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.,.. "� _. �_�� _�_�. <br /> �-:-e:iL'. . p�-t��'k..'�, , :�Y„� !y, .� _-.,�v, � z- -��-e=r''--,�r..�`:- - r F _'ti _ _.f'1��. ._. _��' '_ <br /> -�- t1 j:?'f�l �8'�si<.?_.• .r �� ",�..:a :'�i`Y �y ;`,,Y=" T*' P`k�;� ,:.•,i-i.'� �•..- �^-]��,y, ..�id'� �'- F�±F`��+ -''`wp,�!r -s",r;�...r�c,�F�irF,�3ii�k'..f��rtk�:y��;-'��t <br /> 2��i.� ..`5_C� ;.=*�:�'E� '}'(.(r., c ��Siy s�xr,�.+�"�a�inib' �., -�:h. n. .�'•J•.}F�[f i�1le:v���. '�' � n�s_.: N � f . 1 n p,.r,.�.�'• y •+�•�+(v::..�.— 1 ; _ <br /> ���. �' �l�p.����i}�.. �,:��h, -�.t�c�,Sdp [t ;pt� ;:?. �'�. -ri�:' ' @���h�q�)',�!�y.�}��� Ry�u y,!�f��:��h-{�- � '.i F�'1tf;:��f.,'4�t�, r ,�:�1� ,:�s.:;��;5����.�t ;:.'_,� l <br /> ���K 1_ � . �,T �Y r . 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"'. <br /> _ .. ..........__ ..�.. . ye�ali.......� <br /> • .. �- ..t�t:•i�dJ—. <br /> , ' BoROwer enay cure suoh a dotttull ond reinrstate, as provldad h par�amph 18, by caustnp the aoUon or pfoceeding to ba � ` '""'� <br /> • dfamisaed wkh a ruUng thaL in(.endor's good taMh determineUan,prectudeo todefture ot the 8orrower'a Interest(n the Properry or -• . '����'�'�'?�`,?vi" <br /> - olher matednt impairtnent of tho Ik:n created by thls 8ecurity Inotrument or Londer's sewrlty intareat BoRawer ahatl also be M � �'`"'��'"'`-` <br /> . defautt If Bonower,durtng the loan appllcotlon procesa,gave materlal:y fniso or Inacwrate information or otstements to Lendur(or � " , w ' �� <br /> �: �.� • feiled to provide Lendctt �+fth any moterial Informetton) in aonneotton with the loan evidxnced by the Note, Including,but not � •' _ <br /> ° • - - .-� !!mlted to, rcpreacntntlons ooneomtnp Borrowcr'a aewpnncy of tho Praperiy as a prsnclpat reaidence. tf thts Swcudiy �� " <br /> " , tnstrument fa on e �aasehold. 8o�rower shnll canpQy with all tho provisions of the lease. If 8orrower ecqulres fea tlUe to tho <br /> , , • Property,tho Iensehoid end the teo tltio shaU not mergo unlosu Londer agrees to the merger in wdting. � � -, <br /> ", � 7. P�etection ot t.ender's RtBhts In ths Wroperty. It eortowcr }8A8 to pettomt the covenanls and agreeme • <br /> ' corttatned tn thla 3ecurity Inatrument, or there Is a legal procooding that may slgnmcanty aHect Lender'e rightx in tfie Prope � ;;,'��� , _ <br /> ' � (such as u proeeeding tn bnnktuptcy, probato. tar candcmnntian or toAeituro or to entorea taws ar regu�uUons), then Lend�r ,^"' '� T; <br /> do end poy for whatever is neoeasary to protget the vulue ot the Properiy and Lender's dghta in the Property. Lender's a�tl „ „ � <br /> �� mey Mdude paying any aums secured by a lien whleh has prlority over ihis 3ecutity instrument,appearing in court, pa _. <br /> - reasonable attomeys'tee8 and enteting on tb8 Propety to make repairs.Nthagt►Ler�der may take actfon under tfiis pansgrap - - '- � <br /> 7,Lende�does�ot have to do eo. <br /> My amounts disburaed by lender unda paragreph 7 sha0 become additlonel debt ot Borrower secured by thfs 3ecurily <br /> Inettument. Un�ess Borrower end Lender agree to other tertns ot payment, these amaunts sha�i bear interest from the date of �� .� <br /> disburaement at the Note rato srtd aha�bo payabl�, wkh interest,upon noUce irom Lender to Borrower requesdng payment. , <br /> 8. MOrtgBge IRe81A��GV. it Lender required mortgage insurence as a condition of ineWng the Ioan aecured by thls , <br /> Securtty InsVurrt��L 8euro�ver sha[I pay the�r�mlums required to maintain the mortgage insurance tn effect.if,for any reason,the <br /> mortgage insu�anco eov�,vaoo rc-quired by Len�B¢r lapses oe eeases to be in efteet,BoROwer shall�ay 4ho premiums �equtred to <br /> ebtatn coverage substaeitiaLy 2quNaient to the mortgage Ensurance prevlousy In eHect, at a cost substanttaGy eatuivatent 8o the � �,�•'� •�'�•::` � <br /> '� cost to Borrower ot tQee mortga�ge insuranco previously in ¢t;ect, from an aftemate mort�ge tnsurer approved by 4.enQer. If <br /> , substanUaily equhralent mortgage Inaurance coverage is not avai'abie, Bortower aheA pay to 4ender �ch month a sum equat to ,,,:,;�;,.