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<br /> ..c, ya .'1''ti�. 'L.r...,.+L } ,t:.� .�ti._�t�,,�'ry.c,p^,'�;.�ar �s •_.Ar�,. ,3.�.�..y � .w �.yi.f r F�.,,. :,:� S 1�v �r c,"��i�tt, �.a�,C...:•Y�k r tos„
<br /> �t- �'y'..i-L.�i✓ V'�4.�,., d:i;;tcj�•ss�0.4a.�t '3��}:" ��t�� , _ i H vr:.':.! •,Yti� �1 v.;,��`'r,,p..., rcK:y'».L�;.�iY•�i���±����.Z� �"�n,x_.� �� ".�t7�'[1�u�..=.
<br /> .,�: =���+ �'k k U., l� t i,+n t
<br /> '��}F � i5�i�f�F :�y :����`dt1��Y}i���' y rt ����t'7��� , .. .� ��7.���`F�J �l�{N�� � �;�'�t)�t..'. � , . �.aY�2��l���jLi��}y�'::� � _��
<br /> 'Fi�� •1,�t �it. .t. ��;(.�..�.y��:� t�'#ti, i�3���i� "ff���F J/t:' � �• ��IRMr �� _ _ .
<br /> . . .. �rYi,� !y�1;q,yrr.,...�..........pel�i�r.i{;�1jv 1Lj`"�{ .,. .+41M„. . ..;.�� - _ �-----__-._. _ _
<br /> , . ., ,_ .y �' �A+i.•�. „n ,�, ... ,.�,.P� -�.. QS. ._ �P //' fi�� .._R.._
<br /> . . _. �W.AA.`-'.ei... .
<br /> . •J: ..'�ii\�i4-.t: . . ' . '_ -... ..._
<br /> ,� . :�..1 �^:'-.
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<br /> ��.«�r.`.:�S.iti..M-i+.� � . �.._..�—n - ___"�"_._�.A._��.._"_"" "
<br /> , ��m �U�a� , — -- _
<br /> ��: � . . -� •
<br /> � " 4. Tho Borrower�hett ksep the Propaty tn pood npair�nd ehsti not oamnit ws�ts or psrmit litspetrment or d�terioraUon ot tne Proyerty. -���
<br /> S. �t the 8orrower tell�tos t�l mel�netn or pey ths premiums toe ths�euulted i�suattot of the Property,or 1b10�Y�xes betore dotlnqaent,o� _
<br /> to)pey�ny amount due under a pdor mortpep�or trust d�sd bs4on detinqu�nt,or(dl mafntdn the Propsrty in Qood ta��lr,or to)Dortorm ��°__--_- --��-- -
<br /> � nny of the oown�nt�or sprounente ot thi�T�u�t Oa�d,then tM L�nde�m�r,et ito opdon,p�y cuoh insaranos p►emiumf,texe�,moKa�Qe �,—__.
<br /> .. � , or truet deed peym�nto,or make repatn and disbuns suah sum�end te'ke such�oUon�s It deem�rteaestary to proteot Ite interest without _
<br /> weidnp m effeotiop ite dpht to deolaro or defeult�nd aoo�ls�nts th�debt waund h�reby bewwe of any suoh faWro of the 8orrowe�. Any �.��'•w:i�'�_�i'_`-'�_-
<br /> „ amounte eo die6u►se9 by the lendet aheti aomtituts�ddiUond indebt�dnete ot tIN 8ortowsr seoured by thl�Trust Deed an0�hN!b�ufnt�mt --'=__�4 y�i_-
<br /> fram the dete ef dlaburee►nent ot tAa rote payebto undor the Noto. Nnthlnp aontelned ie tNe peropraph ehalf�equSro the Lender to meke eny .. ... ;."-:?�SG_;-
<br /> • • suoh disbuinements or teke eny eotion whateoov�t. "�'''_°'���+�&�:Y,�b':�:."_
<br /> r.�i'�7�y,'1r� } r;v-°
<br /> .� 1 "�.{�::-i i�,.,��.—�
<br /> . p. The l.eqdpr me�meke or oau4e to be mede roeaonable eet8oe upon end irtapeodon o(the P�operty. ,�1�,:5<<,=..�" 2:,:
<br /> � � , ,._ti.�fA;�.}�W ,� ..
