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<br /> 1 �.la y.. �lt� t.. '� � �� .1sn7 t;� ��t}ti �1, c t -t-v� i �t " ," T } j•t f�i, �• 3� y _.
<br /> '� !�,z F y W���4 Y��Av.vh �< vl.,.�f r�. .��� r�.r y h\� � !l. i� i �' ! } L �."�S� �c?.H'i'k27 n'�_
<br /> � Y 4�! 'k�1 �-. t � .�. '1 � ♦ �. vL "�f1 e'l'•'� �..,
<br /> ;yi`. tdi t R at�'I r t t,t?..• . - -9 i p �i
<br /> �� iif7J\';'�i''�•'- � l' �.iif;�:E''`�R��y� y%iii7.�y_�..M x�tf . .� �����::s•.,�� -�:u:tinl't��.Efy�.�a�p I ��,�1#i i p���xaa y�.
<br /> � ;•t�n.•... .. -.- i7 1l � �f!y`' � `r�� '?h}� 'M�G�' � Wr!f!�tr+M�lwn � __ - _
<br /> . l' a1A�++w,.�.� I�II�r ,
<br /> .. .�� �.µ�, . .�i5�',i4jcY=u��i^`.,.'fa;.�.;i��.t�hci+a4�Mlfi�t�Mi�t�,�„-.� ',:r+,.•.E+.:-�.--+L�c �.�xa• .
<br /> - - I�Mi w�..lfM:� IjITM' )rt�AH.u'+Mlv'�M'N�^}ir�Y^N�iajMi:.�y ��t1T"4N�.,pL�r� .• al-�.�wv.' .ti - . . . - 5 .i{_
<br /> '�.�',�.k', ""'_:'T� , � . %�, �Naw�. .• . _.�. '._.
<br /> � . , '( ... . .1.� .,r _ .._—.�.
<br /> �., ' . J
<br /> J : �. ! 1.. . ._� ' " l .� - �����—_e
<br /> . . f�� . . . _ "__ -._•.-`- ._
<br /> . �L�i .-.'_
<br /> � ...,
<br /> � -. � ......�...�.i- x r....t�..i«...W..la�a4���.ww�.__�n+��-��_�_�._.�,.�._."___
<br /> _ .r.--__._.�....�__�— 6`AOSe_._.....+..+•...�...�—...__._....�w."'..—�'b�1iIMY�M1'" - .. _ ___.
<br /> , 1 A?4� �Y��iP
<br /> .-�f'��,-'��t'��a ' TOQ6TFtER WITFi aM th�improvarnlnb naw or hs�tter er�oUd on th�proD�lh and aq Mtin�lnt���PWK�r►ar�. md �
<br /> ;°,;..��-�•• `M�;. • flutuns eow or henafto►�P�R ot the PropeRy.Ali ropUcwnmts and adERlons shW ala br Qov�r�tl tfy thts&aurih►InsUummt�
<br /> ,:�,�',::.,..,.,.. AU Ot thi forpoinp b atorr�d t0 h thb 800urit�►Initrum�t�t a8 th�`PfOp�rty." --�.,., .°-_
<br /> • ,; ;: B�YYER COVBNANTB that Bortawu is�wNfy eeSxed of th�est�t�h�nby oonwY�d tnd hie thi dpht to�nnt�nd _y_ _
<br /> ;� ;� •: �" ' oenve�y the Prop�ty and lhst th�Prop«ty Is unmaum0erod,a�o�,t ror ar►sun+eranwe of roaoro. 0o�totat wtrr�ntf and wiN �¢�`
<br /> _-�•°- -`.--.- Qrf�d�,w�eraly the tkb to tM Prope�qr sg�hst aY eltimi and d�ntnds.eubHot to anr�ncumbr�nan o?raao�d. �
<br /> "-.A.. :) .; .
<br /> THIS S�CUMY INBTRUMENT oombhas unNam oowntnta for nrtlantt usa tnd earwrtHorm oov�nu�ts wRh timltrd �•:`'� `"
<br /> �.� ---
<br /> . .,....�
<br /> . ._ ..
<br /> • vart�ttons by jurtsdtotbn to oonstRut�a unNortn seoufity hshummt cowrhp r+�al p�op�yr• `--�`
<br /> � � , � UNIFORM COVENAMB. Bonower and Lender eovenent and apre��e tolbwa: � "
<br /> .. . 9. Paymen4 04 Prieei al aed In4efee?;Ppepayr��er�¢a�+� �te C���.eorYOU�r atau promASN aav��+-n �:'.�`."::,_.:�=:=-�___.-
<br /> �-,,c��;;�-___ ---
<br /> due the�oatt of�nd Interssl�on the debt evidertoed by the Note and any prep�yrtMnt and kb ahWptl du�und�r th�NoU. �;.,;;�_._.
