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<br /> -�= "�-"�-:� TOCIEI't1ER WITI�1 al!tbc improvement�now ar hd�nftcr cr�ctcd on Uio praflerry.and all eusements,appuetcnances.
<br /> _.�;X��� nnd�xtures now or It�neaRera pua of th�pmpe�ty. Alt.repincements and a�ttid�nR Fhull also be covered by this Secutlty
<br /> �:�-�� Inst+vment All of tho fo�going Is mfcmed to in this Sectirity Instniment as tho"Ptoperty."
<br /> ro.�.,.,�rW.r,� °--- -
<br /> v,3.��,� BOREt(,71lHR CAV6RlANT9 that Boanwer is lqwt'ulty selsr„d of the estate hereby canveyed and has the right to arnnt
<br /> ' "=-�'��± und convey the Property and thAt the Prog�rty i�unencurr►bered,except for encumbrnnces of recotd. Horrower wanants uad
<br /> ��+,:;Y;,:,—� will defend generelly ttee dtle to the Propaty against�11 clafms nnd demands.subjcct to any encumbrauces of�ecord.
<br /> ""'"�:-x t. "` TH1S SECiJttI11' 1NSTtLIJMEAIT combiytes utdform covcannts for nutIIonnl use nnd aoa-uuiforrrt covennrtts v�ith �__
<br /> :'�''�,-��:;�� . limited vurlatlons by jurisdicdon ta consdtuta n uniform sec-udty lnsm+meat coverins m�l property.
<br /> s�,.,.:: - � :.,�,. -
<br /> , :, UNIFORM COVENANI'S. Bonower und i.e�der covenant end ngnee as followa: __
<br /> - -= -=`- i. d'syts�tat otP:turipal en�Iatesesl�i�p�+yment and Late Charges. Borrow6r shaU promptlY paY when due the -- -- _ -
<br /> � ° '•�_ pr�nci�of and intemst oa the debt evldenced by th@ Nate and any prepayment aad Iate char�es d¢a under the Note. _
<br /> I�nda[or 7lnxes and Iasurance. Sub ject w u pplicablB law or to a wriaen waiver by LertQer.Bosrowcr shaU pay to
<br /> • . • , [.ender on the day raonthly payments are due under the Note.until the Notc is paid In ti�ll.a sum("k�ads")for.(e)year ly °_-=
<br /> wxes and assessments which may auuia priority over this Security[nsuument as a liea on the Propemy;(b)yearly leasehotd = = --
<br /> payments or ground renta on thc Pmperty, if any: (c) YearlY ha�ard or propeny insuraace �remna�ms: (d)Yearly ftood -----
<br /> ineurance premiume,if sny:(e) Yearly mortgage insu�ance premiums, if any: and (� any sueas��syabte by Bomowee to - -
<br /> Lender,In accotdance wIth the pmvislons of paragraph 8,in Ueu of the payment of mort�age insurance p�miums. 1'@�es$ �`
<br /> items nre called"Escaoear Items." L.ender may.at any dme,coUect and hold Plinds in an a�sunt aot to exoeed the maxi�num ,,,,,_.
<br /> .-.;';i,.a��� Sl}:714d"i:..
<br /> amount a leader fer a gedeeaUy releted mortgage loam m�y requicr for Batrower�s escrow account under the federai Ilt¢� „ma�r.,�-,.
<br /> �state S��sIeac2nt P1�alur¢s Pecfl of 1974 as atneaded fmm time to tMe. 12 U.S.C.§2601¢t seg.("RESPA").unless anoeJher , .,;;�.--
<br /> " law that agplies to t�ex�unds seQS a�lesser awoun� If so.I.cnder xR�y.at any dme,collect anc4�ord Ftuids ia an amount nm2 ro �:_�:��_i,u=�
<br /> " � exceed¢i�e lesser arnaawt Le���r may estimate the aaiount o�1W.r..ds due rnn the basis v�ti current data and ceasoaable � :,;s:;r;;='�:'
<br /> �� A �•� estimates of expertdit�s of futune Escrow Items or othen�vise in accorcEartnc.�e�rit�a applicable law. �• ��`:�°--=`�
<br /> m
<br /> � 'Ihe E�nds shall�e held in an iasrituuon whose deposiu aa+e insurecB by a federal agency,insuumentality,or eatity `'"';. „_..
<br /> ,�, . ..
<br /> (iacluding Lender,if I.ender is such aa InsHWHon)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds w pay � ,' `',:x
<br /> ;�. � ',.�t`(,':i:,..
<br /> � _•,� the Fscnow Items. I.ender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Punds, amnually anatyzing the esccow . ��.�...,....
