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<br /> - � - .. . � .,:iN.t'�1.�'1�.!�l1l�R�h�!'.a.r+ - .. ' ' . . • . ' ' .1 � . ' . � .. � � �ir:__
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<br /> �o�os . :,,y;�:���:
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<br /> ° 17.TrnncYer of thc Property or n BenePiclal lntercxt in Rnrro�ver. If ull or n���ai'i af the PmE►eRy c�t nny intcrest in I► . �!.��:`-°�:�
<br /> " iti�old or tmnsfertc+d(ar if u beneGcfal interest in Borrowcr iti soid or trunsfcrrcYt and&irrowcr ix not a nuturui pers��nt�vithuut � �- rR-�
<br /> • �� � � Lendcr's prfot wrltten cant;ent, l.endcr may. ut its uption, rcquire immc�iiatc payment in full uf ull +um+ �ccuri�i t�y this
<br /> ' ° Stcurity i�strwnent. Hnwrver,thix c►ption shnll not be exerci+ed by Lender if exerci�e is prohibiteJ by federul luw u�of tlie dute
<br /> � �f thiti ScLUrity Instrument. ••
<br /> � � . If Lender exerciscs thi.r•aptian, t.ender�hull�ive Banower natice of accelerution.The nntice tihall pmvi�le a prriixi of�tiit .. ; ��'
<br /> ., •• Iess thun 30 duy. fnnn thc Jate the notire is deliveroci or mailed within which Borrower mu�t pay uU +uner.securad by ihi�+ ,
<br /> "" , Srcuriry Insttument. lf Bormwer fnils to pay thcse sums prior to thc expirutiun nf this periai,I.cnder may imoke uny remfxtie+ �• •'':���
<br /> „ �+rnnittcd hy lhiti Sirurity In+ttument withaut further noticc ot dcmand on B�mowcr. �_�
<br /> 18. 13orrower's Right to Iteitutsnte. lf BonoWer mect� rertain canditionti. &�rrower shull havic ehe right tu huve . . ,.,,�t. '
<br /> � "' enforcement af thi� Security Insttument discondnued at any time prior to the earlier af: (al S duys(or such other petiod ►�.ti ,. •�; � „
<br /> _ .-- -.:., . "
<br /> � •• upplic�ble luw may +pecify for reinstutemcnt) beforc wie of the Property punuant tu any pi+�vcr of,air �v�dainul iu tl�iti ----'-=--=-,;�-
<br /> ° Security Instrument:or(b)entry of a jud�ment Pnfiircing thi+Security Instrument.Those cortdition+�n that Borccewer:la>paya . ; ,..;�
<br /> Lender all sum+which then woutd be due under this Security In.ctrument und the Note uti if no ac��cieration had uccurred: lb) '•`
<br /> cures �ny default af any other sovenantti ar agree:mcnts; (c) pays ull expenties incurred in enforcing this S�xurity In�trument.
<br /> ' � induding, bat nnt limited tu. ma.wnable sttorneys' fees;and(d>takes such action as Lender may reasc�nably require to assure �� -
<br /> that the lien of chis Security Instrument, l.ender's rights in the Property And 8nnower'a�ibligatiun to pay the+ums+ec:ured by '
<br /> this Security Instcument shaU continue unchangai. Upon reinstatement bg 1Borm�ver, this Security lnstrument und the ���.�.. ;:.. l•' •� _
<br /> obli�atians secured hereby shul! rcmain fully effective a+if no aceeleration had occucred. lfuwever,ihi�nght t��reinstate chaU � ;` , -
<br /> . nnt apply in the case of ncceleration unde�paragraph 17. r _
<br /> A9. Sule of Note; rhan�e mff l.aan Servicea The Note or a panial interest in Qhe Notc (rogethcr with this Saurity . _
<br /> InstnameRt)may be wld one or move times withaut prior nutire to Borrower. A s:.ile may result in a ch•rnge in the entity f&rtawn ,• ,��?�-�:�°"
<br /> as the'LeTan Servicer")that coilects mortthly payments due uRdee the Note and thiy Security Insirument. 'i'here alu�may be orte • • ����•�= -
<br /> „ ,p:�,�::.
<br /> - • or me,ce c(hanges of the L.oan Sen�icer un�elatesi to a sale of the Note. If there i�a change of the l.oan Servicer. Bnrro�ver will be �.. ... �:_--
<br /> �iven�vri¢ten natice of the change i�acmrdance with paragraph IA above attct applicable law.The n�tice wiil state the naune:utd �-, • "`��i;�9;
<br /> uddreti�off the rtew H.�xn Srrvicer aad the addre++ to whirh payrnents should be made. The notice will also contuin su►y ather ��_.-
<br /> � informati�n required by applirable lae�. �'��='_
<br /> ° 20. 19aaae�dotes Substanres. IBurrower shall not cause ��r�rmit the prrsence, u.e.�➢i+pnsal, storage, or relrs�e of any •�J • '',��',
<br /> H:vartiou� Substanres on or in the Pr�►perty. Hano�ver shall r.,�t do, nor allow anyone else ta do, anything affecting the •:r =".. m--:
<br /> ., Propeny that is in viulation of an�• Em ironmrr.i,�f Law. 1'hc prececling t��v xretences shal0 not apply ¢��the pre+ence, utic, or �''1�:,-.
