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<br /> -.���f���*.t��=mu� 17.7C�nsfe�oithe Pmper¢y or a�Beneflcisl Intcrnst tn Borrower.[f all or any part of the Propedy or nny lflterest in it
<br /> — ie sold or trunsferted(or if a beneficlal intercst in Barrowcr is sold or tmnaferr�xl and Aarrawer is not u naturnl per�an)without
<br /> '`�=�^� Lender'R prior written consent. I.en�ier may, ut iu+ aption. mquire immediate payment irt full of nll sums secured by this --
<br /> .::�. Security Instmment. Huwuvee.ttiis apti�n shatf nat be cxcrciscQ by[.endcr if cxercise ls pwhibltr�by federa!law as e�f the date .-- _
<br /> -;t.�� ,.
<br /> __��:,r,,.��_;:�� of this Securiry Instn�ment.
<br /> ---�.— If Lender exercises this optfan.Lender Rhall give Borrower notice of ucceleratlan.The notice shsU provide n per[ad of not
<br /> ��M^�=`"'�`•�"'� tcr,g than 30 days from tho date the natice is delivered or mufled within whlch Borrower must puy ull snma secumd by this
<br /> _:.=�.�-.�.•' �". Securlty Instmment. if Aorrowcr fuils to pay thesc sums pdar ta Ehe ezpimtion of this perioil, Lender mey invoke any temedie.g �---
<br />_-,;�;y,,,3..t`",�;'; permitted by this Security Instrument withaut further noti�or demand on Borrower. —
<br /> � � ^ -r I8. Borrower's Right to Refnstate. If Borrower moets certain conditions, Harrower shall huve the dght ro have
<br /> �'__,._-_.:='R'�Y. enforcement of this Secudty Instn�ment discontinued ut any dm�priar ta the earlier of: (a)S duys(or such ather period as
<br /> • • • �� �' applicable law may specify for reinststement) before sale of the Property pursuant ta any power of sale oontained in this _:_—_
<br /> ' Security Instn�ment; or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Secudty Instrument.Thase canditions are that Horrower:(a)Rays �
<br /> ' � T.ender alt swns which then would be due under this Security Instntment and the Note as if no acceleration had occun�ed;(b) �:��=
<br /> ' cures any defautt of any ather covenunts or agreements; (c) pays nll expen�es incurred in enforcing this Securiry Inatrument. �;_;--
<br /> ',�., � � inctuding, f�ut not limited to, reasanable attorne�+s' fees; and(d) tekes such action as Lender may reasonably require to assure `,;;_--
<br /> � '=.��.,:. „ tha¢the lie�oE this �CUriry Instrument. L,ender s ri$hcs in tho Prnperty and Barrawer's obligation to pay the suma secured by
<br /> ;!t'• '� this Socurnty Anstmemena shal� rnntinue unchenged. LJpon reinstatement by Barrower, this Security Instrument and the ��4�
<br /> ' �� obligations secwred B�ereby shall remain fuQy effaceive as if no acceleratian had occurred.However,this dght to reenstate shall �.��•��,=•--
<br /> '� � not apply im the cace of aoceleration under paragraph t7. ___
<br /> �"_ 19.Sale of Note: Cha�e of I.oan ServB�¢s. T�ze IJote ur a partial interest in the No4e(together with this Security -_
<br /> Instrument)may be sold orte or more times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may result in a chaa�ge m the entity(knawn _
<br /> : • as the"Loan Servicer")t4�a�c�Uects manthiy payments duc undcr the Note and this Secanry Ynse�ment. Thrre also may be one -°°°_
<br /> �'' • or more cinang¢s of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the I.oan Servicer,Borrower will be is-�_
<br /> •� " given writ¢en r�otice of the change in accordance with paragraph I 4 a�uve and applicabte law.The natice will state the name artd �-,:....
<br /> ' address of the new Loan Servicer And the address to which payrxeents should be made. The notnee will also contain any other _
<br /> information required by appiicable law. ;_.}_
<br /> "'�', 20.Hazardous S�n��ces. Borrower shal I not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any ;�:=°_
<br /> ;,,,.. .
