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'hla�Eh - �14,{..,i.;;::5 ' .: pl �,�� _. <br /> �� 1 '�iY.::'"'lY' �1•. li . ,�. .� .� {^�`„. <br /> i v ..«�'i1 .. . . : f}"'yl�,.� . . ..., f'tY,.,. , h:Y... ,...,`� 1 <br /> , 1 ..�:.. - `����`. `�- _ :•`aRr.�_� <br /> Yi1��..3"104��:L` � .. ; , � .. ; � �.,.,. .. <br /> . .. s�.�.��-�. . _ _ <br /> �l . i , a.��� � . . i ...__—_- <br /> ...��pQ� . . , . <br /> � i <br /> �. . . -.':.:L. ....._ ......i........ ............ .�.. . . _ . ._.._.. _....._ ... ......_"'_.13.�� - . <br /> 3:.{"� <br /> TOGETHEIt tVITH all the improvem�ent4 notiv or hereatter erected an the pro�erty� and all easemen � -��='' <br /> appurter►ances,and 4txturea now or heresiter a part of the property.A!1 replacementa and add�tions shall also be cover� � � �^�"• <br /> by this Security Inetrumenx.All ot the fotegoing�s referred to in thie Security Insttument ps the"Property." � - <br /> �' �` ' HORROWER COV$NAN'fS that Borrower ia laafully seised at the estaw hereby wnveyed and has the right tap . �, <br /> . grant and convey the Property and that the Property is unencumbered, except for encumbrances of cecord. Borrowe = <br /> , wEUrents and wili defend generally the title ta the P,roperty oguinst all claims nnd demends,aubject to any encumbran �`.,.,;-- <br /> , .. oi t+ecord. " - <br /> , . THIS SECURITY INSTRUMBNT cambines uniform covenants tor national use and nonvnitorm cc�venante�vit - . ' � <br /> limitedvariationsbyjurisdictiontoconstituteaunlformsecurityinstrumentcoveringreatproperty. - . . __ <br /> UNIFORI►i COVSivAN`I'S.Bonoaer and I.onder cavenant and agmo as foltowa <br /> •� � 1.Paymeat of Priaeipa!�ad Taterest;Prepaymeat and Late Charges. Botrower ahall promptly pay ahen d � <br /> -- �"' the principal of and intetest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the Aiota. ° ` `J �•�-� <br /> s' 2. Funds for'faxes and insurance. Subject to applicable law or ta a written cvaiver by Lender,Borrower ehall , � � <br /> pay to Lender on the dsy monthly paymenta ere due under the Note,until the Note is paid in full,a sum(°Funds")for. ' <br /> � (a)yearly taxes and assessmente which may ettain priority ovet this Security Instrument as a lien on the Property;(b) • _-_ _ <br /> • yearly leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property,if any;(c)yearly haaard or pro�etty insurance premiums; • �- <br /> , (d)yearly flood insurance premiurna,if any;(e)yearly mortgage insurance premiums,if arty;and(f)any sums payable •• -�%�' <br /> ' ' by�otrower to Lettder�in accordance with the provisiona of paragtaph 8,ia fieu o�the paymenC o4 m�or�gage insurance ' � <br /> g�re4niuma.These items arr�calted "Fscro�v Itema."Lender any time,colle�t and hold]Funds in ae►annount not s;� - <br /> to exvced the mauim�nrm ammunt a lender for a federally related mottgage loan may reqrsise for flitvreawec s escrow , •„��, <br /> account under tihe�edcral Ilteal Eseate SetElement Procedures Act o�r 1974 as amended ffrorm tmm�e tm tinne, 12 li.S.�. � �- <br /> Section 2fi���8�eg. ("RESPA"),nmless another law that applies to rt4ee Funds sets a less�r anncnw►�Iff so, l.ender ma}•, . :� � <br /> . at amy time.collect and hoDd]Fun�s i�n an amount not to exceed the lc�r amount.I.ender nnay estim�ate t�e amount of - <br /> �unds due on the basis oYcw��rent data and reasonable estimates of expenditures of future Fscrow Itennsor otherwise in - " <br /> . accordance with applicable ia�ti•. '' ' <br /> The Fands shail be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federat agency,instrumentality.or entity '' . �- <br /> � (including I.ender,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.L,ender shall apply the Funds to � '=--- <br /> ,� pay the�Cro�v Items.Lender may not charge Borroaer for holding and applying the Fur►c�.S, annualiy analyzing the ." , : <br /> escrow account,or verifying the E.scrow Items,unless Lender pays Borrower interest on tt�e Funds and applicable Iaw i �_ <br /> • � �rmits I.endec to make such a charge. However, Lendet may tequire Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an ,. , . <br /> � independent real estate tax reportingservice used by I.e[tder in connection aith this loan,unless applicable law provides � �� .