability of the otig(nal BoROwer or Borrower's successors In interest. Lender shaA not ,�;�:'^
<br /> ��j: � be required to commence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or othetwlse `�,, . ^
<br /> %''' � modHy amortizetion of the aums secured by this Security Instnment by reason ot any demand made by the originel BoROwer or ; % • • ��
<br /> � Borrower's successors in interest. My torbea�ance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shail not be e waNer of or ; '��`'
<br /> �+
<br /> ., prec�ude the exerdse ot any right or remedy. ���st�
<br /> 12. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several UabUity; Casigners. 7he covenants and � ':�:"
<br /> agreements ot thls Security Instrumenl shau btnd and benefit the successors and assigns oi Lender end BoROwer,subject to the ' ;?.'u%
<br /> i.;�'.' provisions ot paregraph 17. Bortowers covenants and agreements shall be joint and severai. My Borrower who co-signs ihis .'��
<br /> �. Security Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co•slgning this Securily instrument oniy to mortgage, grant and convey
<br /> that Borrow�r's interest in the Properry under the terms ot this Security Instrument: (b) is not personaly obligated to�ay the .�;�:
<br /> • sums secured by thls Security Instrument; and (c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend, modify, ,� ,�
<br /> ' forbear or make any accommodaUons with regard to the terms of this Security Inslrument or the Note wfthout that Bortower's �';p
<br /> consent. ���
<br /> 13. Loan Charges. If the ban secured by ths Security Instrument is sub�ect to a law which sets max�rrum toan �'•�•.
<br /> ,, . }� charges, and that law Is flnalty interpreted so thai tn¢ interast or otfier Ioan charges collected or to be collected in ccrnection
<br /> .,. • with the loan exceed the permitted Iimfts, the�� (a?ar�y such foan charge shaN be reduced by ihe amount necessary to �educe �"�
<br /> ,, r
<br /> the charge to the pertnitted Iimit; and (b; a:��, sums already coilected hom Borrower which exceedec: permitted limes wll be
<br /> reiunded to Bortower. Lender mey choose to make this refund by reducmg the principal owed under Ihe Pvote or by making a ;,:���•
<br /> ���" etirect payment to BoROwer. if a refund reduces p�incipaf. i^e reduction will be treated as a paAial prepayment without any ;���:o',_
<br /> t::.
<br /> . p��,payment charge under the Nate. ' ,' '�
<br /> 14. RimtiC88.My notice to Bortower provided tor in this Security Instrument shaN be given by delivering it or by mailing ft �{M �
<br /> by first Gass mad unless appliceb�e iew requlres use ot another method. The notice shall be dlrected to the Properly Address ' . �
<br /> or any other a�dress BoROwer designates by no6ce to Lender. My notice to Le�der shati be given by first class mafi to �;
<br /> � � � l8fttl2f'S BGQflSS S18tCC IIB�Cin or any otaer address teeder uesignaira uy rwiica iv ovnvwci. rv�y tIVUI.0 p7J•7��.:w: o l.`.w -
<br /> S�curity Instrument shaA be deemed to have been gnen to Borrower or lender when given es provlded in this paragraQh_
<br /> � � 15. Governing Law; Severability. This Sec�riry InsWment shall be govemed by federal law and the Ww of the
<br /> ju�isdlctlon In wh�h the F�ropeHy Is located. In the event that any provlsion or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note f �
<br /> � confllcts wfth applicable law, such conflict sha(!reot aHect other provisions ot this Security Instrument or the tJote which can be •
<br /> ; gNen effect wRhout the conflicting provision. To tP���nd the provisfons ot this Security Instrument and the Note are declared to
<br /> be severable.
<br /> � 16. BOTfOW@�'8 COPy.Borrower shalt be groen one conformed copy of the Nole and ot this Security Instrument
<br /> �1
<br /> , `
<br /> �'
<br /> 1
<br /> - F1376.LM6 172A31 Psgr 3 of 5 -1 ,
<br /> c�Xh� ����` �
<br /> 9�zz Q, n,.»�. c�1('�.� :
<br /> �_
<br />