<br /> 7. The prooeede of any ewerd or clelm tor damapeo,dfreot or oon9e4uentld.tn oonnoerian witfi eny oondemnallon ur other teSdnp af the -_
<br /> P�oporty,or pert thereof,or for aonveyenoe in Iieu o}oondemmtian,are hereby esatpned and ehali be pald to the Lender to the etttent ot the •
<br /> 1ui1 amount of the remai�inpunyeld indebtednees eecured by thie Yr�at Osed.
<br /> ., •,
<br /> �f che Propeny�e ebandoned by tM 8onower,or,if eRer ootioe by tne Lendar to the Bouowor that tM oondemnar olfera to meke en award • .� , • �;�,�, :•-
<br /> or aettie e oiaim tor dameget,!ho Borrower faile to�eapond to tho lendar withf�30 deye efter tha dete suoh nodoe is meiied,the 4eoder
<br /> is autho�l:ed to oolioot and e�T�Y�Prooeeds to the aums socurod by tNe Ttust Deed. � . ��:?•�;;,,,�;W .
<br /> '•� rt..,
<br /> ' Condemnedon precoode or erseuds ehell be oredited to the 1e91 m�ne.reng frtsteflmente of the indobtednsas seeured and ehatl not oxtend or
<br /> postpone the dao da4o off tho imstatimente rotetrod to in peregroQPn 1 Roroof or otre�ge the amount of auoh inatallments.
<br /> 8. M tha lender lesuos w mortid reUease ot thia Truet Deed,the pro¢pode r000ivod thoeotov ehall bo crod�tod to Ne test motw�na ins4A11ments ef `y�.�_,.��-
<br /> the��debrodness aecurod hmatby. ",,,�,,.:�..
<br /> 9. It 1ha Lendar either volunteriry atmvoNnTarily beaomes a patty to aviy ato�t or tegal proceodmg tetp4mp to the Pto�o�ty,Nota or this Yrust Daod. "'�.°��_
<br /> then the Bor�owor�tvill eoimbuvse the Lendar for atl eoats end,to tAx exten4 peemitted by law.aaaeonebfe a4lorneys'tees inourred by the •° �"+�,:,;.,-
<br /> Lendar relati�gto sucA suit or Aepal prooeedinps and aald sume ahall�.onstituta odditional i�debtednese aecured by this Trust Deed�..��hear i � "
<br /> �ntereet at the rate�eradle un�der the Note,until peid.
<br /> � .�'� +.'~���-.•
<br /> '�'�'�r 10. As edditional secudty,fhe 8orn�wer does hereby eaelgn,tranefer en!set over to the 4ender,i�cese of defeult in the parformanae of any ` �,• :?•.
<br /> ��'`�•`� ' of the terms or aond�tions of ttnis Trust Deed,the Noto or the terms of ony indebtednesa eocu�er2 Mreby,eIt ot the rente,revenues end eny • �, .
<br /> •;��j.;�l� mcome of any type wheteoevar to bo de�Ived from the Property,inc�uding land contraot pwymams. The Lender,In paraon.by apent or by ` rr,'��`Rti�
<br /> • receiver,without regerd to the solvency or inaolvency of the Borrower or the vatue of the Property,ahell be endded to take poasession of, ,•��; o
<br /> . repoir,ront end manage the Property end to colleot the rents,rovenuas end incomo theretrom and it mey pay M�t of eald inaome eIt oxpenaes �fy:�•.,��!!^'
<br /> of repeir ancf costa incurted in rentinp end managing the Property end collecting ro�ta and for payment of�nsurertoe premlums with eny
<br /> �•�.:�•�;�%�:
<br /> remaininy belence to be epplied to�he Iast maturia�p paymentc of the debt secured hareby. Upon presenting a copy of thls Tnist DeeO end r_�„_' �;:.
