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<br /> vi� ii 14 n�.-. �'� ��;.�• ^ •���Aiv' _ .� �� ` _� {� ,'1�^r�-�.� -
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<br /> . " 6. Udni appBo�bb I�w ptovldtt otMswle�.at!paym�Mt roo�iv�d 6y L�nda und�r th�Mot��nd parsprepha t ond 4 h�reot sh�l b�pplt�Dr t.�nd�r� n ,:;,�;;
<br /> � flr�9�n psymmt ot rnounto p�y�Db to l�ndu by Borro►va uadn Qosp»ph 4 heroot,thm to Int�rs�t p�y�ble on tM Nots,th�n to tM prU+�ipd ot ���� - '�=—
<br /> � th�NotY,�nd thsa to Intersn md pdnotpot on any furtho�advanaea ot otha ind�ptednsa�s�oursd hemby. � _
<br /> ° � 8. Botrowe�M�ll kesp M0 Propevty In Qood reyefr ertd�h911 not oommit weete or permit impairmeot or detedoratlon of ths Propsety. , -
<br /> 7. B Mca Boaower tdt�to:�)m�intdn or p�y t!a promtums tor tM�eQuired insuranoe ot the Prop�ny,or b!p�y texos befon d�Anauent,or ol p�y en� __
<br /> • � �nount Gus under��to�moRas@s or tru�t d�ad befon dslinaua►t,or d1 meintatn the Proparty io po�d�epdr,or e)pe�fortn eny of tho oovenn�t�or _
<br /> � s��m�rm of tNs Trust�hd,thsn Lind�r m�y�t its option pey such inwrano�premtunu,uxa.mortpaas or truet deod payment�,or mda rpMn �
<br /> " � �nd disbuns euoh wmt�nd Uke suoh aotlon p It ds�ms ma»teey to protoot ia intere�t without tvdving or e}featlnp ia dpht to d�ofa�or d�fwit .. � .,
<br /> � crt�ca� ary,to th�`ticbt oeaurcd hotcby baucuoo of eny ouoh tciluro of tho Baroa�or. Any amoun�e ao diaburoo�bq tM lencle�ehe1)oonsUtuU � � p
<br /> a�dd(tto�'trfA�bfiQneta o}Botrow�r��cur�d by tNs Ttu�R DNd�nd ohdi bser intero�t irom the date of dlsbura�mant�t th�nt�psy�bl�und�►tM ,
<br /> y Not�. NotNOp oof►ta0n�d in tAt�pu�prepA�hdi nquir�L�ndsr to euke�ny aoh AlsOunemenu or tek��y sotlon.wh�t�oewr. „ ��
<br /> , O 8. Lendet rtlry n'16it6 or ot�70d to ba nru:da teeeonebie mt�tss upon and inapsotlon of the ProDenY. „
<br /> . � 9. The proaeede of eny eword o�otdm to►demapss,direat or ooneequsndd,In oonn�oHon with�ny oondemnetlo�or othe�toltitlp of ths P�op�riy,
<br /> or part thereof,nr tor oonvey�noa in tieu of oond�mmtion,ore heroby etBipned end ehali be peid to Leeder to the estent oi the tull�mount ot the
<br /> � p� remei�np unpefd inAebtedr►eet eeou�ed Dy tNt Ttust Oe�O. �
<br /> H the Property te ebendonsd by Bottowsr,or ii,efter noUoe by Lender to Borrowo�thet the condemnor offore to meke en awsrd or setd��clMm for
<br /> � demepes,Borrowor felle to retporfd to l.ender within 30 duye efter the deto suoA Rotioe le meiied.Lender ie euthorfred to oolleot end e6rp{y the proceeEs
<br /> d. to the�uma securod by this Trurt Deed. �:
<br /> �Cordemnetion ptooeeds or�wnrde thell be oredltM to tM I�at msturinm instalc��4o 04 ttto u�fobtsdness seaurod and sheli not exaead or po�tpone 1 .