��' <br /> oneiweifth af tAo yearty mortgage insurance premktm being pald by Beaower when lhe tnsurance coverage Inpsed or ceased to � F,:�: "' � <br /> be in eftect. Lendar vittl eccept, use and retetn thdse payments as s lass eeserve m U�u of mortgage lnsuranee. Loas reserve � . <br /> . paymenta may no tonger be requlred, at the opUon oi Lender,H mortgago�nsarav�ce coderage Qn the amount and for the period A <br /> " that lender requires)provided by an Insurer approved by Lender again becomes ava�fa0te and is obtained. Borrower shail pey � <br /> ;.';'"`.. the premiums required to mafitatn mortgage hsurance in ef(ect, or to provlde a loss�eseroe, untfl the requfrement for mortgage ;:�,A - <br /> ;•' ::�� insurance�ds in accordance with any wtitten agreement belween Borrower and Lender ov appYcable Iaw. �� � <br /> ".i.�,.. .. <br /> "���;�'' 9. Ins��c2iOn. lender or its agent may make reasonabie entries upon and inspecdons of th�Property. Lender shait give � . �. <br /> ,,.,;:',;- <br /> .�,.���. BoROwer notice at the time of or pdor to en Inspectian spedtying reasonebie cause for the inspection. � ,., <br /> �.'.,_._:_�;,. 10. COh��mnatlolt.The proeeeds of any award or daim tor damages, direct or consequentiAl.T connectlon with any � `,,,�: <br /> 'r;k-:;;��4 eandemnaUon or other teking of any paK of the Property, or for conveyance In ileu of condemnatlon, are hereby assigned and � `�: � <br /> .i .�, , . � . <br /> ',���:• sha:i be pakf to lender. � �.:,.f �: <br /> � In the event of a total tak(ng of tfie Properiy, the p�aceeds shaU be appNed to the sums secured by this Securfry ����'�` � ��J°� <br /> instrument,whether or not then due, with any excess peld to Borrower. In the event of a pa►Uai taidng ot the Property h which L '' -� �; <br /> the fair market vaiue of the Property immediately before the taking is equai to o�greater ihan the amount oi the sums secured � �i <br /> by this 3ecurity InsUument immediatey befone the taking, untess Borrower and Lend¢r othervv(se agree fi wriUng, the sums � .� ' ) <br /> ;�r�r:;. secured by this Security Ins¢r.iment shaii be reduced by the amount ot the proceeds multlplied by 2he foilow(ng fracUon: (a)the m : ,.n <br /> �?�'+;�,{ , totai amount of the sums aecurPd Immediatety betore the taking, dNlded by (b)the iair mar!<�1 vetue of the Properry immediately 0 ,;;�;� ., � <br /> �!•`'�^'`•'� 6etore the teking.My balance shaq be paid to Borrawer. In the event of a parUa�teking of the Praperty in which the fair market � � , <br /> ��•�� . � value ot the �rogarty tmmediate�y before the ta�ang is less than the amourrt of the sums secured immediately betore the taking, m �,' � <br /> c� <br /> �� uniess Bortawer and lender otfierwise agree in writlng or unless applicabie Iaw otherwise provides, tha proceeds shaA be r, c <br /> applied to th�svms secured by tfils Security Insuument whether or not the sums are then due. '��#� <br /> fl the Properry Is abendoned 6y Borrower, or it,efl�r n�tice by Lender to Bortower that the condemnor oHers Yo r^�ke an ' ,�/��� <br /> award or settle a daim lor demages, Borrower feiis to res�ond to Lender withl� 30 at�tis after the date the notice �s given. , ' �; <br /> Lender is auIIhovized to collect a�d apply the proceeds, at �:s opUon, efther to restora4ian or repair of the Prope�ty or to the � � <br /> sums secureol bp +his Secutity instrument,whether or not then due. , � <br /> ' Unless 4.enmer and Bortower otherwise agree h writlng. any appl;ca9ian of proceeds to princtpa� shell not extend or �� ,�� <br /> postpone the duc+dete of the monthy payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or ctnange the amount of such peyments. i ' <br /> .:<�. 