<br /> demand to eny�esaee,tenenII or contract puechaaer of the Propeny, such person she�t pay all rents, payments and profits accrued o� • ,:;��.:r''� s�-
<br /> tharsatiar accr,siag La tha ts^dar v.^.!i!fur!!M•t�^tq�e from rhe Lo�tdm. _-�•._,.f;' '��:�.
<br /> .'3;;'`;,?�,; ,' :
<br /> 11. It atl or eny pert oi the P�oparty ot any mtereat therein is deeded,solely by lend cont�act or otherwlee conveyed,slienated or turther ';?.sss'� ., ;�,,'•;
<br /> encumbered eithat votu�terily or mvolu�tanly without the Lender's p�ior written consent,excludine(a)e tra�sle.by operetion of�aw upon � .�-:: ��
<br /> the deeth of a joint tenant a tb)the grant of any feeaehold intetest not wntwning en option to pu►cfieae wltt�a leasa term ot two yenrs or „�. ,`'���.
<br /> •��.�t�� less,or�c)the creation of the purehuae money secudty interest in houaehold appliancee,then the Lander may.at rts option,dealare ell sums .,ti�j,:,;.�!��r,y�.s� 1
<br /> '' �' secured by tfiie 7ruet Oeed ro bo immediately due end payeble. �' `��b�'q�� ��)
<br /> ::a•...' �b. ;t`;'•:';:.:
<br /> 12. Upon tfie Borrower's breachof any covenant or egreement of the�orrower ia this 7rust Oeed,inctudinp the oovenants to pay when due any ���,_.,:°;.�•?+i�x�;��
<br /> sums secured by thls Trust Deed,the lender,at it�option,may dadare ell af the sume secured by this Truat Oeed to be�mmE+dietely due �k,tic:°�:;�.
<br /> end paVable wrthout further demend end mey invoke the power of eale end/or eny other remedies permitted by applicablo lew includiny tha � � ,
<br /> nyht to foreclose thi»Trust Deed m the manner provided by Iaw for the toreclosure oi mortgegas on real estote. The 4ender shall be entitled ,r' °
<br /> to collect alI reasonable coste and expenses incurred��purswng sucb remedias including,but not limited to,and to the extent permitted by •f
<br /> lew,roasonable attorneys'teae. ��',
<br /> If the power of sate is invoked, the trustee shall racord e notice ot def�u�t in eech county m which the Property or aome part thereof is located �.�
<br /> and p�ovide notice thereof n the manner ptescribed by aDP��cable la.v. After the lapse of such time ae may be requi�ed by applicebte law, f
<br /> the Truetee shall eive public notice ot sale to the peraons and in the.nenner prescubed by applwable law. The T�ustee,or the ettornoy tur i � >^�
<br /> the Trustae,without domend on the Borrower,shell setl the Property et public euctiun to the highest bidder at tne iime and place end undur �
<br /> , ;; � the tarms dea�pnatad m the no tice of sete m one or mo�e parcels aM in such order as the Trustee mey detemune. The Truatee may�wstpone 1 . �
<br /> s:ile ot all o�any parcel of the Property by pub�ic ennouncement at tha time end p�ace of eny o�ovwusly sehedulnd eale. The Lender or the
<br /> � � ' . LonJer's deyignea may purchrise the Propetty at any sate. - ��>>. ; ��"
<br /> j ,
<br /> Upon raceipt of peyment of tha price bid,the T�ustee ahell dehver to thn purchaser a T�oytee's Deed. Wrthout warraMy.conveying the �,;�,.'
<br /> property sold.The tetitals m tM Trustee's Dead shall be pnme facie avfdenoe o�the truth of the statemants made therem. The 7�uatee shall � . �'s'"'
<br /> . apply the proceeds o�the ae�a in the fullowing otder. (e1 to elI teaeoneWe coets and expenses of the sete,mcluding,but not 6mrted to,the • f;ti:�;
<br /> Truytee's fees of not more than 5500.00 plus.59e of the amount secwed hereby and remaminq u�peid,A�d conts of cttla evfdence;(bl ta �
<br /> i all sums secured by this Trusi Deed;end Ic)The excess,it any,to tFe person or persons Iegally entrtled the+eto '
<br /> �i 13. Any torbearanc�by the lender m exercismg any right or ramedy hereunder,or otherw�se efforded by applicab�e�aw,Shell not Ge a wa�ver
<br /> ot or preclude the exercise of a�y such nght or temedy m the evant of cuntmu�ng or tuture breaches by the 8orrower.
