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<br /> � � � applicuble law may apecify for rainataument)before selo of the Property puranant to any pawer of eate contuined In ihle
<br /> ------ Security Inauument;or(b)entry of a judgment enfarelag ihia Security InakamenG Those condtdona nra thut�ormwer. (�)
<br /> � paya Lender aU sumf► which then would bo due under thts Secudty Instrume�n and the Note ns lf no nccolerat�on had
<br /> --.�-.�-� occuned;(b)cures uny defaultnf any other covenants or agreemen�4:(c)pays a11 exjseasea incurred in enforcing thia�ecudty
<br /> — Instiument,including,but not IimIted to.reaaflnable attomeys'fees;and(d) takea such acdon as l,ender may�reusonabty —
<br /> _,�;.;���,�.,,� mquire w assure thst the l3en of this Security Inawraent,Lender'�rights in the Pmperty nnd Horrower�obHgudon to pny the _
<br /> — - sums secure� by tWa Secutity Instnuaent ehctll condnue unchan�ed. IJpon reinstatement by Borrower, this 3ecudty � __ _
<br /> � Instrument and the obligations secured hereby shaU z+emain fully effecdve as if no acceletadon had occuised. However.thls —
<br /> �,;:_�_;;Y r-,� right to[eingtate shall noi apply in the cese of acceleratiou under paragrapd 1?. --
<br /> _Y-�� iQ.,Sale,of N+ute:Chan�o of I.oan Servicer. Tke Nnte or u partial iaterest in the Note(together with thia�eaurity —
<br /> °`'°"', ts�onmacnt)m!y!�sald ro�or more times wiWout pdor notice W Borrower. A sale may result in a changc W!hc endty _
<br /> '.�,� � _��.i�°� r:�-- -- -------
<br /> '���"�`i�. (la�ow�t'as the"Laan Servicel")that coUects monthly paymants due under the Notc and this 3ecurity InsdumenG lhere also =_..
<br /> f.�..;.....;,�..;,:�,,; uiAjr"t1s8'one Or mot+e'chh�ngBs of the Loan Servtcer unrelated w a sale of the Notc. If thet�e is a cbange of the Loan Servlcer, =_,----
<br />- ' " Borrower wtU bo given wtitten nodce of the chaage in accordence wlth paragcapH 14 above and applicable law. The nottce .---_
<br /> , ' � will atste tbe name and address of the new Loan Servlcer and the address to which payments should be madc. The notice wil! --_
<br /> � also conteii►any other lnforn�sdon requi�ed by applica6le Isw. o
<br /> - 20. Ha�rdous Subatances. Botrower shall not cause or permit the presence,usc.disposal,storage,or release of any ;��_
<br /> Hazardous Substanc�s on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do.aor allow aznyone else to do.anyd�ing af�'ecIIin$t9ne M�
<br /> �.--__
<br /> Property that is in vIolation of any Envlronmeatal Law. The pre�ling¢wo sentences shadl not app]y w¢he pz�serace.use,or ��_-—
<br /> swrage oa tke Property of smaU c�uart¢iaes of Nazardous Substances thae are generaUy recognized to be appropriate to aoanat ���""
<br /> � residential oses and to maintenamce o€the Pro�rty. =�—
<br /> :�s�.:_:-,
<br /> ,,:_;;... Borrower shaU promptly gnve Lender written nouce of any investigation,ciaim,demaad,lawsuit or other actao�a by ar�y ,+ .;•. , -
<br /> ''�' govemmental or regulatory agerecy oa prevate party invalvi�g We Property and any �:uasdous Substance or Envammmen�.al , �`�r�;�'<�
<br /> s�.ji,�n.;;,�:•.,.
<br /> '���':'•��:,��n� . '•« Law of which Borrower has a�tnal k�owled$e. Iff Horrower teams, or is notificd by any govemrnental or reguDatory .,..��j��;,_:�,;,:_.
