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"f,Asti�;,�e� �,�,�� �tk2, +�+3U-.'i ��,?�` <br /> �.' tl�'��5:�1)�' �u�aGY����`',��ti Sei�?��, l�Ta.��.11f�r <br /> .rb�ii� =:��'"_'?��`:�6.L'�.Z="'}_�,.".. ____. — <br /> _ <br /> ����M1Y�R�3��/�,1 � ��_yy�J�•_'�.�...�..r-��.'�. _._.f..�._._...�.�.__.__._...�_,-�__. <br /> �.J:Slie�l fCAY��..[a6�� <br /> � <br /> '�^-KI�Rt'^T^vR.- �flN."�""z . . <br /> �"` K :�1 <br /> ,.�)� ' ( �� _I�'�����,��u ' <br /> . „ , _ <br /> . . _ �. <br /> • �� -,i.u,.r.y'f.vans+.r..t?7�+YRFA�',� '� ' - - - <br /> �'� ...._�._�...,._' t'� i..+Irll�ili� �, _ _- . .._ . __ _ <br /> , �� � ._. ,.�_r. <br /> 1. . . "'_,__�'..--- _._.-�.__..-...-_-�.-_�.________�.'_ __ <br /> v..�..e..�..�.,,� 9,4,�����4 <br /> --�,�`_�;�,� S. D/�uard ar Proger3y Insurunce. Sorrower shull kcep the impmvements nAw exi�ting or hereufter erecied an the <br /> �::;V,.�l-�u� Pruperty insured uguinst lass by fire, hnwnds inctudai within the term "cxtended covemge" und uny c�ther huzntda.including <br /> floodR or flooding. for which l.ender requires insumnce. �'his inxurnncc nhatl bc mafntninvd in the umounta nnd for thc periodx <br /> •�LY�4;� thot l.ender requires.Tho insurnnce carrier providing che insumnce shali be chc�en 6y HaRawer subject tu Lender's uppruvat �__ <br /> -.__—- which shnll nat be unreasonably withhetd. If Bo�mwer Cails to maintain covemge describod ubove, Lender may.ut Lcsnder's <br /> ->:;;�..-.;-���w option.abtain wvemge to protcct l.ender's rlghts in the PropcRy in accordance with pnmgraph 7. <br /> ;,�a T:�;,::i:,,..� AN insuruncc pollcics and renetvttls shal!bc acceptuble tn [.erttler nnd chell inclade u slsndurd mort�±a�e clnuse. Lender �-__ <br /> �:�:;J.>;.:.;?�.. � shall hnve the right ta hold the policies and renewalR. If I.ender r�eyuic�es.Barrower sh�ll promptly�lve to L.ender al! aeceipta of <br /> ` "•'' '�`�'''•"' patd premiums and rcnewnl the event of loss.Borrawer shull give prompt notice to the insuw.�nce carrIer and Lender. <br /> ;.:, ��. :�`' <br /> - . ? �- Lender may maka proof af loss if not made promptiy by Sornswer. �-- <br /> � Unless l.ender and Bc�rrower otherwise asre�in writin�.insurance praceeds shull be appHed ta restaration or repair of the <br /> . _,: �:,, ; Pmperty dmm�ged,if the restomtion or repair is economically feasible and Ixnder's secu�ity is nat lessened. If the restoration or <br /> " . repair is not ernnamically feasible ar I..ender's security would l+e I�sened.the insurance pmceeds shell be applied to the sums .� <br /> �. ' : secural by thfis Security Instntment, whether ar not then due, wlth any excess paid w Borrower. If Borrower abandans the <br /> Property. or does nat answer within 30 days a natice from Lender that the insurance carrier has offered to settle a clsim, then <br /> " Lender may collect the insurance prdcevds. Lereder msy use the pcaceods to repair or restorc t�ee�roperty or to pay sums <br /> secured by this Security Instrument,whettter oe not then due.The 3Q-day�rlQ�wili begin when the no8ice ns given. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise�ree in wrfting, any apptication of�rocc�ds to�mrtcipal shall noc exeead or <br /> �ostpone the due date of the monthly paynients referred to in para�raphs 1 artd 2�r change the auttQUnt of the p�ymen4s. IIf <br /> uncier paragraph 2l the Propen,y is acquim�by Lender, &�rruwer's ri$he to ar�y insue�nce policies and prooeeds�+esuldng fFromi - <br /> damage to the Property preor to the acquisi¢eon shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secuted by this SECUrity InsWment =- <br /> immediately prior to the acquisieion. �.; <br /> 6.Occupancy,Presr�vma6a�,MBz�n�4enance and Il'm�tection of tQne Property;�m�ower's iut�m Ag�plica4uo�a►;I.easeholds. �y;:� <br /> �`'�;:; Borrower shall occupy,establish,artd use the Aroperty as Borrower's principal r+esidence withia�sixey days after the execution of �It;;: <br /> •? this Serurity Instrument and shaU continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residersce far at least one year after `'' <br /> • �`}�•� the date of occupancy, unless I.ender otherwise a�rees in writing, which consent sha11 not be unreasonably withheld.or u�less —_ <br /> � ,,cs ° <br /> �� �, extenuating cimumstances exist which are beyond Bonower's rnntrol. Borrower shall not destroy, daae�age or impair the <br /> Pmperty, allow the Property to deteriorate, or cammit waste on the Property. Horrower shall be in defavlt ng any forfeiture �_ <br /> action or proceeding, whether civil or criminal,is begun that in [xRder's good faith judgment muld result ite �i�rfeiture of the _ <br /> ' . . �' ti; Property or atherwise materially impair the lien created by this S�curity Tnstntment or Lender's security interesc. Bvrro�ver may <br /> - curr�urn a uriauii and reia�iutc.a,provide.d in paragraph ! tausiog ihe action or proca�i^e=���:s.