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'��` '�. �e)� ,!vjX <br /> . f . 1MJ•�:.t�F Tti.1�R1�i � l�#�+�wW+elwWk�t 1} ,;',"f�� ..., .,,t�•1- (%�•si�M4li�Odl�e4�c(R�?M��{!��, u — - <br /> ._. . �'�Y�►Iqlwpi�c�^su.�s . n .a.e.a�E '} ^-,.il;ici,,��,y�w[wse,�.-+,.�•n .o--� t'i... f. ��l - ��..._ <br />-- . . , .w..,,,w.»- . - .._.. _.,s....... . ''���i . �`:'; ' .. ,- -- <br /> '• �� eil�9M+�w. ^ <br /> . �..s ',*c-t�.t.. ... � �) . ..-- -'- ".t• <br /> . . '� � '����' �� _��_.__r_ <br /> �. � � ��+..�r �+•� .•_— _ " <br /> � ...' .. .�....__..Lt. -._ .� ' __'._- __-_- _ <br /> // <br /> :_- ` <br /> ....... <br /> , "_'" . ...............-- � � <br /> ...�.�_w"""'"..__._.....___...�.'�_'__"._. .. .. ._�-..�.__... <br /> ��!Y::�"'__' ''_ ._-_ <br /> not to axe�ed th�arwdmum �maant s im9er tor � tedenNy n�iated mort�p�loan rr�y ro�uYo fQr Borrawere aacrow aceount und�r tb� <br /> . to�ar�t i�xi Bstate 8atttemenl Proseduros Qci of 1974 ae amandad trom tlrne to tlme,tE tl.�.tl.2501 et deq. (•RFS�A').untesa�usother kwj,� r,,,-__-__— <br /> �`' , •tQflt��l�as to the Funda a�ls a tesaer amoun� It ao,I.�nd�r �rny, ctt nny ttma, co:tEat and ho;d Funda ln en amounl not to exceed the� �..�:,_;r,,,,:.�__ <br /> lasesr aanount Lender mAy astLnmta the amount o! AanRS �h�a on the baab of eurt�t dut� �►+! roeeomble as6e�ate9 04 expenditures o1� --—._ <br /> , , tutun Haaow tYama or othenv'us in aaeardtnce wi4h epp6�:lrSe f3w. � �'.°.°�°'�Y°_'--' - - <br /> -° � fib Funde ehsii be hel� tn sn InaUtutiofl whose depaaft�e�re inaured by+�fadetal agenay,inatrumetrWlly, or entity pnatudlnp I.ende,f�„� , r��'�° <br /> .�.�--:- <br /> . L�nder ts euoh an InaVWtion) or in e�y Fedeni Home Loan Qink. lendnr eh�B�ppy ths Funds to pAy the Eacrow Itome. Lendar may n ��_�:=''`` <br /> �� � , �� chuge 0ortowcr tor holding end epprying the Funds. annualry amyting the eacrow accouni, or verlying the Esorow items,¢nleaa Len . <br /> ,. . . Mys Borrowor Interest on the funda ar�d�ppHaa�te tow penits le,id�r to m�ke such a ch:r{ja Ho�cvcr,l.cnd:x m:.y rcqv!ro Barrov�a t �:r�--:�_����°=:-�." <br /> �::.� ,ttv,�. <br /> �' . p�Y a oratNne eh�rge for an fndepandant ronl eatate tex reporting emvloe uaed by Lenda in conneotlon wtth thfs lou�.untese appnc�bie ' . .-_�,.:�"-- <br /> � •��.,. <br /> . provtdea oifiawine. Unteaa �n agre�.mant ta made or appUaable taw �equlres tnterest to be patd, Leadcr ahaU rtot be requtrerJ to pay ;?�r_'°„'- <br /> ., 8orrawa:�ry rSH��t ar�rt�ings os�tho fu�s.Sortarra erid Lend�rtrsy age�ea In rniWiQ, hor�cicr.thet tr�tera.t sha6 bs d on tho Runda. t � . .:• : �°�- <br /> M� i .. ..�5�: '•� <br /> � ,. lendet ash�ll pNe to Bomevrer.rAthout chnrgo,en annuai uxourning ot ihe Funds,showing aedits and deblts to tho Funds and lhe purpono � . ��`���- <br /> tor which oach debit W t�e Funda waa mnde. The Funds ara ptedgRd es addttlonal securtly tor atl suma cecured by thta 8scudty tnstrumant �� - <br /> it the Funds held by lender ezceed the amounta pem�ltisd to be hsSd by appllcabla law, lender shat! account to Bo�rower for iho � <br /> mecesa Funds!n accordnstoe with the requUementa of appllenble lew. If Mo emouat of the Funds beld by Lender at any i[nte is ooi a��fRdeet _ <br /> to pay the Escraw ftems when duo, Lender may so notly Borrowes tn w►iUng,and,in sueh caso 13a+rvr�or sPraO pay to leredev G'�o amor�f • . - <br /> nacessary to make up the detiden�y. 8orrower sh� mzco up Ute deftdency in rto m�aro thax+4mre�ro montPiiy�aaYmeats. at LuT.da'a soto <br /> dbcrerion. .I <br /> eo <br /> Upon payment 6�fu.q oF aU sums secxued �y Eer�Sc�s�y InsUumcet lende�sPra�A pmmPt�+ e�ured to �o�nrc4 eny Fartds herA @jr <br /> , . Lender. N urtd�r��re,PR 21.4ert�r eR�Jf aequtro or s¢{�tAo R+o�c�ty.Lartd�.t�rEor lb E.'es ac�u[s[L`ore or sate o4 tPeo Pr�g¢riy. sPrm'�a�gpty :; ,, � -..: <br /> any Funds h¢r3 DY 6.atdpe aR tha tlma c4 moqulsMto�cr s�as a aedit agatnst 4ho sums sECUred by YR's Sscurhy Insttamxnt :� �.