<br /> ;�.'.� �, Hazardous Substences on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor afiow anyonc else to do. anything affecting the },r;�� :
<br /> , Property that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence.use,or
<br /> .. I _
<br /> . ' „ storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazurdous Substances that aze generally recognized to be appropriate to normal -
<br /> residential uses und to maintenance of the Property. :�a
<br /> Borrawer shal l promptly give L.ender written natice of any investigation, cluim,demand, Bawsuit or other action by arr.}• , n, -
<br /> governmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardaus Substance or Environmental La�v _
<br /> ''�: �� of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams,or is notified by any govemmental or regula¢ory authority, that =
<br /> �� ------— any removai or other remexiiatiun u1'a�iy H:uut'dou�Substanct affr.cting thc ProY..�;•3s ne�essar;. Borroeser s!:�!!Yromptly take .
<br /> :':'�� ali necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. . ,
<br /> � ' As usc�1 in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" are thos�substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances hy '��,,:;�-
<br /> Enviranmenr,�l I.aw and the following �ubstunces: gasoline, k�rus�:ne. other flammable or toxic petroleum products, a.xir �P-
<br /> �::;,�� pesticides and herbiciJes,colatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or forn2:tldehyde,and radioactive materials.As use<I in
<br /> '�''t , this paragraph 20, "Em•irunenental Law" means feder�C laws and laws o f t he iuri,diction where the Property is locatecl that '•� `}�
<br /> �,_...
<br /> �'S�'`r relate to health,safety or er.+.ironmental protection. {;}i3';r,:
<br /> ft�'� NOPi-UNIFORM CUt�ENANTS. Borrower and Lcnd�r further co�•enunt and agree ae follows: .��;�,��:.
<br /> 2L l�cceferation;Remedies.Lender shall give notice to Boreanwer pdor to acceleration following Aorrower's breach '.��j�, .•
<br /> of any covenant or agreement in this Securtty Instrurnent (bux not prior to acceleration under paragraph 17 unless ;�
<br /> applicable law provides othen�•ise). The not[ce shall specify: (a) the defautt:(b)the action required to cure the tlefault; �
<br /> (c)a date, nut less than 30 days from the date the notice is Riven to Borrower, by�vhich the default rma�si be cured;and � `'�
<br /> 4d) that failure to cure the default on or 6efore the dute speritied!n the nottce may result in acceleu�4ion of the sums '' �
<br /> ,nxanred by this Security lnstrument and sale of the Property.The notice shall further inform Borrower of the right to
<br /> rein�tate �atter acceleration and the right to bring a court uction to assert the non-existence ot a default or any other
<br /> � defense utf Dorrower to acceleratton and sale. If the default !s not cured on or before the date speciffed in the notice,
<br /> • Ixnder,aQ it:� aption. may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured bv thl� Security Instrument wtthout
<br /> ,::;,; further demamd a�ed►na} in�oke the po�ser of�te and any other remedies permitted by applicable law.Lender shali be `
<br /> "�.'S?�, entitled ta rn9�ect a11 eapense.incurred in pursuin�;the remedies provlded in this paragraph 21,includo�[;,but not limited R't
<br /> �„�. ..
<br /> ' to,reasomablm uttorne}s'fcay and costs of titte evidence. ;''
<br /> If thr p.i«er af wle is im•oked. Trustee shali record a notice of default irt euch coiarntv in �vhich any part of the
<br /> Prope�ty is located and shall mail copies of such notice In the manner prescribed by applic:�ble la�c to Borrower and to
<br /> the other persons pt�cribed b�•applicable law�. After the time reyuired b�•app!lcable law,Tructee shall give public notice
<br /> of sale to the personc and in the munner prescritx�cl b}•applicable la�s. Trustee, w�ithout demand on Bucrower,shall sell
<br /> the Property at publtc auction to the hiRhest bidder at the time und place and under the terms destgnated in the notice of
<br /> sale tn one or more parcels and in an��ordcr Trusa��r determ ines. Trustee ma� postpone sale of all or an� parcel of the
<br /> Propert�• br public announcement at the time and place of s�n� pretiiousiy scheduled sple. I.ender or its designea ee�ny
<br /> purchese the Praperty�t am•sale. .,
<br /> ' {.. �
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