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<br /> . � �;, r ''�� I, Frank C. N1Ch0�5 & Nancy L. ;(�ereli�iveC¢mmercla1FecleralBartkaFederelSavi s8ank CommerdaiFederal)amo ac�oo�th�la0aw�
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<br /> �,�;,�;�•�.::.,,,,�,<,�,fi:�,:�. Lot Nine (9), B1ock 'i'wenty-Eight (28), Packer & Barr 2nd Subdivision, City of Grand ,,b�`�.��<<y',,.y :�i��"
<br /> �,;' , "`,±'E`'; Island, Hall Co�anty, Nebraska � ' �''� .� ` '�
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<br /> . �,'.:,.:..;;:,•:,;�,+���{, If rtare ttian one person signs Ws mortpa�e,the word•1'�eans 1ve.'
<br /> � Thls tgage seaxes a loan made by Commerclal Federal.A note dated the same dece as thls mortgege contalns C�e terms for repeyment of that loan.it that
<br /> note is ever�cT+anged a repiaced by a new rate.ft will te aecured by tMs moRgage.
<br /> 1 atomise tha foltoNtirg lhings: .�';,�±
<br /> 1. Ail paYmenffi on 8ny rate or other debt secured by this mortgege wIN be pa►d when due. � �����;
<br /> 2. An lnsuranae pollay tor fire and extended aoverage will be kept in foraeon the property In an amount at least oquat to the debts secured by this mortgage plus i •� .. �)
<br /> any other m es Iisted tn paragraph 6.Th�insuranoe oompany must be sat)sfactory to Commerdal Federai.and Commerdai Federat wiA be a named �..,, � :�'!
<br /> _ kssuted on�. . •-- —�!
<br /> 3. NI texes and assessments on the properry wlil be paW 6efore they become deltnquent i
<br /> 4. No waste wlll be oommitted on Ure property.an0 ft wltl bx kept In good repalr. • . �.
<br /> 5. The properry wlll rat be soid(tnWuding by lend oontract).leased.and no interest in tt wUl be assigned in any way. � : �
<br /> 6. I own Ihe prope�ry free and dear ot any other mortgeges ar enwmbrenoes EXCEPT Commerc i a 1 Fede ra 1 Mor�,ga ae Cor�. . .
<br /> Rm.na�ums�mn�a+�w�o.qlamwlpuyx 4 . ..
<br /> 7. No oTher morOgaga a Ilen on the property will ever Oe allowed to be N defauit or be forecbsed. � = . ,�'�,: �'
<br /> If any ot these promises are not kePt,then Commerdal Federat can deciare att of thedebt knmedlatey due and payabie without advanoe notice.The interest ret� � , �,,,�r
<br /> wlil Increase to 19.0096 or any greater tate albwable by law at that tlme.and thls mortgsge ean be forectosed. If the debt is acoetereted.tlien I aiso assign any rent , /,y; ,
<br /> , ' or other inoome from the properry to Commerdat Federet. � .
<br /> CeAeln emounta can b9 paM by Cortwnerclai Federai and added to the debt seaired by thls m They are eny texes ot kisutarae 1 heve egre0d W pay btR �
<br /> fafl to.any attorney fees or eourt expenses Commerdai Federal pays If It is made a parly at any�acdon braght by someone etse aoncetning the property,end :�-�
<br /> eny attaney fees ot oourt expenses which the Iaw might aliow If Commereie�Federat has to go to oourt agsinst me to ooliect the debt a foredase 1hFs moRgage. If j
<br /> sny of tliese tl�ings happee,then ttie additf�onai debt wIN aoaue interest at tlie same rate at t6e rest ot the debt and must be paid tmmediatey. � ;, .`J�
<br /> it 1hLs groyerty ts ever condemned under Ihe power of emirtent dcmain cr arty sur�iiar metliod of teking propeiry tor publk use.any prooeeds of the ffiIdngwUJ be j .= ,,,i .
<br /> �,,y ., .
<br /> p a id to Cemmeraal Fodaral up to ttie fuli amount of tl�e mebt smcured. � .- J'�; ` "
<br /> ..; . ������� i �:;,�.
<br /> ,.�,,.;,: .., , ..
<br /> . {�i, :�. Har•owBr'a SlgnOare � � /'
<br /> '����' ::;�. ;.r. 4/2/94 /�.?�� � , � G-C���'�
<br /> TodsYs Da[o n r s �gnaNre ' .
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<br /> _ J STATEOF Nearascca 1
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<br /> � a,�,� 2nd day or A ri 1 �s 94 ��«e ms,a nWary pudiC In and fa said county,�sor,�y ca�,re
<br /> F ra n CTc �. N i cho 1 s an a nc,�,-. N l C�0 S-� ,to me known w be the Identical persan or persons whose name is or ars effixeo
<br /> to e ve mortgage,ena fiey,ne a sne severairy ac�vaw�eogeu 6�e saio irm6ument and the executlon tliereof W be thefr voluntary act and deed.
<br /> ', + WITNESS my hand arM tarfal seal the day and year last written above.
<br /> 1 ^c-a*+sm*'.-•:,-r..--^--^�s.ex._ / ,�(/ �{y/,
<br /> !{..:..i�� ' .. � /\_' 'i�
<br /> My commfssion expin�s: � . . ���_._'�;�_ � C''li,L f.7 u!'/_� � C�OCtr✓
<br /> °,�='':^ . :'. ? �5 fVotary Publ�c's Signature
<br /> �.x.,�..r-�'��..i.u•a.-_w.ti -
<br /> Aiederd3evngsBank 1N-7077(REV05/8�)
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