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<br /> ;�.:,'`,:�;:;:��'.::�j;� ld.Honower's Copy.�Bomower eh�ll be�tvon oae eoAtormed copy of the Nate and of thts 3aourtt�rInstcument. -
<br /> ,,..�, 17.�'raaefer oi tho Ptopori or a Haaetiei�l InEsrest Ia Bonower.It atl or any pirt oi tho Pt+operty os�ny __ _
<br /> . � .:,,. intes+a;t in it ie eold or tranefornod�ot i!a besieitcial intorest In Borrower is eold or tnnsferrod aad BopraHer ie not• �,--_,.,,.,4_____
<br /> � . - natural pessoa)�vlthout Lender's or Nrltteu oonsent,Leader may,at Its opttan�nbqaire imtnedi�te payment ia fu11 ox =-
<br /> a11 aums seaured by tWa SecurIty Inatrument.Howaver� ttde optton shall aot be eyorofaed by Lei►der ii exeroIea ie ��=__
<br /> �� prohtbited by tederal law as of tl►e�te of thte Sccurtty Ynstrumoa� ���--
<br /> __ ,�._._.:_...__._ u�der eset�tan thie optton,I.ender ohell�tve Bortoaar ntRiee oi aceelaration The not�co ehatt provtde a parIod ��.: -
<br /> ° . of aot less than 30 daye ftom the dete the notioe ia deltvend or�na�ted withia which Borrower muBt pay�ll sums eeaured `--LL-_�—� -- -
<br /> • � by tbie Securlty Inswmeat,If Borcower fails tfl pay these aumapnor to tt�e eYpiradon ot this pertod.Leader msy iavoke =��.;-:�.,�: _„__
<br /> . , eny ramedies per�it4ed by thls 5eeurlty I�strument aIthout fuYther aaslce or dsmnnd oa Borrow�r. '..��,,-'._ _
<br /> "' 18.Horro�er's Ri:ht to Reiastatc.It BorroNer meets certain condidone,Borrower shell have the d�ht to have �;�.',:�a_=
<br /> . " entoroomeat oi this Seeud Instrument dieoontlnued at any ttme prtor w tha eulier of:(a)S days(or such otherperlod �'�'�"`�_=
<br /> . .1�-=-_=--
<br /> ,.. .,;.:.,'��+�.,s:--
<br /> as appltcable law mmy iy for rainstatemee►t)before sale o4 the Ptop�ty pwsuant w nnypower oi sale eontained�n ,,,;;,r._�,;:; _
<br /> thts SeeurI Ine�umeat; or (b) eatry o4 a 3udgment enfore�ng this Security Insteuenent�Those oondidons aro th�t � ':.�,{=�'�;='=°_ -
<br /> _° Borrower.�a) paya Leitder a1i sums Nhieh tlien would bo dua under thte Seeudty b�truri�ent aad tha Idote as If sta � --� -.- -_..
<br /> eooeleratton had ooaurrod;�b)ow�esan�deiault oi any other covenants or egroements;(e)paye all espentns fncumd�n ;.�
<br /> " eniorctn�this SeaurIty Instrument,iacludiag,but not 1{m�ted to,r�aeonable attc►rt�e�s'fa�and(d)takas euch aotion ea ��, • .���
<br /> Leredet may reaeonably e+a�utre to ass�tt+e that the lien of this Socurtty IAatrument,L�►der a rlghts ia the Pmpetty ast� � . �'; ._
<br /> • �,r�wef'a�bli�ationtopay thesumsseaurodby thiaSeaurityInatcumentshalIoonttnuevachanged.Uponretnstatemenx � . ; :. �-
<br /> bg��aamc�roe,R�s Securlty Ic�strument end the obligationasecured hereby ahall remain fully�iteaNveas it no aooeler��a�n � '��'� �,. �:� � �*
<br /> � F�.a�a�vcuaxod.Ifi�owever,thie right to reinstata shall not apply in the case oi acceleratton under paregcaph 17. ; ' �' . ;�. .,:-
<br /> fl�.�eE��S Note;Ch�nge oi Losa Servicer.The Note or a partial interest in the Note(to�ethar wl�ttt►3his Sseuee8y ' � - �_.
<br /> Iers�rnement)msy be sold ona or more times wtthunot�raior notice to Barrower.A sale may result in a e�amfga a�►t4eeentity � ��'`�'<;t°
<br /> (keeowa as tpee'Loan Servicer")that collects aa�onsP��g paymentsdua under the Note and thisSecuri3y IIcrs�eurmeIIn�Then ;' ''�'.''*�°°
<br /> ti^.��,-•o.
<br /> atso ma be o�e or more chan es of 3Re$.Qa�n Scsvicor unretated to a sste oi the Note.EP S�eeee is a c8�aia�e of 6�te Irnaie . • "=j`'"`�-�"""'
<br /> r g °�,�.---
<br /> Servicet,�reo�ver will be given written ecoYie�oP ihe change in accordanoe wIth paragraph fl�abovo s�md applicsble IIaH. f�—
<br /> ,,;�.�.._�.