`,t;`�;::.:.r,,, <br /> 3. Applica46�ae�9(hymetne. Untess apR��law Provides olherniso,eU g3yments recehied by Lender und2r par��gth9 1 and `. ,. � <br /> A 2; 1R�d Eo htterest ' �`'";-' ._ <br /> 2 shall be sp�tled: f�st. co s.ny p�payme� ehergea �ue under the Note; second, te�mounts payeb�a under p�egf�A �� ' .. <br /> due;touKh,to principsl duo; and last,to any Iate charg�due under the Note. � • <br /> 4. Ch8rg88i UenB. Borrower shaU pay all taxes. assessm�ts, cher9es. flnes and fmposNions attrib�teblo Yo the 6hc���iy which • `�4 <br /> • may ai�L�pdority over thls 3eaurity instrument,end leasehoid payments or graund rents.H eny. Botrower shall pay these obFgp.S�s�s in the � �`' ' <br /> manner provided in paragrapfi 2, or ft not paid in thut menner, Bortower shall pay them on tlme dfrecty to the peraon o�vos9 ��t. � ' ' "'�f.:_° <br /> Bortaw�ahaV promptly tumish to lender eil noUoes of amounts to tro paEd artdee thls paragraph. If Borrower mekes these payme�►ts E`:S�• � :('`�'�� =� <br /> dtreolfY. 8ortower shoU pmmPtN tumish to Lender tee�pts evidendng tAo payrrrenLs. !!}�'.'�, ''. e• ,�.``�. <br /> Borrower shall ptompUy discherge any Uen which hes pdority over this 3ecurlly Inshumertt unless Borrower: (a)agrees in wridng to the �t� �� ��� ',. <br /> :1•;�..,,-�'` �. :�cuo-. <br /> payment of the obli�ganlSon secured by the Iien in a manner aeceptabie to Lender. (b� oontests In goo d t e i t h t he I len by,or d e t�d s a g a i n s t s�� . ,:.,_.,�,^,�A C� <br /> fi_ , A _ <br /> entoroement of the tlen in,.legal proceedings which In the Lenaer'a optn�on operate tn preveni the eniortx�+neni vf ti�a&�i;or tcj sacu�'� �, ,, — „��= ; <br /> the holder oi the aen en agrecment satisfaetory to Lender subartUnatlng the Ilen to thfs Seairity InstrumeM. If lender determ(nes that arry � �,� <br /> part of the Property la subject to a lien whlch may etteN pdority over this Secxirfly Instrument, Lender may gNe Borrower a notice Id�tityNg c � � <br /> Sec <br /> the Ilen. 8ortow�shell satisty the lien or take one or more of the actions set torth above wtthin 10 days of tfie gfi+ing oi noUce. �`,�"� : <br /> � ,e <br /> 5. wezard or Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep the improvements now exisUng or h�eafter er�ected on the Property �;,;::� . <br /> insur�ed agakist loss by fire, hezerds inctuded wfthh the term 'extended coverage' and any other hazards, induding floods or flooding,tor ` ;�:;q; <br /> which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shaU be matntained in the amounts end tor the periods thet Lender requires. The Insurance • .� �-' <br /> cartfer provWing the insurence shall be chosen by Bortower subject to LendePs approval whlch shail not be unreasonably withheld. H rs^{ <br /> Bortower ffiBs to malntain coverage descxibed above, Lender may, at Lender's opUon, obtak� coverage to protect Lenders dgMs in the '•j��_ <br /> • Propaty in accordance wilh P�9�Ph 7. . ,, ii�r! <br /> .iJ A�_V�l� <br /> AU Naurance I'�cles and renewals shali be acceptebte to Lender and sha11 Indude a starsdard mortgage ciause. Lender shell have the `� . :,...