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<br /> L{;�,�s,.�. 9�— sv�s�� —
<br /> �'=����'�� -`• et the optton of Lender. ii martgage tnswxnce coverege �In the nmount and for the pnrIod that I.ender raauirea� _
<br /> �` ""�'"'�~�" pravIded by en inaurer approved by Lender again becomes avaiteble end ie obtelned.Honower shsll pay tAe premiume _ a_
<br /> .~ � ��� ,�:^��.. � r�equired to mnintein mortgaga Ins�uanoe in eitaot, or to pravlde�lose t�caerve,until the tequiremeat tor mortg�ge . — �
<br /> " � Insurance enda In accordance wtth any wdtten agreoment between Bonower and Laader or appllcabla lacv. __ __
<br /> � �_ _
<br /> � �° �� 9.Inspeot�on.Lendor or its ag�mt may make�nable entrtes upon artd inspcottons oi the Praperty.Lender aha11
<br /> '�'#�f give Borrower nottce at the time of or prtor to an inspoction specIfying reasoneble cause tor the i nepe,ction. � ' ��`��
<br /> �,. -_ -
<br /> .; {.�,_ ,. _ _n�.�:.:---
<br /> !0.Coademaatiom.Tt►e proceeda of any nwerd or al�im tor damages,dit�ot or cortsequenttal�in conneation wlth
<br /> ' any condamnadon or athar teking of any part of tha Proparty.or for conveyanae in lieu oi condemnatIon,are hareby ���>�« ;- --
<br /> . ?��_�,.�Y-.
<br /> � esslgned and shail be paid co Len6er. '�"°".�:_-;----_-
<br /> ,,°" in the event oi a total teking oi the Property,the ptoceeds shall be applted to tha gums secured by this Securlty =���''���=__�=
<br /> ..�.�.�,se,�..
<br /> Instrument,whether or not than due,with any eacess id to Borrower.In the event of a tal taking of the Pro in `'`� �'�"v---
<br /> Pa Part P�Y ..:,�.r :.-•Y:;�k�-.:—
<br /> - whioh the fair merket value of tha Pro immedtately before the talcin ia ual to or ter than the amount of the " ' � " °s°'�`=
<br /> . __ .. . _ , PartS+ 8 e4 � � .�:�:_�_��=!�-�!t*--
<br /> aums seaured by this Seaunty Inatcument immedlately before the takIng,u�lesa Borrower and Lender otherwiea s - -:;:�,;:'_�"� _;�
<br /> in writin�,the autria secured by thie Secur�ty Inattument ehall ba reduced by the a:nount o!the procceds multiplted by .. .
<br /> the following fraction:(a)the total amount of the aums secured immediately before the taking,d�vIded by�b)tha fair ".` :' '.`�"'`
<br /> maricet value of the Property immediately bsiore the taking.Any balance shall ba paid to Borrower.In the event oi a '-
<br /> _ � ' pa�iat tat�ixig o�tho Yroperrty in which tha feir market vatue o£the Property inn�med{ately before the talcing ie less than �. . .
<br /> .:_�•.;., .
<br /> tSte amount o4�lho suras secured im.mediately bafore the taking�unless Borrowar end Lender otherwiso mgree in writing ���� , :.� � �� .
<br /> or v n less � lica b la laav o t Aerrwisa rovi des, t he e h a l l b e a l i e d t o t h e e u n e s s e c u r e d b y t ti.s S e c w�i�y ���' '� '�' �'';`
<br /> . pP P 1 P�8 P P i; - ,.
<br /> Instrument whetQee or not Ehe sums aee t1tc�due. � ..��� '
<br /> If the�aperEy ie abarndoned by�vrr��rar,or if.after notice by Lender to H�orro wer t II r a t�e c o n d e m n a r o f f e r�t o � °`'�`�"';;},w;,�n:.
