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' ,��1 . . _ . �....,.., ... z-r±a�w� -+i�,� . <br /> � ' " ��;y�......- . �� .. ..............�k.-..... :..�+v•r•�-• . � � . :-.-:'...-. <br /> ; „�g- <br /> -. <br /> y ; .. ... . .�W.�1]'Z 3i?1{/�.�,d,+''K„.f. � " 4 <br /> i' <br /> �,, � ; ^ ( ..+rl�,<<.pia�,.. ... ! � .. <br /> .l� _' .I� � -._ _.__ <br /> 1 e . . ..—.-F-v__ _ _ <br /> �. <br /> ... <br /> ��� ��k <br /> �.� - <br /> .._........ �L�._.._�._IE_�-._..... . .._.....'___ i' ' ...• - _ <br /> ,� :� ....—.._ ..__-•_•-_'_.Y__�_�..�u.__�_:_._...�.�._. . . _ .. ..._...... ���F_Y����:�— <br /> ,.� ��_�w��\OV � • �w�..r.-�_... <br /> . � � i _"L'21Y3(Wl m_—_.- <br /> 1 g,Taq,Afs�tp�eti,�/0��.Trustor thall pay ail toKas,asssss�►mnts and other charyes,includinp, witteoul limitatian,finas and im• '""��"'���:�:_ <br /> �.-�-.;.. <br /> � � poaition:attributoble to the Progerty,and leotofiald payments or pround rent�,if any,befon tl�e some btcamm dellnqueM.T�ustor aholl promp• ;,"':, �'��:�`���,-�_ <br /> .---� .,'=: tiy fumish to 8an�titEar�►aN satkee of ema�.4+ts due u�Eer�his gaag►oph,er�d tn the weM Trusta�ha11 moke paYmo�directty.Tnntor shuli ---.- .----� -- <br /> � � , promptly fumish to�aneflrtary raefpta evldenaing such paym�nts.Truster skall poy ail toxes and asst�ssmonts whieh may be lavted upon � �P;';'_ <br /> �� �� Benefictary's iMerest hereirt or upon this Oeed of T�ust without repard to any!ow that moy be enocted imposinp paprrern of tho whote or any ;.;� <br /> pert thoreof upon the Beneficiary. , "�'`:": - <br /> �''- g.A/�iti�wd IiHa�i Mt�etlM�4 R�fieiw►'a f�siedh.Trustor spall rrtaSce oll poyr�ants of interes4 und priACipal and poymsnts of any ' . _.. ., <br /> ' other chargea,fees and expenses contracted to be paid to any existinp 1(enholden or pr(or beneficEaries unde�any prior deed of tru:t or mor- : . � •':�_ <br /> tgoge before the date they ere delinqueM and promytiy pay and dischorge any and all other Ileos,cleims or chorges which may�eoparGi:e the , ___`�.:�; <br /> security grented herein. If Trustor faiis to make any sah paymeM or ioils to perform any of the covennms and a�reements car�tained in this <br /> peed of Trust,or in any prior mortgage or deed of trust,of if any aetion or praeedirp is eommenced whieh materiall�offects Benefieiory's in- <br /> � terest in the PruQerty,IRCI{t�tR9,�U4 it9t lilttft�f0,eminent domain praeeelings,or proec+�edings involving o decendeM,or if Trustor faiis to poy � -- <br /> � Trustor's debts gere�rcily as they bacesm ci¢�.shen 6eneficiary,ot 8enefieiary's option and withoat notite to or dsmand upon TnFStor artd . . ;. ,.. '—,_. <br /> +ui8lrtaut a�eleasirtg Trustor frem any abligatien Qte�reunsler,moy make such ap�enrences,dis6urse sucl►sums,¢�r�tnk�such ation as is�ecessary , ';:,:_, <br /> :t: �. <br /> to gro44'tt B��tt3�ciary's intErCS4 irtctudirtg,Du4 rtot li�e�ted so,disburs¢rrter►t of reQSCrtu.r^ta otQC*e�ay's�ees. paYsner�a•DurcP�asQ•tQn4ex4 or cCm- ..,:; ;.;_ "`'�-• <br /> 1 � vQmise of ae�y¢e�cumbrence,c°�a a or lien, and en4ry aDan tPes Fro�ert�t to�et�ee ecgairs. tn 4P�A eren4 4Rm41nrsta sP�etl faii 4o proevre in- l �r¢ <br /> ry� kt4 7 !y-1, ' a•. <br /> .°,4� ',`'i.`�r.��;:;::�. suronce or to pay 4ottes,assess�nents,or cnY o4h2r cQ�arges ar 4o MCace an�y po�c�rt�r�s 40 ettis4irt�prier lie�n ho'.:ders or betteficiaries.Bana4iciary ��yrftr,f lr'.f!••;:;' • ., e� <br /> o ': <br /> � , �} � may procure such insurance and meke such Qatirrtent.l�Any ameun4s disbursed bg ac�e�c�ary pursatant to shi�Paragraph 6 sfiell become addi�ional }t,�.i i 4( � , . `��,.: <br /> s <br /> �';:�: indebtedness of Trustor secured by this Dead of Trust.Such amQarrss ska!! be geyeD:a upcn rtotice from Boneticiery to Trostor reques4iag pay- ,��� , , <br /> '-;;�;,�.":� ment thereof,and shall bear interest from tha dote of disDursement at the rote poyubte from time to time or�ou4standing principal under the '� �,,, .