�-•f <br /> dgM to hold the polfdes and renewais. it Lender requMes, Borrower shall prompU� ghre to Lender all recdpts of paid premiums and renewat �� �t��'v� <br /> notices. In the event of loss,9orrower shafl give prompt notice to the insurance cartier and Lender. Lender may make proof ot loas H not �i�-: <br /> made prompty by Borrower. <br /> Uniess Lender end Borrower othennrise agree in w�iting, insurance proceeds shall be appYed to restoratlon or repair of the Property , : <br /> damaged, if the restoraUon a repair is economicaily leasible and Lender s securiry Is not lessened. It the restoraUon or repafr is not p;�•:+ <br /> �/,:.:,°' .. <br /> economicelly teasible or lender's secutity would be lessened,tfie Insutance proceeds shall be spptied to the sums secured by this Security ,c,�:�;{~ <br /> InsLvment,whether or not then due, wfth any excess peid to Borcower. It Borcower abandons the Property, or does not answer within 30 • . '��i�l�; . - <br /> days a notice from Lender that the Insurance cartier has oftered to settie a dakn, then Lender may coliect the insurance proceeds. Lender �.' �(„�;�� . <br /> � may use the proceeds to repelr or restore the Property or to pay sums secured by this Security Instrument. whether or not then due. The {; ;:.(:��' <br /> , 30�day period wtll begin when the notice is gNen. '` ` <br /> Unless Lender end 8orrower atherwlse agree In writing,any applicatbn of proceeds to principal shall not extend or postpone the due l <br /> date of the monthty peyments retetred to in peragrephs 1 and 2 or change the amounl ot the payments. If under paragraph 21 the tkoperty i <br /> � is acquired by Lender, Bortower's right to any insurence polides and proceeds resuMing from damage to the Ptoperty prior to the acquisiNon : <br /> shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instrument immediately prior to the acqulsftion. <br /> 6. Occupancy, Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Borrowe�'s Loan ' <br /> Appitcation; L.�889hO1d8.Borrower shall occupy. estabiish, and use the Property as Borrower's principai residence within sixty days <br /> • after the execuUon of this Security instrument and shall continue to occupy the Properry as Borrower's principai residence tor at teast orte <br /> � year after the date of occupancy, uniess Lender othervnse agrees in w�iling. �nhich c�r.sent shail not be unreaso'+aby wRhheld, or uniess <br /> . extenuating circumstences exist which are beyond Bar.owers control. 8orrower shali not desVOy, damage or irnpa:r the PropeRy,aliow the <br /> Praperey to deteriorete, or comma waste an tce Pro�oer:y. 9onewer s�ar be in detauH'rf any fodeiture action or proceed�^g. wtieetcer civi! or <br /> � � cximinal,is begun that in Lertder's gacct 4ar:h�uCgment could result�`a:�e�ture ot t�e Property ar otherwise rrtat�rral'ry ir^pair tr�e ��a- aeated . <br /> by this Sewrity Instrument or lcrtder's security intere�t 9onower may cure such a ctefautt and reinstate. as prov:wed m paragraph 18, by <br /> causinp the actlon or prace�ding to be dismisseei ,�r,n a ruling that, in Lertder s good faAh detertnina6on. preGUdes toAeiture of the <br /> i Borrowc�s interest in the Prap�ey or atner matenal �mpairtnent ot t?�e lien created by this Security InsWment or Lender's security interest. � <br /> � Borrower shaii also be in detauk A Borrawer.during the loan app:�cat�c� process. gave materialy faise or inaccurate infamaUon or staiements <br /> to Lender (or talied to provide Lc�sder wdh any material iniormatran) m connection with the loan evidenced by the Note, inc�uding, but not <br /> Gmited to, representatlons eonceming Bottower's oocupancy of the Property as a prinupal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a <br /> � Ieasehold. Bonower shali comply wrth all the prons�o�s of the Iease. It Borrower acquves fee titie to the Property. the leasehold and the <br /> fee title shali�ot merge unless the LEnder agrees to the merger m writing <br /> ' PdQC 1 015 F�.r� 30[��?.7 <br /> . I ��029LM0(3�9t; � <br /> i � ti9t2t , <br /> ' � <br /> . � <br />