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<br /> ------- 19.��sfer oi tde I�mperty or w B�t�Rcla9 interest in Dorr�we3r.IP�ll or czny part of the Pmperty or nny intenst ln It
<br /> ...�o,� — iA Eotd ar tmnsfencxi(or it n bcne�icinl i�l2:ress in�ttawer is sotel or trunsfcrrod nnd Barrowcr ls nat a na�urai persun)wiAtaiu =
<br /> � ��� � Lcndcr's pcior wdtten conscnt, l,ender ir�f, ut its option, �qt�ire lmr�edlato payment in ti�ll of nll sums e�ocured by this
<br /> !'_'°�"'°`'��`..�._``�� Se.v�:.�:.rstn�n�nt.Mowever.thia aptian shall ttot be eMCr�cised by i.enct2r if exQrcise is prohibited by foderal law ns of tt:tt Qtue —
<br /> _-_��_� oYthia Sccudty Irtstrument.
<br /> _,;:,A����w�� if I�enQer exerci.s�s this ap►rian.t.c;xt�r shall givc�atca�ver notfcc of�teratitrn.74ic notIca eh�it�rovide a��iad of�t �--_--- -
<br /> -�_��� less than 30 days fram ttx d.ua'tho'dasice is deliverad or maited H�Ithi�which Borrower m+tst pAy nll sums sec�red by this
<br /> -,�-�:�;�_� Sururity(nstn�ment. lf BQtrocteitY#�Is tp pay these sum�prior to the expimtion af this pedad,I.emter m�y invake any cemedtes L
<br /> - '°•�`-=`�i permttt�t by tUis Sccariry I��st��i�ki►rwithaut iurther natioe ar demand on Borro�rer.
<br /> ����+?"`_'�� 18. Bmrrower'e Ri�ht ta l�etnstate. If Borrower meets certnin oonditions, Borrower shull huvo ihe right to hnve
<br /> ''.`�a`��"'•��-• enforoement of this Secunty I�strument disaondnued ut uny time prla:to the earlier of: (n)S dnya(ar such other petiod as
<br /> ' "�'"%° '�� n licable law ma 5 if for ninstutem�nt) befot� sale of the Pro ucsumit to stn wer of snte oontained in this
<br /> .. �,.� :, PP 9 •P� Y Perii' P Y P�
<br /> ._•�-. Secadty Instniment:or Ib)entry of n judgment enfarein�this Security Instrument.Those canditians are thot Borro�ver:(u)pays c _
<br /> ' i_ [.ender ul!sums which then�voutd Ms due under this Secu�ity Instrument an d the Note as i f na ucce leration hn d occu rt�d;(b)
<br /> . . �.' , curc.w any default of ony other covenants ar t�reements;(c)pays nll expe:�ses incurred in enforcing this Secudry Inshument, _
<br /> including.but rtot limited ta.reasonable attama�s' fees;artd(d)takes such action as L.ender may re,��c+nnbly requiria ta t�ssu� ,� _
<br /> � that the lien of thie Security Instrument. l.ender a rights in the Property sind Barrower's obligntion to puy the sums secured by _
<br /> thi�s Security [nstrument shall continue u�changod. Upon reinstatement by Bflrrower. this Serurity Inst�ument artd the
<br /> obligatians secured hereby shull remain fully effestive as if aa ucceleration had occurred.However, this nght to reinstate slr�ll _
<br /> ' crot apply in che case of acceleration unde�parag�aph 17. ____
<br /> ` Il9. �C¢cr€Notc; Chunge of I.out► Servtcer. The Note vr a partial interest in the N[ote Qtogether with this S�cvrity ___._
<br /> lnstrumertc>may 4�e sold one or mom times withuut prior rtotice to Socirower. A sale muy resalt in a cL�e in the e�Aety t�own —=—
<br /> , as tP�e'Loan Serv�ces"}ti�;ai collects monthly payments dae cccnder the�Iote and Rhes Security Inseniment.TRere also may f�e v��
<br /> or more changes of the fl�oan Servi��r unretuted to a sate oE che Kote. �f rhere is a chan�c of thc�,.aan Servieer.��rc�acrec enri!!be N„„_--
<br /> given written notice of tlxe change in acxordance with paragra�gh Z4 alaove and apy�l'ecable Iaw.The aatioe will state 4P��nante aitd ��
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which pay�en¢s should be made.The reotice wiU also rnntain any other
<br /> inforniation mquired by applicable law. �e?�' •
<br /> 20. Hazardous Substances. Borru�ve�shall not cause or gem�it the presence, use, dispusal, storage, or release of any
<br /> Nararcious Substances on or in the Property. Horrawer shall n�t do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the �
<br /> Property that is in violation of any Environmcntal Luw.The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presertce.use, or �„a-
<br /> storage un the Propecty of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recogaized to be appropriate to norn�al �°
<br /> , _,;,;,.,:`; residential uses aad to maintenance of the Property. �
<br /> �.---
<br /> .�; Borrower shall promptly give Lender wntten nntice of any im•estigation. claim, demaad, tawsuit or other action by any ��°�"g`
<br /> ^".�,,:;•:.�. l�i;.�..
