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<br /> "����.���•y f='�"���;:��'� t.PAYIAENT OF PRlNCIPAL AND�NTEREBT.Trustor shali promptly psy when dua the principai of and Interost on the IndeDtednosa evidert�ed by �
<br /> ---�'�'f`-��'<iHo;,r tha Nota,and eil othar chargea und tees as ptovided In the Nate,and the principaf at and Intereat on any Future Advances secured by thia Truat Oeed-
<br /> _ � ;.���--
<br /> i`]T..
<br /> -�x .,..�:...,�..� .::.,. 2.WARRANTY OF TiTLE.Trustor la lawluuy eelzed and poaser,sed of good and Indefeasibte tit�e end eatate to the Property heraby cnnvay an
<br /> -�'.''r.' ">�t° h08 the�ight to g►8n18nd Convey ihe Roperry;the Property ia hee and clear ol ali 1{ena and encumbroncea exeept lbnu�ou of rcCOrd;and Trusier edil �_-- -
<br /> ��.�- �{ perty egalnst all cieims and demends.
<br /> .
<br /> r..:. :�, ...,� warrant and delend the titte to thn Pro
<br /> - �.' . :• �- >. 3.MAItdTENANCE AND COMAUANCE WITM LAWB.Tmator shafi keep the Properly In good repalr and conditlon and s►�all not commit weete or permit
<br /> Impafrment or deterioratlon ot the Property and ahall eomply witb the provtstons ot any lease tf this Trust Oeea ta on a teasehold.No improvemeril now �---------
<br /> �• or hereaftor erected u�ion the Property shall be altered,removed or demolished without the prior written consent of Benetkfary.Trustor shall comply with
<br /> a�i�aws,uGlnance9,repuiatione,eovenenta,eonditlons and restrtctions attecting the Property and not eommit,suHer or permit any act to be done in ot __ __
<br /> ,,. � upon the Property in vlo�atlon of any law,ordinance,reyuiatfon,covenant,condition or reatriction.Truator ahall complete or reetore prompdy and in good �
<br /> wo�kmantike manner any impravement on the Propertyr which may be damaged or destroyed and pey,when due,ali claime tar tabor performed and materials `- ___`__°
<br /> fumished theretor end for any alteratlons thereof. T�
<br /> � � � 4.IK7S1lRANGE.Trustor.at its expense,wiil maiMaln with msurors approved by 6onaficia�,insurance with r�speCl to ih�im�rrnementa artd parsonal ___ `
<br /> �.:"���,` prasarty,censtltuting the lhapany,egalnst�oss by fire,Ilghtning,tomado,and ather parils and���aeds covered by standard exaene�odooverage irtdors�ment, ---
<br /> in an nmouot eqeeal to al loast ane hundred parCent(1009 0)04 the tuU replac¢ment value IPeraol8nd insurance against sueh ott�o�hazards and in such �;�—
<br /> � amoun4s es�s customarily carned by avmoPS�nd oparators ot similar properuos or es Benel�ciary may require for its protecGon.Trustor�vill compty with —_-
<br /> r•;,,;� � such other ret�uiretneMs a.q Benat�ciary may hom time to time roquest tor the proteCtion by inauranee ot the interests ot the respectivepartios.All insurance
<br /> ^ ' , pollcies mai�iainod pursuant t�ibis tvus3 Uaacf aha�l nama Trustor and 8mnoticiary as Insuretl,es thelr rErspectrve Interes�s may appear,and provlde that !�!1'f�;;'_��:.-._
<br /> ,v;�,>,e;}�,r
<br /> • there ba no cancellatloo or modificatien tivithout at laasl t S days priar wririan noinicatlon to Trustc+e and 6enefiapry mey procure auch Ineurance in accordance y f�.,^.,:�,
<br /> � �� wlth the provlslons of paragraph 8 hereot.Trustor shell deliver to Be�eflc�ary the o+iginal policiea of Insuranee and renewele thereof or memo toples of 4��af;,is.,;.;-
<br /> . such pollcles and renewals Ihereof. Fallure to furnish such in&urance by Trustor,or renewats as required hereunder shalt,at the optlon of Beneflclery. • � ;#�^c:r�;;_-.--
<br /> cansUtute a default <",:}.� �t,.___
<br /> .,•• {��,f�:'-=�.,�-
<br /> .:,�� '�' � '' f��iii�`�--
<br /> � ,��;;•:��..;.�' 6.TAXES,ASSF.SSMHNTS AND CHARGIF8.Truslor shall pay all taxes,assassments and other cherges.Includmg,wlthoU lirnitatlon,flnes antl!ompqsltlons ' , �y„11�;_�;,;..
