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<br /> _-_--- --� ax�am, snd limited comman arQaa�, th� loaat�on
<br /> - �t auch o!lia� ur3t�, aosion arsr�a, and l��ifc�� � �-
<br /> — _—= aoa�mon ar�a• as �howre yr�phiceily on �a*ndsd
<br /> �r►a �••�at•a �i�it "A", inaorporats� hor�in -
<br /> ..�.,�.:_�t.;� by xe!lage��ac��a
<br /> - --� � .-
<br /> -=-=u-�.�= (bj �xhibit N�1� sttoohsd to th� M�natar Dm�� is h�raby
<br /> ---.'=.`=.�.�....� deleted! �nd �enp�.aaad t�tith tha ama�ndw8 sn� R�t�ttt�A .
<br /> ��z:�� Ex�ib�,ti "11" a�tac=hsd hersto, whi�h Asqndad �nd ResGtaQ
<br /> �;;'���' . Exhibiti "iN� qrdphically �hows aii perti�ulars o� t�s
<br /> �-=�:�?� buil�ing e�ttar �h�arsation and tarmatian o! o!lias On3t C-3 _
<br /> --="�;��;°`±� and th� subdivision ot O!!l�ce 3Tni� F.
<br /> ,.,��,, a , .
<br /> "`':;�;�.`�d;:�,, (a) The area idst►t9.liecl rts NeonYeren�e" on pages A-2
<br /> �`";". �`.`.`'A}'., and 1►-3 oQ Exhibit B attnahed to the Piaster Dead, which
<br /> ::�;'�;.. '„�,:,,::�, ;.; pa4qss are aiso attaohed hereto, shali hereafter be�
<br /> �;�;'.r.�. � �"• �,, idantilied and known ae Office IInit C�3 and no lonq�eac
<br /> :. . �o�sfdered a p�art �f thn comtiaen aret► oP t.lae C�n��rm�nni��e �----
<br /> . [Ali present and tu�ure ownere oP �Egfice tmit C-3 sBn�l]1 ebrs� __
<br /> havs a=► undivided interes� �x► �tae aiu�ilke��1 co��xe a��'#-za , .
<br /> . perta�i�ing to offiae Unit� �9]lp �-� a�an� ��-� rac� a�e�g�lt�Sa:a�.]�r �_: _
<br /> shown on Amended and Re�t��e� ��bSt A.] The area ��
<br /> � � .' ldenti�ied as "Futoa�ce �°x��a�. 1�.�' aa►d "Futu�� �'a�aalnent �.:._.
<br /> � • RoomN on paqes A-2 �iaa�l �-�, res�rctSvely, of ]�tn�bit 8 �
<br /> u��
<br /> attaahed to the Mas�� Dec�e�, which paqes are also attached ��
<br /> " � hereto, shall heneafter � �den�ified arnd B�mown as Office -
<br /> �� � Urait F-10C �,and �he remafninq portion af ��fice Un�t F as
<br /> � ider►tiPied and ��s�ribed on said paqes �hall hereafter ba , __
<br /> _ _ fs3�ntiFie� �r�d k�n�, aa of�iae unit F. Pages 1►-2, A-3 and
<br /> A-5'attached heret� �aave been rev3.sed to identify the areas -
<br /> � now known as Office Unit C-3, OfPice O�it F�-lo� and Ofiice
<br /> Ontt F, and said �aqes as� hes�.by substituted for an�
<br /> f;,, replaae paqes A-2a A-3 a�a¢d A-5 whiah were originally � _--
<br /> :����, attaahed to Exhibi� � of t�� A3aster Deed. - _
<br /> ;;�'� '' . . '=-
<br /> , .. �ti�,,, �,=.
<br /> �::�'�•;�.��. (d) Faraqraph 6 of the Master Deed is heseby deleted
<br /> � � ��'��� �` in its entiret and re laced with the followin aew �"�
<br /> ),,::..,` y p q �-=,:
<br /> ,f,c�-,� '�``%' � Paraqraph 6:
<br /> ��:;� 6. v s. The total basic value of the ���_�
<br /> entire condominium reqime is 51,537,683, and i-�"
<br /> ,�
<br /> the basic value of each office unit toqether -
<br /> with the percentage which each unit shall share �-
<br /> in the expenses of, and the rights in, the �c����`
<br /> `';. • �comtaon elemen�s are as follows: .'�����
<br /> . �,;-
<br /> .�:.
<br /> � i;::r:'�: '
<br /> .,}t.;{'J.. �r,.,. �
<br /> 'r'J�� - �rr'':',n:
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