<br /> ° ' �� 2. unds tor Taxes and Inaurenee.Sub}eot to cppllcabb kw or to t wrktae arak�t by L.�ndat.BotrAw�t sha0 p�y '"'��
<br /> ,..}•�e�_°°=--
<br /> to Lsndor on the d�y monthry paymenta ere due un08r the Nota.untlt the Nota ts ptkl in NII.� wm('Funda')tor. (t)yaA�► ,}f,��,�°,
<br /> .-� -. _. _ (D)Y:�uiY is:e:h8i3 ''���.��_
<br /> , r taxes anG aase98ments whbh may attein prlotlty over this �eCUdty Instrurteent se a 6an on the PtOp�ty; >,;,-:°^;••r�...�:
<br /> :, . paymonts or ground rents on tho ProPatY.N any; (o)Yea►ty harard or propat�r hsunrtce premluma: (d)ywury tbad Ineurance '�.-"�. �-:
<br /> mo •� _.��r��:�:�vY.
<br /> �. � promiums�H any;(e)Y�N �9a insu�ence promlums�tt anyi ond(�any eums�y8bie by Borrowet to Letlde►'it1 cCCOrdanCe . �.r
<br /> r��1 8he provisbns of peragraph 8, tn it�u af tho paymcnt ot moRgaga Maumnce premiume. rnea� aems�uo oa��a 'Eaorow •,. _��-a.�.-"`_=
<br /> t�ns.• tu►ndar mny.at any tfmmo,coltecR rr�df hQid Funds h en amount �ot to mmeod tho m�irrtum amour�a IortdK tor a �.� ' ������j�-
<br /> o,
<br /> .`,.►;,:.,�^a:-
<br /> �_ 9a�t�r c�7ated moAgape ban may requtrp t�Cr ��a escrow aeeount under the tedoral Roat F.�tete �ttioment Prooedurea 61�1:;.^�,�4>,.' 4.;
<br /> . , fa�i c4 t974 u,3+�mended trom dme to th�.12 41.�..�.�2601 et seQ. (RE&PA). unleas enothor law thtt Piba to ths Funds ; �'�h,.:�---
<br /> sm2s a f�amounL If so,Lender may,a4 aay Rhrna.ccfleot and hoid Fund6 �n en amount not to exce�d tAe teaser amounL � 3
<br /> ot
<br /> t,��ev may estYnate the emount ot Funds d�e cn tho EasEs of curcent data and reaaonabb eatimttes ot eo�endhures ot NWre ��`� 'r�r_�-'�`
<br /> ev ���'
<br /> �scvm�n �tams or otlrenwise in ecaordence wfth aDpt3ca@��w. w=:.„,y�:-----—
<br /> Teua Funs�9 ahaU be held h en hstitutbn�vAOSe e8a�castts are insured by a fedarei aqenoY.hatrumental�r.or BnUty(boludinp •j:�,•�==-.--.--,.--�
<br /> ua '�,5.,,;�;.,.:---
<br /> iQn�, tl te,ider ts such an fnstiwtton)or!�any Fortoml Homs Loan Benk. 1_endar shaA eppy tAe Funds to pay the£sorow -..---- - ,
<br /> �, Lran�2r may not oharye Borrower tor PeoGd��ared a�pyhg the Funda. annuairy analy�rtp the escrow aceount,or verE�rhg ' *,���""�=-°
<br /> tPea Escrow Items, unl0ss Lender pays 8orrox�er Ent��at �n the Funds and appilaabie I�w pertn4a Lender to make suoh a �. `f(,<«Y.`'---=-�°�-
<br /> 'i� �-�
<br /> Cherge. However, Lender ma� require Bortower to pay o �ne�time oharge tor 8n fnd�pendent r6ei esffite fex tBRorthg BervfCe :t;r,:,�r:n:-=�
<br /> used by Lenden c �onneadon wah this toan. untass applbabte law provfdes otherw[se. Untess en agreerne�t is made or �ri?;'S�k��—
<br /> ds;,�:':;__
<br /> appltaable taw requlres interest to be pa�t.len�ier ahali not be requked to pey Borrower any int�rest or esmhps on the Funds. �:,�:.:;=:T---_
<br /> , Borrower end Lendet may agree In wdt�+g, u+�a'ever, that tnt�st shan be pakJ on the Funda. L,ander shail gMe to 8orrowet, Y�;'sj;;::::-
<br /> :,,•
<br /> wkhout chs�a,an annuat accounUnp ot th0 ��nds,showhg credtts mnd debas to the Funds tnd the pa�ose fot whbb eaoh ':q;�;:�;;-_:-
<br /> dsbR to the Funds wes made. The Funds af� pled�et�as addkianal secudty fa el sums secured by the SecurAy instrumen� ��'�"-'
