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<br /> (a) Comiaenoe an action �o torealoam this Doed ot �'rast ae a Y � � � °
<br /> mortgago, appoint a reaoiv�r, or epeoiPtoaily enforae any o! ehe oovananio
<br /> ' herooP. • =a
<br /> (S) Oslivar to Trus�ea a writtoin deolaratioa of de4ault and demaad . � , _
<br /> � !or oalo, and a caritton notiee ot d�laulb aad elestion to cau�� Truslor's „ •� �
<br /> � � � iu�Qrca� in �F►o Truo� Qotato to b� ao�d, ��hioh notiae T�runtee shall oauu� to be
<br /> duly lilod !or r0oosd in tAe appropriate OftLcial Reaorde of the Couaty ia whiah .. " ��
<br /> the Trueti Bstste ie loaataa.
<br /> „ J� �QACE.09[1RB BY PAWBR OF BAx.�. Shouid 8e�efioiasy eleot to tarealose • �i,:
<br /> by exesolae o! �h� power of eale harein coa�taissed, Heaet.iciary shali aotily
<br /> � Trustee and ahail d�posit with Truetoe tihi0 Deed o! Trust and the Note a�ad �nch , . •
<br /> � reaeipto dnd evidence of expendituseB mnde and seeured bereby ae Tsustiee may .
<br /> require.
<br /> (1) cJpoa receipt of euch aotic� fran Beneticiary, Truetee shall
<br /> aauee to be r�corded, publiehed and @ei£vosed to Truetor nuch Notico of Dagault �
<br /> � and Notice of Sale as then ree�ir� fby bram a►ud by thie Deed o! Trust. Trustee
<br /> ' eball, without demnnd on Trustor, eE�cas oaa�A �i� ae may then be rgquired by law
<br /> • �' , and after recosdation of euch Not�� og �vBanaL2 and alter Notiae oP Snle haviag ; . . • ,.
<br /> ; been given as roquired by law• s�bb �l40 �su�4 8state at the tiaae aad pince o� +;;
<br /> � oale fixed by 1t it1 Buah Not1C� OS Sm24n eitDier se a wYi.o2�a, or in separato notr�
<br /> or parcela os items ae True�ec3 �D.�a� �'.r�r► exPedient, aecdl �sa such oxe�aa as� i� rna�y
<br /> determine, at public aeac�ic�► $o t�o Ysighest bidder fo� eaoh ia aa�nnl uwA�y og _
<br /> , t�$ p�g�d gtatc,s gsyaB��� m$ tA0 time of eale. Trus��a �hall dobi��vs to �uch ,,
<br /> ��s,�����;;:;���� �uuxc4ac►avs or gu�r�irt�nruara 8�g�ot its good and euffiaierast ctaed or d�o conv�yiag , .. ''
<br /> :,: x
<br /> ."':':r•y`.� gIls� �pso�stY ao �oa�, but without any covenealt or warsmatgt. exprosa or implied.
<br /> 'r�•l,��i5�' .
<br /> ,�.�� ,,. Tg�Q ���abo � r�oac� deed of any matters or facts sh�Il t�s, comclusive prcc$ o�
<br /> •'';-.': th� t�ugteSwbseeao tAereof. Any pereon, including, witB�ooa� limitstion Tr�em�os, , • .
<br /> Tru���e or Benefiaiary, may puschase at such sale and Trustor hareby coveaaats t •' �
<br /> " to warrac�� and defend the title of such purchaser or purchasers. . , �'
<br /> � �2) As may be permitted by law, after dedneting all costs aad r�� --
<br /> expenses of Trustee and of this Truet in exercisinq the power oF eale and of the
<br /> • sale, includiag, but not limited to, the payment of a reaeona�bLce truet�e's fee , _'' ' -!.�?
<br /> _-_=-�_--- �_ -- not to exceed Ij2 os i6 of i:he gtc+sa �a2s grizc, rssaos:nb2s ar*.±,�;�►y�s feeg, and ! f , .
<br /> • costs of evidence of title in coanection with sale, Truatee �E�11 apply the � �
<br /> �"�5���, proceeds of sale to payman4 0� (i) thg obligatioa eecured heref.n and all eum� ;
<br /> "�• expended under the terma h�r�of, not then rapaid, with accrued �nQrarest at th� ,
<br /> . default ratie providQd in th� Piote, (ii) all other auais then secured hereby, (ifi) i
<br /> � ". juriior trtl8t deedeo mortqagee, or other lienholders, and �iv) the remniad�r, ff i , _ . �1
<br /> . any, to the pereort or peraone leqally entitled thereto.
