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<br /> - ,c<ie►xtllil • :ak... •_.__...�_._._.��_ ...v��__
<br /> =-_�.:� g4�.�-- �,��s�o � _-----. - -
<br /> �� puymenu+msiy rto longer be required,ut the option of Lender.if mortgage insuronce coverago(in the umonnt and Pnr�tt�E perlat
<br /> -��_�'``�''�'� thui Lender rcquires)pmvided by an tnsurer appmved by Lender again bccomes uvailable and ia obtained.Bonower sh�l!pay ---
<br /> --------_�-° tho premiumx required to maintsin mortgnge insurnnce in effect,or ta provide a lass reserve.until the reguirement for mo�tgage
<br /> -�=•�—��� i�surance en�s 1n accordeutce�vith any wdtten ugcrement betwesn Borrawet artd Lender or npplicable law.
<br /> _"'wF';4"i`P",�"'s 9.InspeMion.I.ender or its agent mr�y make reasonabla entries upun and inspections of the�roperty. Y.ender sha11 give `--�-- - `
<br /> --r�"�'�Y��`'�`� Borrower notice at the tima of or nor to an In an in reasonable cause for the i�u tion.
<br /> _ �:.`.� p ' � �£Y � P�
<br /> -.—.h771'i:``-'�`!U:�t.
<br /> •r••-•._.. ,� 10. Condemnation.The proceads of any awand or claim for damages, dire�t or consequenGal.in connection whh any
<br /> :-:��,,,. .. ...... � ---
<br /> --- �' �-,,.� condemnation or other taking of any part of the Property, or for canveyance in lieu of candemnation.are hereby assigreed and
<br /> --.:���;: .`.� shap be pald to Lender.
<br /> ' In the event of a total taking uf the Propecty,the proceeds shalt be applie�t to the sums secuned D�this So4.-�tticy Iostrument, --
<br /> -- - �-`'`�` whethcr or not thcn dae. with any excess paid ta Bortower. In the event of a partea!taldct�of ttte Pro�erty in v,rhi�t�,e fair --
<br /> �::��_- ... _
<br /> � market vulue of the Property immediately before the taking is equal ta or greater tJtan�.te amowzt o£the su�rs secu�!�y this R;�--
<br /> ::���'�•; Security instrument immediately before the taking,unless Borrower and lxmder o8zerwis�agreE in writing.the sums s�r�by - _----
<br /> ��;�.,,•:.;�'. ..` _---
<br /> ; ..,.,s�,,, .. this Security Ynstrumeat shell be reduoed by the amount af the prmoeeds mu[tiplied by the following fractian: (a) the totat G_--
<br /> r'�l`:'?.`.'�'"` amaunt of the sums secured immediately before the taking, dividc;d by(b)the fair market value of the Property immedistely -�---
<br /> before the taking. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event af a partial takin�of the Property jn which the falr ��_
<br /> � market value of the Property imme�iately befor�e the taking is less than the amount of the sums secured immediately beforc the -�;,,.
<br /> . ' taking, unless Borcower and l..ender othenvise asree in wdting or unless applicable Iaw otherwlsc pmvides,the praceecia shull ��;;,�„�
<br /> ' be appliat ta the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums urc then duc. _ _�__
<br /> � If the Pmpeny!s ahandoned by Borrowcr,or if, nftcr notice by C.ender to&�rrowcr that thc cnrutemnar c►ffcrs m make nn � --
<br /> ' ,. . ' award or settlr u clufm fitt d�nmges, Bc�rrower fuits ta respond w I.ender within 30 cluyr. ufter the dnte the notice is given, �'�.,r
<br /> Lender is uuthorizeci to cc�llect and apply the pri�ceeJs,ut its option,either to restarution nr repuir of the Propeny or ta thc sum� �'���
<br /> 7� µ�'z_
<br /> , s�xurcd by thi�Scrurity Instrunv.�nt,whcihcr or nat thcn duc. ,�
<br /> -. Unlc+x l.cndcr und A��rrowcr��tl�erwitic uguc in writing, uny upplicution of pnxccd+tu principut ahull nut cxtend or '. .�i�;
<br /> po+t�xmc thc dur dutc of thc munthly puymcnt�refcrrul t��in parugraphs 1 und 2 or chun�c thc amount of such puyments. ;. .a� .
<br /> �� l l.linrrowcr Nnt Itcicm!�c�t Marinmrartcc By I.ender Not u Waiven Extensian uf the dme far puymcnt ar modificution ,;�',�.:``;��-
<br /> of umortixution af the+um��ecurcd hy thi+SMUriry Instrument grnnted by Lender tn uny succcssor in interest of Barrower shali �'
<br /> � .,jf':"�.
