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<br /> ' � � Sxhibit "A" -- ����-::-
<br /> r`.}S"°`�'�'-- -
<br /> _- _ ._.___ __ The Nort�east Quarter (NE1/4) of 3ecticn Eleven (11), TownaS�ip ''"'*�f`=���=-��-i13
<br /> ��_..-
<br /> �, Eleven (11?� North� Range Niae (9), West of the 6th P.M., North �•'"'"
<br /> ; _�._��:.�_�
<br /> � �� �f the Union Pacific Railroad �raat, Hall County, Nebraska, '���'""r`—
<br /> i 5•�F^.`_-
<br /> ' � - excepting a certain tract in ehe Nor�hweat Quarter o� the � .•'.�'�-
<br /> .. . _. .__-��...
<br /> . Northeast Quarter (NWl/4NE1/4) of Sectfon Lleeen (11), commencing ; �"-=+����r���.:
<br /> �- • at the Northwast corner of the Northeagt Quarter of Section Eleven ,;:•;'�;;.�" �
<br /> � (11), thencg cunning East Two Hundrec7 3ixty Feet (260' )s thence � � . �
<br /> ,.,.
<br /> . . � � � �
<br /> � South E'ive tiundred and Sightoen FoQt (538•) ; thance SrJc:st Twa ° ---°- - -- -�-� --
<br /> Hundred 3ixty Feet (260') ; thence North Five Hundred Eighteen .,
<br /> P'eet (518� 3 to the �OOie�t oE beginning and except a tract � :k
<br /> comme�ncing at the Nor�(heast corner o� Sec�ion Eleven (11) , , ..
<br /> Townshfp 6leven (bl). L�ortho Ft�nge Nin� (9)e thamce Westerly , � ' -
<br /> One T6�ousand Sfx Humdrced Th�g��ern and �aes�ty Six Hundredths .
<br /> ` Feet (1613.26' ) ; themce Sou��e�ly One �'housand Eig4tt Hundred
<br /> Fourte�n and Sevent�em �lundcedths Feet (1814.17' ) to the North
<br /> ' • right of aay line of �4�e Union Pacif�.c Raflroad; thence . � �'"�� --
<br /> ' ' ' Northeasterly one Thousand S�v�an Hun�red Nirn�ty Five and Fifty : . �,�;:"��__
<br /> ;•�F`,,;; Nine Hundredths Feet (1795.s9' ); the�nce �70r��serly to the point • •��+;.7..n„';_.
<br /> >"� of beginning, a diatance of �p,�proximatel�v Nane �lunc3red Ninety � . • `�`
<br /> Two and Nine Hundredt7�s Feet. . � ., :���'�.=
<br /> ,. ,�; 1�'="`;��
<br /> AND „ 'c'�� 1j•[��-�'
<br /> •i�__
<br /> •�. .K1�e':_
<br /> � "��`�: A tract of land comprising a part of the Nor�heast Quarter (NE1/4) � .':,�:=
<br /> . of Section Eleven (11) , Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine ���h}�
<br /> �� (9), Weat of the 6th P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska, more � �� � ` ,
<br /> �� •"j� particularly deacribed as follovs: Beginning at the northeast .%•;;..•; �,
<br /> - - : - � -- ' .�` �'
<br /> -- � caraer af safd �ectian Elevar. (23?; thcnca Scutttcrly slong �::� ,,.�,�`-:�-- -" ;g
<br /> east line of said Sectfon Eleven (11) , a distance of Nine Hundred
<br /> Ninety two and Nine Hundredths (992.m9) feet to the northerly , ���
<br /> right-of-way lfne of R.hne Union Pacifi� Railroad; then�e southwesterly �'�
<br /> . �a,• along sai.d cight-of-way line a distaruce of One Thousand Seven
<br /> Hundr�d Ninety Five and Fifty Nine Hundredths (1,795.59) feet; � �
<br /> thence NorCherly Parallel to the east line of said Section , �.�
<br /> Elevem (11), a distance of One Thousand EighC Hundred Fourteen �:���i
<br /> and S�venteen Hundredths (1,814.17) feet to the north line of f "
<br /> said Section Eleven (11); then�e eas�erly along the north line �
<br /> of said Section Eleven (11), a distance of One Thousand Six I , ��
<br /> Hundred Thirteen and Twenty Six Hundredths (1,613.26) feet to � , �
<br /> the place of beg inn ing. � r-=�
<br /> ,
<br /> AND ' '�l������.
<br /> 4 ,..�.;a'
<br /> A tract oE land comprising par� of the Northwest Quarter of the ;.ti`.`:� '•
<br /> Northeast Q�arter (NW 1/4 NE 1/4) and a part of the Northeast ����' _
<br /> Quartec of the NorCheast Quarter (NE 1/4 NE 1/4) of Section Twelve i� ��� .
<br /> (12), Township Eleven (11 ) North, Range Nine (9) west of the 6th 1� ..
<br /> P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as
<br /> �_„_ .
<br /> LV11VwO•
<br /> Begirnning at a point on the north line of said Northeast Quar�sr
<br /> of th�� NQrthaast Quarter (NE 1/4 NE 2/4), said point being Ninety
<br /> One �csd Ninety Seven Giundredths (91.�?) feet east of �:�e northwest
<br /> corcn�¢� of said Northeast Quarter of *r�� Northeast (�*uarter (NE 1/4 •
<br /> NE I/4); thence N 90� 00' 00" E (assumed bearing) along and upon
<br /> • th� rnorth line of said Northeast Quacter of tFue Northeast Quarter
<br /> .�:,,r� (N� L/4 NE 1/4) a distance of Forty �nd Thicty Three Hundredths
<br /> ' ."•� (40.33) feet; thence S 34° 47' 39" W � distance of Two Hundred
<br /> � Tw�ntgr Six and Thir�y Seven Hurndr�dti�.s (226.37) feet to a point
<br /> on the west line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast
<br /> ) Quarter (NE 1/4 NE 1/4) ,
<br /> I
<br /> _ i
<br /> 1
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> --� - - - �
<br />