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<br /> ''�',�t�r 4 n vk r.v,�i�� 6 ��i�.
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<br /> t i*`�,��;!�}Y::\ .,5lGi"� �M� .�;lyy��j t� ��, ��'� ��.�5� l,i:,,;s,U.� (:il� C�,.l,} a'er., � r-�..�`:��V}S�di�Y. ( )X..•.. .e.,. .�, r , A •,.,c
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<br /> � : rrzti�tHt� •n ys�.1�.. �
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<br /> `.. _ .: - epplicable law may specify for ninsnaterc�ent)k>efore sele of the Property punsuant w any power of sa a con u n i this ;.: '. �, .. . .. ,�,,, ,.
<br /> ry•.,;',:z....:....::...��` Securlty Insaviuent;or(b)entry of a jud�mem enforcing this Securlty Inswment. Thoxo conditions ure that Borrawer: (n) _
<br /> � pays i,en der a t l sutns w hic h t h e n w o u l d b e d u o u nder this Secud t y Instrument und ttte Note as If no accelerndon had
<br /> � ., . occwred;(b)cures any defauit of eny other wvenan�g or ngreements; (c)pays all expenses Incurred Ia enfarcing this Securiry •
<br /> „ Insaument, Inciuding. but not Iimited w. c�easonable unomeys'fe�s; und(d) takea such action �s L.ender may masonnbly ',
<br /> , � require to ussura thut the lien of this SecurIty Insuument.Lender:�rights i�thc Pmperty and Borrower:c obligatIon to pAy the o •
<br /> . � suma secured by this Securiry Inatrument AhaU cant�nue unchanged. Upon �+einstatement by Borrower. this Secudty •
<br /> . dnstrument and the obligatlong secured het+eby shall remt+ln fully effectfve ns if na accclerntton hud c�ccurred. However,this , .
<br /> , • � `' right to reinstate shnll nw upply in�he ca�e of uccelerntion under pa�ugmph 17. •�,
<br /> � �::;;;�' 19. Ss�le af Notei Chenge ot Lonn ServEcer. The Notc or u purtial intcrcxt in thc Noto(tagethcr wlth thi4 Secudty
<br /> •..'� ' ''��s<�" Insuument)muy be sold one or more dmes withaut prlor nrnice to Horrawer. A nnle may rcxuit io u chun�e in the cmity =
<br /> � " (known ua the"l..oun Serviccr")that collectx monthly paymentK cluc under the Nate nnd this Security Instrument. There alxo ° � -
<br /> � mr►y bc onc or morc changca of thc Loun Scrvlccr unrclutcd ta u salc of the Nutc. If therc is u chungc of thc L.oan Scevirer.
<br /> " � � Borrower will bc given written nalce af the chungc in uccurdanrc with pcirogruph 14 ubovc und applicublc luw. The naticc , �
<br /> will stnte the name und addre�.,of the �ew Loun Servicer und the uddresa to which payment�;�hnuld be mude. The notfce wftl
<br /> - ulso contnin ar►y ot�cr infarmatian rcquired by applicublc Inw.
<br /> ., 20. Hnimcdous Substtutces.�iorrower shull not cuus�e or pemtit the prescrtcc,utic,disposul,storuge,ar mleuFC af any �
<br /> �. HaAnrdous Substunces on or in the Property. Bomower hhall not do,nor allaw unyone else to do.nnythin�affecting the ' . ,
<br /> . Property that is!n vialadon of any Envlronmenutl Law. The prccaiing two sentenceis shnll not apply to the presence,ur+e,or , ,
<br /> .� stortige on the Property of smull yuentides of Hazardous Substances that ure genernlly recosnized to be uppropriate to normal „
<br /> }{_1,:' residendai ur+es and to maintcnanceof the Property. -
<br /> „ ��� ,. ., Bomower�hall prompQy�ive L.ender written natice of any invesGgution,claim,demand,lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> �"�,�a;;. governmenta!ar�gulatory ugency or private pasry lnvolving the Propeny ur�d uny Naza�aus Seebstance or Environmental ..
<br /> ' Lttw of which Bormwer hes actual knowIedge. If Borrower learns, or is noufied by a�ey gov�mmental or regulatory -
<br /> authority.that any removal or other r+emediadon of any Hazardous 5ubstance affecti��the D�ro�rty is necessary.Borrower •
<br /> . shall prompdy take all rtecessary remedial actions in accordance with Environr�een2al l.�w. '
<br /> As used in this paragraph 20,'!-Hazardaus Substances"are t�ose substances defined as toxic or�azardous substances by
<br /> • ' Environmental Law and the followie��su6stances: gasolirte,keroseuoe,other flammable or toxic petroleum�pro�ucts,toxic
<br /> pesticides and hetbicides, volatile smivenHs,materials containing axbestos or formaldehyde,att�1 radioactive materials. As ,:�
<br /> ° used in this paragcaph 20,"8nvironmental Law"means federai laws and laws of the jurisdicpon wher�the Pro�rrty is located �;�• ` • • • �.
