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<br /> - r�"'�'�'�'., � .'xA perioda thnt Lender mqui�+cA. The insutunce cnrrier providing the inaurnnce shnll Fr�ctioticn by Norrc►wer su�i ect to l.enderix - a..-_;_,____
<br /> - '�'T�'" '""'" � ' appr�val which ehall nat 6e un�eaeanably withheld. IP Barn►wor i'iifla ta muintain caveru�o descriF►ed aHove,Lender may,at -
<br /> - " • Lenderl►aption,obtain rovemb9 tn protcrt Lcnder�rlghts In the Property tn c►rcardance with purugmph 7. ----
<br /> � •�,�` Ail insuranco policies and artcwola shuli bo ucceptuble ta l.ender nnd r�finll lnclude u xtnndiutii mortgugo rtuuso. Lendcr ----
<br /> _ shull hnve�hc right ta huld thc pollcics nnd rene�vulx. If L.cnder rcqufrea.8arrower shnll promptly pivo to Lender nll receipte �=:::__:==
<br /> - - , � of puid prcmiumK and renewnl aoticc�. In the cvent uf taxs,Bocrowor shult givc prampt outire ta the in�+ucanco carrier anA
<br /> � ~� l.ender. l.endur mny muke pr�atof loHS if not made promptly by anmo�ver. --���M----
<br /> •..:A �,.�,tLi6'�� `�`;_�.,-
<br /> - , � • Unieae T.ender ond Boaower o�herwtn�:agre.e in wrlting,insurunca p�-occcd�c:huil bc:upplfad to r+:htorutfcm or rcpnir uf ��`�,,,;y„_„".�-�-:._- -
<br /> , � � �"' the Pro rty dumaged, if the re�iorntion or nepair ia economicully fear�ibte and Lendcr�r+ecudty is not lexsened. If the ===--=�
<br /> �' ' - ��.._
<br /> . �.. .,:, ,. ��.�z�=:��:--•�
<br /> • restornt on or repair is not economically feusible ot L.ender�s securlty would be lessened,the inRUrnnce proceeda ahull be --- _
<br /> ����__ -
<br /> - applied ro the sums recured by�his Security Inauument, whether or not then due,with tuty excess pnid to 8orrower. If �.k�ar�p;,�v�-
<br /> � Borrower abandons the Property,ordces not answer within 30 days a nottce from Lender that the in�urance currier hax `":��Y':",---_;:�.-_
<br /> , • .._
<br /> offered to settle a clatm,then Lender may collect the inFUrnnce proceeds. L.ender may use the proceeds to repair or reatote � � -����` `� "�"
<br /> . the Pe+nperty or to pay sums�ecurcd by this Secudry Instrument,whether or not then due. The 30-day pedod will begin when . .:�:a.��`�`-
<br /> • the natice is given. . ,'=.�-= "„
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwlse a r�ee in writin ,an a lication of roceeds to rinci al shall �ot extend or .. �;'�'�-
<br /> 8 S Y PP P P P -. �;�".".,.,,
<br /> ' postpone tlte due date of t9ee manihly paymeau refemed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. if ' *�-°_•
<br /> - �tf .;.M,�
<br /> '.. under paragraph 21 the P'ropesrty is acquired by l.ender, Borrower's �ight ¢o any insur.�nce policies and p�raeeds resulting �° ..���,.+�-
<br /> from dama�e to the Property puior ¢o¢he ncquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Secu:iYy •• ` '-• '~��
<br /> dnsdument immediately priorto�he acyuisition. �,°n°--
<br /> ' 6. Orcupac�cy, Fr�servatlmn, 1Vlaintena�ce ar�d Protectiom of the II'roperty; Borro�ver's L�un Applicatdom; � � :-__,__-
<br /> II.easeholds. Borrower shall occnpy,establish,and u,e the Property as Borrower's principal residence withnn sixty days after ''•"°��-
<br /> the execution of this Security Inslrument and shall continue to occupy the PropeRy as Borrower's principal residence for at -
<br /> Deast one year after the date of occupancy, unless Lender o4herwise agrees in writing. which consent shall not be --�:;"-�
<br /> • �a�.:: .
<br /> unreasonabiy withheld,or unlessextenuating circumstances exist�t��ich are beyond Borrowerl•controL Borrower shail not .;.. .,� -
<br /> ,: . .. desdroy,damage or impair the Property,allow the Pe�peny to deteriorate,or commit waste on Yhe Property. Borrower shall , ,.;t��:;�+��: ��---
<br /> �� ' be in default if any forf'err.�,�e acdon or proceedi��,���hether civil or criminal,is begun that in Lender�s g�vd ffaith judgment �;:�;;�',',• �F}i"� " ``-�,`
<br /> _.^:1:.:�..:. .�/�t' .r J,' 1 C1�/��Z
<br /> ti,. 1•� ��;
<br /> �,;,� ;• � could result in forfeitum c>�the Property or oth�nvise materiuliy impair the lien created by this Secumity 9nywment or ,�,;;��',• ,�.��;��c'�r k� ,{'��"�
<br /> 'r��.t�` ��,;`;�:�� L.ender�s s�cwity interest. �Svnrower may cure such a i�fault and reinYtate,as provided in Paragraph 18,by�autiir�g the action '�r �r`��'4'�t`�`��
<br /> . ,' s,;y;,t°� or proceeding to be dismissed v►hih a eaileng taaat,in Lender's good faizh determination,precludes forFeiture of the Borrower's �� • � /.i,j�r �S.