��`:i���;i r�;;�,;�,�,:_'�` <br /> � ' '�`•' Note unless payment of interest at such rate would be contrary to applicoble law,in which ever�t such omounts shali bear interest at the highest ��• �«,��;;�;. a�� <br /> .ii- ', . � r� � -1��- Y _. . <br /> .', �.;,.:;:',,.?;2? rate p ermissible under opplicab�e low.Nothing contained in this Paragraph 6 shall require Benefitiary to inwr my expense or tuke any action , <br /> hereunder. � "� <br /> 7.Astignmer►t of Rertt:.Beneficiary shall hove the right,power ond authority during the continuance of this Oeed of Trust to tollect the .�:� _ <br /> '��:r. :. 2 <br /> rents,issues and profits of the Property and of cny personol property Ixoted thereon with or without taking possession of the property affetted ; S�!y�" <br /> hereby,ond Trostor hereby obsolutely and unconditionally assigns all sutfi rents,issues ond profits to Benefkinry.Benefitiory,however,hereby , •�,�,�_ <br /> � tonsents to the Trustor's cotlection ond retention of suth rents,issues and profits os they occrue and become paqoble so long as Trostor is not, �- _���,� <br /> at such time,in default with respect to poyment of ony indebtedness seared hereby,or in the performonce of any opreee'ient hereunder.Upon ���T= <br /> any such defoult,Beneficicry may ot ony time,either in person,by agent,or b�receiver to be appointed b�o caurt,without notice and without , # _, � <br /> __,:= re4ard to the odequacy of any security for the indebtedness hereby saured, (o)enter upan ond take possession of the Property or any part _ ...,�� �. , <br /> � thereof,ond in its own nom�sue tor or otherwise collect such ronts,issues an0 protits.�nciuding t hose past d u e an d wipai d,uri 6�p p1 y il�6 3otzs, r „�• , <br /> � ,. less tosts and expe�ses of operation and collectioe, includinp reosonoble ettorneys fees,upon ony indebtedness secured hereby,ond in such f •, ;5�.,� t <br /> - �� . order as Bene�itiary moy determine;(b)perform such octs of repair or protection os moy be necessary or proper to conserve the votue of the � � . <br /> Properryj tt)lease the same or ony pert thereof for such rentel,term,ond upon suth tonditions as its judgment moy dittate or termin�te or od• <br /> ' � just the terms and conditions of eny existing lease or leases.Unless Trustor and Beneficiory egree otherwise in writ ing,anY oPP��tmion of rents, .; <br /> ' issves or profits to any indebtedness secured hereby sholl not extend or postpone the due dote of the installment poyments as provided in said <br /> .e:�; <br /> • promissory note ar change the omount of such installments.The entering upon and taking possession of the Property,the col lettion o f suc h �a <br /> � rents, issues and profits,and the appl�cation thereof as oforewid,shell not waive or cure any defuult a notice of defuult hereunder,or in• ;1�' <br /> , vatidate any oct done pursuant to such notice.Trustor also assigns to Beneficiary, es further security for the perfamance of the obligations ��„_. : , <br /> � secured hereby,all prepaid rents end all monies which moy hove been or mey hereafter be deposited with said Trustor by any lessee of the Pro• ,,���:;.._,: r. <br /> � peny,to secure the payment of any rent or domuges,and upon default in the perfwmance of ony of the provisions hereof,1••;star agrees to , '.� .,,`� <br /> -'��`��� deliver such rents and deposits 4o Beneficiary.Delivery of written notice of Beneficiary's ezercise of the rights granted herein,to any tenant oc- . �.;�•' <br /> 1•��r1✓' <br /> ' cupying said premises shall be sufficient to require said tenant to pay said rent to the Beneficiory until further�otice. �';-�;�J , ' � <br /> � :;i;,,;.'