<br /> , account, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays �oprower interest on the Fl�nds und appllcable law gerraeits �'�,�;'�`"<�-"`
<br /> ��� Lender to make sach a charge. However,I,ender may require Borrower to pay a one-dma cPearge for an independem�+eal `�'?`•.����=�
<br /> . ��.1", estate tax repoiting sQr►�ice used by L.ender ia connecaon with this loan,unless applicable law provides otOrscwfse. Uniess an � °`_
<br /> ' agreement is made�r applicable law�equines i�terest to be paid,I.ender shall not be requimd to pay BocratL-�:any interest or -
<br /> eamings on the Fu�ds. Bomower and Lender may agree in wridng,however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender '��
<br /> sha1D giv¢to Borrower.without charge,an annual accounting of tQre Funds.showing cre,dits ae�d debits to the Fiutds and ehe �' �f',`.`.'�:;�_
<br /> " , pu�osQ ffor which each debit to the F�nds was made. The Fuads a�e pledged as addidonal se,�urity for all sums secared by '�i:��:,��••
<br /> •-----_-- Lh{s 3ccw�ity Instrumc�i. -
<br /> If the F�nds held by I.ender exceed the amounu permitte�to he hetd lby applicable law, Lender shall account to � -
<br /> ' � Bomower for the excess Funds in accordance with the requir�emeats of applica4nle law. If the amount of the Funds held by '
<br /> Lender at any time is not su�cient to pay the F.scrow Items wt�eae due. I.endes may so notify Borrower in wtiting.and.in � �:,��.�^=h
<br /> `�,. 4::'>,.
<br /> �•� '� such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to nnake up the deficiency. �orrower shal! make up the -�.;,�f��:,��:
<br /> •�t°'' {• deficiency in no more than twelve monthly payments.at L.enderx sole discretion. � .;�•'`'"--_�
<br /> �� N..A,r.i�,. � - ---
<br /> Upon payment in full o(aq sums secured by this Security Instrument,I.ender shall promptly refund to Borrower any �t,�«' -�
<br /> FLnds held by L.ender. If,under parugcaph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Property.I.ender,prior to the acquisidon or :�'-.;_ , ,��;;,�
<br /> � sale of the Property,shnil apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums `` . -_
<br /> secuned by this Security Instrument. '�`
<br /> ' 3. Application of Paytnents. Unless upplicable law provides otherwise, all payments rcceived by L.ender under �
<br /> � paragraphs I and 2 shull be applied: fir�t, to any pmpuyment charges dae under the Note;second,to amounts payable under -
<br /> paragraph 2;third,to interest due;fourth,to principal due;and lust.to any late charges due under the Note. ' . ��"
<br /> 4. Charges; Ltens. Borrower shall pay aIt tnxes, assessments, charges,�nes and impositions attributable to the �!7-
<br /> .; Property which may attain priority ovcr this Security Instrument,and Ieasehold payments or ground ren[s,if any. Borrower ,.'►�;��
<br /> shall pay these obligations in the manncr prov ided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shall pay them on V ,�,,�;r,
<br /> . ',ti:,'� �: � time directly to the person owed puyment. Borrower.hall promptly fumish ro Lendcr all notices of amounts to be paid under • •.c;`;';;�^^:.i
<br /> •'' �� � this pnragraph. If Borrower makes the�e payments directly,Bor�oa�er shall promptly furnish to Lender mceipts evidencing ,t�'����
<br /> ,�;-�,�;:;�;>:',. � thepayments.
<br /> ° `.s�':'�:'
<br /> '_ Borrower sh�ll promptly discharge uny lien which hus priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees S , r.,�
<br /> in writin�to the payment of ihe obligation urured by the lien in n manner accepiable to Lender,(b)contests in good faith the �� �
<br /> _ lien by,or defends against en(orcement of the lien in,le�al proceedings which in the Lender's opinion opernte to prevens att: ! . - �
<br /> enforrement oF the lien;or(cl secures from the holder of the lien un agreement satisfactary to Lender subordinnting the�i��: j '''
<br /> to this Serurity Inswment. If Lendcr determinex that any pati of tht Propeny is subject ro a Uen wh�ch may atta�o pn��:�t} ( '- -
<br /> „ over this Security Inxtrument,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower,hall satisfy the lien or taAe �
<br /> one or more of the�ctians set forth above within 10.iays of the giving of notice.
<br /> 5. Hazard or iPa�operty Insurance. Barr.r�ti:r�hall kecp the improvemcnts now existing or hereaftcr erecred on the �
<br /> ProFreny insured against loss by fire,h:�ard+included aithin the term"rxtendecl cnverage"and any other h:uards,including ;:
<br /> flaxl��cs Fioociing, for which Lender require. iu.urunre. Thi. insurance �hall he maintair.ed in thc anx�unts and for the ; ; �
<br /> � Form 30� 9190 �^w;e:��j�+/kr2r�� .
<br /> � - —
<br />