�"'`` <br /> otherwise.Ualc:�an agreement is made or applicable Iaw requires interest to be paid,Lencier shaq not be required to •`�:"'�z� <br /> pay Bortower ax�y interest or earninge on the Funds.Borrower and Lender may agree in writing,however�that interesc ! i;.==';.'+�;;i: - <br /> shaU be paid on the Funds.Lender shall give to Borrower,without c3�arge,an annual accounting of the Funds.showing i �• *:rr'�;�'�� , ; <br /> credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as �- <br /> 1 additionai security for ali sue�s se�ured by this Security Instrumenc. � =. ; �-- �:.� <br /> � If the Funds held by I.ender eaceed the amounta petmitted to be held b}�applicable law�, d,ender shali account to � ��� <br /> ,':i�':=', <br /> , '�' Bormwer for tt�e excess Funds in aceordaace with the requirements of applicable law. H th°�crnount of the Funds held � _i;,p; •, <br /> b I.ender at pe�•time is not sutficient to �•the Fscrow Items when due,Lender ma so �cnscR•Borrower in writin , i `��P`� <br /> � Y y t? 1 Y 5 B : �; <br /> . .� �., <br /> ��'�;', and,in such cas�Borroaec shall pay to L�der the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make ,;?�M.,4,�� �i:'= <br /> "�. f u�4he de4iciency in no more than taelve monthly payenents,at Lender's sole discretion. I ` �`���'' <br /> . J.,., <br /> , � Upon pa3•ment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lender shall promptly refund to Bonower � ;�'�;, <br /> any Funds hei�l by I.ender. If,under paragraph 21, Lender shall acquire or sell the Property, Lender, prior to the � :::r'';� ;- <br /> ��... <br /> � acquisition or sale of the Property.shall apply any Funds held by L,�nder at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit � <br /> � �:� against the surrss secuted by thisSecurit�lnstrument. � ����� <br /> �"�� " 3. Application ot Pap•mnents.Unless applicable law provides otherwise,a31 payments received by Lender under f���,,, <br /> :, ';��,���'. paragraphs 1 and 2 shall 1�a�plied:first,to any prepa�•ment charges due under she Nota;second,to amrt�tmts payable • �'f Er�. <br /> under paragraph 2;third,to interest due;fourth,to principat due;and last,to an�•late charges due under thr:�ot.e. ���=• . �'� <br /> -ci' .r,'7(,�. <br /> 4. Char$�s;Lieas. Borrower sha11 pa�•aIl taxes,a�ments, charges, fines and imFositions attributable to the ;%;"� ,�__ <br /> , `�'� Property which may attain priority over Yhis Security� Instrumer.t, and leasehold payment�cdr ground rents, if an�•. �'.�:;�'� "f� <br /> ' '�� Borrower shail pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2, or if not paiL i^ .�at manner, Borrower '+f r��f!,;�✓1`� _ <br /> st�aCl pay them on time directly to the person owed payment.Borroner shall promptly furnish to l.ender all notices of ";�.: <br /> � aQreuunks to be paid under this paragraph.If Borrow•er makes thesr payments dircrtly. Horrotter shall �rornntl��furnish a:l,r° <br /> a toLenderrecei�tsevidencing thepayments. . c'�;"` <br /> `i Borrowec shall promptly �ischarge an}•lien which has priorit}�o�•er this SecuritJ• Instr;ccr:ent unl�ss $orroHer. (a) �:;_ <br /> � agrces in aritin�to the payment of the obligation secured b�•the lien in a msnner acceptab��to Lender;(b)contests in `.j,.^ <br /> , �ood faith the lien by, or defends against enfotcement of the lien in,legal proceedings ��hich in the Lendar's opinion , ;�, <br /> ' mperate to pcevent the enforcementof the lien;or (c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreem�ra�^.:isfactors•to � . , d <br /> Lender subordinati ng the l ien to this Security Instrument.If I,ender determines that an�• part of the Propert�•is subject ' ;� <br /> to a lien which may attain priority over this Security�Instrument,Lender ma�• gi�•e Borro�srr a notice identifying the ` <br /> lien. Borcoaer shall satisfy the lien or take one or more of the actions set forth abo�•e H•ithi�; D'�da�•s of the gi�•ing of •. ;'?: <br /> notice. � . , ,�t<ti <br /> `:"} <br /> Fov�m 3028 9l90 <br /> ��gF{((�dt9106t01 v�9�2 0•6 In.L�LiS '. <br /> . .; . <br /> . '•'/•' I ,4: <br /> . . . . .. . � - �M <br /> �l.'. �� . ..- <br /> .. i �1,., <br /> . � :. <br /> ; <br /> _ �._ — J <br />