<br /> (3) Trustee may in the manner provided by law, postpone eale of aLl y . . `;�; �I
<br /> or any portion of the Truat Estate. f�,���
<br /> . ,
<br /> • � K, �$NSDZ88 NOT EXCLU&zvR. Truatee and Beneficiary, and each of them, '
<br /> • shall be entitled to enforce payment and performance of any indebtedness os '�i.
<br /> obligations secured hereby aad to exercise all riqhte and powers under this Deed ',s ��
<br /> of Trust or under any loan instrument or other agreement or any lawa now or ; - ` .•�.
<br /> .:;t hereafter in force, notwithetandinq some or all of the said indebtednees and � ._�;�%!
<br /> ';`:�� obligationa secured hereby may now or hereafter k�e otherwiee securmdo whether by .
<br /> . �•a mortgaqe, deed of trust, pledge, lien, assiqnment ox otherwiae. 1Veither the �
<br /> acceptance of this Deed of Trust nor ite enforcement w2�mther by oourt actioa or � . ,
<br /> . purouant to the powar of sale or other powers herein contained, shall prejudice ;' :,r .,
<br /> or in any manner affect Trustee's or Beneficiary's right to realize ugan or ( ;�.,:. ,,. ,
<br /> enforae any other security now or hereafter held by TruAtee or Beneficiary, it ' .. •
<br /> being agreed that Trustee and Beneficiary, snd each of them, shall be entitled ,
<br /> to enforae thie Deed of Truat and any other aecurity now or hereafter held by
<br /> Beneficiary of Trustee in such order and manner ae they or either ot them raay in �
<br /> their abeolute discretion determine. No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved
<br /> .. to Trustee or Beneficiary is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy herein
<br /> �• � or by law provided or per.mitted, but each shall be cumulative and ahall be in
<br /> • addition to every other remedy qiven hereunder or now or hereafter exfsting at
<br /> ,•Y,;;�: � i law or in equity or by statute. Bvery power or remedy given by any of the I.oan
<br /> Znatruments to Trustee or Beneficfary or to which either c� them may be otherwise
<br /> eatitled, may h� ea�rcised, concurrently or independently, from time to time and �
<br /> � as often as may ka da�med exgedfent by Truetee or Benegiafary and either of them ;'.;
<br /> may pursue £nconsi�t�nt remedies. Noth�ag herein shall be conetrued ae
<br /> prohibi�inq H�n.�ficiary from seeking a deficiency judgment against the Truator
<br /> to thc c�zt�n� auch acticn is permitted by law.
<br /> y. �rSST FoR NaTICL. Truator hereby requesta a copy of any aotice of
<br /> d�fault and tlRa� any notice of salc h�rennder be mafled to Trustor at the ad3rese
<br /> s�t fasth in th� firet y�aragraph oE thia Deed of Trust.
<br /> j Dq. GGVL',R}�tiNG LAad_ ThiB Deed of Trust 8ha11 be qove�cnrad by the lawo of the
<br /> . «_.. ....:e t.... .,.. ..t„�am nSs anv nf thc� LoBA
<br /> . . •�i SLSLQ OL d@Dr3t3tba. in �u¢ Q�oisi. �sso.. ':j p:..'����" __ ______ _ - .
<br /> � Instrumento ce�lictar�ith appiicable laws, such conflic�s shall aot affc�ct o�hQr
<br /> ' � proviaioAS og auct► Loan Instrumenta whieh can be giv�en effect witIlouti the
<br /> ' conflictiaq proviaion, ar,d to thia end the provi�ions og the Loan Iastrumea�e ar�?
<br /> � declared eeverable. T�:ds inatru:nent cannoC be waived, cA�aaged, discha�rgced, or
<br /> terminatc3d orally, but only by an inetrwn�ne in ari�inq signed by tho par�y
<br /> , againat ahom oaforcement of any wafvor, ciaange. diacAarge, or termination ia
<br /> aought. The heneficinry and trueiee may exc3rciea all riqhte and remedioe
<br /> . i availablQ to th� uud�r the Nebraeka Trust Desdo Act.
<br /> N, RROONV�XANG3 SX TRUSTEE. Upon wr�tten request of Benoficfary statinq
<br /> that all au:aa eecurod tterr�by have been paid. aad upon aurrender of this Deed of
<br /> •� 4
<br /> 1 �
<br /> —� --
<br />