<br /> tFsa due date ot the Inetapm�nU ret�rced to in paropnphs 1�nd 4 heroo4 or cQweema tPea 2areouenc of suoh instatimante. �� ��,
<br /> �� •t:
<br /> �•_ •
<br /> 10. M tha tocdor i�¢uoa o partfci toloaoo ot thta Tniat Dood,tho pracorsdc roeacmd thorofor ehall be eredited to tfie last en�turm�insteilma�ts of tAe �� �,' �
<br /> imdeLtOdnass socurod heroby. �,;
<br /> - 1�f.It de�ar eiQhor votunterity or involunta�lly beaomea o party to any ouit or Iepai proceedinp retetinp to the Proppny.Woto o�thie Truat Deed,then 4
<br /> " 6�erowor w�.i�oimsburse tha Lentdor to►dl 000te end.to the ezeo�c�emnitted by lew,teaeoneb/e attorney f0es incurred fby ttno lendet reletlnp to suit
<br /> � ov lepa9 procoedirtge etxf eaid eurrna ahetl consdtute eddiaonot emQo�codneae seeured by thie Trust Deed end meor�nterest et tl+a rote peya4ls undor the �� � + �_ � �i�
<br /> • Nota,unti��nirt.
<br /> ,;l._ ; ,:.;::;:i
<br /> ;''4� :'� 12.As eddit�a�re1 se�urity Borcower doei hm�e�y osslgn,trenafer and aet over to Lender,in ease of defeutt in t1+a pertormanoe ot eny of the tertne or � ��;�z.��'?��.'� '
<br /> '''"' conditiona of tlua Ttu4t Osed,tho Note,or iho tetms of any indebtedneas eocured heroby,afi ot the rontv, revenuea end any inaome of eny typs � '""`�
<br /> wheteoever to ba detived trom tQ�e Property,ineludiap tand contrect peyments. Lerder,in pereon,by apent or by recefver,without�eperd to the . '•,_
<br /> • eotvenay or ineolvenay of the BoPSOwer or the vatue of the Property,ehall be entitled to teke pos&aesion of,repair,rent end menepe the Property end ; '";.:
<br /> � to colleot the ronts,roveoues en�oncome therohom end it may pey out of seid i�come eil expenset of reyeir and costs incurted In rontlnp snd menepinp �•
<br /> � � the P►operty ered oolleotln0 tentsle end for peqment of insurence premiurtw�vith eny temeirtinp beienoe to be epptied to tM leet msturinp peyments r.�:=�t.
<br /> of the debt saeuaod hereb Upo�preaenti� e oopy of thie Ttust Deed end demond to en teasee,tenent or aontraat purehesei of the Property,suoh ' "'1`r� �
<br /> Y• 0 Y ` ' `(`��---;� -
<br /> � pereon si�aii pey aii rortte,payma�te and proiita eccrued or ii�erooiter eccruiny co iho le�efoi uotii turit�or n4U�o ir�m iizo Lsndsr. t, • =-�---
<br /> >,• �
<br /> � t.�.If ail or eny part ot the PropOCty o►any intereot therein i�moeded,sold by lend conttect or otherwise eonveyed,eiienated or fuKher eneumSered ��• ..
