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�.,_..M._._A.� � -.�•�.,,'.... . _ ,� <br /> — �.: ..� <br /> ��o-�: I !�h a--� - •'"' �,%1.��74'S'd �4i?h�4�' . ���6 -i ti 7 1\x t - : j � r i _� -..�`�"�sI t �r 4�. <br /> �t�c+t � II I� �.'<'J j ir ' .l N.�f''�IK���.1 )ii 1�• 1S 1-t� � ,y �'Ntf. � � t � <br /> `��1Y' ,�F'� �{jr�.J.n iWtt LY J�.� ii�, �i1�'�.��SF,.1 _ ..�..'�",�F'ln j;i,4r f1 �� �-$.Yt�.i�f J� <br /> �.i ' �.�a�Y' y���„�:'` - U't!�._ - - <br /> �z+!^r�p1R+.a - <br /> I �., _ .., �,. <br /> . . i . . .�,� — �-: <br /> . ..-..� .-..,s_. .. ---^.^---�-______ . <br /> vey. <br />. -41 ' 1�`' � -� � . . " ' ".` -''rY�r . <br /> -64'��F i(fl � <br /> . . �r) i. -'•l.av.N[kY.W�i1,.t:a'�. .. <br /> .. r. <br /> . � �.eata . �..�: �.--- --� .. .. . ._��_ . . _ ... --- <br /> n— _-.. _�ty�9i.iri�Mt�ir - -- - <br /> �..,,.r��„�:,s., �. .: •.ab_ . . - - etlyyF,__... ,�--��-_.-.----___.--- - <br /> ..wyd,nM�f4iL+�- .. :� .__ ..-- . .. . _... <br /> . ew..��..t:r:.:..L.--.. �...,�.... . .....,......:_.b.;:.n�. --........ <br /> ��.�.�..,.�.� �4- 1t�+�0 <br /> _�����' 17.Transfer a!tfee i'roperty or e Benefktaf Anter+est tp morr+ower.If all or any part of the Properiy or any intomsi�n it <br /> =---'-�=�� is sold ur transferrod(or if a beneticial interest in Borrower la sold or trunsfened and Borr�nwer is rtot a a�tural persoj�)�vithot�t <br /> ____:,a� Lcnder'� prior written conscnt, L.ender muy. at its option, require immediute payment in fuli of oll sams securqd by thia _ <br /> �,,��,�3 — �ccuciry Imtmment. Ho�veves,thi�aption shnll aat be exercfsed by Lwtder if eaerdse tsprnhibital by fedetp!!luw as of the date __ <br /> -i..��<�,v�,� of this Security Instrument. _ <br /> '�"-�.���;;� If I.ender eaercises thls og2Mn.Lender shnll give Borrow�r rtatIoe of ucseleration.Ttte notice shall provlde u periai of nnt <br /> Tr-� less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivere� or mailed within which Bomo�rer must pay ull sum9 secured by this <br /> �'—`l—'V".. �. <br /> •-=-�----....,,'� Securlty Insin�ment. lf Borrower fails to pay these swns prior to ti�e explration of thts pedod,L.ender muy invoke smy remedies <br /> - pertnined by thie Security InsYrument without iurther not'aee or deceand on Borrower. � - <br />,�-,:;,¢�� 18. Barrower's Righ+i to Reinsfate. If Borrower raeets certain rnndidons. Borrower shall have the right cv hnve <br /> _ __..,��.1� enforcement af this Security Insttument discontinued at nny t�me prtor to the e3rfler of: (a) 5 days(ot such other perfod us <br /> =;z��+�R:• upplicabie Inw mey specify for reinstateraent) before sale of tf�� Frup�riy pursuw►t to any power of sate mrjiaii�d ie thia �-- <br /> �''`"�`"� Securit Instrument:or(b)en of a ud ment enforcin this Securi Instrument. Those conditIons aze that Borrower:(a)pays <br /> ..�rr.-: Y uY j B S tY <br /> I.ender all sums which then v�ould be due uader this Security Insuument and the Note as if rto ecceleration had oocurred:(b) <br /> ��,°'�.�`';. "`�"~; cures any default af any other oovenants or agreemenu: (c)pays atl expensQS incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument, <br /> -'.. '. '":.;T:'�' including.bat noi limited to. reasonable attomeys' fees: and(d)takes such action as Lender muy reasons�bly requim to assure ° <br /> ,�- t that the lien af d�is Secur�ty Instcument.Lend�r's rights in the Propeny and Bomo�ver's obligation to pay the sums secured by <br /> " � this Security Instrument shall condnue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Qorrower. this Securiry Inswment aRd the <br /> . ' obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceferatian ha,d�ncccrod, Ho�vever,this right to reinstate shail <br /> not apply in the case of acceleradon urtder paragraph 17. <br /> , 19. Ss�e�ff Nate; Chnnge of Louen S�[�s.The Note or a�aetia[ enteuesR in tCze Kote 6together with thls Security <br /> � Instnimem)may be sotd one or more times wit�ant�urior etoiioe to Borrower. A s�Ce Qnay cesult nn a charege in the entity(known <br /> °�' aFS the'�.oan Servicer")that rnllects rteonthlY PaYra.nts die�e urt�er the Note accd th6s Sesuntry Irtsteun2ent.There also may be one _,-- <br /> or mom changes of cC�e Loan SQ�vicer unrelated to a sate of the 3Yute.[f then is a change o�the Loan Servicer.Bormwer wilt tre _ <br /> given�vritten rtotice of the cRange in accordartce�vith par.