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<br /> The Funda sh�ll 6e held in an inssttutinn whuse depaslts ane insurcA by a fedaml �Sency, inssrumentnlity, or �ntity
<br /> (induding L,ender.i�Lendcr i��such an inr�titutian)ar in any Fcdernl Hume Loan Bank.LcnJer shitll appiy tho Fund.s 2o pay th� _�
<br /> L'scrow Items.Lendcr muy nat churgo Borrower for holding and sFplying the Funds.annu�lly ann!}rzina tho escrow urcaunt.o�
<br /> verifyf ng the Fiscrnw item�,unless Lender puy�Barrower interest on thc Funda nnd appIlcublo 1'a�v permits L.ender to mnkc such
<br /> — n churgc. �lowcver,Lendcr muyr�qulre Barrawcr to pay a one-timo churgo for an indepcndent neal Gstate tax reporting se�vioc+
<br /> = used by 6.�rNler in rnnnsctlon wlth this loan, unless appticnblo law provides athenviso. Unloss an agn�m�m ix mude or --
<br /> appl(cable law require.g interESS to be pnid,I.ender Rhnit not bP reyuired to pay 8urrawer any interest or eamings on the Funds.
<br /> ----- Bc�rrower nad I.ender mny a�ecs in writin ,however. that interest shull bc pufd on the Funda. i.ender shatl gtve tn Borrower.
<br /> ..�__�
<br /> - - � wtthuut charge.an annua!uce.oanting of e�unds,shov�jng etedits ertd debits tv tite Fnn�iq mrtd the puryx�se for which each �
<br /> debit ta the Fwzds vroa mnde.The Funda are plalged ns additional r,ecurity for all�ums secured by this Secudty Insuument.
<br /> [f the FurtQeti held by l.ender exceed tho antountx permitted to Nu held by applicable law.Lertder shull uccount to Eorrower
<br /> _____`_—, for the excess Furtds in uccorclnnce�erith the t+equlremcnts of applicable law. [f chc amount of the Futtds held by I.endcr at any
<br /> time is not aufficient to pay the Essmw Items wh¢n duc.Lender may so natify Hotrower in writing.and.in such c�se Borrower '
<br /> -------=
<br />