<br /> �.�'•.��,. ,...„_
<br /> �•'°' attrlbutable to the Property and leasehotd payments a ground rents,if any,before the same beCOme dellnquent.Truator shaN promptly fumish to traneflCltuy rr,dw,`�F•��`�'.�=
<br /> alI notices of amounts due under this ara ra h,and in the event Trustor ahall make a ment dlrectl ,Trustor shell rom 1 tumishto 8eneticla recel t8 �"�'F"`�-
<br /> .. P 9 P P Y Y P p h� �Y P ``:�.!�:•;�'-.,._
<br /> " ' evldencing such payments.Trustor shall pay all taxes and assesaments whlch may be levled upon Beneficiary's Interest heram ar upon thle Trust Qeed -�
<br /> ' � wlthout regard to an law that mfl be enacted Im sm payment of the whole or an art thereof upon the Beneficla `*• �^���v
<br /> • ,•:. i'�.`'� Y 9 Pa 9 9 P ry. ,.' P34'
<br /> �E;y.;�i,
<br /> ' �"���+-;�`� , 8.ADDITIONAL UENS AND PROTECTION OF BENEFICIARY'S SECURITY.Trusror shall make all payments of Interest and princlpal and payments �1�����:�=.�
<br /> � ":t�"•i'��r��t�.i::..5
<br /> .,.
<br /> , , ot any other charges,fees and expenses contracted to be paid to any existing or subsequent Ilenholder or beneficiary,under eny ezlsting or subsequent ;��r�}iEjy1�L.,.:•r;T
<br /> �• - mortgege or trust d!�J M!fo�p the date they are delinquent or In default,and promptty pay and dischatge any and all other tiene,cleims or Chatges whleh � ��,,��„T
<br /> • mey jeopardlze the setutfty granted herein.It Trustor falls ro make any such payment or fafls to perform any of the covenants and agreements Cont8lned ,•,�f��,1•`�'_
<br /> • • In 1hls Trust Deed,or the Note re(erred to herein,or in any prior or subsequent trust deed,or if any actlon or proceeding is commenced whlch matene�Iy ,���,�`t,�4 r�__
<br /> . , aNects Beneflclary's fntereat in the Property,including,but not Gmded to,eminent domain roceedln s,proceedln s invdvin a decedent,notke o}sate ��`•'�
<br /> P 9 9 8 ��;�..•
<br /> b Trustee,not�ce of default b Trustee,mort a foroclosure action.or it Truetor ta��s to a Trustor's debte eneralt as th becomedue,then Benef�fe �t--f r.:',,:_,_
<br /> . , y Y 9 9� P Y 9 Y eY �Y• .:�.�:�,�
<br /> at Beneflclary's optbn and without ootice to a demand upon Trustor and without releasing Trustw from any obllgetlon hereunder,may meke such appearances, : jJ,7�}�.,>�
<br /> • ' dlsburse such sums and take such actan as�s necessary to protect Beneticlary's imeres6 including,but not Ifmlted to,dlsbursement M reesonable attorney's �?:_;;'�-�-
<br /> fees,payment,purchase,Contest or compromise of any encumbrance,cherge or tlen,entry upon the Property to make repelrs,a declaratlon of default ��+�;�'_—
<br /> under thls Trust Deed.In the event that 7rustor shall fad to procure msurance or to pay taxes,assessments,or any other charges or to make any payments `,;y:_
<br /> to any exleting or subsequent lienhotders or exisdng or subsequent benehcianes.Beneficiary may procure euch Insura�ce and meke such payment,but '�'"'�._—
<br /> shall not be obtlgated to do so.Any amounts disburseA by 8ene(iciary pursuant to this Paragraph 8 shall become addltlonal mdebtedness of Trusta secured , " '°
<br /> by thls Trust Deed.Such amounts shall tie payable upon notice from Benehaary to Trustor requesting payment Ihereof,and shell beer Interest irom the
<br /> � dete oi disbursement at the rate peyable from time to time on outstanding pnnc�pal under the Note unless payment of interest et suCh rate would be contrary •
<br /> to applicable law,m which event such amounts shall Dear mterest at the h�ghest rate permissible under appl�cable Iew.Nothing contafned in this Paragraph ,
<br /> , � 6 she�l require Beneficiary to�ncur any axpense or take any action hereuncfer. `
<br /> �:f�rc
<br /> 7.ASSIdNMENT OF RENTS.Benehciary shall have the nght,power and autharty durmg the tontmuance of this Trust Deed to Collect the rents,i6SU88 �-
<br /> ' and protl�s o11he Property and of any personal property located thereon wdh or wrthout takmg possess�on of the property aNected hereby.8nd Ttuetor ,.;'{!►!�.:-
<br /> hereby absdutely and uncondiUanally assigns all such rents.�ssues and prolds to Benehaary.Benetic�ary,however,hereby consents to the Truslor's .�;°�;;;.