<br /> If the Funds held by Londer ezceed the ar�nau�ts pernnitted to be held by epplkabie Inw.Lender eheU eccount to Horrower ;,�';.;:i., +. ��`.';_;
<br /> tor the mxess Funds in accordance wUh !ho�utremants mt appi'icabte Iaw.If the amouM of the Funds hetd by Lender at anr <<.+r},;•,•;��__ ____
<br /> " ttn@ is nOt SuffiGient t0 pily the ESOtOw ItBmS when duo,lender may so notiy 8orrower h wtitbg,and, h euoh oaee 8orrower '�;,� ;�`::,��d�::�
<br /> • shaA pay to Lender the amount necessary ta maka up tAe detbienoy. Borrower shal make up the deflaienoy h no more than ��.:.,bL� ry;:�. ;;,
<br /> __ ,_,_ ,;_� twelve montny payments,at l.enders soie tl►scr�tta�. _
<br /> F Upon payment in tul!of ali sums se�urmd by thia Securfly Instrument, Lender shaA prompty retund to Bortower eny Funds �� •
<br /> neld by lender. If,under paragrapfi 21, lender s7�all acqu�re or sell the Property,Lender,p�lor to the acqulsttfon or saie ot the f .A:i
<br /> � Property,shali 8ppy any Funds heid by lender ai ihe fine o}acquisklon or sate as fl credft agalnet the sums secured by thfs �•��•�
<br /> SecurRy Instrument. �
<br /> ;` 3. Np����atlon of Paymenta. tl�iess applicable taw provides othervrfse, atl paymenta recehred by Lender under ,;`;;;;
<br /> ;�..! paragraphs t and 2 shalt be applied: flrst,�{D any prepayment charges due under the Note; second, to amounts payable under ,•,, ;: ��y.;,f��? :.
<br /> � ' paragraph 2; thtd,to hterest due;fourth,to principal due; and last,to any Iate charges due under the Note. , '. �;-, ! <<,}�,F;�
<br /> }>�:•+:,,. 4. Charges; Ltena aorrower Shel1 p6y ell t8x05� 883688rt18(it6� ChBfgeS� th69 efid ImpOBkb�iB 8l�utflbl8 t0 the i���:�'��/r�'�';' '��
<br /> : Prnperly which may attain prbrity over thb Security Instnarnant, and leasehold paymenls or ground rents, M any. Borrower shatl 'k;�:��;:
<br /> pay these obligatlons in the manner provkted h peragraph 2, or if�ot pafd h that manner, 8orrower shatl pay them on time ' ..
<br /> directy to the person owed paymsnt. Borrower shalt promptry fumish to Lender aB notk;es of emounts to be pald under this °��
<br /> paragraph. If BoROwer makes these payments dkecty, 8orrower sheu prompty fumish to Lender recefpts evkJenahg the '`.�;;�
<br /> p8yments. �.r:,;`:: c�l±,
<br /> Borrower shaN promptly dlscharge any Iien wh�h has priority over this Securily Instrument uniesa Borrower. (a)agrees in � ;�i�`:;y�.�=..
<br /> � w�ting to the payment of the obligation secured by the Iien in a manner acceptebte to Lender; @) contests h good tflkh the •,�•�.•-�' ,����L%`'�'/� �
<br /> Ilen b or defends a afnst enforcement ot the Iien in, ai roceedin s whkh h the l.ender's o hion o rate to revent the • ' �r {�
<br /> 9. 9 �9 P 9 P Pe P � :,'��-;4.
<br /> .�ii•1`� � .,
<br /> enlorcement o}the Iten;or (c)secures from the hotder of the Ifen an agreement satistactay to Lender SubordMating the Uen to S _">' ,
<br /> thls 38cu insWmeni.It Lender detertr►ines thet an aR of the Pro y attaM priorily ovet this � ��l��
<br /> rity y p perty is su4Ject to a Ilen wh�h ma � �;..;°''b,
<br /> r.:_<::.
<br /> Security Instrument,Lender m.ay gNe 8orrower a notice Identiying the Iien. Barower shail satisty the Ii�n or take one or more of ��1,1::,.;;�. '
<br /> the actlons Set forth ebove wkhtn 10 days of the giving of not�e. � r;��,.;"';;;!