11. �orrower Plot PdeDeased; Forbearance By l.ender Not a Wai�mP. Extension of the Ume tor payment or • ' <br /> nlr,-?, <br /> ;�_,t modiflca8on of amorti¢ation ot the sums secured by this Securlty Instrument granted by Lenvier to any successor in interest oi , <br /> •`;r' . Borrower shall noi operate to retease the iabiity of the original Borrower w Borrower s successors in interest. Lender shail not , <br /> r be required 4o commence proceedings agalnst eny successor In interest or retuse to extend time 4or payment or otherwise : • <br /> modiTy amoriVra:�on of the sums secured by tre§s Secxirity Instrument by reason ot any demand made b�r;^z original Bortower or <br /> �i�1�;�;; Bonower's successors in [nterest. Any forbearance by Lender in exerdsing any right a remedy shali not be a waNer ot or ' '�•'" <br /> :�y,�,,,; ,precdude the exerdse of any�ighZ or remedy. <br /> 12. S�eccessors arneJ Assigns Bound; Joieot and Sevoral Uabiiity; Co-stgners. The covenan4s and �� <br /> :�i;':� <br /> agreements of this Security Insuument shaN bad and benefit!he successors and assigns of Lender and Borrov�er, subject to the ; '�,- <br /> prov(sbns ot pa:agraph 17. Borrowers covenants and agreements shali be joint and several. My 8orrower who co-slg�s this <br /> �• Securily Instrum��t but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument ony to mortgage, grant and convey ' <br /> that Bortower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security tnstrument: (b) is �ot personaily obligated to pay the <br /> sums secured by this Secur,;� Instrument; and (c)agrees that Lender and any othe�Bonower may agree to e�ctend. modify. <br /> , torbeat or make any accomrrtodations with regard to the terms of this Securily instrurt-ent or the Note without that Borcower's <br /> consent. <br /> 13. L�n ChA�g83. If the ioan seaired by this Security Instrument is subject to a law wh�cr. sets maxlmum �oan <br /> charges. artd tAat law is finalty interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges coAected or to be c�ltected in connection <br /> vrith the Ioan exceed the permilted limits. then: (a) any sach!aan charge shaU be red�:ced by ihe amount necessary to r¢duee <br /> � , tAe charge to the permrtted IimiY and (b) any sums a[ready coliected from Bonower :m c� exceeded pertnitted IimiYS w�D be <br /> � returtded to Barrow� l�dm may choose io make th�s r�tu.nd by�eduang the pnnapal nwad under the Note or by makmg a <br /> daect paymcvrt Cc Borrower. Ii a retund r�,�ces princiRal. the reduction will be treatcd as a partiai prepayment without any <br /> prepayrrt�t ctr2rge under the Note. <br /> 14. R9�C08.My notice to Bovower provided for in th�s Securtry Instrument shall be given by delivering ft or by mailing d <br /> by first dass mal uniess ap�licabie Iaw requres use of another method. The notice shall De directed to the Propetty Address <br /> or any other address Borrower designates by notice to lender. Any notice to Lender sha0 be gven by first ciass mail to <br /> Lendeis address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by �otice to Borrower. My notice nrovided tor in this <br /> " � Security tnstrument shaC�be deemed to hare been given to Borrower or Lender wh¢n qiven as provided in this paragraph. • <br /> • 13. �cyv��ning Law; Severa�SiBt4y.This Security I�strument shali be govemed by tec3ora! �aw and the law of the <br /> jurisdicUOn in which the Proptrty is locaQed. In Ihe event that any provision or Gause of this Securrty Instrument or the Note <br /> conflicts with applicaDle Iaw, such conflict sha[I not aBect other provisions of this Security Inswment or the Note wh�ch rxn be <br /> given efteG arithout the conflicting pro�ision- To this end the provis�ons of this Secunty Instrument and the Note are declared to <br /> be sev�able <br /> 16. {3�vY6wet'S CC�y. BoROwer shatl be gnen one conformed cropy ot the No2e and of this Security Instrument <br /> F13761Acg i�Iq;� c1•• , . � -�jc.i[_L� <br /> I <br /> � yy:jc <br /> I • <br /> �.s. _ - _ <br />