<br /> . storage or.the Property of smali guantities��Q}iax��:4ous Substances that an�,�.zerally recogniud to b�appropriatc to normal �„='_
<br /> residential uses and to maintenance n!the PropNra.. °'"
<br /> Borrower shall promptl�•gi�c Lendtr wrinen notice �E<�at investigation, claim.dem;,�nd,lawsuit or other action by any .j���----
<br /> ' governmental or regulatory agenc� c�r nrivate party invotvin=th:P:operty and any Hatur�i�+��.Substance or Environmental Law : ..�,/. �,
<br /> � of which &►rrower has actual knowte.l:.e. If Borrower learn.. .�c o. natified k�} any govemmental ur regulatory authority.that • �,, �
<br /> any removal or other remediation of anr Hnzardt�us Sub�tance atfecting the�RC�reny is necessary.Borrower shall pmmptly take � "'
<br /> � :- .-�.= .. .. 1 .1::GL'C"`.�,.i.j :�::':.'.'�:«�:1:I:L�S15 iR 3Ctnr�ia*.C�N,i�h�oe�if�nmrnf8l 1 aw ' -
<br /> As u�ed in thiti paragraph 2@. "Hazardau>��:bstances" am those sub,t�nres defined as toxic ar hazardou� sub>tancc.s by „ , d` ` �.
<br /> Environmental Law and the fo1lu��mg subst:�n.c•: gatioline. kerosene, other tlamn�able �r toxic peeroleum prc�durn�. taxic � �.:I
<br /> ' :•:'.��; p e s t i c i d e s a n d h e rbi cides,volatile suh•ents,maten�a'..containin g atibestos or fiimialdeh yde,and radioactive materiatti.A,u�ed in _
<br /> • ' thix paragraph 20. "Environmental Iaw" means ffederal law� and laws of the jurisdiction «•herc the Property is lixatcYi that ' �,'
<br /> ' ,,
<br /> relate to health,safcty or environmental protecci��m � �, � � ,r:t;,:.�_
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bott����er;�^d Lender fucther ri�venant und agree 3�follows: r
<br /> 21. Acceleration;Remedies. Lender shall Rire notice to&►rrower prtur tn acceleration follow•!ng Q�arrower's breach [i y.
<br /> of any covenant or agreement i�this Securit�� Instrnment (but not prior tn acceleration under paragraph La unless j- �
<br /> appltcable la�v providcs othen�ise).Tt�e notice shall specify: (a)the default: (b)the action required to cure the�e?aull; �
<br /> (c)a date,reot less than 30 days from the date the notice is�iven to Borrow�er. by��•hich the default mutit be cured;and ,
<br /> (d) that tailure to cure the default on ar before the date specitied in the notice mac result in acceleration of the sums :
<br /> secueed b�• this Seca�tt�� Instrument and sale��f the Propert�. Thr notice�hall fur[her inform Borrow•er of the ci�ht to t, s
<br /> reiati-tate after acceleration and the rikht to bring a court action tc� a�..crt the non-existence of a default or any other • ' '• "1�.�
<br /> �g
<br /> detense of Borro�ser to acceleration and sale. If ihe default is not cured on or before the date specified In the notice. y�'�'��
<br /> Lender. at its option, ma} require immediate pa�ment io�4'aall of all sums secured by this Security Instrument wdnha�ut ��� • �
<br /> further demand and may inr•oke the poe�er oP st►le and anc other remedi��s perniitted b� applicable laa.Ixnder,Me�ll be ,,,_.
<br /> entitled to collect all e!cpencey incurred in purswnn�thc remedi�pro�•idre9 3n this paragrs�ph 2I,includink,but nnt 7iunited .�
<br /> � ,�.�"
<br /> to,reasonabte attnrnr�.s'feex and cmts of tiUr m.ialence. { ' �•���
<br /> It the pouer of sale is imoked. Trustav ;�all record a nntice��t'akC;ouli in each count� in ��hich am part of the I ''�#;i'�'�R•'
<br /> Prr+perty is lorated and+hall mail cnpfrs of�uch ni►ticr in vP�r rri:�na�rr pr�wcrit►ed b� upplicable lae tc► Borroti��re�and to , • .�'•'•: ,����
<br /> the mther peccons pmticrit►ed b�applfcahle lae. �lfter the t9ana•rryuired b�s�pplicable lu��.Trutitee sltvll�i�'e pu�0uc notice , " � '"-
<br /> ot.r•ale to the perum�and in the manner prescribed b� appticablr la�ti.'Tratitce, a9thnut demand on Borrowrr, ti8�:d!sell , �j��
<br /> the Propert� at puhlic auction t�� the high�wt bidder at the time and plard and under the terms de�iknatrd in the nMire of 'r
<br /> snle in�ne or more parcelti and in ur» orcEcr�'rust��e determines. Tn�xtcr ma� po+tponr tiule ot'ull or um parcel of thr �f=
<br /> . Propert� b� public unnouncement at the timd• and place of um pre�i�ou,e� schcduled tiale. Lcnder ur itti d�i�ncr ma� �l,_
<br /> purchase the Propert� at am sale. . � �'�
<br /> . t..`-
<br /> Farm 3028 9�90 � � �i'
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