<br /> 5. Hazard or Property Insurance.Borrower Shelt keop the Improv8m8MS �ow mdsting or hereaker ereoted on the .
<br /> Property Insured against bss by flre, harerds Included within the term "extended coverage"and any other harerds, Includhg I ., ;
<br /> fbods ar Nooding,tor whbh Lender requlres hsurance. This Insurance shaA be matntalned in the amounts and tor the perlods �
<br /> thflt Lender requtrss. The Insurence ceabr provlding the insurance shali be chosen by Bonower Subject to lender'8 approvat ,2,.,, .
<br /> wh�h shall not be unreasOnflbty wlthh�Itl. lt tionower ta�s to me�ntfln COVerege oescrioed apove, Lentler may,at LendeYS , •�.,�s:
<br /> optbn,obtaln coverage to protec!Lender's rights In the Property in accordance wRh paregraph 7. i�'�:.�F'
<br /> �. AII hsurance polbies and renewals shau be accep2able to Lender and shell Include a standard moAgage clause. l.ender � :t�� �
<br /> ,�. . shall have the right to hp!d the po11c1es end renewats. if Lender requkes. Borrower shall prompty give to Lender all receipts ot ,
<br /> a. pald premlums and renewal notiCes. In the event of Ioss. Borrower shali gNe prompt not�e to the insurance carcier and Lender. � ,
<br /> �� ° Lendet may meke proof of bss H not made prompty by Bortower.
<br /> .. t ;;•i
<br /> Untess Lender and Borcower othenxise agre9 in wrAing,insurance prxeeds shel be applied to restoratlon Or repalr of the 'r._ :
<br /> Property dart�aged.It tt�e restorallan or repair Ss ecanombalty feasible and Lenders securiry is not tessened. If the restOr8ti0n or ';.:�,
<br /> repair is not economicaly teasible or LenCer's security wouid be tessened, the insurance proeeeda shall be appifed to the sums
<br /> seCUred by this SeCUrity Inslrument, whet�er or not then due, with any excess paW to Borrower. If BOr►ower abandons the
<br /> PropBtty,01 does not enswer within 30 deys e notlCe 1rom Lend¢r th8t the InSUrfl�C9 Certier h8S oitered to Settie a Clalm, then
<br /> Lender ma?r collect the insurance prcceeds. Lender may use lhe pr�ceeds to repa� or restore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> secureU by;his Security InBUument,wrather ov not then due. The 3C•tlay period wiA begin when the notiCe Is ghren. ,
<br /> UnEass lender and 8onower otherw�se agree In writing, ar.y app'�catbn of proceads to principat shali not caccentl ar
<br /> postpone 2he due date a7 the rnonthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount o}tRe payrt�ents. fQ
<br /> ' under paragraph 21 the?raD�1Y is acquked by Lender, l�ortower's rght to any insurance policies and prxeeds rosulting Bom � '
<br /> . . ' 1 dema9e to the Property �rior to the acyuisftion shan pass to lender to the mccent ot the sums by this Securrty inswment � �
<br /> � immediately p�lor to the ecquis+tion.
<br /> 6. Occupanc�l, Preservation, Maintenance arsd PPOtectlo� of the Property; Borrmv��P'� ��w
<br /> IApplicetion; LP.8S819m1d8. BOrrOwer sh&11 OCCUpy.estsbl�sh,and u&8 the PrOperty es BOrcower's principel ros�denc�withirt
<br /> sixty days 8iter tha ett�cut�an of this SeCUrity Instrument end Sh&II cOntinue to oCCUpy the PrOperty 9S 8orrowci�s prinC�pBf
<br /> residence for at teast or.a year after the date of occupancy,un(ess Lender otherwise agrees fn writing, whfch consent shali not
<br /> , be unreason8by wQhhBid, or unieSS extenuating cUCUmstanCes exist whkh ere bey0nd BOrrower's COnKOi. Bonower shall not
<br /> desuoy,damage or impalt the Property, albw the Property to detenorate,or commit waste on the Prpp@rty.8onower Shall be 1n
<br /> detauR a any torfeiture actfon or proceedtng, whether chrii or crimm8i, is begun th8t in Lender's good feith Judgment Cou�d resuR
<br /> in forl�ituro of thp P�a¢erty or otherwise materiaNy impalr the lien craated by thfs Security �nstrument Or 48nder'S SeCUrity Interest.
<br /> I
<br /> . j —=�- �
<br /> f F1319.LM6(tZ/YS) Paye Y o�S
<br /> I
<br /> I
<br /> � 940058
<br /> I I
<br />