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9 <br />200407659 -- <br />north parallel to the west lineo f said Section 36, Six Hundred Seven and <br />Fifty Eight Hundredths (607.58) feet; thence east at right angle seven (7) <br />feet; thence north parallel to the west line of said Section 36, Seven <br />Hundred Two and Thirty Five Hundredths (702.35) feet; thence west at <br />right angles 40 feet to the point of beginning, and containing 1.10 acres <br />more or less of which 0.99 acres is existing County Road right -of -way <br />making a net additional right -of -way of 0.1 1 acres more or less. <br />(2) A tract of land comprising the South Half (S %) of the Northwest Quarter <br />(NW '/4) of Section 36, Township Twelve (12) North, Range Ten (10) West <br />of the 6`h P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, described as follows: Beginning at <br />the West Quarter corner of Section 36, Township 12 North, Range 10 West <br />thence North along the west line of said Section 36, One Thousand Three <br />Hundred One and Eighty Two Hundredths (1301.82) feet; thence east at <br />right angles 33 feet to the existing county road right -of -way line; thence <br />south parallel to the west line of said Section 36, Five Hundred Four and <br />Seventeen Hundredths (504.17) feet; thence east at right angles Seven (7) <br />feet thence south parallel to the west line of said Section 36, Seven Hundred <br />Ninety Seven and Sixty Five Hundredths (797.65) feet; thence west at right <br />angles 40 feet to the point of beginning, and containing 1.12 acres more or <br />less of which .099 acres is existing County road right -of -way making a net <br />additional right -of -way 0.13 acres more or less. <br />I <br />