�era�L�.i:l above artd applicabfe lae�v.The notice will state the name and r`�' <br /> address of the rtew U.oan Servicer artd the addcess to which pa�ments st�aulci be made.The notice wip also contain any other <br /> information raquire�by applicable law. <br /> Z0. Hazardmaas SuQ�stances. Borrower sG�ali not cause or permit t8�e �sesence. usc. dlsposal. storage. or telease of any <br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow aroyone else to do. an�ng affetting the � <br /> Property that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The prereding two sentences s4�D1 not apply to e praenoe. use,or <br /> .. ° storage on the Property of small quantities of Haiardous Substsnces that are genera➢ly�:.rognize�l to be appropdate to rtomtal � <br /> ' residential uses and to maintenance of the Prop�rq•. - <br /> Bomower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation,claim.demand.lawsuit or other actjon by any <br /> " governmental or regulatory agency or private party involvi�g the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law <br /> � of which Boaower has actual knowledge. If Borrower I�amS. or is notifial by any governmental or re�ulatory sulhorIty,Wat <br /> - . anv�rmoval or other remediation of any Hazardous Substa�cti�ft'ecting the Properry is necessary,Borrower shall promptly take <br /> all rtecessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmentaf _ <br /> As used in this paiagraph 20. "Haza�dous Substances"are those a�;!�stances defimd as toxic or hazardous substanccs by - <br /> Environmental and the following sub�ta:+.�s: gasoline, kerosene. ��ch:r tlammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic . <br /> � pesticides and herbicides.volatile tolvents, inacccaals containing asbestos�r�ormaldehyde, and radioactive materials.As used in <br /> ' this paragraph 20. "Environmental Law�" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that -- <br /> . oelate to health,safety or environmental protection. �,_�. <br /> � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and L.ender further covenant and agreeati follows: __ <br /> , � 21. Acceleration;Remedtes. I.ender shall give notice to Borrower pcior to acreleration tolLowin�Borr+ower's breach �"`"" <br /> of eny covenant or a�ceement in this Securlt�• Instrument (but nco¢ �rrna�r to acceleratIon umde� �ragraph 17 unless °° <br /> ' applicable law provides otherwise). The nottce shatl specifj: (a)tEa�a�cE��tlt: tb) the action reqt�iret!to cute the detault; = <br /> (c)a date. nat less than 30 da�•s fmm the date the notice 96 Revrn¢�IDore�oaer,by which the default must b2 c�aed;and �'='•- <br /> „ (d) ttiat fatlure to cure the default on or before the darte s�o�ed ��the notice may result in accelerati�n m6¢�e sums <br /> secured by thts Securit�• Instrument and sale of the Properc�. The nvoice shall further Inform Borrote�er of CPur pigM ta - <br /> • retnstate after acceleration and the right to bring a court action to rnsert the non-existence of a defeult or sny other .;;;: <br /> defense ot Burro�re�tc►acceleration and sale. If the default is not cana�ec�on or 6efore the ds�te specified in the notice, <br /> I.ender, at iGs uption, ma�� require immediate pa�ment in full of all sums secured b��this Security Instrument withou4 <br /> further demand and ma�im�oke the pow�er of sale and any other remedtes permitted b}•upplicable taw.I.euder shall be ._ <br /> entiNed to arollect all expenses lnsurred in punuing the remrdies pro�•ided in this para�raph 21.including,but not Iimlted ••Y; <br /> � to.reasonable attorne�•s'fees a�e�custs of title e�tdence. �''.' <br /> If the po«•er of sale is in��oked. Tru,tee shall c�cord a notice of default �n each munty in w•hich any part of the <br /> Propert�•is tocuted and shall mail copie.oF cach notice in the manner prescribed h� applicable laa•to Borrower aad tc� <br /> the other persoas prescribed b� applirab➢r lmnt,After the time reyuired b��applicable la�c. Tn�stee shall give pnblic notice <br /> ..M i..�I�o a r ri � unt�li h n q,T u�. •��(��....• �_ � o !. tt..��� - <br /> --_�-� � arf id=E tfi�iii �ii".;<2.^..';Si.. .. Rtl.i!t!Y!�+.£SC..�}?,- �r..!y3..I_ !R C!. �C. . �wtn uc5iatw 3Ti u�flu:'�i� �.o.. --; - <br /> the�ropert� at public auction t�i the hi�hest bidder art the time and place and under the tertns designated in the nottce of :��;�. <br /> sate nm one or more parcels and in um� order Tru�tee a9eterminrs. Trustee ma} post{�ne sale of all ar am� parcel of the n ' <br /> ' . . Propert�• b� publtc announcement at the time and ptace�►f am pre�•iousl� tichedulyd sale. Lender or its destRnee may <br /> purchase the Propert� at dm wlr. <br /> �'• <br /> '; �.. .'� <br /> .�; ..� Fonn 3028 9190 <br /> : . �}�A� . .. <br /> i <br /> �•�. '`� f <br /> '!�:��,:` <br /> ; ; '•'. . } I <br /> `��: :'r'� , i in.,,-.. _ . ' . . - , ,� � . • . . .,�y3•�1`�%� .� . . . . . .. <br /> �ii' . . • ' � ').'• . � <br /> . � ___ _._.. . ... _ _ <br />