<br /> � �� CdleCtion and retention of Such rents.issues and piol�ts as they aCCrue and become payable so bng as Trustor�s oot.at such time.in defeult wdh respeCt •��'�:°";��
<br /> to a ment of an mdebtedness secured hereby.or m the performance of any agreement hereunder Upan any suCh detault.Beneficiary may al any lime, ,�i•%�l'.�,i'r�_;_,__
<br /> e�ther in pe►son,by agem,or by a rece�ver to be appomted by a court,wnhout not�ce and wuhout regard to the adequacy ot any secunry for the mdebtedness � '''��'',;.�. _
<br /> hereby Secured,(a)enter upon and take possess�on of the Property or any pan thereof.and m its own name sue tor or othervnse coNect such rents,i68ues ��};,���s��`�r�;"� �
<br /> a�d prplit5,�ncluding those past due and unpaid.and apply the same,less costs and expenses o�operation and collection,�ncludmg reesonable attorney's �,7;��;5% ._
<br /> fees.u;en any indebtedness secured hereby.and m such order as Benef�uary may determme:(b►perform such acts of repair or proteCtion es may be �'�',;��.;;�; _
<br /> npCessary o�proper to conserve the va��e o�;ne Yrope�ty.Ic►iease tne same o�any part tne�eor for sucn renta�.�erm.ano uF,u��au���cor�d�tw��s as�is -, •,-,�R•�.� -
<br /> • yudgmen:may d�ctate.or te�r�na�e or ad;ost the terms ana contl�t�ons o�ez�stmg ieases Unless Trustor and Benehc�ary thsreof agree otherwise m writmg.
<br /> dny app��cati0n of rents.�ssues a prohts to any in�e^'Qdness secured hereby sha�I not eztend or postpone the due date of the mstallment payments 8S
<br /> ptOV�tled�n said prom�sso�y nOle or thange t1:e a'r.^,.^'o`s,:ch�nsta�iments The entenng upon antl tdk�ng possessio� of the Property,the Co1leCtiOn ,
<br /> of 9uch re�ts,issues and profds.and fhe a;:r.i�rar.c��°:�-:.'as atoresa�d shall not warve or cure any default or noUCe o�de�ault hereunder or mvalidate .��;_i
<br /> . any act done pursuant to such nouce r•usto�a�so nss�grs 2�Bene}�c.a�. as�urlhe�secunty for the pei�ormance of the ob��gaUOns secured hereby,all �j,.�5
<br /> prepa�d rents and aIl mon•es which r�a•, �.,vF�een or m�> r rreafter be�:�-:sAetl w�th saitl Trustor by a^. rssee o•�ne Property.to secure the payment � , ,.��� �
<br /> of any rent a damages cr;;pon de�auil�r.ihe pe�fo�Ta-�_c•a'a�y o�Ine a�c�.�s�ons he�eo� T�us•or agrees to:a�•ve•s�cn�e�rs and eeposds to 9enefiCiary. ,�';�.;:
<br /> De�rvery of wntten not ce n'9enel�c�a�y's exerc�se e:t.c.,;'•.yrdnteC he�e�r to acv'N-3 -ccc��y"�sa:,pr�'�s�s>^..a �e sufhaent to reqwre sa�d �
<br /> tenant to pay rent to t^e�r�ehuary unw fur!he� �ct :r�
<br /> 8-CONDEMNA110N.P uUe�o an�:.ir;..rr Nrcp•;,�; ,nai�bt�taK�. - _:raN���,i�o-proceNa�gs r. ..7,.•ot am�rert aomain or s�mdar action.o� I ' �'���'•'
<br /> �" � shall be sold u�Cer t^rea�ot condemr,�tr..• �,.a••,auu Camayes �rr�•,:_;•�•tls are hereby ass�3^ea a^c s,a��be pa�tl to Benehaary wno snall apply I
<br /> � such awards.tlama�es e�_p�UCCet:s tc re o..m sec��t•C ty�hiS Tn:r, �;•;•C.wrth�ne?xc:�ss ��any Fa,C ro Trustor I� T�ustor rece�ves any nouce or �
<br /> other�rfo•mai�cr•er,a•tl�^,such acduna cr�:rocee��nt,� '" ;:tor sha�,yrve prompt wr�e•�^�ouce tnereot to 8e�ehc�ary Senel�aary sha�l be entrtled.a[
<br /> r.s��t�er te c��+r�e^.c� �i�oear m a�e prese��te�n�b c•..- •�rr�ny c„r h act�o��o�pnKarr,�q,,�ntl shai�be enUtled to make any comprom�se or settlament �
<br /> ir.ec�^ee��0� '1���'�d^'y 9..�f1 a'1f��0�1 Ci f.':rf•e'�:n1C�j5 '
<br /> _ ....�...,.. �,,,.......�w .."' "' ... ..... .... c�......�....... ..o......�.�.,.... ....��� n..n.tn r.a.•nr.�pq.qnfP�if tha Pmnwrh tn TrustOr mav make .
<br /> � y �aavnG Nvrw.vva..a...�...�. .-...... . . ......... ........,,....� ....._._ _.._, __.� - � . . . .
<br /> � future acva-ces to Trustor Suc.h�uturP<�-,,t-•.es .a�tr��nlr�esl IheiPOn yh�li be secwad hy tti„T��s•OF:ea wne❑ev�dencetl by prom�sso�y nores statmg
<br /> that 52id f10�@S 8rB 5@C��Pd hBreby pwv�oecf in,tt.il r.o bnlr sh,lll IhN tie��urpJ pnn[�0-a ��d��turp d;V8fCB5.�01��ciuo�ng sums aavancea to proteet
<br /> � tne SeCUnty.exceed twq nundred Percent 1200"�i o'���- '��y�n;�l pr���upd�am�unl<<�-�•�.'�s•.7 'Creby
<br /> 70 REMEDIES NOT ERCLUSWE.i�us�tre.�ne Fiecr'�'.•.,�R d'»«�h U�Ih�m s���+��ne e�����ed W en�orce pa�•ment and per�o�ma�+ce ot any mtlebteAness
<br /> - o�ohhgat�ons secured n�•reby and to eFe�cr;e a��r�yn�s,�n��po�tiN�s u��or�uns Trust Deed o�untler;�ry r.�rrr agreen+ent executetl��co��ect�on nere�v�m
<br /> or any laws�ow or herea�ter�n�nrce nohv�thst.�nA���g sume ur a I o�Ihc•surn�n�ebtedness a�d m q�•.:ns secured hereby may �oW���hereah�r na
<br /> Otherw�se Secu�e0.whetner by mo�tyaye tri�st Aeed Uieeyr nrn atis,q���•�e�t w clher,yi5e Ne�tr,�r t���.arr,to!aa[e of Ih�s Trust Oeetl nu��ts e�,brCement
<br /> WhQIhQr by COUrt dGt�^C�Pu�5udOt 101he pUy�e�Of Sd�C ur u�h@�pc.KP�)hptpin�Un'�:n.�q 5hdll pfP�uA�td:< <• a^•�manner at�er.t Trustea s or k3P�P.fif�,ir� 5
<br /> . ngM to re�hz2 upon o��n�urce any ot��e�SBC�ddy nUW�u herea�tr�r hpid by iru�tre u�BPne•��C�J�\, �I bP���t'{d•p�'�4•••.i! " .<iee ann Benr��c,.ar�• .i�1A PdCh
<br />