<br /> � ' govemmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental l.m�w �,�_
<br /> ' of which Borrower has acwal knowledge. If Borcower learns,or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory authority.that - --
<br /> ;;':j�__ _ any removal or other remediatian of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is neces�ary.Borrower shall pmmptly ta{;e q.�;.
<br /> ' aii necessaty remedial actions in u�ti�nLtnuc wiii�Euvi�auwci�i:u i..a�i. �'-_�
<br /> �;j As used in this puragraph 20, "Hazardous Substancec" arc thosr substartces defined as toxic or 6alardous substanoes by �'°-`�
<br /> �. Environmental I.aw and the fnll�iwing wbxtances: gasoline, kero�ene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic �'�;:
<br /> •r. � pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents, materials mntaining asbestos or forn�aldehyde,and radioactive materials. As usrd in �;."�•'�
<br /> this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" me:�n�federal laws and laws af the jurisdiction where the Property is lorated that --,
<br /> relste to health,safety or em•ironmental protection. � �y
<br /> • NON-UNiFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender funher covenant an�t aL�ree as follows: �� �;
<br /> 21. Acceleration; I�emedies. l.ender shall give notice to Borrower prior to�ccelerallon following Borrower's breach �"� � "
<br /> of any cov��nnt or agreement in this Secu�it�� Instrument (but not prior to acceleration under paragraph 17 anless
<br /> , ' applicabte➢�a�+ �rovides ofhen�•tse).The notice shall specffy: (a)the default; (b) the actton requ[red to cure the default; ".
<br /> (cl a date,nat less tha��0 days frnm the date the�otice is gt�•en to Born►Her, by a�hich the default must be cured:artd
<br />- (�Dy 4D�at failure to cure the defautt on or befare the date specitied in the natire mav result in acceleration of the sums ° ,
<br /> '•'��'� secured by this Securit��Instrument and sule uf the Property. The notice shall further infurm Borroo•er of the rfght to .
<br /> `� . ' reinstate after acceleration and the right to br[ng a court actio�n rta� assert the non�existence of a default or any other
<br /> ' � ' �� defense of Borrower to acceleratton and sale. If the default IS eea�i eured on or befom the date specified in the no4i�a.
<br /> . �ri__;�';:..
<br /> •.;,J., ; L,ender, at its option, ma�• require tmm�dtate pa��ment in fult uff a�l sums secured b�� ihis Srrurity Instrument witbout
<br /> '%.��• further demand and may invoke the po�ver of sule and am•othcr remedies perrnitted by applicable Iaw. I.ender shall be
<br /> _;;, . ,
<br /> • �' ,� entitled to collect all exper�.evw i�currnd in pursuin�YQ�e r�medies provided in thi�prara�raph 21,includin�,A�ut not limited
<br /> ```� s� an,reasonable attorneys'Pecw ua�d costs of title e�•idru�re.
<br /> '•'`• ���' If the poaer of.r•ale is invoked, Trustee xhall record a natice nf default ia� rach count�• in wh[ch any part ot the
<br /> -,�5'�1 , � �f(,,�.'-ti.; -
<br /> -r�.. � Propert�• i. lncated and shafl muii cupi:�,of surh noticr in the manner prescribed b}•app�ecable laK•to BorroKer and to
<br /> •'" ' . . . the other persnns prescribed b� appliruble ltn��.After the time reyuired by�applirable la��. 'H'rustee shall�ive pablic a���ace ,
<br /> '`�`� uf Sule ta tC�e persons and in thr manner prcncrit�ed b��applicable law�.TrustE�e, Nithout demand on Borro�ver,shall seli
<br /> �„�� th�Pro�aert� at public:a+icl9on to the hi�hest bidder at the time and place und under the tern�s designated in the no3ice of ,_
<br /> "' �ale tn one ar mure parcci,and in am orurr i ru.ier detrrniine+. i'rustee ma� postpone wle of ali or anc parcei oi tne � � -
<br /> � • ' �r��pertv be public announcement ut the time and place of am previousl� scD�eduled sule. I.ender or its desi�ner ma}�
<br /> i;•�"i purchase the iPropert�•at s�m•�le.
<br /> •�:
<br /> t.�;��.
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