<br /> make an award or sattle a cIaim fmr dam��zes, Borrower fails w respond to II.eicder within 30 daya efter the date the �_-��"';,_��-
<br /> � notica is given,Lender is anathorized to colEect and a�ply the proceede,at its op8�ion,either to restoration or repair of the , �;:�;�..:�_:�
<br /> Property er to the sums secured by this Secn�rety Ina��►ment,whether or not them due. �'�.��•�_
<br /> Unless I�nder and Bosrower mtherwisa ngaee in writing,any agplication of pruceeds to�rincipal shall not extend or ��� "�� �
<br /> nostpone the due date oi the montiily p�yments rePerred to in paragraphs D and 2 or chan�e the amount of such
<br /> . payments. • .j".•, .'� ._
<br /> �II. Bonower NoY 1l�¢lxssed; Forbesrance By Lender Not a Waivem. Extension of t�e time S'c+r payment or .>�;;���� �'
<br /> modification of amortiaatnwn of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender w a�y successor in �._:,;. `�i�•
<br /> • interest of Borro�ver shall not operate to release tha liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in "`'�+''�' r�"� -
<br /> � interest.Lender sAall nat hae required to commence procxedings agaiast any successor in interest or re?use w ester►d �r
<br /> time for payment or othermise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any , •
<br /> � b e ori e al Borrower or Borroaer's successors in interest.An forbearance by Lender in exercising �'�`•^ ��.
<br /> iemani made y th g n Y ;�, .�
<br /> _ .� any ri�ht or remedy sha11 not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. _ � _
<br /> 12.Successors aad Assigns Bound;Joint a:td Several Liability;Co-sigaers.The covenants and agteements ;
<br /> of this Security Instrument ahall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the � .� .
<br /> � provisiona of paragraph!7. Borrower s covenants and agreements shall be joint and several.Any Borrower who co-signs � �
<br /> . � ttus Security Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-aig*iing this Security Instrument onty to mortgage, " ?��' �
<br /> I grant and convey that Boa�ro�vcrs interest in the �roperty under the terms v9 shis Security Instrunnent; (b) ia not ,� ' ' �,j '
<br /> s r;�:
<br /> �. par�nally obligated to pfl�. the aums secured by this Security Inatrument;araJ (c) agree.s that L.ender and any other ��::; ,. . ° �;�i �
<br /> Borrower may agree to ext�nd, modify,forbear or make any accommodations with regard to the terms of t6�isSecurity � .���! ��``'-
<br /> • Insuument or the Note without that Borrower's consent. � •'�'�
<br /> 13. Loan Charges.If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan �" ' '
<br /> i charges, and that law is f��ally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in � �.t.
<br /> ; connection with the loan exceed the permitted limits,then: (a) any such loan charge ahall be reduced by the amount . • � ry���
<br /> ' necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit; and (b) any sums a�ready collecte3 trom Bonower which j �;.. • ;�/'
<br /> exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to makc this refund by reducing the , �;:i'
<br /> principat owed under the Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower.If a refund reduces principal,the teduction .
<br /> will be tteated as a partial prepayment without any prepayment charge under the Note. �
<br /> l4. Notices.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instru�ent shall be given by deli�•eting it or by i � ,
<br /> mailing it by first class mail unless applicable laN requires use of another method.The notice shall be directed to the F�' :� � ,
<br /> Property Address or any other address Bormwer designates by notice to Lender.Any notice to Lender shall be given by •
<br /> first class mail to Lender's address stated herein or any other address I.ender designates by notice to Borco�ver. Any -
<br /> notice provided for in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to ha��e been given to Borrower or L.ender when given
<br /> as providecl in this paragraph,
<br /> t5. Gvverniug iaw; Saveraoiiiiy.Ti►is Securi�y instrumentsnaii oe g��etned'oy iederai iatv and the iaa oi tne
<br /> � jurisdiction in t�hich the Property is located.In the event that any provision or :lause of this Security Ins:rument or the
<br /> `� Note conflicts with applicable IaN,such conflict shal l not affect other pro��isions of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> : which can be given effect without the conflicting pro��ision. �fo this end the proeisions of this Security Instrument and
<br /> '..i
<br /> the Note are declared to be severable.
<br /> 1
<br /> � Form 3028 9/9U
<br /> ' ' �-6RlNEkv,osxo i v.a.a,� a Imtcolr.
<br /> , •�
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