<br /> : that relate to health.safcty or enviro�enusl protectiun. �.;'��:. ; �. �-
<br /> ;� � �,. ,
<br /> ,�t;:lfj'�; .. J,,^.`
<br /> . NON-UNIFORM COVENANT�. �orrower and I.ender further covenant and agree as follows: , '�:;'I;.'.'�e��.;�.t�Y z i`."�� '°�
<br /> • 2 1. A c ce l e r a t l o n;R e ra e d'n e s. II.e�n¢II e r s h a U g i v e u o d c e t o B o r r o w e r p r i o r t o a c c e l e r�o Q u o n f o U o w i n g B o r r o w e r s '.y;,,,` ,,., •�.,.,,. ,,
<br /> breach of any covenant or ag�m�nt 3n this Security Instrument(but not pdor W amrlee�,a��aon under paragraph 17 ';�.'+�.{�;����{�t'"?�. �',�:
<br /> " unless applicable law provldes mihe�rise). The aottce shall spectfy: (a)the default;(b)17ee axceion required tocure the "'"?5�r��%1� .�
<br /> � �•��:;�-- default;(c)a date,not iess ttoam 3v�days from the date the notice is given io Borrower,i�� which ibe dei'auit must i,r ¢�,;;%r;:=----�
<br /> `�` cured;and(d)Wat fa61�a�II�c�are 3IDe default on or before the date specifced ia the notic�e may result in acceleration of �S:•;�.� t- ��
<br /> ���'�"I tbe sums secured by this�eraamlh�]3�nstrument and sale ot the Property. The nat[ce shsU further inform Borrower of ;,,r.�� . � ' �
<br /> � .,:��. . .. ..
<br /> �;rsr�':; the right tm Qeinstete after ac�lersirt�on and the dght to bring a court actIoa to assert the aon�extstence of a default mff ;': �� '�
<br /> ti••;. : ��`�'�.�
<br /> ..,.;.,;.,. any other�H�tense of Borrowe�r to€�ameleration and sale. If thc dmTsult is not cured on or Ine[ore the date spectfd�fiaa , �;��r;� �
<br /> ,.r:s_
<br /> •'��:�:��;� the aotice,I.eader at ifs option meyr re�uire immedtate paymemt n�tuq of al!swns secured by this Security L�str�n�ev�3 , .�(i;,f: �
<br /> �►;rn�
<br /> r•, ,�`r,t:., wiWout further demand and may invoke the power of sale aneB any oWer remedies permitted tnY a�pf8cable law , • ' �,�-�'
<br /> ,Sf;,, Lender shall be entWed to collect gll expenses itncurred in �ursuing We mmedies prov[ded in t�ic p�ra�raPb 21, ,:;�,�
<br /> '{{��i tadudin but aot limited to,reasomahl�attorne s'fees and omsts of Utle evldence. "' `'
<br /> ";q�..;:•,. �, Y r;:�,'r�., �
<br /> �•;.'.:.; �7•'..
<br /> ;:;,.. If the power of sale is invokedf.?'rustee shall record a motir�of defaWt in each co�n3y in wWch any part of the , •��;;_rf;A,
<br /> ,,:,•,�,J: � 'i;:::,:,.,.,.,
<br /> Property is located and shall mail copirs of such notice In the Qmaunr�er prescr�bed by apgnldca�le law to Borrower and to , ..;,r..,:
<br /> " ,'-;%���i"sr'� the oWer isons rescri6ed tn a licable Iaw. After the tim�e�m uired b a Iicabl�UAx�,'i'rustee shall ve ublic `�•�`�"��•� ��'-'
<br /> � t:.,,. Ir' P Y �iP 4 Y PP � P �t�.�,�;_i;t�.;,.,��.
<br /> • � notice of sale to the petsons and Im the manner prescribed by applicable law. Tru.stee,without demand on Borrower, ,';.�� � . ..4'�S`•,� ;.
<br /> ��i{! "' shaU sell the Property at publ[c auction to the highest bidder at the time a�oc8 place aad under the terms designated in . ' y',�:�:` , .
<br /> . � . �'. : .t�
<br /> ��;i: '•��:;�,yf.a�, the noHze af sale in one or more pa�cels and in any order'll-iestee determinrs. 1}�nste�may postpone sele of all or any �ii. •;`�• '�, ��.;,•r°• '.
<br /> � �<� parceE��'t�re Property by publicannouncement at the t(me aund�u�ace of aay previous➢p-scheduled sale. Lender or its �
<br /> ;,.,` ,. � �cs ,,,�,r; desiperr mny purchese the PropeMg•ot any sale. r�,;'.t;'
<br /> •� � ,�'�-;' Upan receipt of payment of tlhe prtce b[d,1Yustee shall de➢iver to the purchaser'irustee's deed conveying the I �:';•.7+:: ,
<br /> . � . . Property. The retttals tn the'IY�ustee�deed shaU be prima facie evidence of the truth of the statements made therein. � . ��
<br /> ;.'' 'llrustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the foUowing order: Ia>to all costs and expenses of exercising the power � .. . .
<br /> -� ,;r''','i4y�}' � . �";.1��,` � .
<br /> ��:�Y' I i{.' .
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