<br /> t " interest in the Property or other nnate�ial iree�airment of the lier� created by this Securiry Gns:cument or I.ender� securit� T��`�jt -�r��-
<br /> i. interest. Borrower shall niso be in daFault if Bo�row�r, durimg ihe loan applic���iun pra:c.., gave matcaially false he ,.,y��,� ';
<br /> . ;��,-' . � inaccurate informauon or statermenas to Lender(or failecl to pro�-ide Lender with amy material information)im rannection with �-..• ` w: �
<br /> � .. �
<br /> • ��� the loan evidenced by t�e Nmte, encGuding, but nc+t limited to, representations conceming Borrower�s �ccaogancy of ihe ta�ti,_; `I"��°, ;�.
<br /> G�m�erty ac A rrinci�al reciden�� Qf ihic C�ru�ty io�tn�ment ic on a leasehold,Borrower shall cosnn6y wittu all ihe provivuom� C� � � ��'s�4� _ _ _ —
<br /> �.� ;��-: �
<br /> ' . 4 �.�„ of the lease. If Borrow.er acquimes�ee tide to the Property,the lea.cehotd and the fee title shall noc meege ure9ess Il.ender agrees �' t' ,-
<br /> `��'�•.:, to the me�gcr in writing. 7 �,�� ,. .,s-.
<br /> . %� �'t-� 7. Protection of Lender's lUghts in the Property. If Borrower fnils to perform the covenants und agreements . .''':��:�;r
<br /> contained in this Security Instnment, or there is a legul proceeding thut muy significnntly affect Lender's rights in the " _
<br /> PropeRy(such as a proceeding inbanknrptcy,probate,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),then � `
<br /> . �. , I.ender may do and puy for whatever is necesu►ry to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the f'ropeny. G i'
<br /> � Lender:s actions may include paping any sums serured by a lien whirh ha,priority over thi,Security Instrument,appeuring • '� ;p�;
<br /> , •. in court,paying rensonable attomeys'feex and entering on the Pmperry to ma1:e mpairs.Althaugh Lender may take action ,�r�
<br /> � under this paragraph 7,Lender das nat have ta dn.u. � ,
<br /> • Any umounts dishunrd hy Lender undrr this paragraph 7.hull t+��ome additionul debt of Borrower securcd by tht+
<br /> Security Instrument. Unle�s Boriowcr and I.rnder agrce to othcr trmi.cN'paymcnt,thrsc:amount.shaU tx:ar intere,t from the I -�
<br /> date of disbursement ut the Noterate and+hull br payaMc,a•ith intcre.t,uFxm noticc from Lender to$ormwer reyue+ting I ;� ��.'.'
<br /> payment. i � `� ��
<br /> ' 8. Mortgage Insurunee. If Lender reyuimc!mortgagr inwranrr a�a c:�mdition uf mul.ing the loan.rcured by thi. ' ���� �"
<br /> , Security Instrument. Borro�ver �hall p:�y thc pmmium� requircd to maintain the murtgagc in.urancr in cifect. If. fur any � '`�"� ,
<br /> � .. �, neason, the mortgnge insuranre coverage reyuired by Lrndrr lap.r. or rca�c� to tx in rCfect, Bormwcr �hall pay the ,; �
<br /> pmmiums required to obtain coverage sub>t:uuiully cyuivulent tu thr murtguge in�ur.tncr pmvi��uxly in efCect, at a co.t , ,� ���_
<br /> substantially eyuivulent to the cmt to Borrower of the murtgare in.ursnre pmviou.ly in rffrrt. frotn un ultemate mottguge ' �`-
<br /> � ���� insurerapproved by Lender. If's�bslnntially equivulent mortgagr imurarxe coverage i�not available,Borruwer�hall pay ro , � • „ _
<br /> ,;�;:';�; Lender each month a sum eyual ln one-twelfth of the�•earl�•mongage in.urancc premium heing paid b�•Bormwer when the �.�j'?�
<br /> ' �� insurance coverage lapsed orcea�ed to be in effect. Lender w•ill accept,uk:md rctain thex pa�•memti a.a Io��re•erve in lieu �. . " �'
<br /> ��''1 ' � � of mortgage insurance. Lo�s rrserve payment+may no l��nger tx r�+�uired,at the option of L.rnder, if mortgagr imuranre ! , : ��
<br /> �',. coverage(in the amount anJ forthe period that Lender rtyuirc�l pn���ided by an inwRr approerd b��Lender aguin txrome+ �'
<br /> available and is obtained.Bom���cr shall pay the premiumti reyuireJ tc+maintain mongagc in.uranrc m effert,ur to ptuvide n � �
<br /> , • loss reserve.until the eequiremed for mongage in.urance endti in accordancr with am•w rittrn a�:rcement hetw•een Bormw•er 9� -
<br /> and I.ender or applicable law. :..!'�
<br /> �;,,,�• � � 9. Inspection. Lender orits agent may m:�ke ma.onablc entrie�upim:uid in+pertion.of the PruJx:n�•. i.ender.hall , -
<br /> �; :'�� ",,,���,.� ' give Borcower notice at the timeof cx prior to an inspection.Exrif�•ing�ra,unahlr cau.e tiu th�insFxrtion. ;�;i:
<br /> ;rr,;: • ;;:•�r.r��;�' 10. Condemnation. The �rcxeeds of an}•award or rlaim for dam:�gr�,dircct or r�m.cyucntial,in ruzincction w ith ac�y i
<br /> ���"•, ''' SmgleFm�h-•Fnnnle�lne:F'rrddie�tact'\tF<)R�1I1tiTRl'�1F.1T..l�mfnnnC���rn,uir 990 ��v¢r?,•)n��cru !-
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