<br /> e�:t�er voiunterily or involunteri;y ewithout Lender's prior writto�ca�sent,or it tM T�uator io e aorporetion and there ie e ohanpa In oarnenNp ot 5096 . • rt
<br /> • o�mora of the eorporatlon'e nock,or i}the T�uttor it a p�raa�araQup and thero 19 e ohanpe in the membenhlp or e diesolmtion ot the pertnenhip. �%:i; � ;
<br /> excludinp(of w transfer by aperetlon of lew¢�cn the deatA o9 a jdnt tenant or tb)the prent ot eny Iee4eRcFd interest not aontrntnp en option to � '��•"�:�`�
<br /> . purolfnse wit�h a 9aew tertn of two y�ers or tess,�r(o)the oroatlon of the purohaae money necu�{ty intarsat i�P�auaehold eppifanaee,then Lendmr mey, '',�r',,�:`� ' :t�
<br /> ' et ita opUo�,dea9oro eIi aums seaurod by this T�uet Ceed to be immedtateiy due and payabie. fn the evone 1ha londer eoneente to any such�hanpe •.�;;�:��I; I �
<br /> R, y part of the Proparty,then Lender ma `"''
<br /> In ownerahi cootrol or dlseoiutlo�or transfer of eil or e� y at ite option edjust the i�tereat rete to the prevailinp ��
<br /> rete of intarest that ie chargod on new secured loane of the type eacured by this Truet Deed et tE^e tima oi the oAange in oweersNp,oontroi,dieaotution /� !�'�
<br /> of tranefer and may charge e trenafer fee. ! a�'
<br /> 14.Upon Bonower's breach ot ar►y covenant or eyreament ai Borrower�n thia Trust Oeed,includ�np tha covenante to pey whendue any sums saeured �
<br /> by this Tneet Ooed,Lender et its option mey declere ell of the sume secured by thia Truat Deed to be immedfatety due end peyabie without further j-
<br /> domend ar�d may invoke the power of eate end/ar eny other vemedies permitted by applicable lew ineluding the ndht to foreclose this Truat Oeed in ,�
<br /> tlte mertrter provided by lew for the foracloeure oi mortpepes on real estate. Lender shell be entitled to coltect eIl�eaeonable coate and ezpenses -•
<br /> inaurrod In pureuinp suoh remediea including,but not limited to,end to the extent permitted hv�aw,reasonab�e ettornay tees.
<br /> t°.'3he powe�ot sale Is Invoked,Trvetee shall record e notice of defeult in each county in which t�he Prope►ty or some pert chareo��s loceted end provide
<br /> rtaUee tfieroof�n the menner prescribed by applicebte taw. After the�apse of such tima es mey be required bv appl�cable law,Trustee ehell qve pubhc
<br /> " notice of sete Eo 9he pereona end in the manner�r��cnbed by eppticeble law. Trustao,or the aitorney lor tne T+�stee,without demand oh Bosrower, '
<br /> shetl sell the Proya�ty et publlc auctlon to ihe My�est bidder at tha time and p�ace and under the terms das�gn.r.�a m the notice of sele fn o�e o�more
<br /> ' psreele snd in euch erder ea Trustee mey detanrune. Trusine may postpone aele ot all or eny pa�cet of tfia Propeny by publ�c ennouncement at the �
<br /> � tisne end plece of any praviou�ty sehaduled ae�e. lender or I.e,nuer's desipnee mey purehase t^e property e�any sale.
<br /> , Upon receipt oi payment of the priee bid,Truatee shell deliver to the p�rcheaer e Trusteo's Deed,w�thout werrenty,convey�ng the Property eotd. The
<br /> reatds in the Truateo's Deed ehalt be prime fecie evidenee of the truth of the etetemente made therein. Truetee shall supply tM proceede of the eele
<br /> in ffie toqowing order: el to ell reasonaMe coate end expenaes ot the sele,including,but not 1�m�ted to,Trustee's feea of not more than Fwe Hundrad
<br /> ardNo/100 tS500.00!plus 112 of 196 of tfie amnu�t secured haraby end remeininp unpaid,and custs of t�tle ewdence;b)to ell sums secured by this
<br /> Twst Oesd;end c)the excesa,it eny, to the person or peraor9leyelly enatled thereto.
<br /> �. L 3. Any torebearence by lender in oxercising eny right or romedy hereundar,or otherw�se aftorded by appliceble law,ehall not be e we�ve�of or
<br /> p►ec�ude the exercise of eny such ripht or remedy in the evem of cont�nuinp or future breeches by tho Sorrower.
<br /> 16.Afl romediea provided in this T�ust Deed efe�iannct e�d cumuletive to any otfier right or ramedy undor ete�s Trust Deed or efforded by Iaw or oqwty.