<br /> 'S�;u i;{ �t � J-�. auYhority,thae�y�emoval or o2her remedinrion of any Hazardous Su�s;ance affecring the Pro�Priy is necessary,B�rxow¢a ,,�S�r s�: :
<br /> e
<br /> F��{,�ti�,�,V,l�,�;,,,k,,j; shall prora�pely ta�ce All pecessary remediai ac�ions in accordance wi¢h Environmental Law. • �� ;;
<br /> � �h�l As useJ iR this para�'aph�m,"Hazardous Subscances"are those substances de�ned as toxic or hazardous aubstunces tnX • r ;i`�fs;;=
<br /> �'<<t�'�f`',, ,
<br />:° i' ' `�� '"� � Enviranmental Law and the folIlowin substances: aso3ine,kerasette,other fla�►mlbfe or toxic uoleum rac7uccs, I0I[AC 5+-,.:,.!�.;%',;`•
<br /> y��{:i;:�`'`ti3;'..;�`'.:1, g L� �• p `%'�rl�';:ix•`�;Y,�:'.
<br /> �ti�,,,;;�r; :;;;;.:.., pesticic3es And herbi�ides, vc�iau�e solvents.materiaDs conttining asbesaos or formnldrhyde,and cadioaedve materials. �s ��>>rl;r�l`; '�
<br /> y .�k,., ., used in this pASapxaph 20,"�a��•ironmental Law means federal laws and laws of the jurixdiction where the Property is located �E���Yr�;°_
<br /> ',;,,.;,; .. _..�` thatrelatetohealth,safetyorenvironmentalprotection. �;.,:.�.._..
<br /> . • . NON-UMFORM CUY�NANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agcee as follows: �,��'.°�
<br /> ' 21. Acceleration; ReaQnedHes. Lender shell gtve notice to Borrower prior to acceleradon following Borrower's '"��-
<br /> breach of anv covenant or a�reement in this Securlty Instrument(but not prior to acceleraUon under paragraph 1'7 ' ;_;�
<br /> � untess applicable la�r prov[des oWerwise). The notice shall specify: (a)tlte defaWt;(b)We actton requtred to cure tiie
<br /> detault;(c)a date,not less theut 30 days from We dete the nottce is given to Borrower,by which the defaWt tauat be t��_:"��
<br /> �, cueed;and(d>that failure to cure the default on or before the date speciSed in the notice may resWt ir►acceleration ot �,�' , .m
<br /> .�-�
<br /> the sums secured by thts Security Inrtrument and sale of the Property. The notice shall flurther infoem Bore+mwer of _
<br /> ' tDte rl�ht to retnstete atter ncceterallon and the riRht to br1nR a wurt action to asserf the non�exiatenoe of a detault or - _
<br /> „ any other delense of Borrower to acceleratton ut�d xute. If the default is not cured on or before the date specitied iu "' XT=
<br /> the nuitce.l.ertdcr ut Its option may requlre immedlate poyment In tldl of e�ll aums secured by this Secarity Instrument :'•-,..
<br /> without turther demand end may invoke the power oP eule nnd nny other remedtes permitted by appltceble law , -
<br /> . I.endeP shnll bc enttU¢d to cotlect �I! expens4w incurred in purKUing the remedtes provlded in thts paragreph 21, .
<br /> � including.but not limitcd to,reaRO»�ble attorneys'Pee»end costs of tltle evtdence. ..
<br /> ( If the power of sale is Invoked,7lrustee ahull record a nuttce of default in eACh county in which any part of the •• ,
<br /> Pmperty is located and shall maSl coples of such notice in the munner prescribed by appUcable law to Borro�ver and to �?�
<br /> � the other persons prescribed!�y appficabte law After the dme mquired by appl�cabte lew,Ttustee shc1U give publIc
<br /> notice of sale to the persons and In the manner prescribed by appltcable law 'Ilrustee,without demand on Burrower,
<br /> shaU sell the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in
<br /> �� � the notice ot sale in one or more parcels and in any order'[�ustee determines. 'IYustee may postpoae sale of ell or any -
<br /> :•,�j parccl of tk��roperty by public announcement at the time and place of any previously schednled sale. I,ender or its
<br /> ' �':; destgnee may��ur.hase the Property at any sale. '
<br /> ' �,���•' U¢n.n e+�;;,n of payment ot the price bid.'ilrustee shaq deliver to the purchaser 1Yustee's deed conveying the . ,
<br /> j Pro�serty. 'H'Ec�u�.�.�ta1s ln the'I�ustee's decd sfiall be prima facie evidence of the truth of the statements made therein.
<br />. � '�astee�z��y t�¢proceeds of the sale in the following order: (a)to ail costs and expenses of exercising the pow�r
<br /> �f�;� , ' r;i:.
<br /> ��a�.; . '.���� �.� �. .;�.' ,
<br /> � �
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