�:is..�+,,,,u ith s n:l:.^.; �` <br /> � that, in Lender's good�faith determination, precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's inter�t in the Proper¢y ar nther material � <br /> ' �� impairment of the lien cresited by this Security Instrument or I.ender's security intetest. Borrower shall also be in defauit if <br /> ° � Borcower,during the loan appiication process,gave materially falte or inaccurate information or statements to L.ender(or failed <br /> � •`'�3 to provide�er with any material information) in connectian with the loan evidenced by the No¢e,including,but not limited <br /> �� <br /> .' �„=i- to, repmsentatia�nc conceming Borrower's uccupancy of the Property us a principal residence. if this Securiry Instrument is an a �_._. <br /> '�, leasehald, Borrower shali comply with ull the provisions of the lease. If Borrower�cquires fee title to the Property, the <br /> ,'.,'�; leasehold and the fee tide shali not merge unless L.ender agrees ta the merger in writing. <br /> 7.Protectton of Lender's Rights in the Property. If Borrower fails to perform thc covenants and agreements contained in ,. <br /> . � this Security lnatrument, or there is a Iegal prcxeeding that m;iy significantly affect I.ender's rights in the Property (such as u <br /> .•�`r: prnceeding in bankruptcy, probate. for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations), then I.ender may do attd <br /> '�5��' � pay far wh�tever is neces�ry to protect the vulue of the Propeny and Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may <br /> y i <br /> ;i�r,, include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security instrument, appearing in court, paying <br /> '•�:�"' mxsonabte attorneys' fees and entering on the Property to make mpairs. Althou�h Lender may take action under this paragraph <br /> �• `,i�:..�.� 7, Lender dces not have to do so. <br /> ,�:i;�`."•?;; Any amounts dishursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 xhall hecome additional debt c�f Barrower secured by this <br /> '•}�" � �' Security Instrument. Unless Bc�rrower und I.ender agree tn��ther terms of payment, these am<�unts shall bear interest from the <br /> ,. N'',;_ <br /> .. date of dishursement at thc Note rate and shall be payublc, with intere+t, upon notice from i.ender to Borrower requesting <br /> � ,;. payment. � <br /> 8.Mortgage insurunce.If Lender reyuired mortgage in+urance ati a ronditii�n of making the ioan secured by this Security <br /> �.`� Instrument, Bnrrower shap pay the premiumti requireci ta maintain the mortgage insurance in ef'fect. If, for any reason, the <br /> ' mortgage insurance coverage reyuired by Lencler lapses c�r cease� to he in effect. &�rrower shall pay the premiums required to <br /> �� obtain coverage substantislly equivalent to the mortga�e insurance pve�iou�ly i�rtfert,ut a co,t substuntially equivalent to the <br /> �`y cost to Bonower of the mortga�c insuranrc pmvi��u+ly in cffect, fra�m an alternate mortguge imurer appmved by Lender. If , <br /> ..' substantially equivalent mort�age insurancr r<���eruge is not a�•ailahlc, &irrower sh�ll pay to I�nder earh month a sum equal to <br /> one-twelfih of the yearly mortgage in.uranre premium being p�i.�b� 0urrc>wer whcn tix in,urance coverage lapsed orceased to <br /> be in effect.Lender will accept, use und mtain thex payments a, u lo�+ reu:n•e in lieu e�f mortgage insurance. Loss reserve <br /> �rorm 3028 9190 't:,: <br /> ' re,�3��6 �. � <br /> � �(;�. <br /> ,.-.!� •. � <br /> � s <br /> !i.. i <br /> , `',f� .�_ `/`' ' . .,•r__.. ,.. 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