�� 8.Condemnation.If title to any part of the Property sholl be token in condemnation praeedings,by right of eminent domain or similar action, :`���:if��. <br /> �;lil�rl ._ � <br /> � � or sholl6e sold under threat of condemnation,oll awards,domoges and praeeds are hereby ussigned and s�nll be paid to Seneficiury who sfioll f�.:;,,, <br /> � epply such awards,domages ond proceeds to the sum secured by this Oeed o f Trust,wit h t he excess,i f ony,pa i d.l o T r u s t o r. I f T r u s t o r r e c e i v e s �'" , ': ..' -; , <br /> . on notice or other informotion regording such octions or proceedings, Trustor sholl give prompt written notite thereof to benefitiary. �� . , �.- <br /> ;;...�. Y .,. <br /> :?'�:�•:� Beneficiary shall be entitled,at its option,to commence,appear in and prosecute in its own nome any such act ion or proceedings and shall be en- �. :;..:; ��_ <br /> `'i'`.� titled to moke any compromise or settlement in connecfwn with any such action or praeedings. � '' `''� <br /> ��,;,�,?:i • .. <br /> " ' 9. Remedies Not Exdasive. Beneficiory sho�l be entitled to enface payment ond performonte of any indebtedness or obligptions secured � ,��'�';�' <br /> hereby and to ezercise all rights and powers under this Deed of Trost or under any other agreement exetuted inco�nection herewith or any lows j '���� <br /> now or hereafter in force,notwithstanding some or all of the such indebtedness ond obligations secured hereby may now or hereofter be other- i ��,�•:: <br /> {�;a�: <br /> wise secured,wfiether by mortgoge,deed of trust, pledge,lien,assignment or otherwise.Neither the acceptance of this Deed of Trust nor its , ;'s} <br /> enforcement whether by court actian or pursuont to the power of sale or other powers herein contained,shall prejudice or in any rrwnner affect � • <br /> Beneficiary's right to reati:e upon or enforce any other security now or hereafter hetd by Beneficiary,it being agreed that Beneficiory shall be 1 <br /> entitled to enforce this Deed of Trust and any other security now or hereafter held by Beneficiary in such order and manner as it muy in its ab• ' ��= <br /> solute discretion determine.No rernedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Beneficiary is intended to be ezc�usive of any other remedy herein � <br /> �'°'� or by law provided or permitted,but each shall be cumulotive and sholl be in addition to every other remedy g iven hereunder or now or hereafter � <br /> existing at low or in eq��ty or by statute.Every power or remedy prov�ded herewider th�s Deed of Trust ro Benetrtiory or to which it may be � <br /> otherwise entitled, moy be exercised,concurrently or independently,frorn time to time and os oRen as mny be deemed ezpedient Beneficiary ' <br /> and it may pursue inconsistant remedies.Nofhing herein shall be construed as prohibiting Beneficiury from seeking o deficiency judgment against ;' <br /> the Trustor to the extent such action is permitted by law. ;„ <br /> 10. Transfer of Propert�r;IEsaumption.lf all or any part of the property or any interest therein is sold,trmsferred or tonveyed by Trustor •� <br /> without Beneficiary's prior written consent,excluding(o)the creation of o lien or encumbrance subordinate tothis Deed of Trust,(b)the crea- <br /> ,:_ - -_--_-- -. • • ' •-`- •-- <br /> __t_.�..a.,..:.., ae.�e.,�,,.1,,,�.,a�r inn nf Inw�mon the death of a <br /> , tion of o purchase money secuniy imeresi ior nouse�o�o aF,E;��u��tes,i��� ����������r��•••�.��•--•••-• —�-�-- - - - • • -- <br /> . joint tenont or (d) the grant of any leusehold interest of three years or less not containing an option ta purthase, Beneficiary moy, at . <br /> Beneficiury's option,dec�are all the sums secured by this Oeed df Trust to be immediotely due and payable,or cause the Trussee to fite a notice <br /> of default.Beneficiary shall have waived such option to accelerate if,prior to the sa�e,transfer or conveyance, Beneficiury and the person to ;:�: <br /> whom the property is to be sold or transferred reoch ogreement in writing that the credit of such person is satisfactory to Beneficiary and that , <br /> •��'�:�t'�� the interest payable on the sums secured by this Deed of Trust shall be ot such rate as Beneficiary shnll request. i <br /> ' � <br /> . ; <br /> � J �_ <br />