<br /> 1 sndmaybe exerciaed concurrentiy,indepero�ently or succossively. tf Borrower hea given Lender e chatte�morteage,or seeurityegreement onpersonal '
<br /> + property as edditione!secudry fo�the dobt sec�red fiereby.m tne evont of default he�eur�de�o>r�na�eunder,Lender shell heve the right and optlon to
<br /> 1 first foreeloee on seid pereond c'eDerEy w�thout preJud�ce�;�_,•�8ht to thereai�er sell o•w,•.��• {w tna P�operty o�ro pursue ell secunty et the eame
<br /> , time o►to p�rsue tha perecnN c•�cer,y ef��r the ea�e cr•;,•�r�:;ore o� the Property-
<br /> 17.Upon araynent of all sums eecured by¢F�e Trust Oeed.lendor shs11 re3��st Trustee to�econvey the Proverty nnd shetl eurrender tMs Trust Deed
<br /> e�d e!!rtetos oo�eneine irtdeb�eG.eess secnFed Dy ih,s T.eist Cead to Tr�stee Tr�vtae shalt reeonvey the PrcDe�ty w�th�ut warranty to t°e0�e-son or
<br /> �reorts te(�aL'y en6ded tAereto- SucR pereon or qers,r.;sRa:pay ell coats of recordeUOn.ff eny.
<br /> T9. londea,at lertder's o�Ron, rnay from hme to f:�*ro■c�-uve 7ruetee ertd appant e s:,ccessor trustee to any Trusceo ey,ua•nted herourMer by an
<br /> ' usshumen!rs.eerdnd in t!u f�untv m wlucln ehse Tn:�nr C2awl rc+�rnr.twA W fhn�.r rnnu�von��nf tha Vrnnwnu ehw e�.��ocenr tn.ntaa chNl eur.eeed t�
<br /> ed'il tltle,powm cnd duties conferrod upon cho Tn,s[��here��and by eppl�cebte Iew.
<br /> 19.ExCept for uny notiCOS,demands,teques�s or erhar cn�cmun�catwna reQwrCQ uodor 60D���AC7e�aw to�e�van�n enarh��meane�,whertaoer Leader.
<br /> Bortower oa Truatoo g�vas or se�ves eny norco��•�u�d�»a. �y��hout I�m�taTion, not�ee of Gefeauit and �oi�,:o of sa�ei. Qemands, roques[e or other
<br /> eonYnuNeeUOa witA respoct to this Trua Oeed,eaeh s.�•:n��,t�ce. demond,►9qU06t or Other�omm�n�.:dt,on 6hg11 b0�n wnnng ond shgfl�eeftcsenvn
<br /> o.�tyit Me ssme is detivered by personel serrce or n,�ioe��•,cort�f�at n�e�l,postepe prep�ss.�et u�n rK,:e ar ray�ested.oddressed to the�sddres9 as set
<br /> totth et the Eopinrtind ot the Tnrat Oeed. A copy of a:+y�nhco of dofeult,eny notwe of smo, �equ�rel nr pe�m�tted to be grven heroundar,sHall be
<br /> ma�led to each pereon who ia e party hereto et the nddross sst fur�h et che boamrvng of�Ms Truss Oned Any pAny niay ut uny time Change�te eddtose
<br /> for such ootices by tloliverinp or mmtinp to t�o other pemea ho�oto,as oforosuid,a nouce of aucn cha+�d any nut��e heroundor shatl Ge Qoemed to
<br /> Aave to been qiven to Borrower or lender, when yvon m tne mannar dosignotod here�n.
<br /> 20.The covenants eM appeamentt ho�ein conteanod shutl 6�nd,ond tho nghts heroundor vh.:��in�ic tu the respe�t�vv ha�ta.�e¢eo�antet�v05.6UCCE4fOte
<br /> end essipna of the parties. AII eovenants end eereoments o�+tho Borrowor shan be�a�nt end so�er�,� wnoneve�refero�ce �c mado to the wnputar
<br /> herounder,�t aha:l�nctttde tho plurd and tho plurd shell�nc�udo tho s�neu�er.
<br />