<br /> The notice wiil state tha name and address of 34�e�n�w dAan Servicer artd the aadress to wluc4�payments sltcould 4�e made. .�;�:,_T
<br /> � Tlee notioe will also contai n any other informa3ion�cecred by applicable law. - :'' �' ; =
<br /> ,,,„�: 2(1.Hazudous Substeaces.Borrower shaiD�ac cai�sa orpermit the g�nca,use.diepesel.etorage�or releasa of • ,.: �
<br /> :':;t�;�.:
<br /> a n y H e z a r d o u s S u b s t s n ce s o n or n n the Pro B�sa�naer shall not do,nor nE➢�w anyone else to do.anything afiecting �:;;�t'��t'�` .���"m f�—:
<br /> „ the Property tlhat ia in violation of any Env�r�o n mental Law,The preceding two aentences s h a l l not app IY LO�E pICSCnO�� F���{)+�� ���j�
<br /> � use, or st�ra�� on the of small quantities oi Haza�a'.Enras Subsr.anc�a that are generally recognized to Ae ,
<br /> D
<br /> � appto�p n'ate¢�r�ormal res��t i�uses an d to maintenance o f t h�Fm�n�e r t y.. . . ��` �',."
<br /> ,:
<br /> Borrower ahall promptly give Lendec written notice of any investigauon,claim,demand,lawsuit or other action by •,���
<br /> aea1� governmentat orregulatory agemcy or privatc party involving the Property and an� Hazatdous Substsnce or r��'„
<br /> �ir��yronmental Law of which Borrower has actual kae��vledge.If Borrower lensns,or is notified by any governmental or �-...
<br /> regulatory authority. that eny removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Ptoperty ie
<br /> n•axa�ry.Borrower s�`islt prompt2�iakc al1 n�:y:amedis!scLi�tts ia aczordeace with Environm�ie!Law. -- '_
<br /> As used in this paregraph 20 Hazardous Substartces"are those subetances defined as toxic or hazardoussubetances ��s'��,•
<br /> b}�nvironmental Laa and the following substences:gasoline.kerosene,other tlammable or tosic petroleum producta, �:',,;,� ,�;;�; �a �.
<br /> toxic p�t�cides and herbicides, volatile solvents, mnateriels contaitung esbescos or formaldehyde, and radioactive i.,f, ��.
<br /> . � ��.:,:-., �:
<br /> materlals.As used in this paragreph 2D, Environmental Law means federal laws and lawe of the jurisdiction where the i,_;,, , , .
<br /> ' Prope�y is focated that telate to health,safety or environmental protection. �,
<br /> . NON-UNdFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and I.ertder f urth�r covenant and agree as follow� � ;�';�;��,
<br /> ' 21. Accel¢rat�on; Remedies. Lender shall give naaIIicx to Borrower prior to ac�celeration followit�g � •h��'f;t•;'r';�
<br /> '<'''• � �' Borrower's breach of any coveaant or agreemeni in this Security Instrument (but aot prior to acceleratioa ;%'� .
<br /> -' i1�� : , '' 4 .
<br /> �••.;; uades paragraph 17 unleas applicsble law provides otherwise).The aotice shall speci[y:(a)the default;(b)the
<br /> , action required to cur� the default; (c) a date. not less than 30 days from the dato the nottr.e is given to ' •
<br /> Borrower.by which the default must ba cured;and(d)thet fatlure to cure the default on or before the date '��;. ���.��
<br /> ; specified ia the aotice may result ia acceleration of 46e sums secured by this Securit}•Instrumeat aad sale of + �,�'��'r�;.�}
<br /> the Property.The aotice shalI turther i�dorm �orrower of the right to reinstate a9ter accxlersttoa�ad the i �,��,:,'y�rf��
<br /> right to bring a court actian to asscrt the aon-eacistence of a default or any other dePens� of Bonower to ; ��::�`����.`�'
<br /> aoceleratioa and sale.Ii the default is not cured on or betore the date specitied ia the aotice. I.�nder,at its i, - . ,
<br /> option. may require immediate payment in full ot atl sums secured by this Security Inetrument without � ,
<br /> furtber demsad and may involce the power of sale a�d any other reea��dies permitted by applicable law. ,. �
<br /> I.ender aha90 be entitled to collect ail expenses incurred in p�rsuing the remedies provided in this paragrapb � � '�'
<br /> 21.includi��$.but aot limited to,re�soaable attorueys'fees a�d costs of iitle evidence. %�. :�:}?��
<br /> If the powes of sale is�nvoked,Trustee shall record a notice of default in each county in which any par4�� , `"�'•�•'
<br /> �,�;
<br /> � tho Propetty is located end shall mail copies af such aotice in the maaner�rescribed by ap�Dicsble law to �. .
<br /> Bonower snd to the other persons prescribe�by applicable law.After the t�me required b�r a�plicsble law. �
<br /> Trustee shall give publicnotice of sale to the ersons aad in the manner prescribed by ap�licsbie law.Trustee, .�,, ��,
<br /> without demand oa Borrower.shal!sell the�roperty at public auction to the highest b�dder at the time aad �
<br /> piace and uader the terme desix�nt��ir, :�c u�tice oi saie in one or more parcels and ia any order Trostee ;,,�
<br /> datermiaes.Truste�mal�ostpoae sale of aEl or any parcel of the Property by public$anouncemeat at the
<br /> � ' tame and place of any �reviously scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may purchase the Property at any
<br /> ' , " sale.
<br /> ' • Form 302E �J/90
<br /> �—BRfNEI�c�obiot o.a.s o�e Ioitieic
<br /> '�/
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<br /> ,�5 •v •� .
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<br />