<br /> 14. AII remadies proaded�n tbe 7rust Oaed are d�st�nct and cumulative to en�y other nght or remedy under th�s T�ust Oeed or affordnd by lew
<br /> or eQuity,and may be exercised concurrently,independently ot autceseively.
<br /> , 15. Upon payment ot eII sums socured by this Trust Oeod,the lender shxl�requast the trustee to reconvey the Property eM shell surrender this ;��,. '.,
<br /> Trust Deed and etl notas ehdancmg tndebtednoss secured by this Truat Oeed to the Trustee. The Trustae shall+eronvey the Pro�erty without , � �
<br /> wnrranty to the person or per5o�s lega�IV entrt�ed theteto. Such peieonor parsons shall pey elt costa ot recordatio�.�f eny. •
<br /> � 16- The lender,et tha Lendar's npnon,mey frum tir.,e tu hme romove�he Tn.vtnn and nppu�nt e succassor T��staa W any Trusteo appwntna � '
<br /> � �nereunder by en�nstrumantrecurded�n the cou�cy in which th�s Trust Doed 15�BCOfEOf�. WIth�11L COt1VBy8hCtl O:the Property,thn successor
<br /> T�ustae shell succeed to eN t�tle,power end d�ues conferred upon tha T�ustee herein and by apV��ceblo Iaw.
<br /> 17 Except for any not�ces,damands.requests or other commun�cat�ons requireC under app��cable law to ba givan i�another manner,whenever •
<br /> the Lender, tho Borrower or the Trustne p�ves or setves any no6c� ;mcltl;l�n�, w�thout I�mitation, not�ce ot deteult and not�ce uf sele�, �� .
<br /> demartds,raquosts orotharcumnunicet�on wuh respect to ths Trust�eed, ea:.�such not�ce,deme�f,request m other commurncat�on shah - -
<br /> _.. ..w e... ..s
<br /> I�E�p Wbt�tt�ett0 Sh81Ibe 9IIBa.:irvB uNy rt t�e s.ime is ueirvere�i u�r yorev.m:�o�•..a oi.-.:o��:....`.i��:�'.°°`�--.C==:=n=r•=r=•- •_•-•°•=�°�-
<br /> requested,addrosxed tu[he add�ass set forth et the beg�nmrtg of this 7rust�ead.A copV of,any not�ce ot deteult,eny notice ot sele,rnau�red
<br /> ! or perrtntted ta be given hereu ndar,ahnll bo maded to each persort who�s e pa�ty hereta er tho addtess set torth et thfl boginn�ny uf th�s Trust
<br /> Oeed. Any party may at any time chnnge�ts:utdros.tor such nuuurs by det�vanng or mad�np to ihe uthet parUes theret�i.es atvtese�d .i
<br /> nohce ot�uch chango. Any r���uce hcrn.inder.h,�:i ba deomed tu have hnn�gwen W the Borrowo�or the lerxler,whon ywen�n the manne•
<br /> dns�ynated here�n
<br /> � 18 7he c�vonanlb etx! eyroements heiein coni��r�ed 5���1 bmd, anG the hghts hareundor shall �nuro to the �oapr..pve he�rs, pnrso�,
<br /> � rnpresenteuves,surcoasors eod assigns of the po�tws All�.ovor�ants ernf egreomants of the Borrower shalt be pn�t and snoora�. Wham,vor
<br /> referonce�s mocfe to r�e s+�yuter hareundr�.�t shnll�nrluJo me��iural anA the plurel ahell�nclude the aingulnr.
<br /> 4
<br /> ; �
<br />