<br /> � • nut opernte t�� rcleur.e the liuhility of the arisinol &mower or Borrower's succes�ars in imerest. I.ender shall not t►e required to
<br /> � , commence proceaiingti aguinst uny suceesmr in interest or refuse to extend time far payment or otherwise modify amortization • _
<br /> ° of thc sums secured by this Security Instrumcnt by rcuson of any demand made by the ori�inal Borrower or Borrower's '".�
<br /> ,._-
<br /> __._= curce�corc in intFrPCI. Any forhearance hv Irncter in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or Qreclude the •
<br /> ....—.
<br /> exercise of any right ar remedy.
<br /> � 12. Successors and Assigas Bound; Joint and Saveral LiaG�ility; Co-signers. The covenants and agree�nents of this _`
<br /> Security Instrument shatl bind and benefit the successvrc and assions of b.ender and Burrower, subject to the p�ovisions of _
<br /> • � paragraph 17. Borrawer's covenants aad agreements shall be joint and ,e�ernl. Any Bc�rrower who co•signs t�is Security -`-
<br /> Instrument but dnes not execute the Note: (a)i�co-�igning thi.Sc•curity Inctrument only to mortgage, grana and convey that
<br /> Bonowcr's interest in the Property under the re�m.af thi.Srrurity Instrument; (b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums . ,-_
<br /> secured by this Security Insttument;and(c) agrecs ihat Ixnder and any other Borrower may agree to extend.modify,farbear or , —
<br /> • make any accommaiations with regard to the trrsr.i��f this Securiry Instrument or the Note without that Bormwer's consent. :-'�:
<br /> 13. Loan Charges. If the loan secured b� zhi� Se.urit�• Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum ioan charges. ,-
<br /> ����^.�'', , and thaz ia�� is tinally interpreted s�i that the intere�t or other I��an charge+collected or to be collected in connection with the •-
<br /> ���!'�' �' loan��:ecd tfie permitted limit.,then: (ai any tiuch luan charge shall bc reduced by thr amuunt necessary to reduce the churge ' _
<br /> .. , .:,:;�,.. ,-
<br /> ' ' to the permitted limic;and(b>any wmti alread� rollected fr��m Borr��we� which exceeded permitted limits�vill be refunded to , p�
<br /> Borrower. Lender may chix�se tc� make thi, refund hJ• reducing ihe principal owed under the Ne,te or by making a direct '`��-
<br /> payment to Borrower. If a refunJ redu.es prin.ipal, thc reduction «il: he treated :�. a purtial �repayment without Any
<br /> prepayment churge under thc Note. ,':,�,;�.5 �',
<br /> l4.Notices.Any nutirc tu Burr��a•cr p�ovidcd f��r in�hi�Srcurity In�trumrnt shall tx gi��en by delivcrin� it or by mailing ;;,�i;�;;: ,�:�
<br /> it by tir.t rlas,mail unlc��appliraMc IaN reyuircs u�c of an��ther methcxi. Thc notire shall br directed to the Property Address ;.��;:rY
<br /> or am• other addre�s Bi�rrow•cr dctiignates h� nc�tirc to Lcndcr. Any notice to [.rnJcr .hall be �i��cn by flrst class mail to • '
<br /> Lendcr'.addresti}tateJ hcrcm or am athcr .�JJre�� Lrndcr Jc�ignatr+ hy nuticc tu Borrowrr. Any ne�tirr provided fc�r in this �
<br /> ; Securit� In.trument ahaU h�dermed to ha�r tken gi�cn t��B��rn+�ver ur IAnder�tiher.a«en:►,providrd in this parngraph. • � �
<br /> I5.Go��ernin� I.a���; Se�•erabilit�. Thi. Srr�ritc ln�iniment tihall be �:�,�«„�a ny r�d�r�t I•rw and thc law of the [
<br /> jurisdiction in which thc Propcny i�luratr.i. In th� c�ent th.rc any pnni�i��n ur rlau,c of thi.Securit��In.trument or thc Note •
<br /> s conflirts wittt applicahle la�v.�uch r�mtlict;haU not affert uth�r pn��•i.ium ul thi.Srrurit�•In.trument ur the Note whinc�an be �
<br /> given effect withc�ut thc ronflirting pro�•i.i��a.Tu thi. �nd ttie pru�•i,i�in+ot'thi,Srrurit� Imtrumrnt and the Nutc :�re d�rlarcd .
<br /> to he scvcr•rbtc.
<br /> 16.Borr��w•er'z Cop}.Burr��wrr+liall hr Li«n��n�runt��rmrJ cup� uf ihc hute anJ ul'thi+Scruriq• hutrument. �„ .
<br /> i •.1
<br /> Form 3028 8/90 �
<br /> �'.��M`a���1� .
<br /> i�i:� •
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